A Hundred Ways To Kill A Heartthrob

: Kill the half-blood (18)

Xiang Wen was obviously stunned, and his pupils expanded unconsciously.

Upon seeing this, Yuqing stood up straight, with a bit of irony in his eyes, and said quietly: "It seems that Brother Xiang Wen doesn't know, oh, I shouldn't have told the Duke’s secret. I just saw it today. The Duke was in Brother Xiang Wen’s room and thought..."

"What are you talking about?" Xiang Wen interrupted Yuqing directly, sinking his face, "You go out."

Yuqing was not angry when he heard this, and asked Xiang Wen to eat well.

After Yuqing left, Xiang Wen stayed in the room alone, his brain a little confused because of Yuqing's words. In the day, he hadn't noticed Shen Jue's reaction at all because his Meng Lang was almost muddled, but he himself had a reaction.

Yuqing said Shen Jue couldn't be tough...


Xiang Wen's face was red and white. He recalled that in the past few decades, he had been serving by Shen Jue, as if he had never seen the other side react. Other nobles would raise their lovers more or less, but Shen Jue kept pursuing himself until he met Yuqing's shameless half-blood.

No response, this is simply unspeakable for a man.

Xiang Wen suddenly felt that Shen Jue was so pitiful, as an aristocrat, but without the basic reaction of a man, how painful it should be. And the guy Yuqing was still laughing when he just talked about it.

He is simply unworthy to wait on Shen Jue's side.

Xiang Wen felt that his chest was filled with anger. The righteous anger made him obligated to drive away Yuqing. Of course, he had other things to do besides driving away Yuqing. Shen Jue did not respond, and lost the greatest pleasure of being a man. Xiang Wen saves others by himself, thinking that if he were Shen Jue, he would not be happy no matter how much money he had.

He wanted to comfort Shen Jue, and even wanted to help Shen Jue cure this problem, but how to treat it?


Shen Jue somehow found that Xiang Wen’s gaze was a little strange these days. To be precise, Xiang Wen always stared at a certain part of him with a peculiar look. This made Shen Jue a little bit annoyed except for surprise. People always stare at the privacy department.

"Xiang Wen, you can go out." Shen Jue turned around, his tone a little unhappy.

Xiang Wen suddenly recovered, but didn't want to go out. He stood there hesitantly, until Shen Jue looked back at him, and then Xiang Wen slowly backed out of the room.

Upon seeing this, Yuqing smiled silently, took out the tie from the drawer, and walked to Shen Jue, "The Duke should not be angry with Brother Xiang Wen, he may be a little uncomfortable during this time."

Shen Jue was going out to discuss business tonight. He wanted to bring Xiang Wen, but Xiang Wen always stared at him. This made Shen Jue feel unable to take Xiang Wen out, and finally took Yuqing out.

This time, the business partner was a farmer, who was very leisurely. The place Yoo Shenjue was talking about was the outskirts of the Imperial Capital. He wanted to talk about business while fishing. It took several hours for Shen Jue to go there by car, and the sky began to turn blue.

It's dawn.

But this time they are fishing in the early morning.

The farmer's servant led Shen Jue's car into the trail on the avenue. When Shen Jue got off the car, he saw the farmer wearing a full-body fishing gear and beckoned to him cheerfully. Shen Jue smiled back, turned his head and asked the bodyguard to take out his fishing gear from the trunk.

On the way to the fishing lake, the farmer walked with Shen Jue and chatted for a few words, "Have you ever fished?"

Shen Jue said honestly: "No."

"Then you have to give it a try today." The farmer laughed. "But you young nobles don't like to bask in the sun. You may need a big hat to cover your beautiful face."

Shen Jue just smiled and made no other reaction.

He is not a true kin, and now sleeps daytime and moves at night, but it is just to conform to the kinship's life rules, so one day he can be fair and active during the day, which makes him happier.

And Shen Jue's reaction happened to please the farmer.

Shen Jue has a large piece of land connected to the farmer’s land. He wants to buy all the nearby land so that he can buy high-tech machines and use machines to cultivate the land. If the land is not wide enough, then Buying a machine is a waste.

Therefore, Shen Jue still values ​​the business this time.

When fishing, the farmer and Shen Jue sat far away, and neither spoke, but stared at the fishing rod silently. Shen Jue used to meditate all the year when he was practicing Taoism, and he was very patient about meditation. The farmer has fished with many people over the years, but he hasn't encountered such a taciturn and lonely one. He can't help but feel a little more fond of Shen Jue.

As a servant, Yuqing did not speak well, but kept silently watching Shen Jue fishing.

They haven't been fishing for long, and someone came.

When the farmer heard the sound, he turned his head first, and when he saw the person coming, he smiled and said: "You are here, sit down."

Before Shen Jue saw that the farmer's servant was still holding a fishing gear, he guessed that someone was coming. He was not surprised, and continued to sit still, staring at his fishing rod blankly.

The fishing rod was motionless, and the surrounding lake was motionless.

"You can't fish like this, you should shake it occasionally." A familiar male voice suddenly appeared beside him.

Shen Jue turned his head when he heard the sound and saw Qiao Jiangyuan's handsome face.

He quickly wore an earth-green fishing suit into a high-end suit at the banquet, with a big back, his white face almost shining in the sun.

Shen Jue saw the incoming person clearly, then put aside his face and continued to stare at his fishing rod.

But Qiao Jiangyuan simply stayed beside him and couldn't leave, and asked the servant to bring his fishing rod.

Qiao Jiangyuan skillfully threw the fishing rod away, occasionally moving the fishing rod, and within fifteen minutes, his fishing rod moved. Shen Jue's gaze was attracted involuntarily, while Qiao Jiangyuan pulled the line unhurriedly, and he caught a big fish of at least seven or eight catties.

When the farmer saw him, he praised Qiao Jiangyuan's fishing skills as good, and said to Shen Jue: "You have to come on, he will catch it after a while, and you can't lose, at least catch one today."

There were already five fish in the farmer's bucket. Qiao Jiangyuan had only arrived in less than twenty minutes, and he also caught one. Shen Jue looked at his bucket with clear water and silently squeezed the handle of the fishing rod.

The next thing seemed to be a match between Qiao Jiangyuan and the farmer.

Two people fished one by one, but Shen Jue was still quiet here. Finally, Shen Jue couldn't bear the movement of Qiao Jiangyuan next to him, and stood up silently, holding the fishing rod and changing positions, far away from Qiao Jiangyuan.

Yuqing quickly followed, after he followed, he glanced at Qiao Jiangyuan quietly. While helping in the kitchen, he knew that Shen Jue and Qiao Jiangyuan had a very good relationship, but this year the relationship between the two people gradually estranged, or Shen Jue took the initiative to alienate Qiao Jiangyuan.

The last time Shen Jue was in his room, it was Qiao Jiangyuan who knocked on the door.

In fact, Yuqing was very surprised. Why did Qiao Jiangyuan go to the servant’s room to look for Shen Jue, not even his aristocratic face, and this fishing, Shen Jue didn’t seem to expect Qiao Jiangyuan to come. When he saw Qiao Jiangyuan, A faint of disgust flashed across his eyebrows.

But Qiao Jiangyuan should be invisible.

too weird.

Yuqing glanced at Qiao Jiangyuan again, thinking deeply in his eyes.

Qiao Jiangyuan glanced at Shen Jue, then curled the corner of his lower lips, and then glanced at Yuqing next to Shen Jue. He remembered that Yuqing’s attitude towards Shen Jue didn’t seem to be that affectionate. But this time, it seems that the atmosphere between the two has changed.

Half an hour after Shen Jue changed positions, a fish finally bit his hook. Shen Jue was startled and quickly took the line, but the fish struggled beyond Shen Jue’s imagination, and his fishing rod was bent. It was terrible, and at this moment, he suddenly stretched out his hands behind him.

"I will help you." Qiao Jiangyuan's voice came over his head.

Qiao Jiangyuan was tall, half a head smaller than Shen Jue's body. He helped Shen Jue to take the line from behind, looking at the posture as if she was embracing Shen Jue. Shen Jue was stunned. As soon as he was about to struggle, he heard Qiao Jiangyuan lower his voice and said, "I have worked with him. He has always liked people who can fish. If you can’t catch any of them today, I’m afraid he was cooperating with you. The possibility will become very small."

As soon as Shen Jue heard it, she stopped her struggling movements, and together with Qiao Jiangyuan, he took the line and caught the big fish.

After catching the fish, the farmer came over to praise Shen Jue and looked up at the sky again, "It's getting late, you can go to my manor and sit down. The fish you caught today is just right for you to eat."

Before Shen Jue could answer, Qiao Jiangyuan had already said: "That's great. I remember that the chef in your manor made fish is absolutely amazing, it is delicious on earth."

The farmer smiled happily and waved his hand, "Well, just like that, let's go."

Shen Jue glanced at Qiao Jiangyuan next to him and followed the farmer, while Qiao Jiangyuan glanced back at Yuqing.

As a servant, Yuqing didn't dare to cross the line in front of the farmer, but when he saw Qiao Jiangyuan's move almost embracing Shen Jue, his nails were almost pinched into the flesh.

Is it another to **** Shen Jue from him?

Yuqing is preconceived, and sees Qiao Jiangyuan's unusual gaze at this time as a provocation.

However, Yuqing had long guessed that it would be extremely difficult to monopolize Shen Jue. One more Qiao Jiangyuan, he is not afraid, anyway, Shen Jue will only be his in the end. Thinking of this, Yuqing glanced back at Qiao Jiangyuan coldly, then turned away and picked up what Shen Jue had left behind.

When Qiao Jiangyuan saw Yuqing's eyes, he was stunned. In his impression, Yuqing was always a well-behaved, innocent, and a very cute smile. He had never thought that he would see such an evil bird in Yuqing's eyes. Eyes.

He even felt that he was being spotted by a fierce vulture, just because he was ignorant of the vulture's food.

Qiao Jiangyuan frowned, but the farmer and Shen Jue had already walked a short distance, so he could only take back his eyes and follow.

After they arrived at the farmer’s manor, they drank blood drinks in the living room and tasted snacks. The farmer asked them to go back to the guest room to rest for a while, and then wake them up when the fish was ready.

Shen Jue and Qiao Jiangyuan’s room were next to each other. When Shen Jue entered the room, he heard Qiao Jiangyuan calling him.

"Shen Jue, just..."

However, Shen Jue ignored him and went straight into the room. Yuqing followed Shen Jue and closed the door with a "bang" directly in front of Qiao Jiangyuan.

Qiao Jiangyuan: "..."


Yuqing felt more comfortable after shutting the person out of the door. He walked over to help Shen Jue undress, and whispered: "Why does this farmer keep not discussing business matters? It seems to be delaying intentionally."

Shen Jue twisted his eyebrows and thought about it before saying: "Qiao Jiangyuan should want to buy his land, so he asked us to come, but didn't tell me. Maybe he wanted to see who was more patient, or to see who came out. The price is higher."

But Qiao Jiangyuan had no land in that piece of land, and there was no need to purchase the farmer’s land, unless he had learned the news from where he came to disturb his business on purpose. Shen Jue thought about this and looked at Yuqing's eyes for a bit of thought.

Although he had just left with the farmer, he looked back and saw Qiao Jiangyuan staring at Yuqing.

Qiao Jiangyuan probably didn't give up, but was thinking of other ways to **** Yuqing away.

Then Gu Wuyou's solution is to bankrupt Shen Jue, so that Yuqing will be his Qiao Jiangyuan.

Seeing Shen Jue's eyes, Yuqing was taken aback for a moment, and said cautiously: "Duke?"

Shen Jue retracted his eyes and handed the jacket in his hand to Yuqing, "It's okay, I'll take a shower first, and you can sleep with me later."

Maybe he needs to show off his exclusive desire for Yuqing in front of Qiao Jiangyuan. Shen Jue thought, undressed and walked into the bathroom, but Yuqing heard Shen Jue’s words, the smile on her face was already overflowing, he stared at Shen Jue into the bathroom, until the door was closed, he just threw Shen Jue away. The clothes on the sofa are picked up.

He spread Shen Jue's clothes on the bed, then fell on his back, turned around, and buried his face in Shen Jue's clothes.

During this period of time, Shen Jue didn’t let him take care of him very much. He always let Xiang Wenlai. He was almost mad with jealousy in the manor, but fortunately, that idiot Xiang Wen was always stupid, otherwise he wouldn’t be today. There is a chance to come out with Shen Jue.

It's just that there are people who are ignorant everywhere.

Yuqing thought of Qiao Jiangyuan in the next room, her eyes gloomy.

Why is there no place, only him and Shen Jue?

In this way, no one would rob Shen Jue with him, Shen Jue's eyes would only look at him, and Shen Jue and Shen Jue's things belong to him.

Yuqing took a deep breath, and the tip of her nose was full of the smell of Shen Jue's clothes. The faint fragrance of perfume is also mixed with a little bit of sweet sugar. Shen Jue seems to have eaten too much sugar, and even his body is covered with this smell, and the milk scent of sugar is transmitted to the clothes. Yuqing was immersed in this smell, her beautiful face gradually turned red, and her eyes quietly turned red.

He touched himself through his clothes, took a deep breath, and murmured Shen Jue's name silently between his lips.

Yuqing didn't get up until he heard the sound of water inside, hung up Shen Jue's clothes, and stuffed them into the closet of the guest room.


Shen Jue slept until dark before someone knocked on the door to wake him up.

When he went out, Qiao Jiangyuan happened to come out. When Qiao Jiangyuan saw Shen Jue, he smiled and said hello, but Shen Jue put aside his face and followed the farmer's servant to the restaurant on the first floor.

After Yuqing stepped out, he also saw Qiao Jiangyuan.

When Qiao Jiangyuan saw that Yuqing was obviously just waking up, he was stunned, because the farmer also divided him and the people Shen Jue had brought into a room on the first floor.

His bodyguard and servant are in the guest room on the first floor.

Unexpectedly, Shen Jue actually slept with Yuqing in the same room.

Qiao Jiangyuan's eyes couldn't help but sink a little.

This ugly look fell in Yuqing's eyes, which aggravated the guess in his heart. He glanced at Qiao Jiangyuan, then chuckled lightly, turned and walked forward, but did not forget to show the red marks on his neck.

He made this red mark himself,

Before falling asleep, Yuqing said that there were mosquitoes, so she deliberately made some marks on her neck.

When Qiao Jiangyuan saw the mark on Yuqing's neck, his face was even more ugly. He returned to his normal expression when he walked away and went to the restaurant on the first floor.

In the restaurant, most of the farmers are talking to Qiao Jiangyuan. Qiao Jiangyuan is a very talkative person, and he seems to be an old acquaintance with the farmer. A few words made the farmer laugh. Shen Jue saw the income from the scene in front of him, and felt that the business this time might not be 50%, but he was not indispensable to this business, so Shen Jue simply bowed his head to eat fish.

This fish is as delicious as Qiao Jiangyuan's praise, especially when Shen Jue finds that there is no blood in it. He felt that he had been in this state for so long, and it was the first time he had eaten such normal food, and he couldn't help but eat more.

During the conversation, Qiao Jiangyuan swept the empty plate in front of Shen Jue and couldn't help but smile, "It seems that this fish is really delicious, Song Brother, you don't know that I was a picky food since I was a kid, this is my first time. Seeing him eat so much."

The farmer also glanced at the plate in front of Shen Jue, and said: “It’s okay. You will bring a few fish back later. I will ask the cook to tell your servant how to cook the fish. After learning, you can eat so much every day at home. ."

Qiao Jiangyuan pursed his lips and smiled, "Then I have to learn too. If I learn, Shen Jue can go to my house often in the future."

Shen Jue frowned secretly, and did not refute. He didn't want to make it too ugly in front of the farmer, but his silence made Qiao Jiangyuan say more, and Qiao Jiangyuan even talked about their two childhoods. .

"It turns out that Shen Jue and I played pretending to be a family when I was young, and Shen Jue also joked that I would marry me in the future. At that time, I was scared to death. He was a little devil when he was a child. Who would dare to marry him? He didn't know how to get angry, and hit my head with a stick, swelling my head a few big bags before he was willing to stop." Qiao Jiangyuan said with a smile.

Shen Jue took the conversation calmly, "That's all from childhood. How can you take it seriously? If you are still angry about your childhood, then I apologize to you." He picked up the blood tea in front of him, "I I apologize to you with tea instead of wine."

The farmer suddenly intervened, "They are all good brothers, why bother to be so distracted? Then, I happen to have a good bottle of wine. I opened it today. Let’s drink it together. If you are drunk, what's the matter? ."

The farmer is not a fool. He has long seen that the atmosphere between Qiao Jiangyuan and Shen Jue is weird, but he suddenly offered to drink, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Shen Jue wanted to refuse, but Qiao Jiangyuan had already rushed ahead of him and agreed.

Shen Jue wasn't afraid of things, so he didn't refuse at all. He also wanted to see what could happen, but he was still distracted and turned his head slightly to call Yuqing over.

"I'll get drunk later, you will help me to the car, don't stay here tonight, you can't stay here, can you hear it?" Shen Jue said softly.

Yuqing nodded cautiously upon hearing the words. He seemed to have guessed something, and when he got up he glanced at Qiao Jiangyuan who was sitting next to him.

And Qiao Jiangyuan just looked at Shen Jue with a smile, as if the two were the best friends in the world.

After the farmer brought the wine, he poured a large glass for each of Shen Jue and Qiao Jiangyuan. Shen Jue was not used to drinking the wine. After a few sips, he frowned, but the farmer had been persuading him to drink, and Qiao Jiangyuan Don't persuade, you are drinking your own wine.

It was not enough that the three people drank one bottle of wine at the end. The farmer asked someone to open a bottle of wine. Shen Jue was the least drunk among the three, but when the second bottle was emptied, he was the most. There was a dazzling shadow in front of my eyes.

He shook his head sharply, but still felt that the farmer on the opposite side was divided into three. Shen Jue raised his hand to support his forehead, and after another round of persuading him to drink, he could only say: "I can't drink anymore, I...there are all shadows in front of me."

His speech became vague, and his eyes became even more erratic.

The farmer laughed, "You can't drink enough, just drink a few glasses now, forget it, let you go, go back to your room and rest first."

Shen Jue stood up vainly, waved his hand, "I...no..."

Before this sentence was finished, his body fell backward. Yuqing quickly stepped forward to support Shen Jue, and called Shen Jue twice worriedly. Seeing that his face was flushed and his eyes were blurred, he knew that Shen Jue might be too drunk, and said to the farmer: "Sorry, before my duke I have ordered that I must go back tonight, so I will take my duke back first."

"Hey, how can this work? My brother and I didn’t finish the wine, so your Duke became drunk first. It should be reasonable to continue drinking with us, but he was drunk and I didn’t care about it. I went to the break. When I wake up and continue to drink, how can I go back?" The farmer disagreed and asked his servant to go up and help Shen Jue to the guest room on the second floor.

Yuqing calmed down, "I must implement the orders of my duke. You got my duke drunk, what do you want to do?"

Qiao Jiangyuan heard the words on the side and smiled softly. He shook the wine glass in front of him and smiled at Yuqing, "Why do you say that we are like bad people? It's just that it's foggy outside. You go back late at night. I'm afraid it's easy to happen. There are no lights all the way from the suburbs to the city. What if something goes wrong, can you afford it?"

Yuqing didn’t take Qiao Jiangyuan’s words in his eyes, but took Shen Jue out with a half-wrapped armband. The bodyguard stood by to protect him early in the morning, but they were out of the manor and learned that their car was broken. The driver was very anxious. I was sweating a lot and couldn't start the car.

"I'm afraid this car won't be able to drive. It seems that I can only stay here for one night." The driver said embarrassedly.


Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [land mines]: 13 Luoyue; 25015719, cold type, chirping chirping, 1 MoU fish ball thick noodle;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

One one. 20 bottles of Fatty Doraemon; 15 bottles of unkindness; Immortal, samle, please call me 10 bottles of cuteness; _(:з」∠)_、Fu Suo 5 bottles; Shanhe 3 bottles; I love Shura Field, short skirt boy, 1 bottle of Eris;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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