The third Battle of Concord was larger than the previous two, and the British Empire was defeated more miserably than the previous two times. Their 40,000-man army was annihilated. From then on, Concord became a taboo in Britain.

The city of Concord in Britain was renamed Concord City, and a Concord three-masted sailing ship under construction was also renamed Concord.

In the White Eagle Kingdom, Concord became synonymous with victory. In the White Eagle Kingdom

, the most common way of greeting has changed from how the weather is to the following:

"Brother, what are you going to do?"

"Oh, I'm going to Concord to take a look!"

Su Bai and Enterprise returned with honors. President Madison's face was flushed with excitement. He hosted a banquet for Su Bai and Enterprise at the White House.

The president raised his glass to toast the two,"Dear Mr. Su Bai, Ms. Enterprise, thank you for your contribution to the White Eagle Country!"

Enterprise wore a black evening dress today, which was rare. It perfectly showed her exquisite figure. She raised her glass and clinked it with President Madison.

"Commander-in-chief, I am the patron saint of the White Eagle, and defending the country is inevitable. I want to remind you once, please do not provoke Britain easily, this war should be stopped while it is going well. It can be stopped after the Great Lakes are recovered."

Su Bai also clinked glasses with the commander-in-chief and drank it all,"Commander-in-chief, forgive me for being blunt, but within a century, Britain's hegemony will still be as stable as an old dog. Now their attention is still on Iris. After we gain the advantage on the battlefield, we will strive for peace under favorable conditions, which is most beneficial to us!"

Although Madison was a little unhappy, he quickly figured it out. What the two said were from the bottom of their hearts. He nodded gratefully,"You two are right, I think I know what to do. We will return the territory of Maple Leaf Territory in full, as for the direction of our country's development."

Madison picked up the wine glass, and the scarlet wine slid into his throat. Some of it flowed down the corners of his mouth and dripped onto his white shirt, as bright as blood.

General Madison said excitedly:"Indians! That's right, they don't deserve to own this large piece of fertile land. This is the place God gave me, White Eagle! Thank you both for your outstanding contributions to the country. I will be ready to prepare a grand wedding for you. I hope you have fun in this time and space!"

Su Bai and Qiye looked at each other, somewhat helpless, but they both understood history and knew that the tragedy of the Indians was doomed.

A weak and backward nation, facing an eagle that is rising into the sky, what else can it do except thank it with its head?

Throughout history, countless countries and nations have proved with their blood and tears that backwardness will be beaten!

Without the White Eagle Country, sooner or later there will be the Black Eagle Country and the Red Eagle Country to destroy them. The tragedy of the Indians has long been inevitable.

Su Bai and Qiye returned to the cottage by the lake. Although thirty-five years have passed, there has been basically no change here. According to Washington's requirements, this place has become a territory directly under the state. Servants come to clean every day, and the furnishings in the house are also prepared according to the way Su Bai and Qiye lived here.

Seeing this familiar scene, Su Bai and Qiye were very happy.

"Look, dear, that is the silver axe that Washington gave us when we got married. It is said that he used this thing to chop down cherry trees when he was a child."

"Haha, there is a kite that someone gave us, but it’s just a skeleton left."

"It doesn't matter, we can fix it, and when the wind blows one day, we can go fly a kite!"

The two happily opened the drawer and found a letter. Although the envelope was already mottled, it was still intact. The words on the cover were obviously written by Washington. Su Bai opened the envelope curiously.

Su Bai, Alice:

My friends, my body may not be able to hold on. At this time, I suddenly thought of you. Are you traveling through time and space? I will leave the small manor by the lake to you forever. If one day you can go back there again, I hope you will like it.

Your old friend-Washington

Su Bai and Qiye saw the letter and felt a little emotional,"This old friend can still think of us in the end, which is quite thoughtful."

Qiye and Su Bai sat down in the small pavilion by the lake, quietly watching the sapphire blue lake ripple in the breeze

""My dear, this feeling is so good. Don't think about the outside world, don't think about those damn wars, there are only the two of us!"

Su Bai looked at Alice's eyes. Now her pupils were both dark blue, and the flame of destruction was temporarily suppressed.

This is the most beautiful Alice.

In the sunset of the autumn of 1813, the sun shone all over the lake. The golden sunlight made Alice look like an elf bathed in holy light. Her every frown and smile was so gentle.

At this moment, she was no longer the god of death who killed people on the battlefield, but an elf exuding charming charm.

Su Bai looked at his lover stupidly, his mind completely stagnated. If time would always be frozen at this moment, what a wonderful thing it would be.

Unfortunately, the night will come after all, and the moonlight will gently caress him. The sky was looking at the earth, and also reminding Su Bai and Qiye that it was night.

Su Bai and Qiye returned to their bedroom and found a group of oil paintings hanging on the bedside. They didn't know which master's work it was.

There were three paintings in this group.

The first oil painting, called Sunset, tells the story of Su Bai and Qiye's bloody battle against the British invaders in Concord.

Su Bai and Qiye in the painting are majestic, and the Union Jack under their feet and the embarrassed and panicked expressions of the British are vividly portrayed.

The second oil painting, called Engagement, describes the wedding of Qiye and Su Bai.

Qiye, wearing a white wedding dress, stretched out her hand to Su Bai, who was wearing an eye patch on his left eye, and accepted everyone's blessings with a smile on her face.

"Honey, you look handsome even with an eyepatch"

"I've said it before, even if I have one eye, I'm still a superhero!"

Enterprise drew circles on his back with his fingers and said lightly:"I don't care about being a hero. What I hope is that you can be safe."

Everyone loves heroes, but what heroes yearn for is the ordinary life of the world.

The last oil painting is called Pastoral. It describes the life of Su Bai and Enterprise living in seclusion in a small building by the lake. The beautiful pastoral scenery, Alice in home clothes, and lazy Su Bai look so beautiful.

Enterprise looked at the three oil paintings and said softly:"My dear, although you and Hood left the first set of wedding photos in human history, these three oil paintings are our unique memories. In my eyes, they are much more precious than any wedding photos!"

When Su Bai heard the name Hood, he was stunned. Hood? My wife? Admiral-class battlecruiser? Why do these names seem as far away as a century.

Well, I am now in 1813, and it really has been a century.

Enterprise looked at Su Bai in a daze and was a little surprised,"Honey, what's wrong? What are you thinking about? Are you thinking about your little Princess Hood?"

"No, you mentioned her name just now, and it felt like a long time had passed."

Enterprise looked at him with disdain,"You are such a heartless guy! If you accompany someone else to awaken next time, will you forget about me too!"

"No, I am innocent! It's just that this awakening world is too real, I can no longer tell whether it is reality or fantasy"

"Of course it's real, look at the paintings on the wall, and Washington's letter, could this be fake too?"

After completing the last stop of this time and space journey and holding a wedding in the White House, Su Bai and Enterprise returned to the temple.

The temple's priest came up to them,"Congratulations, both of you, the second round of tasks has been successfully completed, and the gods give you full marks."

Su Bai stopped the priest,"Wait a moment, I remember Hood's awakening, each time a link is completed, there will be a reward, what's going on! Why doesn't Enterprise get it after completing the task!"

The priest smiled,"Lord Su Bai, think about it, Miss Enterprise's awakening should be eight rounds, if a new skill is given every time, what will happen?"

"But you can't give nothing! Give me a little reward."

The voice of the Goddess of Life sounded,"I gave you a month after each battle. Don't you think this is a reward? If you don't need it, then forget it."

Enterprise quickly grabbed Su Bai and said,"Lady Goddess, we are very grateful for your gift! Please announce the next task."

The Goddess of Life walked up to the two of them and said,"That's good enough, Su Bai. You have really become a little inflated recently and have dared to bargain with the gods."

Su Bai was a little angry inside, but he was smart enough to stop talking. When he didn't have the strength, it would be useless to say anything.

���The three-round awakening mission seemed to be the simplest, which was to participate in the Barbary War and punish the Tripoli government that dared to challenge the interests of the White Eagle Country.

This time, they finally returned to the navy. Standing on the deck, Su Bai and Qiye felt a little dazed.

""Dear, how long have we not been on a ship?"

Su Bai replied with a wry smile:"About three years, I'm actually a little seasick now."

This is the third Enterprise battleship in the history of White Eagle. It is a multi-masted schooner with thirty-three cannons on board. The firepower is good in this era. It can fire sixteen-pound to twenty-five-pound shells with a maximum range of one hundred meters.

This is an advanced new type of warship built by White Eagle itself. There are a total of seventeen sailing ships going to sea this time. This is the first time that the White Eagle Kingdom has crossed the Atlantic to the Mediterranean to safeguard its commercial interests.

Enterprise and Su Bai both understand that defeating the pitiful resistance of the Tripoli Principality is not a big problem at all. The problem is how to return? Although White Eagle and Britain have signed a peace agreement, in this era, the agreement is just a piece of waste paper to be torn up.

Sure enough, it was very simple to bombard and occupy Tripoli and force the local principality leaders to sign the treaty. Single.

Forcing others to sign a trade treaty reminded Su Bai of many bad memories in the modern history of the middle school history textbook. However, as the forcing party this time, he was still very happy.

Full of spoils and carrying the documents of the Tripoli government's surrender, Su Bai ordered to return.

Su Bai and Enterprise's expressions were not relaxed. If they just fired a few shots and it was over, it would be too ridiculous. This is a god-level awakening task.

Sure enough, nothing in this world can go smoothly. When leaving the Mediterranean, the British fleet blocked the intersection of the strait.

The other party sent a flag signal and asked to stop the ship for inspection.

Su Bai and Enterprise looked at each other 233 times, and Enterprise ordered to reply to the other party,"We are the White Eagle Fleet, not under your jurisdiction, and you have no right to order us to stop the ship for inspection!"

The British fleet continued to send signals,"We suspect that you are in collusion with the Iris Country. The ship is loaded with materials to be transported to the Iris Country. Please stop the ship immediately for inspection!"

Su Bai chuckled,"I can't believe it. In the future, it's always the White Eagle Country's ships that bully others, but here they get humiliated and are being inspected by others. Alice, what do you think we should do?"

"What else can we do? We have to fight."

Enterprise issued an order and sent out flag signals,"You are violating our sovereignty. If you do not immediately stop the rude offense, we will regard it as an act of war!"

Sure enough, the British flagship sent out a more severe flag signal,"You are challenging the dignity of the British Empire. Since you have chosen war, we will fight you to the end!"

Su Bai sneered,"You are the British Empire. It is you who forcibly blocked the strait and tried to intercept us. You also want to put the blame on us for starting the war. Get ready for battle!"

Enterprise is the flagship of this fleet. This battleship has a double deck and 33 guns. It is considered powerful among the battleships of the White Eagle Country, but it is nothing compared to the battleships of Britain. This British fleet has at least 20 battleships, and there are two second-class battleships, each with hundreds of guns.

It can be said that it is not difficult to defeat all the battleships of the White Eagle with these two second-class battleships.

The difficulty of this battle is actually much greater than that of the Battle of Midway. The only way to win is to rush in directly and defeat the British flagship in a boarding battle.

The flagship is easy to find, but the opponent's speed is not slower than their own. Both sides are sailing ships, with the same wind direction, and the control is difficult. The means used by the battleships were similar. During Enterprise and Su Bai's assault on the British battleship, the Enterprise sailing ship had been hit by three consecutive bullets. Although the speed of the ship had not been affected too much, many crew members on the battleship had been killed or injured.

Even if it was a boarding battle, they could only rely on Su Bai and Enterprise, two super combat forces, to go up and fight hard.

Su Bai watched the movements of the British flagship through a telescope. It was obvious that the opponent's general was a mature and prudent person. Even with such a big advantage, he did not waver, but steadily used the flagship as bait. The other battleships fired volleys, causing continuous damage to the Enterprise.

Enterprise looked at the British battleship moving forward anxiously and was very angry,"How can we fight this? We can't fly! How can we catch up with this bastard!"

Su Bai heard Enterprise's complaint and his eyes lit up. Who said we can't fly? I'm going to give you a surprise now!.

Added by: Naruto789

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