A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the half-blood (6)

Yuqing was dumbfounded, her eyelashes remained motionless.

Eating charred bat meat, he has only seen this kind of thing in horror stories. He never thought that there would be such a person in real life, and the other party was still a personable noble.

It took a long time before he found his voice, "Xiang Wen, is what you said is true?"

Of course Xiang Wen lied. He just covered Qiao Jiangyuan’s head with the most perverted thing he felt, but he was lying after all, so he deliberately looked around and pretended to be very scared. Don't say anything, and don't let Duke Joe know that you know his secrets, otherwise he will definitely eat you. No nobleman will admit that he has this habit, so he will definitely kill the bat if he hears any rumors. "

He stretched out a finger and pointed at Xiang Wen, "And you are the bat that was killed."

Yuqing: "..."

Yuqing went back that night and had a dream. In the front of the dream, he was holding an unclear person who was sucking blood. At the back, someone broke in. He looked back in surprise and found that it was Qiao Jiangyuan and Qiao Jiangyuan. He licked his fangs and threw the torch in his hand at him...

Yuqing was so scared that she woke up directly from her dream.

He opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling. After a while, he was relieved.

It turned out to be a dream.

"Have a nightmare?" Suddenly a voice came from the dark place, which scared Yuqing to grasp the quilt.

"Who?" he called in a panic.

The sound came from the sofa in his room. He calmed a little bit before daring to look at it. The blood family had good eyesight in the dark, so he could see the opponent's face clearly.

It was Shen Jue.

Yuqing quickly opened the quilt and got out of the bed. When he got out of the bed, he found that he was only wearing a pair of shorts and hurriedly put on the pajamas next to him. He has worn this pajama for many years, the material has been a little pilling, but he has no money to buy new clothes.

"Sorry, Duke, I slept too hard, I didn't know you were here." After Yuqing got dressed, she didn't dare to relax. He didn't know why Shen Jue came to his room during the day. Sometimes he couldn't sleep and would walk around the manor during the day, but Shen Jue had never appeared in the day, and the nobles all hated sunlight.

"It's okay." Shen Jue said softly, "Come here."

Yuqing's room is not big, and it takes only two or three steps from the bed to the sofa. Yuqing stood one step away from Shen Jue, so he dared not move. He was a little afraid that the other party would teach him because of blood sucking.

"Why stand so far? Get closer." Shen Jue said again.

Yuqing looked down at his slippers. There was an opening in front of his slippers. I don't know if the Duke noticed it. He hoped the other party would not notice. Although Yuqing is a slave, he is still young and has the inherent self-esteem of adolescents, which will always appear when it is unnecessary.

Maybe a servant stood in front of Shen Jue, and that person might deliberately put his worst things in front of Shen Jue, implying that the master would buy new ones for himself, but Yuqing couldn't do it now.

He moved forward slightly.

"carry on."

Moved again.

"carry on."

Yuqing felt that her tattered slippers were about to touch the opposing pair's gorgeous and fluffy slippers. I heard that the fur on the Duke’s slippers is a fine owl feather, each of which is artificially glued. Maybe these shoes will cost him several years of wages.

As a servant, Yuqing's wages are much lower than those of hired servants like Xiang Wen. He has saved money for so many years, but he has only saved a jar. If he leaves here, the money saved will not last a few days.

"Look at me." Shen Jue said again.

Yuqing could only obediently lift up the chin fastened to his chest, and in the next instant, his arm was suddenly pulled hard, and his body even leaned forward unconsciously.

When Yuqing realized that she had fallen into a hug with a little cold fragrance, she immediately wanted to stand up, but the other party's cold fingers had already touched his neck, "I'm hungry."

The other party’s voice was very calm, even with a hint of indifference in it, but he seemed to have lost all his strength and could only limp in the other’s arms, "No, Lord Duke, my blood is not good, I am now Just go to the kitchen."

"It's late." At the end of the word, Yuqing felt that her head was gently turned over, and one side of her neck was rubbed against something. It was soft and seemed to be the other's lips. He was a little scared, but didn't dare to resist, he could only show a weak posture.

After Shen Jue rubbed Xia Yuqing's neck, he leaned in and sniffed.

It is very clean and has a touch of soap smell.

He opened his mouth and bit down gently.

While biting down, he heard the half-blood in his arms take a breath. He looked at the opponent from the corner of his eye and found that the opponent's eyelashes were blinking quickly, and he seemed very upset.

Of course it will be disturbed.

Because it doesn't matter if Shen Jue absorbs his blood, it is not without the precedent that the master absorbs the blood of his servant.

At the same time, the feeling of being sucked blood is also very strange. After Yuqing was bitten on his neck, he felt that he was bitten by a powerful beast. He could only obediently surrender, and he shouldn’t even have the idea of ​​running away, but his body The inside was also strange, the blood was flowing fast, and his body seemed to start to heat up.

He twisted his eyebrows and tried his best to endure, but there was still a sweet snort from his nose.

When blood is sucked, the blood clan will also have a sense of climax. The feeling is coming out of the blood, swimming in each of his blood vessels, flowing out of the heart and filling it into the heart, circling back and forth, and walking around the whole body.

Yuqing is now.

But as soon as he finished humming, he was suddenly released.

He was a little stunned, his eyes turned around in confusion, but he saw Shen Jue covering his lips, his face was terribly ugly.

Yuqing opened her mouth. Before she could speak, she saw Shen Jue stand up and rush to the bathroom of his room.

In the next instant, he heard the sound of vomiting.

The Duke vomited because he sucked his blood?

Yuqing touched the bite of her neck, with an inexplicably fragile and pitiful expression. This is a strong blow. No blood clan can accept that the other person **** his own blood and vomits. Blood sucking is a beautiful thing, and when the other person vomits, it means that the person being sucked is disgusting.

He sat on the sofa for a while, then went to the bathroom after finishing his mood.

The door to the bathroom was closed, and he could only hear the sound of water flowing inside.

"Duke, are you okay?" Yuqing stood at the door of the bathroom and whispered, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

After a while, the bathroom door was opened.

Shen Jue's face was pale and there were wet drops of water on it. He glanced at Yuqing and said, "Go on to sleep."

Yuqing moved his fingers slightly, but still let go. He watched Shen Jue leave his room, only gritted his teeth.

This episode resulted in Yuqing not falling asleep, as long as he closed his eyes, he seemed to see the Duke rushing to the bathroom. What was the Duke thinking at that time? He must be disgusting. No way, who made him just a half-blood, half-blood is very disgusting! He told the Duke that his blood was not good, but the Duke wanted to try it. Can you blame him? Certainly not, so he was not wrong, and he could not decide his birth.

But what Yuqing thought was sad.

No one really likes a half-blood, his parents don't want him, and no one wants him.

When she got up, Yuqing was still in a bad mood. He floated to the kitchen like a wandering soul. The cook greeted him when she saw him, but Yuqing nodded to her listlessly. This is so strange, she has never seen Yuqing like this before.

"What's wrong? Yuqing, you look very gloomy." The cook said worriedly, "Who is bullying you?"

Yuqing shook his head. He could not tell anyone that the Duke had come to his room during the day, "I didn't sleep well during the day."

"Really?" The cook looked at the time, "Now there is still an hour before the Duke gets up. Would you like to go back to sleep for a while? There is less work today."

"No, I can't sleep now, let's work." Yuqing forced a smile.

On weekdays, Yuqing would help serve dishes, but today he has been hiding in the kitchen. He dare not see Shen Jue's face now, for fear that the other party will show disgust.

And Shen Jue didn't sleep well either.

He thought that he only needed to follow his instincts to **** blood, but when he heard Yuqing’s voice, he suddenly realized that the other party was a living creature. This made Shen Jue nauseous instantly. He has been an immortal for so many years and has never drunk blood before. , Let alone **** blood from the same kind.

The nausea rushed to his throat, so he could only rush to the bathroom to throw up.

When I got up, the nausea was still lingering in my heart, lingering.

His expression became even more tired this night, causing the housekeeper and Xiang Wen to be very nervous, afraid of what they did wrong.

After finishing the dinner, the housekeeper took out an invitation and put it in front of Shen Jue.

"Duke, this is an invitation from the Wei family. They will hold a charity banquet in three days."

When Shen Jue heard the banquet, he wanted to refuse directly, but suddenly thought of something, so he changed his words, "Remind me in three days." He looked at the housekeeper, "Has another manservant found?"

"Not yet." The butler said, "It may take some time."

In the imperial capital, their duke is notoriously bad-tempered, and people who are slightly smarter are not willing to come to work.

Shen Jue got it right. He knows his reputation in the imperial capital. Perhaps the top three nobles most hated by the imperial capital, he must be one of them. In previous lifetimes, he liked Qiao Jiangyuan, so he would not let other blood races approach Qiao Jiangyuan, if anyone dared to approach him, he would definitely cause trouble to the other party and the other party's family. After a long time, Qiao Jiangyuan couldn't even hold a banquet because no one dared to come, but Shen Jue was very happy.

Thinking about it now, Qiao Jiangyuan might have disliked him a long time ago, and wanted to get rid of him, but he was rich and powerful at that time, and Qiao Jiangyuan could not tear his face.

"Then pick one from the manor." Shen Jue said calmly, "find someone who can stand the scolding."

Can stand the scolding?

The housekeeper's first reaction thought that it was Yuqing, but Yuqing had been driven out that day, so he just nodded and said to do his best.

"By the way, you take Yuqing to buy some fitting clothes and shoes. Three days later, I will take him to the charity banquet." Shen Jue continued.

This really frightened the housekeeper. Although he liked Yuqing very much, Yuqing was a half-blood, and half-blood shouldn't go to places full of nobles. This was an annoyance for the nobles.

The butler hesitated: "Does the Duke really intend to take Yuqing? It's just that Yuqing has been helping in the kitchen and may not understand the rules of the banquet."

Shen Jue said: "It doesn't matter, he just needs to stand behind me."

The housekeeper received this order, and after Shen Jue went to the study, he went to find Yuqing.

Yuqing was sitting at the back door of the kitchen peeling potatoes. Hearing the housekeeper, she immediately stood up and washed her hands before going over, "What can you do with me?"

"Let's put the current work first, you come out with me." said the butler.

"Now? Where to go?" Yuqing was taken aback for a moment.

"Go buy something." The butler was not going to tell Yuqing the news in the kitchen.

Yuqing said oh and went to change the clothes she was outing. The clothes he goes out are no better than the clothes he usually wears in the manor. In the manor, because Shen Jue is there, he wears a white shirt and black suit trousers at night, but when he goes out, his dress is much more casual , Simple woolen overalls and plaid shirt, wearing a playful beret on the head

He seldom goes out, he was a little excited when he got in the car, and asked the housekeeper: "Where are we going? The market?"

"No, go to the city center." The butler glanced at Yuqing, and this glance made him see the two small holes in Yuqing's neck. Usually bitten by a blood clan, the tooth hole will not disappear for at least four or five days. He didn't seem to find these two small holes in Yuqing's neck last night.

But the butler didn't ask, but turned his face silently.

"Why go to the city center?" Yuqing has been to the city center. There are shopping malls there. Behind the glass is a dazzling array of luxuries, which makes people hardly able to move their eyes. A thing, even a pair of ordinary socks, is not something he can buy.

"The Duke will take you to a charity banquet in three days, so I specially asked me to take you to buy some clothes. Is there anything else you want to buy? You can buy them together today."

Yuqing suddenly heard Shen Jue's name and swallowed nervously, although he didn't know why he had such a reaction, "The Duke wants to buy me something?"

The butler nodded and added, "You are a blessed one."

Yuqing listened silently, and couldn't help reaching out and touching his neck. His action fell into the eyes of the butler, but the butler still said nothing.


The banquet was held at midnight three days later.

Shen Jue stood in front of the full-length mirror, fastened a black bow tie, and took the top hat from Xiangwen's hand and walked out. Today, he wore a black double-breasted suit with a slight tucked waist around his waist, making his waist and legs longer and thinner. He walked out of the room with no expression on his cold white face, "Where is Yuqing?"

He asked Xiang Wen next to him.

Xiang Wen is not qualified to accompany Shen Jue today, so he has caused a lot of trouble to Yuqing in the past three days, but he did not dare to go too far.

"Waiting for you downstairs," he said.

Shen Jue nodded, walked down the stairs, to the first floor, he saw the people standing in the living room.

It seems that Yuqing is wearing such expensive clothes for the first time. The whole person is a bit restrained, but he is beautiful. It can be said that he is like a piece of uncut jade, and this dress digs out the stone on his surface, making people really recognize To his beauty.

When Xiang Wen saw it, he couldn't help but flashed his eyes.

But Shen Jue frowned slightly.

Yuqing had been secretly observing Shen Jue's expression. Seeing this expression, she immediately stood up straighter nervously, "Duke."

"The color of this dress is not good, go and change a set." Shen Jue stared at Yuqing's white suit, which reminded him of some bad memories.

"Ah, good." Yuqing hurriedly ran back to the room, changing her white suit to black. When he came out after changing his clothes, Shen Jue was already in the car. He looked at the driver in the driving seat and the bodyguard of the co-pilot. After thinking about it, he opened the door of the rear seat.

Shen Jue didn't pay attention to Yuqing's movement, he was reading a booklet.

This is sent with the invitation, and it contains tonight's exhibits.

Seeing that Shen Jue didn't look at him, Yuqing sat on it carefully. He didn't dare to get too close to Shen Jue. After closing the door, he almost sat next to the door on his side, for fear of annoying him.

I don't know why, he was not so afraid of Shen Jue before, but for a few days, he would feel a sense of trepidation when he saw Shen Jue.

Shen Jue looked for a while, and finally found what he was interested in, then curled his lower lip and said to the driver in front: "Let's drive."

All the exhibits in the charity gala tonight were donated by some nobles, and all the money from the auction would be donated to some poor places. Shen Jue came to this charity gala for a diamond ring.

That diamond ring was the thing of Manshan, the first beauty who swept the empire back then. I heard that this diamond was bought by her first love, so she kept wearing the ring on her hand. Manshan got married and didn’t take this diamond. The ring was taken off, and she didn't donate the diamond ring until news of her first love's death came.

And this ring was worn in Yuqing's hand behind.

Shen Jue didn’t have much interest in this charity banquet in previous lifetimes. He just walked through the scene to take a photo at random and donated some money, but he was very impressed with this diamond ring because it almost sold for a sky-high price. .

A diamond ring hundreds of years ago is actually very ordinary, but it is famous because of the story behind it and its former owner.

Shen Jue had never seen Qiao Jiangyuan at a charity banquet in the past few lives. Now that he wants to come, he should have asked someone to help him shoot. In order not to arouse his own ideas, he finally got the picture and gave this profound diamond ring to him. Yuqing.

Oh, interesting.

After driving a distance, the car reached the destination.

The doorman immediately stepped forward to help Shen Jue open the car door, and there was someone driving the door on Yuqing's side. He said thank you somewhat cautiously, and got out of the car with Shen Jue. He had never been to such a place before, and he was a little unnatural when he walked behind Shen Jue, but he didn't want to shame Shen Jue, so he tried his best to control his sight not to look around.

But he only looked ahead, but ignored the steps below his feet.

"Be careful." Shen Jue turned around and supported Yuqing with his hands, lowering his voice in the second half of the sentence, "Are you going to make me lose a big face here?"

"No." Yuqing quickly stood firm.

Shen Jue glanced at him, then withdrew his hand, "Don't be nervous, just treat it as home."

Yuqing could only smile awkwardly.

When Shen Jue saw this, she ignored him and continued to move forward.

The banquet was on the first floor. They followed the guide to the hall on the first floor. The lights were dim, the murals on the walls were strange and extravagant, blood and flowers were juxtaposed.

As soon as Shen Jue entered, it attracted the attention of many people. Those people stepped forward to greet Shen Jue, and without exception noticed Yuqing behind Shen Jue.

"Wow, where did you find the little beauty behind you?" A male blood family touched his chin, and his gaze quickly swept over Yuqing's whole body. He was famously lecherous and once beat Qiao Jiangyuan. Note, but because Shen Jue stared too hard, he had to give up.

His famous saying is-every flower in this world tastes different, I just want to be a flower viewer.

"Isn't it pretty?" Shen Jue didn't seem to mind what the other party said, and turned to Yuqing, "Come on, say hello to Marquis Yan, he is notoriously generous, and he will give gifts whenever he sees beautiful people. Didn’t you just fancy a necklace? Let him give it to you."

These two or three sentences made Marquis Yan pale. Today's lot is only a necklace, which is the finale. It is said that it is a necklace of a certain princess of the royal family. How much will it cost if he wants to take it? He likes beauties, but he can't afford these beauties who can burn too much money.

Marquis Yan immediately smiled awkwardly, and fluttered away.

The rest of them couldn't help laughing when he saw him slipping away.

"You still have a way to cure that old pervert. I really feel sick when I see him." The one who said this was a female blood clan named Xiao Wenshan. She followed Shen Jue to the seat and said casually. , "Have you been in a better health after raising at home for so long?"

"Not bad." Shen Jue said lightly.

Xiao Wenshan looked around with the blood cup, and then smiled at Shen Jue, "Qiao Jiangyuan is not here today, do you know what he did?"

Familiar dialogue.

Xiao Wenshan said this to him in previous lives.

"What did you do?" Shen Jue also asked the same words as in previous lives.

"I heard that the Qiao family intends to get married. It seems that they have been busy with it some time ago. Qiao Jiangyuan should have met with the woman today." Xiao Wenshan smiled again.

After hearing this sentence, Shen Jue almost left the field in the past few lives. In the end, he was sensible and let him sit back. However, after he left here, he went directly to Qiao Jiangyuan’s house and had a big meal when he found that Qiao Jiangyuan was not there. Temper, this matter has become a joke in the circle.

Because Qiao Jiangyuan only went to the farmland in the country that day.

"Really? Then bless him." Shen Jue smiled back.

His reaction made Xiao Wenshan stunned. She looked at Shen Jue in surprise, "You... don't you mind?"

"Why do you mind? He is my good brother, he found his happiness, I should bless him, besides, I also found my happiness." Shen Jue suddenly took a peek at the blood drink Yu Yu on the table. Qing pulled over, and kissed the opponent on the cheek, "Yes, baby."


This copy is also known as the overbearing landlord and his little slave.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Rocket Cannon]: The girl's heart exploded 3;

Thanks for the little angel who cast [land mine]: Moonlight, Cool Type, Cloud Ring, 25015719, 1 Liuge;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

Gentle B, you guess 20 bottles; my dad called me 10 bottles of money shredder; Sakurai Takahiro’s wife 5 bottles; fish and bear paw can have 4 bottles; Miao Xiangjun., Zisi 2 bottles; I love Shura 1 bottle in the field;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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