Hood lifted up his long hair, letting it flutter in the sea breeze,"It's great!"


"The beautiful female knight gallops across the vast ocean, with her patron saint by her side! Isn't this great?"

Su Bai's heartbeat quickened. He had never been in love in his original world. Could this be the feeling of having a heartbeat?

"Fighting for you, my lady!"

The words are mixed up, damn, this is the word of the Scarlet Monastery!

Hood smiled,"Su Bai, I'm fighting for you."

Rafi's voice came from the logbook,"Ten nautical miles north by east, there are unidentified ship girls and a ghost fleet!"

Pulling open the telescope, looking in the direction pointed by Rafi, sure enough, there were several ships on the sea. The strange thing is that they were fighting each other!

What's going on.

Speed up and take a look!

Hood operated the battleship at full speed.

That's Lexington! She is not the second-rate aircraft carrier with long pink hair, she is Mrs. Lexington!

Well, anyway, the ship girl of ship R has crossed over, she is not the first, nor the last.

It's just that this Lexington is a little different. Why doesn't she have carrier-based aircraft, but keeps grabbing T advantages and fighting with main guns.

This is clearly a battlecruiser!

No wonder Liaoning said that Mrs. Lexington will appear in a new way.

It is indeed a new way. Where has this world line gone astray?

"Calling Lexington! Calling Lexington!"

"I'm Lexington, fighting the Ghost Fleet, who are you?"

"I am Commander Su Bai. Stop talking nonsense and join me immediately. The battlecruiser Hood and the destroyer Laffey will fight alongside you!"

"Yes, Commander, Lexington understands!"

Hood waved her hand elegantly, her long hair flying, she was not a royal actor at this moment, but a real royal glory.

The barrage came one after another, just like a storm.

Su Bai looked at Hood stupidly, is this your true strength? How good are you at acting in normal times?

Hood looked at the commander, his face slightly red,"Ladies need to maintain their demeanor."

Okay, you are Hood, you have the final say.

The ghost fleet was quickly defeated and annihilated.

It was the first time that Su Bai directly met with a ship girl with her own warship at sea. Other ship girls were fished out after falling into the water.

"Hello, Lexington, would you like to join my fleet??"

"Of course, Admiral!"

"Ahem, in this world, please call me Commander!"

""Okay, Admiral!""

Well, fine, call me whatever you like.

Lexington, with her long blond hair, looks similar to Mrs. Lexington of the R-class ship, but she is taller and a little thinner.

As expected, she is a battlecruiser, so she has a good figure.

Lexington's skills are simple and rough, which means that they are activated at a rate of more than 50%, directly increasing damage by 20% to 40%.

In short, Lexington's combat effectiveness is slightly inferior to Hood, and is basically the same as its reputation. It can be regarded as an extremely excellent battlecruiser.

Su Bai prefers this battlecruiser version of Lexington. His fleet is not short of aircraft carriers, with Liaoning and Shandong. The absolute main force, in the future, you can also get Enterprise and Glory in the construction. With these four, what scene can't you handle?

But the battlecruiser in the back row only has Hood and Renown. What should Hood and Renown do when they are resting? What should you do if you need a double fleet or a triple fleet?

The addition of Mrs. Lexington solved this problem perfectly. Anyway, Lexington can also participate in the battle directly, so Su Bai was not in a hurry to return to the port, but went directly to the sea where Fletcher was.

After hundreds of battles, Su Bai once thought that something went wrong. Is Fletcher so difficult to get?

What about the promise of giving it away after passing the level?...

Although Su Bai was a little frustrated that he couldn't find Fletcher, the welcome dinner for Lexington still had to be held.

This is also one of the favorite programs of the ship girls.

Even a harsh commander has a tender side. After the banquet, Su Bai announced that because of the increase in the number of ship girls, all ship girls will get two days off per week.

However, the expedition can never stop. There are 24-hour shifts. People rest, but the expedition does not rest.

Resources are everything!

A week later, the commander opened the logbook again and turned to Fletcher's icon. He saw that there were as many as 299 commanders who liked her. In other words, he was the only one in the world who didn't have Fletcher!

What's going on? Am I so stubborn? It's really me who is running on the grassland in the world!

Su Bai decided to let Hood rest first, and directly called Lexington and Thatcher to go out to sea again.

The sea breeze brought a hint of coolness, blowing away Su Bai's irritable mood. Come on, Fletcher, although you are just a marginal character in Azur Lane, far less majestic than you are in Ship R, but my port area is your warm home forever.

The sound of communication came from the logbook, and Thatcher's voice came,"I saw my sister! She is fighting several ghost ships!" She is finally here!

Su Bai and Lexington looked at each other and immediately decided to support Fletcher at full speed.

What's going on? Is Fletcher so impressive? He was not fished out after falling into the water, but appeared directly in the plot?

Lexington's triple main guns quickly tore the ghost ship apart, and the destroyer in the distance was also heading towards Lexington.

Su Bai was stunned. This is not the blue Fletcher.

Those familiar animal ears, the white miniskirt with purple edges, this is that Fletcher!

"I am the destroyer Fletcher. I have many sisters. Have you met them?"

Okay, I am here again. Previously, Su Bai always thought that Fletcher in Azur Lane did not bring out the characteristics of her many sisters, and he was quite resentful in his heart. Now he doesn't have to worry.

The Fletcher he likes has traveled through time and space.

"Would you like to join my fleet?"

"Admiral, what nonsense are you talking about? I am the top destroyer of your fleet! I am Captain Fletcher, have you forgotten?"

Well, okay, I am wrong.

"Well, let's go home then!"

At the end of the second week, the last salvage ship returned to the port. The salvage mission was successfully completed. Su Bai generously gave the ship girls a day off.

Fletcher's skills are exaggerated.

There are three skills in total, sister temperament, tactical command destroyer, and the last ordinary barrage skill is replaced with the best destroyer.

When a Fletcher-class ship girl is added to the fleet, the attributes of the gunnery, reloading, air defense, hit, evasion, torpedo, luck, and anti-submarine panel will be increased by 2 points each.

Su Bai was thinking, if all 175 Fletcher-class ship girls were collected, then how terrible Fletcher's attributes would be.

It is said that she is a destroyer.

Starships are not excessive.

Su Bai was happy, but also had some concerns. Why did so many time-traveling ship girls join his fleet? When he was browsing the commander forum, he found that some people were showing off some special ship girls.

What does the appearance of these ship girls that shouldn't exist mean?

What does the appearance of this blue world mean? Is it really to summon people to play games? Impossible, even if there are gods, they are not crazy.

There is no free lunch in the world. Because of the ignorance of the future, Su Bai is even more worried.

The greatest fear of mankind comes from the unknown.

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