So, Shokaku and Zuikaku joined Su Bai's fleet.

Their favorability towards Su Bai was 30, which was good, at least not zero, nor was it -200 like Akagi and Kaga.

Governor Yamamoto saw that Su Bai readily agreed, and he felt complicated. He really couldn't bear to part with Shokaku and Zuikaku. The two of them were not as unruly and thoughtless as Akagi and Kaga. They were both very well-behaved children, and they had followed him for many years. He had already regarded these two girls as his own granddaughters.

"Su Bai, you boy, I really envy your good fortune."

Su Bai stood up seriously and bowed deeply,"Governor Yamamoto, I am willing to take care of them, and I hope they can make achievements in my fleet, but I don't want to marry again. I can't take care of them anymore."

"I can see that you have lost a lot of energy, young man, you must exercise moderation."

Su Bai's face flushed. It was not that I did not know how to exercise moderation, but these juicers were too vicious. People like Enterprise, Hood, and Guanghui would not let him go until they had their fun. The other wives were also in their prime, and they were competitive with each other, and no one wanted to be less than others.

In this way, even the devil would be squeezed dry.

Governor Yamamoto waved his hand and said,"I am too lazy to care about the affairs of you young people. I need to rest. Shokaku and Zuikaku, take them to the hot springs."

Governor Yamamoto's mansion is located in a quiet mountain forest. The hot springs here are not inferior to the three famous springs, and one spring is exclusive to the Yamamoto Manor, so soaking in the hot springs here is much better than in those public hot springs.

Since Shokaku and Zuikaku were determined to be handed over to Su Bai, their attitude towards him has also improved a lot.

""Admiral, you and the two ladies please follow me."

There was still a little distance in the politeness. It was no wonder that after following the old grandfather for so many years, she was suddenly promised to a young commander. Of course, it would take some time to adapt.

In the Sakura Empire, you have to be naked when taking a hot spring bath, so of course you have to wash yourself clean. Su Bai washed himself clean, came to the hot spring pool, took off his bathrobe, and jumped in.

Phew, the temperature is just right, a little bit irritating, but bearable. Akagi Kaga should be in the women's bath over there? It's a pity that it would be great if they could come over, but their sisters and Xiang He Zuikaku and Suzukaku haven't seen each other for such a long time, they must have a lot to talk about.

Su Bai has been really exhausted recently, the physical fatigue is secondary, the main reason is that his nerves are too tense, and the constant vigilance makes him exhausted both physically and mentally. 540

He leaned on the stone of the hot spring and fell asleep.

In his sleep, Su Bai felt surrounded by warmth and softness, it was so nice, but it was a pity that it was just a dream. Su Bai reached out his hand out of habit, no, this was not a dream, this was Akagi, he opened his eyes, it was indeed his beloved wife Akagi, she and Kaga came to accompany him after all.

It's great......No, not at all!

How did Shokaku and Zuikaku come in?

Su Bai quickly turned his head away,"I'm sorry, why don't you guys wash here and I'll go to another place."

"Husband! Many of the hot springs in Sakura City are mixed bathing. If you leave now, it will be very disrespectful to them!"

Su Bai didn't know whether to laugh or cry."I just want to soak in the hot spring for a while."

"We are also taking a hot spring bath, what else do you want to do? Oh my god, why are you thinking so dirty?"

"Didn't Governor Yamamoto also say that? There's nothing wrong with a man being a little perverted. I'm just that dirty, huh!"

Shokaku and Zuikaku were hiding carefully on the side. After all, they were both girls. It was their first time to be frank with the admiral, so they were still very shy.

Su Bai was also very shy because he had a natural physiological reaction. Nonsense, if a man didn't react to such a situation, then something was really wrong.

"Husband, let me give you a massage."Akagi came to Su Bai's back and gently pressed the back of his head and temples with both hands.

It was so comfortable. Su Bai relaxed his mind and felt Akagi's tenderness and softness.

Puff! Su Bai finally couldn't help it, and the blood from his nose flowed down his philtrum. It was so embarrassing. Xianghe, who was not far in front of Su Bai, saw Su Bai bleeding and ran over to help him stop it. As a result, the moment she came over, blood spurted out of Su Bai's other nostril....

It's really unbelievable to take a hot spring bath like this. Su Bai left in a mess accompanied by Akagi Kaga and returned to his bedroom.

The two wives naturally served this unfortunate guy like a god. After a night, when Su Bai got up, it was already noon. He drank a lot of wine yesterday. Although it was not very spicy, it was strong enough to make Su Bai fall asleep. When he woke up, Governor Yamamoto was already waiting for him in the front hall.

"Met Governor Yamamoto"

"You're welcome. Did you have a good rest last night?"

"Thank you Governor for your hospitality. This is the most peaceful sleep I have had in the past few months."

"This hot spring has a calming and refreshing effect on the mind. Since you are already here, please stay here for a few days, and let me and Shokaku and Zuikaku be together for a few more days."

Su Bai naturally would not refuse an old man's last wish. During these few days, he accompanied Akagi Kaga to play in the streets and alleys of Tokyo, and spent a few rare days of leisure.

Akagi Kaga has rarely had such free time since she married Su Bai, and she was naturally overjoyed.

There is no need to think about so many trivial matters every day, just need to play heartlessly. After a few days, Su Bai's complexion has improved a lot, his face is rosy, and he has even gained two pounds.

Ah, this corrupt life really makes people lose all their fighting spirit. Su Bai certainly would not indulge in enjoyment, and soon it was time for him to leave. In the Governor's Mansion, Governor Yamamoto held a banquet to see him off. Su Bai also knew that this farewell might be a farewell forever.

If the Sirens invaded, the old general would probably die on the battlefield. If the Sirens did not invade, a few months later, illness and aging would also put an end to the old general.

Governor Yamamoto handed Su Bai a formal certificate of authorization.

"This time, I will hand over Shokaku and Zuikaku to you. The procedures are legal, and you don't have to worry about bearing any bad reputation."

Su Bai took the certificate and felt it was very heavy. It represented the future life of the two ship girls.

He looked back at Shokaku and Zuikaku. The two sisters lowered their heads shyly and didn't say anything.

I am really a lowly person. I really, really want their bodies.

Su Bai cursed himself and saluted Governor Yamamoto with a standard military salute.

"Vice Admiral Su Bai of the White Eagle Navy salutes you!"

"Admiral of the Sakura Empire Navy, Yamamoto Nanba, the future belongs to you, young man!"

Just as Su Bai was about to leave, there was a noise and a commotion outside.

Just as Yamamoto and Su Bai were puzzled, the noise outside became louder and louder, and there was even the sound of swords colliding.

Something happened, it was a mutiny!

Yamamoto and Su Bai both understood that someone outside must have led troops to attack the Governor's Mansion, and they could not mobilize mechanical warriors to attack senior officers in the same camp. Therefore, the people who came were all native humans, and they were all officers.

This matter has become a big deal! Yamamoto's face was ugly, and he loudly called on his samurai to prepare Fight.

In the Sakura Empire, whether it is a mutiny or something else, there is an iron rule that swords can be used but guns are not allowed. Anyone who uses firearms in internal struggles will be sentenced to death. The internal fights of samurai must be decided in a samurai way, that is, swords.

The servants of Governor Yamamoto could not resist and began to retreat. Governor Yamamoto's face was very ugly. It was a shame for such a thing to happen in his own mansion.

These people did not come earlier or later, but chose to come at this time. They are going to scare people to the whole world.

"Let them in!"

The one who took the lead in the riot was Saburo Ito, who was mentioned by Su Bai and Yamamoto before, and a group of young officers from the navy and the army.

Su Bai was very surprised. What on earth could make the mutually hostile navy and army officers cooperate?

Saburo Ito looked at Governor Yamamoto fiercely without saluting."Mr. Yamamoto, I am here today not as a naval admiral, but as a samurai!"

Sure enough, you are here to cause trouble. Since we are all samurai, you can't use your military rank to suppress me. Everyone has to rely on their own abilities and strength!

When Governor Yamamoto was a teenager, he was also a ruthless character who could chop down a street with a long sword. Now that he is dying, how could he bow to this young boy?

"Tell me, what are you doing here?"

"Two things. First, lift the alert! There is no Siren at all. This is clearly caused by these White Eagles. We are wasting our resources and energy in vain."

"Oh, and what about the second thing?"

"The second thing, I heard that you were going to give Shokaku and Zuikaku to this foreigner, is that true?"

"Young man, your name is Ito Saburo, right? How I act is not up to you. Now that you have finished speaking, you can go away. I don't want to answer your questions."


After all, Governor Yamamoto was Ito Saburo's superior, so he didn't dare to act rashly. But Miyamoto Rokuzo, who was beside him, was not so easy to talk to. As a young officer in the army, he had always been dissatisfied with the old officers like Yamamoto holding power.

"Old man! You can choose not to answer, but you can't avoid the facts. We can talk about the warning order for the Siren invasion later, but Shokaku and Zuikaku can't leave. Akagi Kaga being raped is a shame for my country, and you actually want to give Shokaku and Zuikaku to this man. It's simply a shame for the country!"

"Miyamoto Rokuzo, what do you want?"

"I will never allow Shokaku and Zuikaku to leave Sakura Empire and marry the White Eagles! Anyone who wants to take them away must first ask my sword if it agrees!"

Hey, after talking for so long, won't the final victory still depend on swords?

Yamamoto put his hand on the hilt of the sword, ready to step forward, Su Bai grabbed him. An old man does not rely on his muscles to be strong. Even if Yamamoto was strong when he was young, he is only an eighty-year-old man now. How can he be a match for Miyamoto Rokuzo?

What's more, this fight was caused by himself. He must mention Governor Yamamoto to have this feud.

"Miyamoto Rokuzo, if you want to stop this, then come at me."

""Demon Lord Su Bai!"

Miyamoto Rokuzo was a little nervous. As the saying goes, a man's reputation is like the shadow of a tree. Su Bai is recognized as the world's number one commander. Underestimating him will only make you suffer.

What is there to be afraid of? He is the best in the world because of his fleet. Can he break through my two-sword style?

Miyamoto Rokuzo sneered,"Mr. Su Bai, I, the 39th generation successor of the two-sword style, Miyamoto Rokuzo, hereby challenge you to a samurai."

Su Bai laughed loudly. Very good. Sure enough, some idiots think that they have the title of the world's number one because of their fleet.

""Bring me the sword!" Su Bai shouted.

Shokaku stepped forward and handed Su Bai an extremely sharp long sword. Su Bai pulled the sword out a few inches, and it turned out to be a sword that could cut hair.

"Miyamoto Rokuzo, you want to bring disgrace upon yourself, I will naturally fulfill your wish, make your move."

Miyamoto Rokuzo's face was gloomy, he instinctively felt how terrifying Su Bai was, but now the arrow was on the string and had to be shot. He had provoked the duel, so how could he give in? If that were the case, he would have committed seppuku to apologize without anyone else's help.

Miyamoto Rokuzo's feet began to speed up, constantly circling around Su Bai, looking for an opportunity to strike.

Others could not feel it, but Miyamoto Rokuzo, who was in the game, felt that Su Bai was a majestic mountain, and he was like a ridiculous ant, trying to shake this mountain.

He could not wait any longer, or his sharpness would be completely drained away, so make his move! Miyamoto Rokuzo had a long sword in his right hand and a short sword in his left hand. He���The general starting move is to use the long sword first, break the enemy's block, and then follow up with the short sword to kill the enemy.

Unfortunately, he was facing Su Bai, the demon king. Over the past year, Su Bai has become a master of kendo under the training of Enterprise. His skills are only slightly inferior to Enterprise, and he is far ahead of Akagi Kaga and others.

His kendo has long reached the innate realm of great skill and simplicity, and his body movements have also reached the realm of subtlety.

In Su Bai's eyes, Miyamoto Rokuzo's moves are like children's play. It's really disappointing. A dignified two-sword master, is just like this?

Su Bai felt bored when he saw Miyamoto Rokuzo's move, so he was too lazy to hold back, and just easily dodged Miyamoto Rokuzo's attack, then casually drew his sword and ended the battle with a sword-drawing slash.

Su Bai sheathed the sword and threw the katana back to Shokaku in a very cool way.

Miyamoto Rokuzo was stunned, how did I lose? He suddenly felt a chill in his lower body, and when he looked down, he found that his belt had been cut off, leaving only a loincloth on his lower body.

He knew that Su Bai was showing mercy, and if Su Bai really wanted to kill him, even Miyamoto Rokuzo would have to die.

Although Miyamoto Rokuzo was domineering, he had one advantage, which was that he knew the big picture. When he found that he could not achieve success, he gave up decisively. He put the two swords back into the scabbards in a very casual manner, and pulled up his pants.

"Thank you, Lord Demon, for showing mercy! I have no objection to Lord Demon taking Shokaku and Zuikaku away."

Miyamoto Rokuzo is the leader of the Army Bakas. He announced that he had given up, which represented the failure of the Army officers. But no one would blame him, because Su Bai was really too strong.

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