The days that followed were very dull, and a new round of long grass period began. There were no new ship girls joining Su Bai's fleet, and Su Bai did not choose to build. The main job of the dock was to catch mice (laugh)!

Irene finally couldn't help it,

"Commander, our fleet's collection rate ranking has dropped to 251st. Do you know why?"


"Because you don't want to build more! Commander, why don't you want to build more? Our resources are already filling up the warehouse."

"Full? No problem, then contact the construction team and expand the warehouse. There is no place to spend money here, and wasting resources is a crime against everyone."

Su Bai sneered. Wasting limited cubes before the event is either stupid or greedy, or both.

Su Bai was too lazy to explain to Irene. Although Irene is smart and knows the blue world very well, she sometimes thinks too much.

Hood is still the best, always supporting my ideas!

Just when Su Bai was bored, the system broadcast came on

"All commanders, please note that the first commander meeting will be held at the headquarters on February 1st. A special plane will pick up all commanders to the headquarters, and each commander can bring two ship girls with him......."

Great, finally something to do. On

February 1st, a helicopter slowly landed on the tarmac in the port area. The one who came to greet Su Bai was the annoying female official from last time.

"Commander Su Bai, please board the plane."

Su Bai secretly complained in his heart, you girl, don't you pay attention to your words, don't you know how to be civilized?

The female official said with a sarcastic tone,"Su Bai, you actually achieved the achievement of primary ship hegemony in the first week. Unfortunately, your fleet collection rate ranking is almost at the bottom now. You are really a chief from the grassland."

Su Bai smiled but said nothing.

Hood couldn't stand someone belittling her commander the most. She said coldly,"The hens scratching for food on the ground will never understand why the eagle flies so high. In their eyes, there is only the fat little bug in front of them."

"You! Commander Su Bai, please manage your ship girl well. You are so rude!"

Su Bai gently pulled Hood's hand and asked her to sit down beside him."Miss Hood is the most elegant lady in the world. If you can make her angry, I'm afraid you need to reflect on yourself."

After Hood scolded the female official, he felt a little regretful. The officials of the headquarters should not be offended easily, but he blurted out what he said in anger. Su Bai's care for her made her feel very sweet inside.

Irene sat down on the other side of Su Bai. Humph, it's still Royal Glory. You are just a loyal dog of the commander. If the commander asks you to jump out of the plane, I'm afraid you will do it.

Su Bai saw that Irene's expression was unhappy, so he also pulled her hand over. Irene's face also showed a happy expression, and the taste of lemon quickly disappeared.

After a short flight, the helicopter landed on the helipad of the headquarters.

This is the first time Su Bai has come to the headquarters. The North Pacific Navy Headquarters of the Azure Camp is located in Honolulu. On the helipad, you can see the tall naval building and a large number of ancillary buildings from a distance.

The female official said coldly,"Commander Su Bai, please restrain your ship girl and attend the meeting at three o'clock in the afternoon. You and the ship girl will stay at the Shangri-La Hotel at the headquarters. The room number is 1251. I wish you a pleasant stay here. The map of the headquarters is in the logbook, so I won't bother you anymore."

Su Bai held Hood with his left hand and Irene with his right hand, feeling so proud. Both Hood and Irene were top-notch beauties in the original world. If he were to be with such beauties before, he wouldn't even be qualified to talk to them. But in the Azure World, they were his ship girls. What a satisfying life!

""Let's go!"

Shangri-La Hotel is a standard five-star hotel, and the rooms allocated to the commanders are presidential suites, which are luxuriously decorated and fully functional.

The huge bathtub is big enough for three people to bathe together, and there is a large bed and two small beds in the bedroom.

Ahem, what's the matter with these things! Su Bai's heart was in turmoil. These people in the headquarters are simply in bad taste. What do they think of us commanders!

These things, hehe, are really good.

There is still a long time before the afternoon meeting, and Su Bai decided to take the two beauties to stroll around the commercial district.

Su Bai's fleet is the world's number one in the number of expeditions and expeditions, and the overall strength of the fleet is also the world's number one. A large number of expeditions and expeditions have brought him huge wealth, so his money is actually the most among all commanders. If a person has ten cents, he will shake his clothes and make a noise.

People like Su Bai, who have been poor all their lives, occasionally become rich, It would be strange if he didn't show off.

How could a single man not show off in front of two beauties who like him very much?

The warships in this blue world don't need to carry ship equipment with them. Their warships exist independently, so when Hood and Irene are on the shore, they are no different from human women.

Except that they can't give birth to offspring with humans by conventional means, they are the most outstanding women in other aspects. With two beauties by his side, Su Bai, the little upstart, is too proud of himself.

Miss Hood has been staring at the bag of Donkey brand for a long time, so she bought it!

Yang Shulin's tight trousers, haha, this is the best match for Irene's long legs, buy it!

Hermes boots, with Miss Hood's chic temperament, it's a match made in heaven, buy it!

Just when Su Bai was happily shopping, another commander also appeared in the commercial district. He was a male elf. His feminine and beautiful face was not inferior to any beauty.

"Are you, Aimeel?"

"It's me, who are you?"

"I am Commander Su Bai."

The human race known as the Blood Demon!

Aimeier's mouth twitched,"I didn't realize that you were willing to spend money?"

Su Bai smiled proudly,"Just some small things, nothing, why, are you planning to buy some gifts for your ship girl?"

Aimeier didn't seem to like Su Bai very much. He said coldly,"I want to go to the art area in front to have a look. You don't like it there, do you?" Su Bai's face sank. If I knew art, how could I not have a girlfriend before coming here? How many otakus have you seen who know art?

These arrogant elves are all masters of art. They are indeed much stronger than humans in music, painting, calligraphy, and performing arts.

The best singers of humans are at most upper-middle level in the elves. Anyone caught by the elves is a top singer.

Hood stood up to defend Su Bai again,"Commander, don't worry, art is not just singing, dancing, painting, calligraphy, your battle command and overall planning are also an art."

Aimeier seemed to be tickled, he laughed wantonly,"Ms. Hood, are you serious? Can the command and coordination of this 251st-ranked loser be called art?"

Su Bai also got angry,"Mr. Aimeier, the first big event is about to start, I hope you can laugh then, who is the loser, we will see who is the loser then!"

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