"Welcome, Rafi, you are the first member of the fleet."

Rafi looked at Su Bai with joy,"Commander, have you chosen Rafi as the initial ship girl? I am so happy."

The little girl rushed up and hugged Su Bai tightly.

Su Bai didn't know where to put his hands and feet, he could only touch Rafi's head.

Irene coughed lightly,"Ahem, Lord Su Bai, I must remind you that the blue world is not a lawless place, there are gendarmerie here."

Su Bai embarrassedly pushed Rafi away gently,"I know, I'm not a lolita control, I mean it."

Irene pointed to the sea,"Commander, do you want to choose to attack now? Defeating the ghost fleet at sea can obtain the soul of the ship girl. As long as you equip them with warships, you can get a brand new ship girl."

"If you don't need them to serve, you can rescue them back to the harbor and send them to the headquarters to let them live a normal life. Of course, there will be a small amount of resource compensation for each ship girl rescued."

"��That's what happened. I said it, it always feels weird to pull the ship girl out of the sea directly."

Erin smiled and said,"Lord Su Bai, it is stupid to look for reality in the virtual world."

"Wait a minute, but we only have Lafite, don’t we need a back row to attack?"

"Of course, I am the command ship, so I am naturally in the back row. The attributes of the command ship can be checked in the logbook. Anyway, this time, Irene and Laffy will accompany you."

"Good! This is my first battle in the Blue World, let's go!"

""Commander, we are still very weak now. Rafi and I are both level one, so let's patrol the near sea to see if there are any lone phantom ships."

Su Bai nodded in agreement. He stood on the deck of the command ship Irene, full of energy.

In the original world, he was just a dead otaku with no social life and no girlfriend, but in the blue world, he can command his own fleet and travel around the world.

I must manage my own fleet well, I don't want to go back to the original world.

Rafi was patrolling in front of the fleet. The young girl Rafi stood lazily on the mast of the battleship, shielding her eyes from the sun, observing the surroundings, and soon, the target appeared.

Rafi's soft voice came,"Commander, there is a battle ahead!"

Su Bai quickly took out the telescope, and he saw that on the sea level in the distance, there were four warships fighting fiercely.

This is, this side is Hood and big brother, and on the other side is Persian cat, uh, Bismarck and Eugen Eugen.

The corners of Su Bai's mouth twitched. Is this a cutscene? How can it be so real? How many times does Hood get whipped every day!

Su Bai shouted to Rafi,"Rafi, come down quickly, they will finish the fight soon, and that elegant sister with blonde hair will be sunk soon."

Rafi was a little confused,"Commander, how do you know, that big sister is obviously very strong."

Su Bai smiled but said nothing. He was too familiar with the process of this battle.

Hood is very strong and has a big advantage. Hey, we can't lose.

The glory of the Royal Navy, fighting a courier, tell me how to lose!

Hood has a big advantage, Hood A went up, Hood hit him in the face, hey, it's impossible to lose, how can Hood hit him in the face and lose, I'm a professional commentator, how can I not understand this?

What's the use of the Persian cat's main gun being accurate?

Hey, Hood, you hit his bridge, you put up the barrage, don't play me.

Hey, why did Hood get shot, why did he explode, where did Hood hit him in the face?

Hey, I'm sorry for you, Hood, I'm sorry for the Royal Brothel, how can I face Queen Elizabeth.

Su Bai almost memorized this set of commentary. , this is the classic line from the famous Mingdeng Xudong when he was commenting on the Battle of Denmark Strait.

Every time a commander enters the game, Hood will be whipped once.

No buying and selling, no killing, who will save Hood!

As the huge explosion sounded, the plot really advanced to the part where Hood was shot and exploded.

Su Bai watched from the telescope that the giant ship of more than 30,000 tons slowly sank into the water. He did not feel any grief, and even wanted to laugh, because the explosion of Hood was really funny.

The Prince of Wales fled in a hurry, and the Persian cat chased after him with Eugen Eugen.

Irene patted her chest with her hand, and the huge breasts exuded a charming light of glory.

Su Bai quickly looked away. The glorious image of the commander cannot be destroyed at will.

"Commander, they have all left, we can go patrol the surrounding area"

"What are you still patrolling for? Quick, go to the place where the battle just happened. That's where Hood fell into the water."

"Huh? According to the rules, the only thing we can get in the first battle is the white destroyer."

"Stop talking nonsense and go! If it's too late, Hood-chan won't be fished out. Anyway, it won't hurt to try."

Irene pouted, a little angry. How could there be such a messy commander? Humph!

But she still resolutely carried out the order. Laffite and Irene, led by the commander, quickly rushed to the sea where the battle had just taken place.

Su Bai found the ship girl floating on the sea, the once extremely chic royal actor Hood-chan.

Quick, fish her up!

Irene jumped into the sea and picked up Hood, who had fainted in the water. Su Bai threw down a rope and pulled Irene and Hood up.

Hood lay quietly on the deck. Her face was so beautiful, with delicate facial features like a sculpture, a high nose bridge, and golden hair, that Su Bai almost stopped breathing. Where had he seen such a beauty in his previous life?

Hood's breathing had stopped, and she must be rescued quickly.

""Erin, hurry up, give her artificial respiration."

Erin pouted aggrievedly,"Commander, I'm just a ship girl, I haven't learned these skills."

Su Bai was stunned. Thinking about it, it made sense. Although they had human appearance, they were slightly different from humans after all. There was nothing he could do if he hadn't learned it.

Su Bai said to himself: Hood, I didn't mean to take advantage of you. I was trying to save your life. It was urgent and I had to do it. I couldn't care less.

Su Bai leaned over and squatted, pressing Hood hard. Uh, this feeling, is the ship girl really not human?

Bah, I haven't touched a human's breasts either! Thinking of this, Su Bai felt sad from the bottom of his heart, and the pressing claws increased the frequency.

Hood vomited a mouthful of sea water.

Su Bai didn't care about so much, and put his mouth on it. Such soft lips, although a little cold, but so real.

What's the difference between a ship girl and a human!

Uh, I don't know what human lips feel like. This is such a sad story.

Hood woke up soon. She saw the blue sky, white clouds, and a headache. I was just fighting Bismarck, and......

Wait, why is there a man lying on top of me? This is so scary!


Hood used his palm to hit Su Bai and sent him flying.

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