""Azur Lane OL, the land of hope for mankind!"

Staring at the poster for a long time, the golden characters on the top and the three girls below made Su Bai understand one thing.

This is the correct way to open this world.

As an ordinary otaku in the 21st century of the Blue Water Planet, Su Bai eats and plays, plays and eats, eats and sleeps, sleeps and plays.

He lives a fulfilling and boring life every day.

He originally thought that this was how his life would be, but when he woke up, he came to this parallel world in the 23rd century.

【Azur Lane Online is a special virtual online game developed to control the sea.

In it, every player will become a glorious fleet commander, building and training a number of personalized warship girls, namely KanColle.

"It's similar to the battleship games in the previous world."The entertainment industry in this world is not very developed. It seems that Su Bai, who has played similar games before, has a little advantage in foresight.

Before Su Bai traveled through time, he was an old otaku and a veteran commander. From Axis C to Kanri R, he has played these KanColle games for many years. He can't count the number of KanColle development games he has played on one hand.

"This game is so fun, I recharged 100 million!"

"I've been playing for ten hours and I can't stop!"

Su Bai was amused by the barrage of comments in the promotional PV. You guys are really naughty. The public beta of this game will be launched tomorrow.

However, he still decided to download the game first. The public beta will start at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. It will be too late to download it then.

Looking at the promotional PV, Azur Lane should be a barrage game.

I hope this is a different game. It was late at night, and the sleepiness finally defeated Su Bai. The phone slipped from his hand, and the screen was still flashing with colorful lights.

Half asleep and half awake, a soft female voice sounded,"Do you really want to play the game Azur Lane OL?"

Su Bai said casually,"Nonsense, of course I want to play it after I downloaded it."

"Are you willing to fight alongside the ship girls and treat them as real lives rather than cold statistics?"

""Of course I am willing to, but are there such ship girls?"

Su Bai curled his lips helplessly,"I am willing to marry them, but will you give me a wife?"

After Su Bai said this, cold sweat broke out on his forehead. Damn it, he was obviously the only one in this room.

So who was talking just now?

The female voice sounded again,"Dear Commander, since you are willing to treat the ship girls as real lives, then I will send you to the world of Azur Lane!"

Su Bai panicked. What was going on!

""Hello, wait, please explain yourself clearly."

Before Su Bai finished speaking, he felt himself being sucked into the phone. A strange light flashed, and soon, he was transported to a strange world.

This was a beautiful beach with tall coconut trees on the land and seagulls flying faster and faster in the distance.

"Hey, you summoned me, you can't just ignore me."

Just as Su Bai finished complaining, an elf girl appeared in front of him,"Dear commander, hello, you are the 300th lucky person summoned to the blue world. Can I know your name?"

"Su Bai"

"Very good, Commander Su Bai, welcome to the Blue World. First of all, I want to tell you that you don't have to worry about your life in the original world. You are still alive in that world, and we are only summoning your game soul."

Su Bai let out a long sigh, that's good.

"Commander, I am your assistant in this world, Irene. If you have any questions, you can always ask me. If you have no other questions, let's start the novice tutorial."

"Wait! Irene, let me ask you, in this world, can people die? Do shipgirls really exist?"

"I have another question. Didn't you say that you would be given a unicorn when you landed? How could it be you? Where is the unicorn sister?"

Irene showed a sweet smile,"Lord Su Bai, I will answer you one by one. First of all, the Azure World is a peaceful world. The ship girls here will not die, but will return to the origin of the world. If it is the commander, once the injury is too serious, the soul of the game will disappear and he will be teleported back to the original world."

"The ship girls are real life. The ships here are composed of two parts. One part is the battleship, which is similar to the battleship in the real world, and the other part is the ship girls. They usually live with the commander and enter the battleship during battle. The battleship is mentally controlled by the ship girls."

"Your second question, because the number of reservations for Azur Lane far exceeded 600,000, the gods of this world changed the original reward and changed the unicorn to me. I will accompany you to complete your adventure in this world."

Su Bai nodded, okay, although the unicorn sister is very cute, but this ship girl named Irene is also very beautiful.

Ah, damn, what am I thinking, four vegetarian steamed goose heart

"Lord Su Bai, you can completely regard the ship girls as cute human girls. There are only two differences between them and humans. First, they are summoned; second, they are reproductively isolated from humans."

Su Bai's old face flushed. There is no need to explain it so clearly, bastard.

"There are 300 commanders summoned at the same time as the master. Each commander has his own island, which has a port, a dock, a tactical academy, a naval cafeteria, a canteen, a lecture hall, etc."

"Each commander has a fixed resource quota every day. A one-star commander has 2,000 fuel, 2,000 supplies, 300 diamonds, and 2 mind cubes every day. For other resources, the commander needs to form his own fleet, go on expeditions, or obtain them from the navy cafeteria and canteen."

Su Bai waved his hand to stop Irene,"I have read all these in the guide, you can skip this paragraph and continue talking."

Irene was not angry because of Su Bai's interruption. She smiled and said,"Commander, you are familiar with the Blue Lane, so I feel relieved. Now, let's take the first step and choose your initial ship girl."

Irene waved her hand, and a virtual image appeared in front of her. The images of three ship girls appeared in front of Su Bai.

Su Bai knew the information of these three ship girls a long time ago. He said without hesitation,"Irene, give me a bottle of 1982 Lafite. Um, I mean, my initial ship girl, choose Lafite."

Irene smiled,"Lord Su Bai, your choice is wise. Lafite is a beautiful, lovely and powerful ship girl. Her charm is not inferior to the red wine of 1982."

Irene gave the order to choose. There were bursts of metal knocking sounds coming from the dock not far away. Soon, a destroyer appeared on the sea.

A beautiful girl with white ponytails jumped off the destroyer and soon came to Su Bai.

""Commander, I am the much-anticipated Benson-class destroyer Laffey, who played an extremely active role in the three Solomon Sea Battles. Battleship? What is that?"

Su Bai thought to himself, well, this line is exactly the same as what the guide said.

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