The Goddess of Life was waiting for them in the temple.

Su Bai and Enterprise were a little surprised and hurried forward to greet the goddess.

The Goddess of Life showed a warm smile on her face,"Isn't it a little strange, why am I waiting for you here?"

Su Bai also smiled,"Yes, you are busy, why would you wait for us here?"

The Goddess of Life smiled faintly,"It's very simple, Enterprise's awakening mission will be over soon, because the next few missions are too simple. I have discussed with the Supreme God before, and I plan to use your third mission as the achievement.".

"The God of War firmly disagreed with this plan, so all of Enterprise's awakening missions were merged, leaving only one battle, which was the Battle of Midway."

Su Bai and Enterprise smiled at each other, thinking to themselves, isn't this a free gift, Midway, ahahaha!

"Don't think it's too simple, you two! I tell you, the background of this battle has changed, because the condition for you to get full marks is to defeat the Combined Fleet, and not a single Yorktown-class aircraft carrier can be lost!"

Su Bai shrugged,"I understand, just keep the unlucky guy Yorktown."

The Goddess of Life sighed lightly,"I really regret having such a stupid servant of God like you. If it were that simple, would I still be waiting for you here? I tell you, this time the Sakura Combined Fleet did not have that stupid action plan of dividing into six routes. They merged into one route, with a total of ten aircraft carriers! And this time the commander is not the anti-Japanese hero Chuichi Nanyun, but Tamon Yamaguchi and Saburo Ito!"

Su Bai's face changed. If that's the case, then this battle will be really not easy.

After saying these words, the Goddess of Life disappeared, leaving behind a dark portal, as scary as a black hole.

For the first time, Su Bai felt terrified by something like a portal. He instinctively wanted to stay away from this ghost thing. This was a fear that came from the bottom of his heart.

Enterprise looked at Su Bai,"Honey, what's wrong with you. Let's go, some things can't be avoided."

The two passed through the black portal and appeared on the streets of Hawaii, with the Governor's Mansion in front of them.

Just as they were stunned, the secretary of the Governor's Mansion came over and said,"Come on, the Governor has been waiting for you for a long time."

Su Bai had a strange look on his face, and he secretly wondered who the governor here would be. Su Bai and Enterprise walked into the Governor's Mansion, where Governor Nimitz was sitting on a chair.

""Su Bai, you are late, this is not your style!" Nimitz said with a smile.

Su Bai plucked up the courage to ask:"Governor, what year is it now, and what is my current position?"

Nimitz looked at him strangely,"Young man, are you too tired recently? It is May 5, 1942, and you are Vice Admiral Su Bai! If you have mental problems, I'd better let Fletcher fight this battle." When

Su Bai heard the name Fletcher, he murmured in his heart. Letting such a dung command may win, but losses are inevitable.

"No, Governor, I was just joking with you. I will definitely bring you victory in this battle."

Su Bai and Qiye returned to their own mansion. Their residence was not far from the Governor's Mansion, just two streets away.

Su Bai closed the door and poured a cup of black tea for Qiye. He frowned,"Something is wrong!"

"Of course something is wrong. This time and space has obviously been distorted. Why did Saburo Ito appear here, and why did all the aircraft carriers of the Sakura Empire go out at once? Why would the commander be replaced? Where is their Governor Isoroku Yamamoto? All of these are very strange!"

Su Bai nodded,"We must first understand the intelligence, otherwise this battle will not be a matter of whether the Yorktown class can be preserved, we will lose!"

Su Bai couldn't sit still, he brought Enterprise to the headquarters of the Pacific Fleet. This time he was commanding the battle in place of Nimitz in the name of the deputy commander of the fleet.

When he walked into the headquarters, the guard saluted him. He returned the salute casually, and suddenly remembered something, and asked the guard,"Guard, please tell me, who am I? And who is the lady next to me?"

"You are the respected Deputy Commander-in-Chief, Vice Admiral Su Bai. Next to you is the captain of the Enterprise, Commodore Alice!"

Captain? Isn't it a ship spirit or a ship girl? Su Bai's face changed slightly, and he stopped asking questions and took Enterprise back to the command room. He called the intelligence officer and learned the relevant information.

This is indeed a very distorted time and space. Although there are ship girls, the crew members are real humans, and the ship girls play the role of a captain. In other words, the skills of those ship girls have been weakened.

Enterprise can still use LuckyE, but the effect is greatly reduced.

This is nothing, after all, the opponent's skills are also weak, even if it suffers a little, it is not a big problem.

The problem is that without the idiot Chuichi Nagumo, Ito Saburo and Yamaguchi Tamon were in command. No matter how bad these two people are at commanding, can they be worse than Chuichi Nagumo?

Moreover, the Japanese soldiers from the Sakura Empire were at a disadvantage in terms of manpower. In this situation, it was already extremely difficult to win this battle, let alone Yorktown-class without any damage.

Su Bai sat in the intelligence room, thinking hard, but couldn't think of any good solution.

Enterprise sat opposite him and comforted him,"Dear, don't worry too much, there will always be a way. If it doesn't work, let me go myself. If I win, it will be a complete victory."

Su Bai felt a headache,"Alice, do you really think you are a god of war? In this world, even your skills have been reduced, and you can only rely on carrier-based aircraft to fight. Are you going to fight ten alone?"

Enterprise was also a little unhappy."Enterprise in history would not be Lucky E, didn't he win anyway? Otherwise, you can find a way to reduce the difference in the number of aircraft carriers between the two sides. Then build an aircraft carrier now and let me see it!"

Su Bai was speechless," Where can I get an aircraft carrier? Steal it?! Let me ask you, can you drive the Enterprise out by yourself now?"

"Of course, it's not difficult for a ship girl to operate her own warship alone! Honey, what's wrong with you today? You always ask such stupid questions."

Su Bai slammed the table, and the teacup and the documents jumped up high. Enterprise was also startled.

"Honey, I have an idea. I will build you two aircraft carriers!"

Enterprise was very excited,"Which two?""

""Shokaku, Zuikaku!"

Enterprise instantly understood that Su Bai was planning to sneak into the Sakura Empire, contact Shokaku and Zuikaku, and then bring them out.

This was indeed a good idea, but it was too dangerous. Even Enterprise, who was always very courageous, was dumbfounded when he heard this suggestion.

"Su Bai, are you crazy? Ito Saburo is in charge of Sakura Empire. Do you think he won't think of this? You are going to die! Forget it, I'll go with you. I'm really worried about you!"

Su Bai shook his head,"Alice, you can't go. I'm from Donghuang, and I look similar to Sakura Empire people. It's hard for them to tell us apart. You look like this, and you can tell at a glance if you go there. Sakura Empire and White Eagle have already gone to war. Do you think it's appropriate for you to go?"

Enterprise certainly knew that what Su Bai said made sense, but she had been used to having Su Bai around her for all these years of awakening missions, and this sudden separation made her completely unable to adapt.

Su Bai also felt the changes in Enterprise. She was no longer the lonely and lonely god of war. Now she was just an ordinary girl immersed in the nourishment of love.

Su Bai hugged Enterprise, patted her on the shoulder, and casually set a huge Flag,"Honey, don't worry, I'll go to Sakura Empire to bring them back. After this war, we'll have another wedding in Hawaii, okay?"

Qiye nodded. She looked at Su Bai's face and felt for the first time that she was so dependent on someone.

That night, Qiye demanded madly, as if she wanted to drain Su Bai completely.

When the sun was high in the sky, Qiye leaned on Su Bai's chest and whispered,"Be sure to come back safely, and don't mess around outside!"

"Am I that kind of person?"

Enterprise suddenly lowered his head and bit down hard, leaving two rows of teeth marks on Su Bai's chest as he screamed.

Su Bai looked at the teeth marks and blood on his chest helplessly,"Alice, you want to be a vampire too."

Before leaving, he found Nimitz, told him his plan, and recommended Spruance as the commander.

Nimitz agreed to Su Bai's suggestion and handed over the command of this battle to Spruance.

Su Bai secretly took a plane from Honolulu to Shanghai, headed for Donghuang, and then transferred to Sakura Empire from there.

Su Bai walked on the streets of Shanghai. It was his first time to Donghuang Kingdom since he came to this blue world. He had no sense of belonging to Donghuang Kingdom in this time and space. It was impossible for him to regard a corrupt regime ruled by reactionary compradors as his own motherland.

Su Bai hired a Japanese translator in Shanghai, and then disguised himself as a businessman and went to Sakura Empire.

The plane landed in Tokyo, and Su Bai found a hotel not far from Yamamoto Manor and stayed there.

This time The action only had one chance to succeed. Su Bai sent his translator out to get information, and he quietly followed the translator after he left the house.

It was not that he was unwilling to trust this compatriot from Donghuang, but it was difficult for people to maintain their bottom line in the face of interests.

Sure enough, the translator turned around a few times and finally entered the mansion of Ito Saburo. Su Bai's heart sank. After all, he was a compatriot from Donghuang.

How could he sell himself out so easily?! And the most important thing is, how did he know his identity? Su Bai has modified his appearance. If you don't pay special attention, you can't tell who he is.

What went wrong? A small translator doesn't have such great power!

In this time and space, the only person who has the energy and motivation to kill himself is Ito Saburo!

Su Bai sat in the Tonkotsu Ramen restaurant diagonally opposite Ito's residence, ordered a bowl of ramen, and quietly looked at Ito Saburo's residence, thinking about all this carefully.

First of all, Ito Saburo came to this time and space, which must have been arranged by the gods. Even Ares would give him all his information. He had already experienced the shamelessness of the God of War during the Hood awakening mission.

Secondly, Ito Saburo already knew that he would come to contact Shokaku and Zuikaku. Whether it was what the God of War told him or what he thought of himself, he must have known it. There are only a few routes to Tokyo, Sakura Empire. Whether you choose to go to Tokyo from Shanghai or Hong Kong, it is easy to be mastered. As for placing some translators in these two places, it is very simple.

Finally, Ito Saburo will definitely plant some people around Shokaku and Zuikaku. Many hidden stakes are waiting for him to fall into the trap.

The ramen was served, Su Bai picked up the chopsticks and started eating. The noodle soup tasted good. He carefully tasted the difference between this bowl of noodles and beef ramen, and finally came to the conclusion that, well, the oil-splashed noodles in Guanzhong are the most exciting.

Su Bai dispelled these boring thoughts and began to think about countermeasures. His only advantage is that Ito Saburo doesn't know that Su Bai already knows that he knows about Su Bai!

Is it a bit of a nesting doll? In short, Ito Saburo thought he had everything under control and was just waiting for Su Bai to fall into the trap, and Su Bai had already seen through it all.

This is the only chance.

That damn translator, he is still a little useful, and now I have to squeeze more out of him.

After eating the noodles, Su Bai stretched, threw down a copper coin of 500 yen, and staggered away.

He took a shortcut back to his residence, pretending that nothing had happened, waiting for the translator to come back.

After a while, the translator returned to the hotel where Su Bai was staying. Su Bai obviously noticed that this guy's eyes were flickering. Every time he looked into Su Bai's eyes, he would look away in panic.

Su Bai thought coldly in his heart, you dog traitor, you are still too young. When your role is completed, I will send you off with my own hands.

In his two lives, Su Bai hated these dog traitors the most. He hated them even more than the Sakura Empire. This guy was not only a dog traitor, but also wanted his life. If he could let him live, he would be a coward.

Su Bai looked at the dying man who was reporting the situation to him with the most perfect lie. It was indeed a good word. Su Bai believed that these words were taught by Ito Saburo. This dog traitor could not think of such precise words.

This traitor named Wang Zhi came up to Su Bai and said flatteringly,"Mr. Su Bai, if you want to meet Miss Shokaku and Miss Zuikaku, I can arrange it for you. I know someone in their house."

"Why should I see them? Why should they see me?"

Wang Zhi looked at Su Bai in astonishment,"Mr. Su Bai, then you want me to find out about them?"

Su Bai laughed,"Oh, these two ladies are super beauties from the Kingdom of Sakura, known as the Twin Cranes of Heavenly Fairies. Any man would want to know about them, isn't that strange? Aren't they the forbidden delicacy of Governor Yamamoto? If I go to contact them, I'm afraid I'm tired of living."

Wang Zhi's eyes rolled around, no, this is different from the agreed plot,"Mr. Su Bai, Governor Yamamoto has passed away."

Su Bai slammed the table angrily,"Ridiculous! Even if Governor Yamamoto is dead, can I do something to his widow? Wang Zhi, you and I are both from the country of etiquette in Donghuang, so we can't be too shameless!".

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