After a week of high-intensity leveling at sea with Shokaku and Zuikaku, their levels have reached level 96, catching up with the level of the main force.

During the leveling process, Shokaku and Zuikaku also became familiar with their new aircraft carrier. The performance of the Yorktown-class aircraft carrier is still very outstanding, and the carrier-based aircraft assigned to them are all new American equipment, which makes the two girls very happy.

After finishing this stage of leveling, Su Bai gave Shokaku and Zuikaku a day off to let them rest. He needs to go to Honolulu City, and some news must be reported to Governor Nimitz in person.

This time, it was Guanghui and Hood who accompanied him to the headquarters. Their levels have already reached level 97, and they are still a long way from level 98, so Su Bai gave them a holiday this time.

The two wives have been very busy recently and haven't gone shopping together for a long time. This is also a good opportunity to relax.

Su Bai first came to Governor Nimitz's mansion and briefly told him about his trip to Sakura Empire.

Nimitz frowned,"Yamamoto, is he really not going to be able to live? Fifty years ago, facing the Sirens, our White Eagle Country and the Sakura Empire chose to cease fire and jointly fight against the common enemy of mankind, the Sirens. Now he is old too."

Nimitz had something to say. Yamamoto is old, what about me? I am also an old man in my eighties. How much time does God have left for me? Thinking of this, Governor Nimitz was a little bored.

"Governor, I heard that you purchased a batch of shark detectors?"

"Yes, the leaders of the Sirens known so far are all sharks, so the shark detectors still have some warning effect. By the way, regarding the matter of Shokaku and Zuikaku, I have to tell you a bad news.""Seven hundred and ninety-three"

"You tell me, I can roughly guess it."

"The Sakura Empire formally sent a diplomatic note to my country, hoping to bring Shokaku and Zuikaku back."

"Why? They came to me to complete the formal handover procedures."

"With the procedures? Yes, but you have to know that the Sakura Empire is also a powerful country, and they also have to save face. You should know that the ones who came back with you are not just Shokaku and Zuikaku who can be pulled from anywhere, they have the power of awakening! Moreover, what you did is too much damage to the face of the Sakura Empire. Most of the 125th Carrier Fighter, which they are most proud of, is now in your hands."

"So according to what you mean, you want to send Shokaku and Zuikaku back?"

Nimitz looked at Su Bai strangely,"Of course not, why should we send them back? Shokaku and Zuikaku are not objects, and they have already registered their military status with you.

They are now soldiers of our White Eagle Country, how can we send them into the tiger's mouth again? It's ridiculous, they want face for the Sakura Empire, but our White Eagle Country doesn't? They are a strong country, does that mean our White Eagle Country is a weak country? Our White Eagle Country can be the strongest country in the world!


Su Bai slapped his thigh,"Governor, you are wise!"

"You bastard, don't flatter me. I know you too well. Tell me the truth. Are you reluctant to part with these two beauties?"

"Hey, this......"

"I just want to remind you to try not to go to Sakura City again. If you must go, you must pay attention to safety."...

Coming out of the Governor's Mansion, Su Bai took Hu De and Guang Hui to stroll on the street.

"My dear wife, where shall we go? Shall we go to the opera house to listen to music?"

"Listen to music? Listen to the love triangle between you, Princess Youlan, and Li Huamei. I don't want that."

"I've already told you that it's a lie, why don't you believe me? Am I that kind of person?"

Well, I seem to be that kind of person.

Guanghui took Su Bai's arm and said,"Honey, didn't you acquire a lot of shops in Donghuang Food Street last time? Why don't we go take a look?" What a good idea. I haven't been there since the acquisition. Su Bai and others came to Donghuang Food Street. He saw that half of the shops on the street were hung with the logo of his Demon King Alliance.

It was a very abstract image of a demon king with horns. The logo basically looks like what Illidan looks like.

Every time he saw the logo of this alliance, Su Bai couldn't complain. I shouldn't have given such an important job as designing the logo to these demons. Wouldn't it be better to find an elf artist? Now that I've really become a demon king, I can't wash myself clean even if I jump into the Yellow River.

Quanjude Roast Duck! My God, this store is so far away. It has not only gone abroad, but even out of Asia.

"Hello, sir. Please come in. This is the first Quanjude in Hawaii! Our roast duck is the most authentic and has the longest history."

Su Bai walked in while introducing the characteristics of roast duck to Hu De and Guang Hui. The two wives were also very curious about Donghuang cuisine and naturally would not refuse.

After sitting down, Su Bai first ordered a Quanjude selected roast duck. In order to take care of the two royal beauties, he also ordered some vegetarian dishes such as garlic broccoli, and finally ordered a steamed turbot, a dish of spring scenery in the garden, and then asked for a glass of red wine from the Bordeaux estate in France.

Soon, the roast duck came up, and a fat chef wearing a chef's hat began to slice the duck for the guests.

Hu De and Guang Hui looked at it curiously. It was their first time to come into contact with this magical way of eating roast duck, and they also had more expectations for Donghuang cuisine.

Just when the roast duck was sliced and served, the owner of the restaurant came over. Not many guests could order Bordeaux red wine, so he prepared to come over to entertain the guests in person out of courtesy.

"Lord Demon!"

The boss obviously recognized Su Bai.

"Ahem, boss, we are partners, you can just call me Su Bai"

"Haha, good, it's rare that Boss Su has the elegance to come to our shop to inspect our work, which makes me feel honored. By the way, there are three street performers who have wandered here from Donghuang recently, and they sing very well, how about I ask them to sing a song for you?"

"Okay! Please ask them to come over."

Su Bai did not refuse the boss's kindness, and asked them to come over and play Jasmine Flower or something.

Soon, three Donghuang women in traditional costumes came over.

"Sir, what kind of music would you like to listen to? We know both traditional and modern songs."

Su Bai said with a smile,"What you are best at, something cheerful, like Jasmine Flower, is that ok?""

"No problem, Ninghai, Pinghai, let's get started."

Su Bai was startled. Ninghai, Pinghai, aren't these soldiers from the Donghuang Navy? He turned around suddenly and saw three thin figures. Aren't these Yixian, Ninghai, and Pinghai?

Last time someone introduced the ship girls of various countries in the world forum, a popular science post was specially opened to introduce the ship girls of these small naval countries, such as Turkey's Goben, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and other countries, of course, including Yixian, Pinghai, Ninghai, Yingrui, Zhaohe and so on.

Unexpectedly, I met them here.

Su Bai remained calm and listened to the song. He took out a few gold coins and placed them on the table.

"Can you three play a modern piece for me?"

"Sir, you said"

"The Northern Expedition Army Song.

Pinghai's erhu fell to the ground with a clang. Has his identity been discovered after all?

"Please sit down, all three of you. I have some questions to ask you.

Yixian was obviously the eldest sister among the three. She knew that the man in front of her was definitely not an ordinary person, so she sat down.

"Sir, if you have any questions, just ask me"

"If I'm not mistaken, the three of you should be soldiers of the Donghuang Navy, why have you fallen to this point."

Before Yixian could speak, Pinghai looked at the roast duck and buns on the table, and his stomach growled.

Yixian was so angry,"Pinghai! You have completely disgraced the Donghuang Navy. Didn't you have enough to eat or something?"

Pinghai had been hungry for a day, and she felt even more aggrieved when she heard this. Her tears came down all at once,"I didn't have enough to eat in the first place! Sister Yixian, we are no longer soldiers of the Donghuang Navy. Why are you still bringing this up? Will the Navy pay you?"

Su Bai felt pity in his heart. He knew that under the leadership of an incompetent leader named Chang, the Donghuang Navy was basically ruined, but he never expected it to be so miserable.

He politely asked the three of them to sit down,"How about this, you guys eat first, and then play for me."

Seeing that Yixian was about to refuse, Su Bai stopped her,"Eat first, talk about it. You don't even have the strength, and the music you play is so soft. If I don't like it, I won't pay!"

Yixian bowed to Su Bai gratefully. Pinghai and Ninghai couldn't wait to sit down, grabbed the chopsticks and started eating.

Yixian felt her face burning,"You two, eat slowly, are you starving?"

Su Bai said with a smile,"It's okay, let them eat!"

Hu De gently poured black tea for the three of them,"Eat slowly, don't choke, come and drink some tea first."

Guanghui turned the roast duck to Yixian and the others,"This is the roast duck from your hometown, try it and see if it tastes authentic."

Pinghai and Ninghai have been hungry these days. They haven't had a full meal for many days. They looked at Hu De and Guanghui gratefully,"Thank you, sisters, and thank you kind gentleman.... "

After eating for a while, Su Bai and the other two carefully asked about Yixian and the others' situation.

"The news of the possible Sirens invasion should have been reported to your government. Logically speaking, the navy is needed to fight against the Sirens. Why did the three of you end up like this?"

"Oh, it's hard to explain. Someone above said that our navy is too weak to stop the Sirens, so it's better to sink the ship and block the river channel, which might be of some use."

Su Bai was almost so angry that he laughed out loud,"What if the Sirens really come, what are they going to do?"

"Open the Kyushu barrier!"

"Jiuzhou Boundary, wait, you mean Jiuzhou Boundary? Does this thing really exist?"

"It's true. It is said that after this barrier is established, it can protect most of the country and evil spirits cannot enter."

Su Bai is too tired to complain. The country is facing danger, but it does not think about making progress, does not consider arranging defenses, and does all these fancy things. Even if there are gods in this world, can the Jiuzhou barrier really be useful and stop the Sirens? They are not evil spirits, they are also ordinary creatures!

If the Jiuzhou barrier cannot stop the Sirens, how should those who make policies face this?

Su Bai knew that he could not control these things, and he was too lazy to care. It is hard to say whether his port area can be defended. The life and death of others is not something he should consider.

"What are the three of you going to do in the future?"

Yixian looked at Su Bai, a young man with a Donghuang face, dressed in extraordinary clothes, and accompanied by two beautiful Western women. He was definitely not an ordinary person. Yixian was also proud, and she didn't want to be looked down upon.

"Sir, we have hands and feet, so we can certainly support ourselves."

"Oh, so you just make a living by singing?"

"I, we also have other skills"

"But the skills you learned are all military skills. How many skills do you have to make a living in society?"

Yixian was a little depressed. It's true that she didn't know many, but she really didn't like being said like that. What? You are rich and powerful, so great, right?

I, Yixian, would rather starve to death, die on the streets of Honolulu, than eat such charity!

Yixian stood up suddenly and said,"Thank you for your hospitality, sir. If there is nothing else, we sisters will take our leave."

After saying this, Yixian pulled up Pinghai and Ninghai, who were still eating, and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute, the performance just now was very good, please accept the performance fee"

"We have already eaten your meal, I won't accept the money."

Yixian ran away.

Su Bai frowned and shouted,"Stop! No one dares to refuse the things that I, Su Bai, bring out. If you don't accept this money, I guarantee that you sisters will have no place to stand in Honolulu."

Su Bai was not talking nonsense. With his status and position, it would be very easy for him to deal with Yixian.

Yixian took the gold coins from the table in humiliation and knelt down to Su Bai,"Yixian, thank you for your reward!"

After saying this, the former ship girl of the Donghuang Navy, holding back her tears, quickly left with her two heartless sisters who were already burping from eating.

"Hey, sister Yixian, what are you doing! This gentleman is so handsome and rich, and he is so friendly to me, why is he leaving in such a hurry?"

Yixian felt even more uncomfortable,"You two idiots! There are no good people in this world. Yes, he is handsome and rich, but did you see the two beauties beside him?"

"I saw it. That blonde lady is really pretty."

"That big breasted sister is also very beautiful, and very gentle"

"That's right, that elder sister is so gentle, not like sister Yixian, who knows how to be mean to us all day long."

Yixian laughed out loud at these two brainless fools, it was really like playing the lute to a cow. This young man is probably the son of a wealthy family. The two women around him are not virgins at first glance. They are obviously the wives or lovers of this young man.

And this young man is probably a lecher. The friendlier he is to Yixian, the more afraid Yixian is.

In this foreign country, if you are targeted by a rich and noble young man, the tragic ending is simply unimaginable.

My stupid sister, you two little fools who only know how to eat, do you think it is such a good thing to be a canary kept by a wealthy family?.

Added by: Naruto789

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