A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the half-blood (17)

Before Shen Jue responded, the door had been knocked.

Yuqing's voice sounded outside the door, "Brother Xiang Wen, I have something to look for you, are you asleep?"

Xiang Wen was startled, and raised his head from Shen Jue's body, his eyes flashed with flustered, shy, annoyed and other complex emotions. In fact, as a qualified personal servant, you must never act to seduce your master. Xiang Wen will undoubtedly be more serious. If Shen Jue gets angry, or the housekeeper finds out, he can be driven out of the manor directly. .

This is also one of the reasons for Xiang Wen's dissatisfaction with Yuqing. Yuqing is not worthy of being a personal servant, but Shen Jue and the housekeeper are blind and acquiesced to Yuqing's cross-line behavior.

But Xiangwen was trained in a serious manner after all. Although he boldly seduce Shen Jue, he still fears that his own affairs will be discovered by others. Xiang Wen bit his lip and lowered his head to look at Shen Jue again, his body trembling even more, almost visible to the naked eye.

"Brother Xiang Wen? Am I here?" Yuqing's voice resounded outside.

"Duke." Xiang Wen heard the voice outside and whispered to Shen Jue sadly.

Shen Jue twisted his eyebrows, he sighed for a while, and with force, he changed the positions of him and Xiang Wen. He clasped Xiangwen's two hands, grabbed the top of his head and fixed it, leaned down, and when Yuqing opened the door, he saw that Shen Jue was buried between Xiangwen's neck, and Xiangwen was naked. Zhang Qingxiu's face flushed red, and the fingers of the controlled hands curled weakly.

Yuqing squeezed the doorknob, staring blankly at the scene before her.

Xiang Wen didn't know where he was touched, and he let out a gasp, which was full of thick flattery. Yuqing felt that he couldn't make such a ecstasy voice. He was a little bit cold all over and wanted to speak, but didn't know what to say. Yuqing's face was frozen when Shen Jue raised his head and looked at him displeased. Exit slowly from the room.

He was still imagining that the scene in front of him was fake, he was sleepy, but when he saw that Shen Jue had blood on the corners of his lips and his fangs were still exposed, he knew it was not a dream.

Shen Jue doesn't **** his blood very much, but wants to **** Xiangwen's blood specially in the daytime.

Haha, it's no wonder that no matter how many things Xiangwen did wrong, Shen Jue didn't blame him. He only gave him a pair of buttons that Xiangwen picked, but what he gave to Xiangwen was a valuable brooch that he picked personally.

Lost one and buy a better one.

Yuqing sneered as he walked. He originally thought he was the most special man in this manor. Only he could have a duke, but now it seems that everything is just his affection. What was wrong from the beginning was that he thought too much, and now he is like his sad mother.

In Yuqing’s childhood, someone had secretly told him that his father was a nobleman, he played with a human girl, then patted his **** and left, but his mother kept waiting for the man to come back until his stomach was hidden. Live, can't fight, can only be born.

He was discarded on the edge of the border between humans and blood races, where there is no matter what, the cruelest place on this land. Yuqing once vowed that he must live the life of being a master and not let others look down on him. He would never believe in a man foolishly like his stupid mother, and believe in a vain love.

But now it seems that he has gone the old way of his mother, and he is fascinated by the illusion.

There is nothing to believe, only the power and money in his hands can make him live well.

Yuqing closed her eyes, tears dripping from her chin.

If he has the power and money, he can have what he wants, instead of what he does now, he can only use some despicable and useless methods. Shen Jue doesn’t care about him at all, even if he does more and cares, Shen Jue still only cared about that stupid Xiangwen.

He laughed suddenly, and the low laughter seemed particularly scary in the empty promenade. Yuqing walked across the corridor, touched the **** mural on the wall with her fingertips, her beautiful face gradually distorted.

He will definitely get what he wants, even if all the consequences are ignored, Shen Jue will definitely only see him in the end, he believes.

Yuqing stopped and put away all the smiles on his face. He looked straight ahead in the darkness, because the blood in the manor were sleeping and the curtains were tightly closed. The manor in daylight actually looked a hundred times more terrifying than the manor in the night.

He stood in the promenade, not smiling, like a ghost in this gorgeous horror manor. He died for jealousy and lived for revenge.


Yuqing waited for a whole day in Shen Jue's room, but he didn't wait until the night was coming. When Shen Jue saw Yuqing, he didn't say anything, but walked into the bathroom. Yuqing wanted to follow but was stopped outside the door.

"You don't need to wait, go out, tell the housekeeper, I don't need the dinner later." Shen Jue said coldly, and closed the door heavily in front of Yuqing.

Yuqing opened her lips slightly and pressed them into a line again.

When he went to talk to the butler, the butler was a little surprised and said: "What happened today? Xiang Wen also said he was uncomfortable."

Uncomfortable? Where does it hurt? I am afraid it is very comfortable.

Yuqing almost sneered, but the eyes were so dark that even the housekeeper found it.

"Yuqing, are you today? Why are you weird?" The butler has never seen the obedient Yuqing with such a terrifying expression, as if seeing some **** creature, his eyes are full of hatred.

Yuqing let out a cry, quickly changed her eyes, looked at the housekeeper in confusion, "What's wrong with me?"

The butler looked at Yuqing who was back to normal, frowned, wondering if he was thinking too much, so he didn't say anything.

However, Yuqing offered to deliver meals to Xiangwen.

"Brother Xiang Wen is uncomfortable and always has to eat. Why don't I send it to Brother Xiang Wen." Seeing the butler's disapproval expression, Yuqing added, "I know Brother Xiang Wen is biased against me, but I Waiting with the duke with Xiang Wenge. If this trouble goes on, it will be bad for the two people and delay the duke's affairs. I want to take this opportunity to have a good talk with Xiang Wenge, hoping that he can let go of his prejudice against me."

When the butler heard that there was some truth in it, he agreed, but he was also distracted, "If you go over, if Xiang Wen still tells you you, you want to drive you out, don't stand in a stalemate with him. Come out so as not to get scolded. His character is just like that, you ignore him, but he can treat you normally."

Yuqing smiled slightly, with a calm smile, "I know, thank you butler."

Yuqing took a portion of the servant’s dinner from the kitchen and took it to Xiangwen’s room. The servant’s dinner was actually pretty good, but Xiangwen was accustomed to eating what Shen Jue had divided, and was afraid that he would not appreciate it. This dinner, not to mention the person who gave him dinner is Yuqing.


Yuqing knocked on the door for a long time and opened the door to Xiang Wencai.

Xiang Wen seemed to have just finished taking a shower and his hair was still wet. He saw Yuqing outside the door, and his expression was a bit unnatural at first, "Why are you here?"

Yuqing calmly looked at Xiang Wen, and then said softly, "I'll bring dinner to Xiang Wen, can I go in?"

Xiang Wen glanced at Yuqing, but let go of his body.

Yuqing brought the dinner to the table in the room, then turned to look at Xiang Wen, and Xiang Wen limped a bit because of his foot injury, but this walking posture reminded Yuqing of something he shouldn’t think about. of.

A few hours ago, the delicate state of Xiang Wen's hand held by Shen Jue seemed still vivid.

Xiang Wen limply walked to the table and saw the dinner sent by Yuqing. Although he pouted, he didn't say anything. He sat down on the chair next to him and glanced up at Yuqing.

He asked Yuqing to come in because he had something to say to him.

"What are you looking for in the daytime?"

Yuqing took out an ointment from her pocket and gave it to Xiang Wen, "I came to deliver medicine to Brother Xiang Wen, but I didn't expect..." He paused, "It seems to have disturbed Brother Xiang Wen and the Duke, I'm sorry, I don't Knowing that the Duke is also inside."

When Xiang Wen heard Shen Jue's name, a trace of unnaturalness flashed across his face.

Today, after Yuqing left, Shen Jue immediately let go of him and threw the clothes he had just taken off on him. It was the first time that Xiang Wen was so bold, and it was the first time he was subjected to such humiliation. He couldn't help but cried.

The way he cried seemed to startled Shen Jue, causing Shen Jue to comfort him for a long time, and he even cried Shen Jue's clothes dirty, and still held people behind to prevent people from leaving. Xiang Wen felt that he was crazy. Fortunately, he has injured his foot now, so he doesn't have to go to serve Shen Jue. If he does, he will have no face to face Shen Jue.

No wonder the seniors of the blood race always said not to think about it in the day, it is very likely that they will do irreparable stupid things.

"Cough." Xiang Wen coughed and took the ointment from Yuqing's hand, "Thank you for the ointment."

He didn't know how to explain Shen Jue's matter, so he didn't explain it at all. Anyway, he didn't need to explain to Yuqing.


He doesn't like Yuqing.

Thinking of this, Xiang Wen suddenly pulled off his collar and exposed the fresh tooth hole on his neck. "It's a bit hot." He moved his **** again, frowned and said, "Why is this sofa so hard? The blame is uncomfortable. It seems that I have to apply to the housekeeper to change a sofa. I don’t know if the housekeeper will agree?"

Yuqing stared at Xiang Wen and said, "It doesn't matter, the Duke hurts Brother Xiang Wen so much. Brother Xiang Wen just wants to change the sofa. The butler will definitely agree."


Xiang Wen's expression stiffened and he turned away quickly, but his face still turned red involuntarily.

The words of Meng Lang in the day still make him flustered.

Yuqing looked at Xiang Wen who blushed, squinted his eyes slightly, and for a while, he lowered his head and leaned close to Xiang Wen silently. Waiting for Xiangwen to notice that the faces of the two of them were already very close.

Xiang Wen was taken aback and leaned back quickly, "Are you sick? Why are you so close?"

Yuqing fixedly looked at Xiang Wen, and suddenly curled her lips, "Brother Xiang Wen, do you know what the Duke can't stand up?"


Qiao Jiangyuan: I don't know.

Yuqing: I didn't ask you again.

Xiang Wen was still in a daze.

When I wrote the last chapter, I felt that I should listen to a song by Adu.

"There are two voices

I was caught off guard

Had to be there

I should be in "bed"

Should not be'outside the door'

See how sweet you are"

Qiao Jiangyuan: You finally tasted me, congratulations.

Yuqing: Get out!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

. 20 bottles of Gone;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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