The Commander chat room is in turmoil.

"Oh my god, is this the Hood?"

"Look at other people's Hoods, then look at your own Hood. I'm in tears."

"Other people's royal glory, our own royal actors"

"Master Ma, I don't accept it! This is not Hood, this is cheating! Also, where did the two aircraft carriers of the Qi Baiye fleet come from? Is this ship in the illustration? I want to complain!"

"Hey, are you guys mistaken? Can you still play without LuckyE? This is 100% triggered, how can others play? Officials, please come out and give us an explanation!"

This time, the official responded quickly.

An official announcement was heard in all the ports.

"Emergency maintenance, emergency maintenance! The port area will be undergoing a 4-hour renovation from 12:30 to 16:30 on January 3rd of the Azure Calendar to fix the bug that caused LuckyE's skill to trigger infinitely. During the renovation period, you will be temporarily unable to go out to sea."

『Reconstruction compensation: fuel x1200, supplies x2800, diamonds x500

『Distribution time:

18:00 on January 3rd of Azure Calendar

『Target audience:

All commanders...

Uh, it's actually been maintained!

Su Bai snapped his fingers,"Milan, notify the cafeteria to prepare extra food, we have to toast to Miss Hood's glorious victory!"

Anyway, we can't go out to sea for four hours, so let's relax together.

Su Bai's exploitation of the ship girl is still quite cruel. The expedition is almost non-stop, and we can't rest until the full-day mission reaches the upper limit.

So, this dinner is also a rare rest.

Irene pouted and looked at Su Bai, hum, the commander has always been stingy like Grandet, but he actually held a banquet for Miss Hood.

Why are there lemons in my eyes, and the chicken legs in my hand are not fragrant!

Opening champagne at halftime is a very unlucky behavior. For example, a famous Milan team once did this. Of course, Su Bai didn't dare to touch this taboo, so the name of this banquet was to celebrate maintenance and compensation!

Well, getting rich depends on maintenance. There is no krypton gold in the blue world. The source of red tips (diamonds) is tasks, achievements, daily wages, and maintenance.

In that case, there's nothing wrong with celebrating for the maintenance.

After all, it only costs a small amount of gold coins to hold a banquet, and each commander's base has a considerable income, so holding a banquet is nothing.

After the maintenance, we have to continue the exercise war, so drinking is not allowed. The drinks at the banquet are black tea and juice.

In addition to the"royal cuisine" and looking up at the stars, there are also real delicacies.

Italian pizza, French macaroni and foie gras, Lucia's caviar, various East Asian cuisines, and Chinese food.

Of course, not every ship girl likes human food. There are also many ship girls who like metal platters and fried parts.

Of course, Su Bai is not interested in these things.

Su Bai saw Irene's unhappy expression and came to her side,"My command ship, what are you in a daze?"

"Humph, Miss Hood is powerful, beautiful, and noble, why do you still care about me, an insignificant little character?"

"Oh, the scent of lemon."

Su Bai raised his teacup,"Every ship girl is unique in my eyes. Irene is the only command ship in the entire port area and the deputy commander of the fleet. How can I belittle myself?"

"Am I really that important?"

Irene blushed and refused to raise her head.

"of course!"

"If I am so important, why can't I be included in the exercise?"

"Don't worry, I will certainly send you out after the enterprise bug is fixed. I look forward to your performance, cheers!"

"Cheers!"Irene raised her teacup.

Really, what happened to me? The commander is the core of the entire port area, and he belongs to all the ship girls.

After the banquet, everyone chatted together, waiting for the server to open.

Finally, the server opened, and all the Enterprises felt a little weak, but they couldn't tell what was wrong.

Maybe this is the power of the sideslip god.

Under the file, all beings are equal.

The second exercise began.

Hood continued to lead the powerful fleet to fight.

However, this time, Hood turned into a royal actor, with a gorgeous four-gun zero barrage.

Su Bai's eyes almost fell out.

Is this still the majestic Hood just now?

Hood, you are playing me again.

Fortunately, the average level of the fleet is much higher than that of the opponent, and the Ship Qi Hegemony Fleet still easily defeated its opponent, the European Emperor Fleet.

What's the use of Europe, you have Eugen, Enterprise, and Glory, but you have no training and low level. Why do you fight with me!

Su Bai had a sneer on his lips.

Irene came up,"Commander, no wonder you resolutely did not use resources for large-scale construction before. You've calculated a lot by using all the resources to level up."

Hehe, I don't have so many ingenious plans. I'm not Mr. Zhuge. It's just that I've played this kind of game so many times that I know that those who use the resources in the early stage to build ships are just idiots.

In this kind of development game, level and map progress are the most important. Shipbuilding? Just show it up when the event comes.

Without level, everything is over.

In today's exercise, if it weren't for the level crushing the opponent, Hood's wonderful performance would have lost long ago.

Hood came out of the study and looked at the commander embarrassedly, a little shy.

"Even the best actors can fail occasionally. I'm sorry, Su Bai."

"Haha, what's the big deal? The outcome of the battle was already determined when the other party took the resources to build the ship and we leveled up."

"Hood, have you been drinking?"

"I just drank a little secretly."

Okay," Su Bai said helplessly,"then you can rest. You have already made great contributions today."

"Ai���, you take over the flagship and complete the rest of the battle!"

Irene happily took the helmet,"Sisters, let's go!"

Irene's command was very effective. The combat effectiveness of the command ship itself is not too strong. Irene's warship, with a displacement of more than 17,000 tons, can launch reconnaissance aircraft and is equipped with a large number of radars.

She has two skills.

One is acting commander, which is activated once every 15 seconds to improve the mobility, firepower, torpedo, aviation, and reloading attributes of the entire team, and lasts for 10 seconds.

The other skill is powerful reconnaissance, which increases the damage suffered by enemy units.

Both skills must be activated in the flagship position.

Under the leadership of Irene, the fleet won consecutive victories and won eight more games.

At the end of the first day of the exercise, the Chuanqi Hegemony Fleet achieved ten consecutive victories and ranked first.

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