Su Bai thought of a magical fairy tale character in his mind, Baron Minhausen. That's right, this man is a super boaster. He once boasted that he rode a cannonball on the battlefield to scout the enemy's camp!

Su Bai understood that Minhausen was not bragging. The speed of the cannonballs of this era was not too outrageous. For masters like Su Bai and Enterprise who were close to the Holy Land, it was not too difficult to observe the movement of the cannonballs clearly.

Now there are two points that need to be solved. First, how to jump onto the cannonball; second, how to keep balance!

Su Bai still thought of the floating technique, just like the time he and Guanghui played on the ski resort. As long as you don't get overturned the first time, there will always be a way later.

Su Bai ordered the artillery at the bow,"Aim at the direction of the flagship of the British fleet and fire a shot!"

The artillery immediately executed the order. Although he felt that shooting in this situation would be fruitless, he still aimed very seriously and lit the fuse.


A cannonball roared and flew out, directly hitting the opposite battleship. Su Bai quickly cast the magic of levitation on the cannonball, and the speed of this cannonball was indeed reduced a lot.

Su Bai observed the trajectory of the cannonball for a while and nodded. He pulled Enterprise,"Alice, we have no choice, either we succeed or we die together in the damn year of 1799."

Enterprise pounced on him and kissed him hard,"I believe in you! You will lead me to complete this task!"

Su Bai's blood boiled instantly.

Bah! I was depressed, my dear wife is still waiting for you to perform a miracle. What kind of man is it to say discouraging words at this time!

""Okay, let me take you flying!"

Su Bai roared,"Fire!"

The gunner lit the fuse and a shell flew out.

"Floating technique!"

At the moment when the shell slowed down, Su Bai picked up Enterprise and jumped on it. Stepping on the scorching shell, Su Bai almost fell down, but fortunately his balance ability was very good and he quickly stood firm. After adjusting his posture, Su Bai said with a smile to the strong wind:"Dear Alice, don't you always like to eat Hood's lemons? Today you are my little princess!"

Enterprise hugged Su Bai's waist tightly and twisted it gently,"I am not. Your little princess Hood can act coquettishly and cutely, but I can only kill people. How can I compare with her?"

"Haha, my Alice doesn't need to act coquettishly, she's already very coquettish! Okay, we're going to land!"

The sailors on the British flagship Glenshire discovered Su Bai and Enterprise, and they were all dumbfounded. Someone really could fly!

"Captain, what is going on?"

"How would I know? I’ve traveled all over the country for so many years, but this is the first time I’ve seen someone fly!"

"No, they didn't fly, they came here on cannonballs!"

"How can people come here riding on a cannonball?"

"But if he wasn't riding on a cannonball, how did he get here? Did he fly here? This is even more outrageous!"

The captain shouted,"Stop arguing, he did come here on a cannonball. I remember a relative of mine named Minhausen. He once said that he rode a cannonball to scout the enemy camp, and then came back on a cannonball! I thought he was bragging at the time, but it turns out to be true!"

""Stop talking nonsense and get ready for the battle! These two are not to be trifled with!"

Everyone became nervous. Those who could travel on a cannonball were definitely not ordinary people!

Hundreds of crew members were on full alert on the deck, and many musketeers raised their muskets, ready to catch the two visitors from the air by surprise.

Su Bai looked at the situation below and said with a smile,"Alice, it looks like they don't welcome us at all!"

"Su Bai, you are here to kill them, why should others welcome you? You are not a psychopath~」 !"

"In that case, we don't have to be polite, let's go!"

Su Bai released the wind spell in the air, and the fierce gale swept across the deck. The musketeers who were aiming were also affected. In the moment they were stunned, Su Bai had already rushed down.

Su Bai chanted quickly, and a chain of lightning killed several musketeers, clearing the biggest obstacle.

Su Bai and Enterprise rushed into the enemy's formation like hungry tigers descending from the mountain. Every time they swung their swords, they could take the life of a crew member.

Enterprise was already bloodthirsty, and she couldn't curb her desire to kill every time she entered the battlefield. She has Siren blood, which can be regarded as half a shark, and she is eroded by the power of destruction, so it is normal for her to be bloodthirsty.

Su Bai knew that she couldn't let her stay in this state for a long time, otherwise the speed at which she was eroded by destruction would accelerate.

He quickly rushed to the captain, ready to capture the thief first. The captain was still resisting, but his strength was only at most the eighth-level combat The level of a clerk. Facing Su Bai, whose commander level was already level 33 and whose strength had reached the upper ninth level, he could only barely parry.

The captain felt bitter. It was supposed to be an easy task. He didn't even think that the White Eagle's fleet dared to resist the British army, but who knew that these guys were so bold that they not only resisted but also took the initiative to fire.

In the previous artillery battle, both sides suffered losses and no one gained much advantage. This was already very embarrassing for him. The dignified British fleet was actually treated like this by the inferior White Eagle fleet. It's embarrassing to talk about it! What made

Captain Mitchell even more depressed was that these two monster-like guys actually came here riding on cannonballs. Is this still a war? Are they still human? They are simply monsters.

Mitchell had already wanted to give in, but he couldn't even retreat. Su Bai knocked his sword away with a sword, and the tip of the sword was placed on his neck.


Mitchell raised his hands helplessly,"Brothers, stop resisting, surrender!"

Following his order, the crew members laid down their weapons one after another.

Su Bai looked at the naval battle in the distance,"Captain, immediately order your fleet to abandon hostile actions. I can guarantee their freedom, but you are my prisoner and must return home with me."

Mitchell knew that the other side needed him as a hostage and he could not run away. He had no choice but to order the flag bearer to issue instructions to other warships through flag signals.

The Battle of the Strait of Gibraltar ended in a somewhat ridiculous way. Of course, British naval historians do not agree with the statement that people completed the mission by riding on cannonballs. They attributed the failure to Captain Mitchell's incompetence and cowardice.

Su Bai and Enterprise watched the sailors of the Glencharn warship line up to surrender their weapons with high spirits. This battle was too thrilling and exciting to win.

Looking at Enterprise's happy smile, Su Bai really couldn't laugh. It was only the third round, and it was already so pitted. How could he get through it later?

Su Bai and Enterprise escorted the Glencharn back to the Port of New York. This great victory greatly boosted the morale of the White Eagle Kingdom.

The captain of the Glencharn was also well taken care of, ready to be exchanged for a generous ransom.

There were many officials who welcomed Su Bai and Enterprise. These people were all happy for their great achievements. Jubilant.

Ever since the White Eagle Kingdom gained independence from the British Empire, the pressure from the British Empire has always been hanging over their heads. This time, being able to fight back against the British Empire with a great victory at sea is definitely a good thing.

Anyway, the two countries are already hostile, so why should they be submissive? The White Eagle Kingdom is a tough guy that fought Britain head-on with only 800 guns. Now that it has some family businesses, why would it be afraid of them?

Under the guidance of the officials, Su Bai and Qiye entered the White House together to meet with Washington.

The founding president is now in his sixties, and years of hard work have left many marks on him. His hair began to gray, and his eyes and ears gradually became less useful.

Seeing Su Bai and Qiye, he finally showed a smile on his face,"Su Bai, Alice, I even doubt whether you are messengers of the gods. Over the years, you haven't changed at all. You always appear when the country needs you most, and this time is no exception."

"Commander-in-chief, just regard these things as the arrangements of the gods!"

"The arrangement of the gods? Are you saying that our White Eagle Nation is the chosen nation?"

Su Bai did not respond. He did not dare to mention the gods to answer this question."This is not something I can answer, but our coming here is indeed the arrangement of the gods."

Washington's already pale face suddenly turned red. He was a little excited and could not suppress his excitement. He began to cough violently.

""Commander-in-chief, are you in good health?"

Washington wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, his voice a little weak,"It's nothing serious. When people get old, some diseases can't be avoided. Maybe it won't be long before the Lord will call me."

Su Bai was silent. He certainly knew that Washington died in October of this year. According to the time calculation, it was probably only about a month ago.

When Washington was the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, he cooperated well with Su Bai, and the two of them also formed a deep friendship. Naturally, Washington also trusted Su Bai's ability very much.

He knew that Su Bai was sent by the gods to do things, and he had to leave after finishing the work. So after the last cooperation, he had been sending people to clean up the place where Su Bai and Enterprise lived, looking forward to the return of these two gods of the country.

Now Washington is very happy to see Su Bai and Enterprise again, but he also knows very well that he may not have much time.

"Commander, is there anything else you need us to do?"

"Although this request is a bit abrupt, I still want to say that I hope you can remember your motherland and take care of the White Eagle Country if you have the chance in the future."

"¨. You can rest assured about this. In the future, Miss Enterprise will be the goddess of the White Eagle Country, and she will always protect the country!"

After hearing this promise, Washington's face became more red. He chatted with the two for a while, then sent them out of the White House and took them to the lakeside cottage in a carriage.

Looking at the two people leaving, Washington understood that after this meeting, they might never see each other again. Thinking of the time when they fought side by side and created this country in the past few years, President Washington showed a gratified smile on his face.

After leaving the White House, Su Bai and Enterprise returned to the lakeside cottage. Every time they came back here, they felt like they were home.

Enterprise opened the door skillfully and lit a candle to make the dim room brighter.

"Dear, do you feel like this place is our home? After each awakening mission is completed, we will come back here and spend a holiday of our own."

"Yes, although the time sequence is a bit messy and the timeline of the gods' missions is not very particular, it is really a happy thing to be able to come back here."

Enterprise took off his boots, lay down on the boat, and smelled the smell of the sun on the bedding."Wow, this bedding was just dried today. It seems that Mr. Washington still cares about us."

Yes, for a politician, everything that has value is extremely precious.

Of course, Su Bai also believes that there is a very simple comradeship between him and Washington.

After all, they once fought side by side and created this country that is destined to be strong in the future.

Su Bai personally cooked for Enterprise. Seeing the fresh vegetables and ham in the kitchen, Su Bai finally felt how much this old friend valued him.

It's a pity that it won't be long before he and Enterprise will leave, and maybe they won't be able to see their old friend off for the last time.

Life's gatherings and separations are all fate. If there hadn't been this awakening mission, how could he have the opportunity to come back hundreds of years ago and fight against Britain with the founding commander of the White Eagle Kingdom (Zhao Zhao)?

If there hadn't been this awakening mission, how could he have created three victories in the Battle of Concord? What am I, a participant or creator of history?

Su Bai didn't think about these messy things. He asked Alice in the bedroom in a hoarse voice,"Honey, what do you want to eat?"

"Just cook whatever you have. I love anything you make!"

Su Bai looked at the ingredients in the kitchen and decided to make the most common braised grass carp in his hometown, and pair it with a few side dishes. He scraped the fish scales skillfully, prepared the onions, ginger and garlic, and began to cook the grass carp.

The fish was put into the pot, turned over in the boiling hot oil, and fried itself until it was golden and crispy.

Su Bai fried the auxiliary ingredients until fragrant, put in the fried grass carp again, poured in clean water from the lake, lowered the fire slightly, and waited quietly.

The enterprise had already changed into home clothes, wearing a pair of cotton slippers, swaying lazily, and rushed in to stop

""Let me see what kind of loving dinner my dear Su Bai prepared for me! Wow, it's braised fish, so good!"

Su Bai gave her a smile,"There are also a few side dishes and a mushroom soup, is that enough?"

"Enough, enough! Hey, I am only responsible for eating every time, no matter how I cook, do you think such a wife is useless?"

This is a life-threatening question! But Su Bai knew how to answer:"You are my Alice, I can't bear your delicate hands to be polluted by oil smoke. Go out, it will be fine soon!"

Three candles lit up the darkness of the night; the delicious food drove away the cold of autumn; the warm company drove away the lonely thoughts.

Su Bai and the enterprise enjoyed their holiday like this.

As usual, after spending about a month of good time, they were summoned back to the temple again.

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