Opera is a stage performance art from the Kingdom of Sardinia. It is a drama that uses singing and music to explain and express the plot. It is also a great way for many laymen to pretend to be elegant.

Operas mostly sing about tragic love stories. Originally, the Royal Opera Company from the Kingdom of Sardinia prepared traditional classics for the Hawaiian audience:"Faust》、《The Countryside Knight》、《Carmen》、《Turandot" and so on.

In addition, there is the latest opera"The Merry Devil and the Ghost Girl". According to the popularity vote before the performance,"The Merry Devil and the Ghost Girl" won the first place in the popularity list with an overwhelming advantage. All the subsequent repertoires added together are not as high as the fraction of the scene of the Merry Devil.

The artists of the opera company were stunned by the voting results. The appreciation level of you White Eagle people is really speechless! A bunch of rough drafts!

But artists also have to make a living, and they absolutely dare not go against the audience. Since you want to watch"The Merry Devil and the Ghost Girl", then we will perform it for you!

Therefore, the Honolulu Grand Opera House arranged 30 performances of"The Merry Devil and the Ghost Girl" in a row, and added a performance of"Romeo and Juliet" in the middle. The artists were also a little angry. When your enthusiasm fades, I want to see whether the popularity of the devil can compare with the old tragic prince Romeo.

Facts have proved that artists don't understand White Eagle people at all.

Who is Romeo? Oh, a Sardinian, what, he failed to save Juliet, and both of them died?

Isn't this Iron Five? Look at the pride of our White Eagle Country, Lord Demon King, he rescued Miss Youyouko from the death row of the Ghost Alliance, what a real man!

Good man of White Eagle VS tragic man of Sardinia, is there any need to compare? The people of White Eagle don't have the mood to watch all these fancy things of yours, of course they chose the good show of the Demon King saving the beauty.

When Su Bai arrived at the opera house with Enterprise and Montana, they were stunned by the scene in front of them. Oh my God, is this the line to buy tickets at the opera house? It's almost the Spring Festival travel rush!

Su Bai was squeezed away by an older brother with his girlfriend,"Hey, brother, if you don't buy a ticket, please move aside, I'm in a hurry to see the Demon King saving the beauty!"

"Um, excuse me, can you understand opera?"

21"If you don't understand, you can't watch it? I don't believe you can understand it. You all bring girls here to have elegant fun, stop pretending."

Su Bai was stunned. Enterprise and Montana smiled. Yes, Su Bai also brought girls here to show off.

At this moment, the leader of the security team responsible for maintaining order recognized Su Bai. Isn't this the devil himself?

So Su Bai was politely invited to the VIP room on the second floor. On the second floor, Su Bai actually met Governor Kimmel and his newly married seventh wife.

The two exchanged glances and each took their own girl into the box. This world is too crazy. An old man over 70 like Kimmel... Han, unexpectedly married a 19-year-old girl, and he wanted to take her out for some fun.

The opera performance began.

A tenor singer sang the first act: Hostility with the accompaniment of the orchestra. The story sung in this act was the story of Su Bai leading the fleet to defeat the ghost fleet and sink Youyouzi.

The story of the second act was that the Demon King occupied the Ghost Island and imprisoned Princess Youlan. Princess Youlan became a prisoner and hated the Demon King Su Bai. But inadvertently, the Demon King's tolerance made the poor princess have strange feelings.

"Eat well and get going. This is the last meal!"

The panicked princess, the misunderstanding of language, and finally when all the misunderstandings were resolved, the young princess developed an indescribable feeling for the demon king.

Wait! What the hell is this! How did it involve Princess Youlan? Su Bai was speechless. Two suspicious eyes swept over him from left to right.

"Calm down, you two, this is artistic processing! This is not true! Princess Youlan is of noble status, how could it be possible."

Qiye said with a smile:"That may not be the case. The princess who thought she was going to die found that the Demon King was a man who was cold on the outside but warm on the inside. He was so tall and handsome, and so handsome. It was normal for the princess to like the Demon King. By the way, Huamei, does Princess Youlan often mention the Demon King's name?"

Montana answered honestly:"Sister Alice, if you hadn't said it, I wouldn't have thought about it carefully. When I was with the princess, she did mention Su Bai often. This frequency is higher than anyone else."

Enterprise was just joking about Su Bai, but he didn't expect Montana's answer to be like this.

Her mind has changed a little. After all, the ship girl can't give birth to children for the commander, and commanders almost always marry a human woman as their principal wife. Enterprise felt a little bitter. No matter how much the commander loves his ship girl wife, he needs to carry on the family line.

Su Bai is a man of nobility, so of course he needs someone to inherit his family business, a demand that Enterprise cannot meet.

So angry! If Princess Youlan, a prisoner, is the principal wife, Enterprise will really not accept it!

Su Bai saw that Enterprise's face was uncertain, and quickly figured out her thoughts. He leaned close to her ear and whispered,"I will find a way to get the permission from the gods for the ship girl to give birth, and don't let your imagination run wild."

Hearing these words, the destructive power in Enterprise's body gradually calmed down, and she happily held Su Bai's hand. No matter what the future holds, this intention is enough.

In the second half of the story in the second act, the Ghost Princess helped Su Bai win the battle. This was originally a normal exchange of interests, but under the interpretation of this group of artists, it became a drama in which the princess gave up everything to help the devil.

Hey! Adaptation is not random editing, and drama is not nonsense! You artists in the opera troupe can't make up stories for the sake of program effects!

These guys are simply fanning the flames.

At the end of the second act, Su Bai went to Ghost Island and took a hot spring bath with Princess Youlan. The atmosphere was charming.

This time Enterprise really couldn't help it. Her little hand quietly touched Su Bai's arm and twisted it hard!

"I'm not, I didn't, I went to the water dungeon"

"Oh, water dungeon? Someone stayed in the water dungeon for a night, and when he returned to the port area, he smelled a faint rose scent. Do you think I'm a fool? I smelled it at the time and felt something was wrong. Humph, man!"

"Not at all! Montana, tell her where I was that night."

Montana said calmly,"That night, Lord Su Bai actually spent it in the princess's hot spring bath. As for whether he was alone or with someone else, I don't know."

"It seems that someone is hiding a lot of secrets."Enterprise looked at Su Bai with a smile, the flame of destruction jumping in his eyes.

Su Bai quickly held her hand and described what happened that day at a speed comparable to Hatsune Miku singing and disappearing.

The opera came to the third act. Youyouzi appeared on the stage, and faced with the devil's request for help, the girl's heart was in turmoil. In the end, she decided to help the one she loved, even if she died without regrets!

This time, it was Montana's turn to explain to Enterprise in a panic,"Alice, listen to my explanation, I simply judged that Princess Youlan would definitely save Su Bai, so I led the fleet to rescue"...

Su Bai regretted coming to this ghost opera because he found that many things didn't make sense. If he said that he didn't covet Youyouzi's body, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

The fourth act is also the final act. The Demon King descended on Ghost Island and wanted to rescue the trapped Youyouzi. Princess Youlan turned from love to hatred and beat the Demon King half to death and put forward harsh conditions. Unexpectedly, the Demon King accepted the conditions generously and took Youyouzi away.

"What the hell is this? A man was beaten with a hundred military sticks, but he could still carry someone and walk? It was Youyouzi who carried me back!"

Su Bai was too tired to complain. It was such a simple thing, but you made so many famous scenes.

Imprisonment Play, hero saving beauty, love triangle, it was amazing.

The performance ended with thunderous applause from the audience. The show ended successfully. But the Su Bai trio had their own thoughts and walked back silently.

Enterprise always had a stone in his heart. Is there really nothing between Su Bai and Princess Youlan? Enterprise simply didn't believe it. If a woman didn't fall in love with this man, how could she do so many things for him.

Montana was in even more complicated mood. She couldn't explain what her feelings were for Su Bai.

Of course she didn't hate Su Bai, otherwise she wouldn't have risked her life to help him. It was just a normal relationship, but everything changed since Su Bai went to Ghost Island to save her. It's so annoying. I just want to be a simple ship girl. These Things are so terrible.

Su Bai's heart is full of mixed feelings. He is sure that he is just a business partner with Princess Youlan and nothing else will be involved.

But what about Montana? She almost lost her life for him. This kind of emotion has long surpassed the boundaries between friends.

More than friendship, but less than lovers?

What a headache. The devil has two horns on his head, one is called happiness, and the other is called trouble.

Returning to the port, Su Bai handed over the six ceremonial costumes purchased with diamonds to Eldridge and others. Seeing their smiles, Su Bai's troubles were dispelled.

It's good to live a simple life. People have so many troubles because they think too much. Atlantis Island is decorated exceptionally beautifully at Christmas. Atlantis Island is located at the junction of the tropics and subtropics, and there is no cold current, so the climate is still very warm.

Although it is Christmas, The temperature is about the same as that in late spring.

There are Christmas trees and people dressed as Santa Claus everywhere. Su Bai walked on the main road of Atlans Island, constantly greeting other commanders and ship girls who passed by.

Although the festive atmosphere was everywhere, Su Bai was not in the mood for the holidays at all. When will the Sirens attack?

According to Su Bai's speculation, it should be at dawn on the day after Christmas. There is no better time than this. After partying all night on Christmas, people who are still hungover will face the Siren fleet that will attack in large numbers at dawn. How many chances do they have to fight back?

Of course not.

Su Bai put himself in the shoes of the Sirens and thought that if he were the commander of the Sirens, he would definitely choose this time to launch an attack.

The military council began, and Su Bai calmly stated his ideas to all members of the fleet.

Commanders of the Demon King Alliance Su Bai was worshiped as a god, and he made a rational analysis, so everyone was naturally convinced. According to Su Bai's deployment, most of the fleet's ship girls were still on normal vacation, maintaining a relaxed illusion.

A few elite fleets assembled in the middle of the night to prepare for the attack of the Siren army. All defensive turrets, whether physical running guns or magic guns, must be on combat duty.

Commanders take turns to rest and maintain good physical strength and attendance.

Everyone knows the importance of this battle, so there is no need to mobilize, everyone concentrates all their energy and actively prepares for war.

The entire Atlans Island is in a state of preparation for war. Those destroyers and cruisers that have been busy for a year are happily chasing and playing in the streets, and the main forces have begun to recuperate and prepare for the upcoming war of destruction.

A large number of props in the super-time black market have been emptied. At this time, those who dare to hide are just looking for death.

The most important magic props are magic damage control and invincibility runes. This invincibility rune can be equipped to the ship girls, and it can hold up a three-second invincibility shield to save a life when it is hit by a fatal blow.

Su Bai equipped all the main battleship girls with these things. It is indeed very expensive. The tens of thousands of diamonds received from Governor Nimitz were used up, but compared with the life of the ship girl, it is nothing.

All the preparations were completed. Su Bai came to the top of Mount Atlans and looked at the turbulent sea with complacency. Come on, Siren cubs, as long as I, Su Bai, am here, you can't step into the base from me.

The night gradually darkened. Montana accompanied him, and the other ship girls went to their respective positions.

At the foot of the mountain, the lights were bright, and many ship girls who had been playing all day were still in high spirits, chasing and playing excitedly.

Su Bai smiled,"That's great!"

Montana also smiled,"Yes, they are still children."

"Oh, just because you are a few years older than them, you call others children?"

"This is the difference in psychological age. Although they are also teenagers, they live a simple life."

"Let us protect their simple life!"

Su Bai's hair was blown by the strong sea breeze. He looked a little tired, but his eyes were very firm. He had never really made up his mind to do anything. This was probably the first time in his life.

Montana walked behind Su Bai,"Su Bai, your white hair is getting more and more. Don't worry too much, we are here."

"Well, with you here, I have the confidence to face any difficulties."

Montana put his hands on Su Bai's shoulders and whispered:"Su Bai, I don't want to be your wife, we can be best friends, okay?"

Su Bai's body stiffened for a moment,"Why do you say that?"

"I am very grateful for bringing me out of the ghost island. If you want to marry me, I will not refuse, but I always feel that it is a bit strange. Sorry, I am not talking about you. The nobles in this world are like this. They can marry many wives, but I can't accept this."

"You can say I am hypocritical or ignorant, but this is what I think. I am willing to be your best comrade, or even your secret lover, but I really don't want to marry you!"

Su Bai turned around and held Montana's shoulders,"I support your decision. Hua Mei, you are different and unique. Leading the ghost fleet to support me, even a man would find it difficult to make such a decision, but you did it without hesitation."

"Huamei, I respect you and I like you, this kind of liking goes beyond the love between men and women, I am willing to be your lifelong friend!"

Montana showed a happy expression,"Thank you, Su Bai. If it were other commanders, they would not be so indulgent to the ship girls, they could marry whoever they wanted, is it your turn to object?"

Su Bai looked at Li Huamei with flying hair,"No, I won't do that, you are all living beings with flesh and blood, a gift from the gods to the commander, of course I have to respect you. Just like Tirpitz, she didn't want to stay at first, and I am willing to respect her wishes"

"Oh, so you got her drunk and slept with her?" Li Huamei looked at Su Bai with a half-smile,"I have to protect myself and can't let you, an old pervert, succeed!" Su Bai was embarrassed. He was really a genius at giving examples. He laughed,"This is all fate. No one can escape it."

Late at night, the various forces of the Demon King Alliance began to secretly dispatch and prepare for the fierce battle the next day.

The sky in the east was turning pale, and a new day had arrived.

The Siren did not come......

This made Su Bai somewhat embarrassed. After all, he was the incarnation of Zhuge Liang. He analyzed the battle situation with a smile and arranged traps for the Siren army to fall into the trap, but nothing happened!

This was too embarrassing. It was not so easy for Zhuge Liang to be like this!

Su Bai remembered a text in school called Waiting for Godot. Later, everyone called this meaningless waiting"Waiting for Godot".

This time, Siren became Godot, and Su Bai became the fool waiting for the two people.

"Disband, stay alert!"

Su Bai gave the order helplessly. Everything must be done with a balance of tension and relaxation. Since the Siren is unwilling to come, we naturally have to think of other ways.

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