After the exercise, Grandet Commander Su Bai did not hesitate to send out the fleets, some for leveling and some for expedition.

Hood took Leander to gain reputation.

"Hood, your little royal sister, it's up to you to salvage it!"

"Don't worry, Commander."

One day passed, and the reputation did not come.

Two days passed, and the reputation still did not come.

This was a bit speechless. Hood had been on more than 200 expeditions and was exhausted, so Irene took over her and continued to salvage.

"Don't worry, I'm the lucky command ship Irene, I'll bring the reputation home today."

The third day passed, the number of expeditions increased by more than a hundred, and Irene's face was a little dark.

Su Bai felt strange, it shouldn't be, 1-4 rare level ship girls, is it so difficult to get?

He opened the navigation log and found that the commander's chat room was already boiling.

"What happened? Did anyone gain any reputation?"

"It seems I'm not the only one on the prairie! Haha"

"I don't believe that I'm the only one so dark!"

"I have already attacked 200 times!"

Su Bai thought, 200 times is nothing, I have already attacked 400 times!

No, the commanders began to complain to the customer service.

"Sorry, commanders, due to a system bug, the 1-4 Eastern Seas map has not yet been installed with reputation."

The commanders began to curse, with various human, centaur, and elf curses coming one after another.

"Don't get excited, everyone. The official has decided to carry out maintenance in three hours. All resources consumed in maps 1-4 will be returned. In addition, the rarity of the newly installed reputation will be increased to super rare, and the strength will be comprehensively improved! Please understand."

"Stop talking nonsense, only red tip can make me lose my memory"...

Su Bai closed the logbook and was about to recall Irene when he suddenly remembered a sentence.

All the resources consumed in Maps 1-4 will be returned, returned!

Isn't this for nothing?

How can this be recalled! This requires all personnel to attack!

"Milan, notify Lily immediately, prepare the fuel, hurry up, move quickly! All the ship girls, form teams freely, attack together, target, Eastern Sea"

"But, Commander, the system has just informed us that there is no reputation installed in the Eastern Seas."

"Stop talking nonsense, go quickly, the reputation is not implemented, but the experience and equipment blueprints are implemented! Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of it."

All 23 ship girls attacked, and Su Bai personally followed Hood to the eastern waters to support the battle.

"Hurry up! If you can't complete 50 battles in three hours, you don't have to eat dinner!"

Su Bai roared. He had already seen two destroyers paddling. Damn it, is it time to paddling now?

Before the maintenance arrived, Su Bai and his fleet had consumed more than 30,000 fuel.

The lowest level of all the ship girls was also 35, and the level of Hood, Irene and other fleet MVP regulars exceeded 45.

"Well done, let's go back to the port."

During the maintenance period, Commander Grandet finally regained his human form and ordered the base staff to prepare delicious food and open the hot water in the bathhouse.

Of course Su Bai had to laugh. After receiving the maintenance notice, most commanders chose to go on the longest expedition.

However, can the pitiful resources obtained from the expedition be as fast as exploiting the loopholes in the system?

Opening the logbook, on the ship girl level list, seven of the top ten ship girls are from his own fleet. In the fleet strength list, the Ship Qi Hegemony Fleet is also far ahead, and the total score is even twice that of the second place.

Looking at those tired ship girls, Su Bai couldn't bear it. , but he had to do it. In this seemingly beautiful world, who knows what kind of enemies will appear in the future.

It is easy to capture a lone ghost ship now, but what about the future?

Every development game has large-scale activities. In order to avoid being defeated during the activities, you can only squeeze your own ship girls more in normal times.

I feel sorry for you too, but kindness cannot command an army. A weak, cowardly, and brainless commander will lead everyone to death.

Just when Su Bai was feeling a little emotional, Hood came over. This tall and beautiful woman gently stood behind the commander, put her hands on his shoulders, and gently massaged Su Bai's shoulders.

"Su Bai, I understand you. Excellent generals are often lonely. There is a famous saying in the ancient Eastern countries that those who are good at fighting are not famous for their achievements. Only by making sufficient preparations in peacetime can we be prepared for war."

Su Bai turned around in surprise and looked at Hood.

Hood raised his head proudly and said,"Don't forget, I am the flagship of the Royal Navy. I am also proficient in how to command operations."

""Okay, I believe you!"

After the maintenance, each commander received at least 5,000 fuel as compensation. Su Bai's fleet had attacked more than 700 times in the Eastern Sea, consuming more than 70,000 fuel, so it received 75,000 units of fuel.

Looking at the piles of oil tanks on the dock, some of the slower-thinking ship girls also understood the commander's intention.

"Long live! The commander is the best."

The official who came to deliver the supplies asked Su Bai to sign the receipt with a grim face.

"Mr. Su Bai, you are the most stingy and shameless commander I have ever met. Have you fed all your moral integrity to the dogs?"

"Thank you for your compliment. I am just maximizing my benefits within the rules."

"Hey, I'm not praising you!"

The beautiful female official angrily stuffed the receipt into her pocket,"I'm leaving, I really don't want to see you!"

Looking at her receding figure, Su Bai smiled bitterly and shook his head,"What is false reputation in the face of actual interests?"

"Hood, Eileen, attack, target reputation!"

Now that the resources are in hand, Su Bai is not in a hurry. He dispatched the expedition team slowly and arranged the ship girls to the eastern waters.

The more than 70,000 fuels compensated, plus his original inventory, are enough to salvage nearly a thousand times. Even the most authentic chief on the prairie should bring back the reputation.

Su Bai opened the logbook to see who was the first to get the golden reputation.

However, he did not see these, but only saw the overwhelming accusations in the chat room and forum that he took advantage of the game loopholes to obtain additional resources.

Su Bai also got a new nickname, Wu Yazi, which means a person without teeth.

Well, this nickname is still quite cute. Su Bai will not care about these boring people.

If you are not envied, you are mediocre. You just envy and hate. No matter what game, one step faster, every step faster.

When 3-4 and 6-4 are opened, my fleet will be highly trained, and it will crush you scum!

Just when Su Bai checked who got the reputation first, he saw the system prompt

"The fleet under Commander Su Bai discovered the reputation in the eastern sea. Achievement: A person who traveled through time and space.

What kind of achievement is this? Everyone here has traveled through time and space. Does this achievement have any special meaning?

Su Bai stood on the dock, waiting for the return of Hood, Irene and others, and also looking forward to what the golden reputation is like.

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