After an embarrassing ambush, everyone gradually avoided the topic of Siren to avoid embarrassing the Demon King.

However, other commanders on the World Forum were not so considerate. They finally got the chance and naturally started to criticize Su Bai.

"Oh huh, Siren, Where are the Siren?"

"The Demon King might be hallucinating."

"But didn’t he claim to have escaped from a mysterious underwater city and was severely beaten?"

"Come on, are you stupid? Su Bai was injured because he was beaten by Princess Youlan in order to save Youyouzi!"

When talking about Youyouzi and Princess Youlan, everyone immediately became excited.

"Hey, let me ask you, did you guys see the opera performance in Honolulu during Christmas?"

"Is it performed by the Royal Opera of the Kingdom of Sardinia?".

"Are you talking about the Flirtatious Devil and the Ghost Girl?"

"You saw it too!"

"Yes, yes, that Demon King is having an affair with Princess Youlan, and he wants to get someone else's ship girl. No wonder the princess wants to beat him up. He wants to take over the whole thing. It's amazing."

"This can't be blamed on the devil. The princess has been pampered since she was a child, and you marry her home and worship her like a Buddha? If it were me, I would choose Youyouzi too!"

"That’s right, Youyouko is still the best. She is beautiful and strong. I love her so much!"

"If I had to choose, I would choose a princess. I don’t want to work hard anymore!"

"Bah! Take a piss and look in the mirror. You look like a boar. Are you worthy of a princess?"...

This topic instantly ignited the forum and chat room.

The hottest topic of the day was the forbidden love triangle between Su Bai, Princess Youlan, and Youyouzi.

Almost everyone believed that Su Bai and Youyouzi must have had sex, but it was hard to say whether the princess had had sex.

"Most likely, there was. Otherwise, why would one be willing to be beaten by a hundred officers and transfer the right to use an island?"

"My goodness, this guy is just like Wu Sangui who was so angry for his beloved!"

Faced with these sarcasm, Su Bai has long been numb. However, there are some things that he cannot be numb to, because the appearance of a newspaper

《The first issue of Azure Weekly has been published!

This is the official newspaper issued by the Azure Alliance, equivalent to the official mouthpiece. Su Bai naturally attaches great importance to it. He got this newspaper, and the front-page headline is a comprehensive report on defeating the heterochromatic grid.

"Under the wise leadership of the Queen and the House of Lords, and under the personal supervision of the governors of the major war zones, the commanders fought bloody battles......."

The first page was full of official language, nothing interesting. Su Bai flipped to the entertainment section. What a weird entertainment section. This was Su Bai's special show.

His triangle relationship with Princess Youlan and Youyouzi took up most of the page.

"Fake news!"

Su Bai said angrily. He crumpled up the newspaper and threw it into the trash can.

Belfast walked in."Lord Su Bai, here is a telegram for you."


"Your Highness Su Bai, I miss you so much after not seeing you for a few months. I specially invite Your Highness Su Bai to visit my humble home, Yamamoto Shichiba, during the New Year."

Uh, is it Governor Yamamoto's invitation? Then I really have to go. I have to give face to this guy Yamamoto. After all, he is quite friendly to me. If it weren't for his tolerance, I would not have been able to save the Akagi Kaga sisters. Thinking of this pair of sisters, Su Bai smiled. In Belfast's eyes, the smile of the Demon King was quite obscene.

"Please reply to Governor Yamamoto and tell him that I will be there."

This time when he went to Sakura Empire, Su Bai would of course bring Akagi and Kaga with him. He did not dare to bring other main forces with him, after all, it was very likely that the Siren would choose to launch a surprise attack in the New Year.

Before he set off, he carefully arranged the defense of the port area and the entire island, and handed over the command of the fleet to Lachar and Barto, asking them to work together to deal with the problem.

The command of the fleet was given to Irene and Enterprise.

"If you encounter any emergency, tell me immediately and I will rush back.々¨ !"

Only a few ship girls could understand Su Bai's fear of facing a great enemy. Most of the other ship girls and commanders regarded Su Bai as a mentally ill person.

The kind ones thought that Su Bai was too tired and needed to rest; the hostile ones thought that Su Bai was just bored and looking for trouble.

Where did the Sirens come from? Even if there were some, they were just some of the fish that survived the last war.

Su Bai left Atlans Island amid doubts and flew directly from Honolulu International Airport to Tokyo.

Governor Yamamoto met him at the airport with Shokaku and Zuikaku. Because this was a private trip, there was no welcome ceremony, and Yamamoto did not say much, but just silently took Su Bai to the car. Akagi Kaga was in the same car with Shokaku Zui.

Governor Yamamoto smiled bitterly,"Su Bai, you have screwed me this time. I also thought that the Sirens would attack in the short term, so I boasted that if the Sirens did not come within three months, I would commit seppuku to apologize."

"Ah, that's not necessary! You are the governor of the Northern Garrison, is it necessary for you to do this?"

"You don't understand. Right now, the entire Sakura Empire is shrouded in a state of impetuousness and mysterious self-confidence. If I don't express my views in this way, no one will listen. The national conditions are different."

"Governor Yamamoto, I would like to ask, if......"

"Su Bai, I am a samurai, I must defend the honor of a samurai. Moreover, even if I want to live in disgrace, those young officers will never allow it."

Su Bai was silent. No wonder General Yamamoto called him here, and his expression was bleak, as if he was going to tell him about his last affairs!

Su Bai was also a little ashamed, because although he and Governor Yamamoto came to the conclusion that the Siren would attack, he also had a role.

Yamamoto was very free and easy,���You don't have to put on that expression. I'm already eighty years old this year. I've survived the last war between humans and the Sirens. Everything is enough."At

Governor Yamamoto's manor, Su Bai and Akagi Kaga were arranged to stay in a small courtyard.

The dinner was sumptuous, but only Su Bai, Yamamoto and four ship girls attended. Looking at Governor Yamamoto's somewhat old face, Su Bai was not without emotion. He and Governor Yamamoto used to be enemies, but because of Akagi Kaga, he and this foreign governor had some common language again.

Governor Yamamoto picked up a glass of sake and drank it all.

"Su Bai, I can see that Akagi and Kaga have spent a lot of time with you. I can rest assured about them."

"Governor Yamamoto, what are you talking about? They are my wives, so of course I have to take care of them."

"What do you think of Shokaku and Zuikaku?"

Su Bai answered casually,"The two young ladies are both beautiful and intelligent, and are rare good women in the world."

"Very good, then I will entrust them to you, how about that?"

Su Bai was stunned, and the wine glass in his hand slipped and broke into pieces.

Admiral Yamamoto looked at Su Bai, and Su Bai also looked at him, speechless for a moment.

Su Bai finally reacted, he glanced at Shokaku and Zuikaku, yes, two beautiful women from the Sakura Empire, he would feel very happy when he saw them.

However, they are directly under the command of Governor-General Yamamoto, and both of them are ship girls starting with the word"真". He had offended most of the Sakura Empire by taking Akagi and Kaga away, and now if he took Shokaku and Zuikaku away, he probably wouldn't be able to enter the Sakura Empire again in this life.

Moreover, what does this mean!

"Governor Yamamoto, please forgive me for not agreeing to this. A gentleman does not take away what others like. I have missed it once, and I must not make the same mistake again."

Akagi Kaga behind Su Bai snorted,"Husband, please listen to what Governor Yamamoto has to say."

Governor Yamamoto looked at Akagi Kaga with a gentle look,"Mai, Ai, looking at the way you two are now, I know that you are very happy over there. Some things cannot be concealed. When you followed Nanyun Chuji, you were actually very unhappy in your heart, right?"

"Back to the Governor, yes"

"Do you know why Nanyun Chuji never dared to attack you? Because you are my direct ship girls, just following him to sea. Otherwise, with this loser's lustful level, you won't be able to keep your chastity on the first day!"

Akagi and Kaga blushed and hung their heads in silence.

Governor Yamamoto shook his head helplessly,"I don't let one pervert bully you, but in the end you are bullied by another pervert. This may be the will of Amaterasu."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Su Bai, do you know why I made that promise?"

Su Bai was shocked. How could an old fox like Yamamoto be so impulsive as a young boy to swear to commit seppuku? There must be something wrong with other aspects. He glanced at General Yamamoto and clearly felt that he looked a little more gray than the last time they met.

"Is it your body?"

"Did you see that?���I've already said that I won't live more than half a year. In this case, I hope I can die in the battle with the Sirens, and shed my last drop of blood for mankind! Unfortunately, I may not be able to wait until that day."

Governor Yamamoto stopped Su Bai from speaking,"It's just an intuition. I have one foot in the realm of Hades now. My intuition is much more sensitive than before. I feel that the Sirens will not attack in the next few months, so I summoned you to Sakura."

Su Bai's heart was shocked. Was his guess wrong? For Su Bai, who has always been confident, such a mistake is really speechless.

"Your guess is not wrong. They will come eventually. They have been trapped in the sea for fifty years. Now they have the strength to go ashore. How could they stay dormant in the sea for a lifetime? It's just that things may not be as fast as you think, and the timing may not be as you expect. Don't forget that they still have many secret agents in our human society."

Su Bai nodded,"¨. I've learned a lesson!"

Governor Yamamoto smiled slightly,"When I first saw you, I wanted to shoot you. I've lived in the blue world for eighty years, and this is the first time I've seen someone salvage a boat like this, robbing it directly. You really opened my eyes."

Su Bai was ashamed,"I'm sorry, I was reckless."

"You were not reckless, you just coveted their bodies. I can understand your behavior, I was young once too! If I were thirty years younger, I would have included Akagi Kaga in my harem, and you wouldn't have a thing to do with me."

Akagi Kaga's face was as red as a boiled shrimp,"Governor Yamamoto, we have always treated you as our grandfather, how could you do this!"

"Haha, I don't have much time left, so you don't have to be so cautious about what you say. What's wrong with men being a little perverted? If men weren't lustful, this society would be doomed!"

Su Bai raised his glass,"Just for Governor Yamamoto's words, everything should be made clear! I toast to you!"

Governor Yamamoto laughed and raised his glass to drink it all

"Good men, don't be fussy, just say what you want, hiding it makes people look down on you. Let me ask you a question, did you snatch Akagi and Kaga because they are beautiful?"

"Yes! This was the first time that Su Bai faced this question so straightforwardly. Yes, I am a pervert, so what!

Akagi and Kaga were so angry at this old bastard and this shameless little bastard. They were too embarrassed to attack Governor Yamamoto, so they pinched Su Bai hard.

"Since I don't have much time left, I don't have too many things to think about. I just want to find a good home for my Shokaku and Zuikaku."

"There are quite a few talented young commanders in your country. For example, Fujita Sakuji, his fleet strength is not much different from mine (Zhao's). Or Ito Saburo, he is also a rare talent."

"Bah! Fujita Sakuji has no bottom line. Sooner or later, he will become a selfish bastard. Ito Saburo, humph, this kid's eyes���, I don't see any sense of righteousness and shame. Handing Shokaku and Zuikaku over to them is like throwing them into a fire pit. None of the young commanders of this generation in the Sakura Empire are capable of taking on important tasks. There is a young man named Carl in the Iron Bloods who I admire very much, but unfortunately......"

Su Bai asked curiously,"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that he doesn't like women but prefers men."

Puff! Su Bai's face was very ugly. Yes, he couldn't control what others liked, but if he handed over the perfect couple of Shokaku and Zuikaku to him, it would be a crime.

"I have seen young commanders in this world. Some of them are weak, some have bad character, some are mentally abnormal, or their cultural background is far from that of the Sakura Empire. After all, you are the most suitable. And if they go to your place, they will not be too lonely with Akagi and Kaga."

Governor Yamamoto drank a few glasses of wine and got a little drunk. He drew out his sword and cut off the corner of the table.

"You are so fussy, I just want to ask you one question, do you want to join my fleet?"

Su Bai was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Akagi Kaga,"Honey, what do you think?"

Akagi Kaga lowered his head,"My husband's decision is our decision!"

The two thought to themselves, you are so stupid, in the Sakura Empire, women have no place to express their opinions, and you are not afraid of being laughed at by Admiral Yamamoto!

Su Bai stood up, walked to Shokaku and Zuikaku, and bowed,"Miss Shokaku and Zuikaku, are you willing to join my fleet?"

Shokaku and Zuikaku buried their heads deeply between their legs, and said in a mosquito-like voice,"We are willing to obey whatever you and Governor-General Yamamoto decide.".

This is my mother: Naruto789

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