Su Bai flew to the deck a few meters away, his face distorted by pain,"Hey, Hood, I saved you, how can you treat your savior like this?"

Hood's pretty face flushed slightly, she kneaded the corner of her clothes embarrassedly,"I thought you were a pervert, sorry."

Hood stood up and performed an impeccable lady's etiquette.

"Yes, the glory of the Royal Navy, Hood is before you. Be elegant at all times, this is the upbringing that the royal family should have."

"Denmark Strait? Victory and defeat are common in the military, it was just a temporary failure."

Su Bai thought, hey, don't memorize the lines, I know all these things very well.

"I know you are the Admiral-class battlecruiser Hood. I am Commander Su Bai. I just saw you fall into the water, so I came to rescue you. Would you like to join my fleet?"

Hood smiled faintly,"Commander, according to the rules of this world, I must serve you, you don't have to ask for my opinion.���

Su Bai said seriously,"Hood, in my eyes, you are not a cold warship, but a life with flesh and blood like me. I respect your choice!"

Hood was stunned. This is really a strange commander.

According to the rules of this world, only the waters near the islands of each commander were open in the first week. Hood could not be found here.

The cutscene of the Denmark Strait is only used to remind the commander that although this world is beautiful, it is also very dangerous.

Who would have thought that Su Bai would actually run directly to pick up Hood. So, Su Bai became the first commander in the world to pick up Hood.

Hood saluted,"Commander, your respect makes Hood very touched. I am willing to join your fleet."

"The glory of the Royal Navy - Hood, comes to you with victory"

"Welcome, Hood!"

"Now, let's go back to the port and rebuild the warship for Miss Hood!"

Irene handed a thick book to Su Bai,"Commander, this is your logbook. All information about the ship girls and sea areas can be consulted. And every achievement of yours will be recorded in the logbook."

Su Bai opened the logbook.

Commander: Su Bai, level 1.

Fleet name: Chuanqi Hegemony, level 1.

Fleet members: 3, command ship Irene, destroyer Lafite, battlecruiser Hood!

Achievement: The world's first super rare!!! How to obtain: The first person in the world to obtain a super rare ship girl.

After returning to the port, Su Bai gave an order to build Hood's hull in the dock.

While Hood's warship was being built, Su Bai brought three ship girls into the commander's mansion. The four of them sat at the table, and the maids served them cakes and black tea.

Su Bai diligently brought black tea to Hood

""Hood, this is the most authentic English black tea. You just made cold water. Drink some black tea to get rid of the cold."

Hood's fair face flushed. After thanking him, she gently picked up the black tea and took a sip.

"It turned out to be my favorite Earl Grey black tea, thank you Commander."

Su Bai took a look at Hood. He could see the various attributes of the ship girl. A number jumped over Hood's head, favorability +5.

Because he saved Hood and provided Hood with black tea, Hood's favorability had reached 60 at this time.

Just as the four were chatting, the adjutant walked in and saluted with a standard military salute,"Commander, Adjutant Milan reports to you!"

Su Bai returned the salute. The entire port area seemed to be basically made up of women except for himself. This world is a bit yin-dominated and yang-deficient.

"Commander, because you have achieved the world's first super rare achievement, the headquarters has given you a reward, a total of 5,000 units of fuel and 5,000 units of supplies, as well as four mind cubes. The reward items have arrived at the port, and I have just handed them over to them!"

Su Bai was very happy,"Great, so we can carry out two special constructions!" Su

Bai didn't even bother to eat dessert, and went straight to the dock, and Hood and others followed him.

The Hood battlecruiser has been built, and the construction in this world is so fast.

Su Bai found Lucy, the person in charge of the dock, and said,"We have enough supplies now, and we will start two special constructions!"

Su Bai thought expectantly, if we can produce Enterprise and Glory at once.

Hey, don't YY yourself, two super rare ships, how can it be so easy to produce.

Su Bai saw that the order for the dock had been issued, and hurriedly asked,"Lucy, how long is the construction time?"

""Commander, the construction time is 13 hours and 45 minutes! Both ships are like this."

Su Bai was dumbfounded. What was going on? The construction time of Enterprise was 4 hours and 20 minutes, and that of Glory was 4 hours and 30 minutes. What on earth were these two ships? How could they take so long to build?

"Lucy, check, what kind of ship is this"

"Commander, there is no ship with this construction time in the construction list."

Irene thought for a moment,"Commander, although the construction function is open in the first week, the general materials will not be distributed until 10 o'clock the next morning, which means that normal people can only build warships tomorrow."

Su Bai curled his lips, meaning that I am not normal?

""Commander, you must have unlocked a new hidden achievement, so there is such a hidden warship, which is a good thing!"

Su Bai looked at Hood, and his face changed. Hood, what's wrong with your luck?

A normal Hood should have a luck value of 38 points!

Why is my Hood's luck value as high as 75 points?

That's right, Hood, who should have sunk, was saved by herself, so her luck must be different from others.

Su Bai hugged Hood excitedly,"Hood, you are my lucky goddess!"

Hood's face flushed red, and her strength was enough to throw the commander out, but she didn't do it.

The elegant girl wanted to push away the rude man, but she didn't really do it. The commander's arms were unexpectedly warm.

Irene was a little unhappy, and she pulled Su Bai away,"Commander, please pay attention to your identity, you will scare Miss Hood."

Hood lowered his head slightly,"It's okay, the commander was also excited for a while, I don't mind. A chic lady will forgive a gentleman's occasional recklessness."

Su Bai felt a chill. Hood, do you know what a gentleman means? He glanced at Hood. Wow, his favorability increased by +5 again.

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