Miyamoto Rokuzo's defeat made Ito Saburo weigh his thoughts. He claimed that he was stronger than Miyamoto Rokuzo, but facing Su Bai, he had no confidence at all. Su Bai's casual sword strike just now shattered his long-standing pride.

He no longer entangled with Su Bai's taking away Shokaku and Zuikaku, at least he did not intend to entangle with him by force.

"Governor Yamamoto, I can't control the affairs of Shokaku and Zuikaku, but I want to remind you that the departure of Akagi Kaga has already made the people curse the navy. Now that Shokaku and Zuikaku are handed over, I really don't understand what the governor is thinking? Are the men of our Sakura Empire not worthy of the two ladies?"

Governor Yamamoto doesn't have much time left, so how can he be polite to him ?~

"Yes, not worthy."

"Well, even if we are not worthy, does the Demon King deserve it? Don’t you know his cruelty, lust, and absurdity?"

Governor Yamamoto laughed,"Ito Saburo, you are a little bastard in your early twenties, do you still want to teach me how to recognize people? Now you can get out!"

Ito Saburo looked at Yamamoto and Su Bai with resentment, but the gap in martial arts was there, and this time the overthrow of the superior failed.

He was not the kind of reckless man who did not know how to advance or retreat, so he had to leave in disappointment.

Governor Yamamoto smiled and said to Shokaku and Zuikaku,"What do you think, are you dissatisfied with such a strong man?"

Shokaku and Zuikaku lowered their heads in embarrassment, their cheeks had turned pink.

Su Bai boarded the plane to Honolulu. Looking back at the boarding gate, Governor Yamamoto smiled and waved to him, but Governor Yamamoto's face became increasingly gray and dead.

Unfortunately, the old man's life is about to come to an end, and this is a fact that no one can change.

Human life has an end after all, and all I have to do is to protect my love before that.

Su Bai saluted Governor Yamamoto and turned to get on the plane.

Shokaku and Zuikaku were at At the boarding gate, they bowed to Governor Yamamoto with tears in their eyes. This old man had taken great care of them and their sisters in the past years. Now this farewell is a farewell forever.

The sadness of parting and the pain of parting can only be understood by experiencing it personally. The plane roared into the sky. Shokaku and Zuikaku in the cabin cried bitterly. It was a long way to go to White Eagle. Who could know what the future would hold?

After transferring at Honolulu Airport, Su Bai and the others returned to Atlantis Island.

It was Hood who came to pick them up. When she saw Su Bai and Akagi Kaga getting off the helicopter, she greeted them happily.

"Dear, you are finally back. I hope you are not in any danger."

"Everything is going well, is everything okay at home?"

"Home......Wait, what's going on with these two?" Hood pointed at Shokaku and Zuikaku with a puzzled look on his face,"They are the ship girls under Governor Yamamoto, right? Why are they here?"

"Well, this is a long story, let’s go back to Petelius Castle first."

Hood smiled,"Shokaku and Zuikaku, welcome to Atlantis."

On the way back to the castle, Hood approached Su Bai,"Qin-qu?"

Puff! Will this word be forever unremovable?

"What are you thinking about? Am I that kind of person?"

Hood nodded with a smile,"My dear, you really are that kind of person."

The news that Shokaku and Zuikaku were going to join had been notified to the castle's chief steward Belfast in advance, so the welcome banquet had been prepared long ago.

After entering the castle, Belfast took Shokaku and Zuikaku to their residence, a small courtyard adjacent to Akagi Kaga.

"Ladies, originally the newly joined shipgirls all calculated their merits and assigned dormitories from scratch, but you two were transferred directly from Governor-General Yamamoto to us, and the procedures were formal. Your merits in the Sakura Empire are all retained."

"So, you should be awarded the title of knight and the rank of colonel soon. This is your residence. You can always come to me if you need anything."

After Belfast left, the sisters Shokaku and Zuikaku finally breathed a sigh of relief. No matter how polite these White Eagles and royal people were, they were new after all and always worried about being bullied.

Now it seems that it's not that bad.

"Sister, this admiral doesn't look that bad."

"Sister, are you bought off by this little favor? Well, go and offer yourself to me tonight. Maybe the admiral will fall in love with you."

"How dare you make fun of me!"Shokaku threw Zuikaku down on the tatami and pinched him.

After a fight, the two looked at the ceiling and felt that it was all like a dream. From Governor Yamamoto talking to them and arranging their future, to Admiral Su Bai accepting them, bidding farewell to Governor Yamamoto, and setting foot on the territory of White Eagle, the ups and downs of life made these two girls, who were just twenty years old, at a loss.

Last night they were still people from the Sakura Empire, but today they have a white eagle embroidered on their chests. Are we knights of the Azure Alliance and colonels of the White Eagle? In the afternoon, there was a ceremony for conferring titles and medals, followed by a welcome dinner. All these ceremonies were organized by Belfast.

In the auditorium, the national anthem and military song of the White Eagle were played.

Su Bai always felt a strong sense of disharmony. An Donghuang person, accompanied by the national anthem of the White Eagle, awarded titles and military ranks to two people from the Sakura Empire, and all these ceremonies were organized by the head royal maid.

This feeling is really subtle....

Su Bai pinned the colonel rank on the shoulders of Shokaku and Zuikaku. The two girls in the uniforms of White Eagle Navy officers looked heroic and elegant.

"From today on, you are no longer people from the Sakura Empire, but an important force of my White Eagle Navy. I hope you can bring me victory and glory!"

"Shokaku/Zuikaku pledges his loyalty to the Admiral!"

"Okay, remember to change your words. This is the commander."

"Yes, Admiral!"

Well, forget it, I won't force it. It's not so easy to change a habit formed over the years. Su Bai took the knight's medal and the silver identity card of the low-ranking noble from the tray and handed them to Shokaku and Zuikaku.

Of course, the medal should be pinned on the chest. Su Bai felt a little embarrassed. Pinning a medal on a girl's chest under the gaze of hundreds of people was simply.........

It's actually pretty cool.

"Knight Shokaku will serve you and Her Majesty the Queen faithfully!"

"Knight Zuikaku will serve you and Her Majesty the Queen faithfully!"

Su Bai said a few more words of encouragement, and the audience burst into applause, and the joining ceremony of Shokaku and Zuikaku was over.

Previously, all the ship girls joined in the initial state of level one. It was the first time that someone like Shokaku and Zuikaku came over with their own level and merits.

On January 4, the second year of the Azure Calendar, Shokaku and Zuikaku joined the fleet, with a total of 152 members.

After the ceremony, Su Bai took Shokaku and Zuikaku, who was looking forward to it, to the shipyard. With the level of the Grand Fleet base, the number of ships that can be built at the Atlans Shipyard has also increased.

However, the only two types of aircraft carriers that can be selected are the Lexington class and the Yorktown class. The Jiaozi and Midway classes have not yet been installed. The

Lexington class was converted from a battlecruiser, not a regular aircraft carrier, and Su Bai gave up this option.

"Let's build it according to the Yorktown class!"

Using rapid construction, two Yorktown-class aircraft carriers sailed out of the dock.

"Your battleship is the fourth ship of the Yorktown class, the Shokaku!"

"Your battleship is the fifth ship of the Yorktown class, Zuikaku!"

The sisters Shokaku and Zuikaku looked at each other, their faces showing joy, and knelt on one knee,"Yes, thank you Commander!"

"The first three ships of the Yorktown class, Yorktown, Enterprise, and Hornet, are all famous battleships. I hope you will not disgrace this glorious tradition."

Shokaku and Zuikaku raised their heads in dissatisfaction and responded,"We are the heroic Fifth Carrier Battle. Please watch our performance, Admiral!"

Su Bai suppressed his desire to complain and walked around Atlans City with the two of them.

"This is the Super Space-Time Shop. By the way, the proprietress here is also from Sakura Empire, Akashi. If you need anything, you can come here to find her. As long as you have money, Akashi can prepare anything for you."

Shokaku and Zuikaku looked at each other. This big profiteer Akashi actually did business here? It's better not to go to this guy's shop if you can.

Su Bai brought the two of them to the top of the mountain. He smiled and looked at the sea in the distance."This is my favorite place to come. Ordinary people are not allowed to come up, but you can come up."

"By the way, the favorability between the two of you is too low. From today on, you will take turns to serve as the secretary ship."

Shokaku and Zuikaku looked at each other with complicated expressions. As expected, they are lustful embryos. Has their true colors been revealed on the second day?

Su Bai glanced at the two of them and knew that they had misunderstood. He was too lazy to hide and explain. Cultural differences cannot be changed in a day or two.

"You can ask Kaga what the secretary ship needs to do. Let's go, the welcome dinner is about to begin."

After the banquet, Shokaku and Zuikaku came to the Japanese cottage and nervously told Kaga that they would be the secretary ship.

Kaga was about to explain it, but suddenly remembered the scene when Akagi tricked him, so he said mischievously,"Oh, congratulations, sisters. Being a secretary ship is the best way to enter the upper class. As long as you serve the admiral well, you will be promoted to the top in one step. What you need to pay attention to is......"

·· ·Request flowers··· ····

It was late at night, and Shokaku lost in the game of rock-paper-scissors, so she was the first to serve as the secretary ship. Shokaku calmed down, took a shower, changed clothes, and dressed herself up beautifully. Hey, I can't escape this disaster anyway, so what's there to be afraid of? Go!

I can't bring shame to the Fifth Carrier Battle!

Shokaku walked into Su Bai's bedroom with an expression as if he was going to the execution ground.

"Oh, it's Shokaku. Why don't you rest at this late hour?"

"Of course I need to rest, but I have to serve the admiral first."

Su Bai felt that something seemed to be wrong. This scene and tone gave her a strong sense of déjà vu!

Shokaku took a deep breath, untied the drawstring of his yukata, threw it on the bed very casually, closed his eyes, and fully displayed his beauty in front of Su Bai.

This figure is simply perfect. Wait, why is it like this again? Kaga, what's wrong with you? Didn't I ask you to teach her?

Su Bai quickly turned her head away,"Shokaku, put on your clothes first and then talk."

Shokaku opened his eyes, looked at the embarrassed Su Bai suspiciously, picked up the yukata and tied it up. She was a little angry. What do you mean by this! You look down on me, right? Am I worse than Akagi Kaga?

Shokaku turned his head away in anger. Although she was unwilling to sacrifice herself like this, she still felt ashamed that Su Bai turned his head away and didn't look at her. Is my figure not worth your extra glances?

"Sir Admiral, what do you mean by this? You summoned me to bed, but you humiliated me like this!"

...... 0

"Wait, didn’t Kaga tell you the duties of the secretary ship?"

"She told me that the secretary ship works during the day and sleeps with the admiral at night, and she has to take care of everything for him, and she also said that you like us to wear yukata the most."

Su Bai stroked his head, having a headache. Kaga, you bastard, you are pitting your junior!

Su Bai had to tell the whole story. Shokaku smiled embarrassedly. Senior Kaga was really mean. Humph, being seen naked by a man is really a loss! I can't let this loss be borne by me alone!

The next day, Shokaku came up to Zuikaku and explained it like this. Zuikaku nodded frequently to show that she understood.

The next night, Zuikaku entered Su Bai's bedroom. This time, she was wearing more normal clothes. Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief. These guys finally stopped bullying their juniors.

"Zuikaku, it’s so late, why don’t you go to bed?"

"Of course I need to rest. I'm here tonight."

""Ah? Live here? Well, there's a small bed in the next room, you can stay there."

Zuikaku came to the bedside and whispered in Su Bai's ear:"Admiral, my sister said you like uniform play, so I came here in a navy uniform, but there's nothing underneath."

Nothing underneath, that's awesome!

Wait, something seems to be wrong, I've seen this damn scene three times, what are you thinking about in the minds of you Sakura people?

Before he could stop Zuikaku, the beautiful girl had already taken off the top of her navy uniform. Su Bai swallowed hard, and Zuikaku soon stood naked in front of him.

Akagi, Kaga, Shokaku, you three bastards, you're really a trap! Su Bai quickly grabbed the clothes and put them on Zuikaku.

Just as he was about to say something, Belfast pushed the door open, and seeing all this, the head royal maid blushed, put the black tea and snacks on the bedside, then lowered her head and left.

"Belfast, wait a minute, nothing happened just now"

"Don't worry, Lord Su Bai, I will keep it a secret for you. I am not someone like Richmond who cannot keep a secret. Have a good meal tonight!"

Wait! What does a good meal mean?

After Zuikaku figured out the whole story, he was so angry that he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Can these seniors and sisters still act like sisters? Do they have to pit the juniors for fun?

Thinking that he was seen naked by Su Bai in such a muddle, he was really angry!

Although he experienced some minor setbacks, Shokaku and Zuikaku quickly integrated into the fleet.

Because their level was already behind most of the fleet's ship girls, Su Bai listed them as the flagship of the leveling fleet.

Su Bai personally led the team out to sea, and Shokaku accompanied him on the deck.

Suddenly, Shokaku felt that he had never known this man. He was said to be lustful, but he still had a bottom line when facing himself and his sister; moreover, this admiral was obviously very strong but too hard-working. How could an admiral go out to sea every day?

Isn't it just a matter of self-discipline? Husband.

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