Wang Zhi hesitated for a moment and said,"Mr. Su Bai, I have some private matters to attend to and I want to go out for a while."

Su Bai sneered. You can't hide it anymore, you bastard!

"Mr. Wang, where are you going? I bought a boat ticket to Sapporo in two hours. You are the translator I hired, so you have to go with me!"

Su Bai thought to himself, I'm leaving now, did you guess it?

Wang Zhi's face fell instantly,"Mr. Su Bai, this is too sudden, I haven't prepared anything yet!"

"Are you not ready to inform Ito?".

"Admiral Ito, no, I didn't!" Wang Zhi was sweating profusely, he knew he was exposed, Su Bai didn't say Ito Saburo or Admiral Ito, he just took it over and exposed himself completely.

He knelt down in despair, this was Su Bai who was called the devil! He regretted it very much now, regretting that he had given up his life for a bounty of five hundred dollars and ten gold bars.

A smile appeared on Su Bai's face,"Wang Zhi, if I say I will let you go, I'm afraid you won't believe it. How about this, as long as you explain the problem, I promise you can die painlessly."

Wang Zhi closed his eyes in pain, he was unwilling! His face was distorted, he knelt on the ground with a plop, slapping himself madly.-

"Lord Su Bai, please, I really have old people and children at home, I am willing to tell you everything, I am not a human being, I should not betray you! I only ask you to spare my life for the sake of us all being Donghuang people!"

Su Bai's chest was filled with anger. If you didn't mention the word Donghuang, you still had a chance to survive. If you mentioned these two words, you would be courting death.

How can a dog traitor have the qualifications to mention this sacred name!

However, Su Bai did not show his anger. He said in a pleasant manner:"Wang Zhi, I believe in the Goddess of Life. I can swear to the Goddess of Life that as long as the problems you confess are valuable enough, I will let you go."

Su Bai raised his right hand, placed it in front of his chest, and swore to the goddess.

Wang Zhi was overjoyed. He knew that oaths in this world were not to be played with, and if you broke an oath, something would definitely happen.

He spilled out what he knew. It turned out that Ito Saburo did know that he had come to this time and space a long time ago, and guessed that he would go to find Shokaku and Zuikaku.

Ito Saburo arranged many ambushes in Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Hong Kong, three places that could lead to Tokyo. Wang Zhi, who pretended to be a translator, was one of them.

Su Bai picked up Wang Zhi,"Where are Shokaku and Zuikaku now? How about the defense!"

Wang Zhi said carefully:"I'm just a runner. The two ladies are now living in the former residence of Governor Yamamoto. They are in mourning for Governor Yamamoto, so not many people dare to disturb them, but the maids and guards around them are all Mr. Ito's people!"

The former residence of Governor Yamamoto, is it the hot spring manor in the mountains? Su Bai smiled. Very good, it was finally a place he had been to.

He raised his hand and looked at Wang Zhi coldly.

Wang Zhi's face changed drastically,"Lord Su Bai, you can't do this. You swore to the goddess!"

"I just said that I won't kill you. Don't worry, you won't die now if I hit you with this palm!"

Su Bai slapped Wang Zhi on the forehead. The powerful magic power went down along the head and destroyed Wang Zhi's physiological functions.

From then on, he would become an idiot and lose the ability to think. For a traitor, this ending was already very merciful.

Su Bai stood up, wiped his hands with a handkerchief and threw it away. Using this hand to hit a traitor was really dirtying his hands.

Su Bai left quickly. He knew that it would not be long before Ito's men would surround the hotel, and he had to leave.

Su Bai did buy a boat ticket to Sapporo. This was just a cover-up move. What he needed was Ito San Lang believed that he was going to run away.

With Ito Saburo's ability, he could find out which ship he was on. If he couldn't even do that, he was not worthy of being his opponent.

Su Bai knew that this Ito Saburo was able to kill Governor Yamamoto in two time and space, and not be sanctioned, and even climb to a high position. This was definitely not a simple person, and certainly not comparable to a waste like Nagumo Chuichi.

If it was Nagumo Chuichi, the anti-Japanese hero, he would be 100% sure that he could defeat him at Midway, but if it was Ito Saburo, would he be sure of winning. What if it was Nagumo Chuichi in command?

Wait a minute! What did I just think of? As long as Ito Saburo is not here, won't Chuichi Nagumo still be in charge? I'm so stupid. If Ito Saburo can assassinate Governor-General Yamamoto, then why can't I assassinate him!

Thinking of this action plan, Su Bai's blood boiled. Yes, as long as Ito Saburo is killed or seriously injured, then no matter whether he can contact Shokaku and Zuikaku, the battle will basically be won. As long as the Yorktown is prevented from sinking, the mission will be accomplished.

Although assassinating Ito Saburo is definitely not an easy task, it is much better than going to Yamamoto Manor and seeking death.

Su Bai pulled himself up He took off his collar, put on sunglasses, and disappeared silently on the street. Shortly after he left the hotel, Ito Saburo's capable general, Gongye Shuixin, surrounded the hotel with hundreds of soldiers and began to search.

From the hotel proprietress, they learned that Su Bai had left but had not checked out yet.

They found Su Bai's room and discovered Wang Zhi paralyzed on the ground like a dead dog. Gongye Shuixin slammed the table angrily, saying that he was late for a while and ended up like this.

He ordered a thorough search and then took Wang Zhi back to the Governor's Office. Ito Saburo, the new acting governor of the Northern Naval Prefecture, received the news.���Afterwards, I wasn't too surprised

"Gongye, don't be too upset. Demon King Su Bai is quite powerful. If you catch him so easily, I will doubt whether someone is a fake. Okay, I have sent people to wait at the airport, station and dock, and there will be news soon."

Ito Saburo waved his hand to let Gongye Shuixin retreat. This subordinate had average ability, and his only advantage was being obedient.

Ito Saburo silently looked at the sky outside."Su Bai, you can't run away. I know you will come to find Shokaku and Zuikaku. There, you will face the sword saint of my Sakura Empire, Miyamoto Ryouta. I want to see if you can survive under the sword of the master of the Holy Domain.

Su Bai moved quickly. He came to the dock and boarded a ship to Sapporo. He was not really going to Sapporo, but to rely on this ship for cover and then sneak back to Tokyo.

As soon as the ship started, he would immediately go to the sea, return to Tokyo, and use the time difference to kill Ito Saburo.

Su Bai had only one chance, that is, Ito Saburo thought he was still at sea, but in fact, He has returned to Tokyo.

Maybe it will take a few hours, or a few days? In any case, the sooner we act, the better.

Ito Saburo soon received the news that a Donghuang man suspected to be Su Bai had boarded a ship to Sapporo. Based on the photos and information sent by the intelligence personnel, Ito Saburo can be 100% sure that this man is the devil Su Bai!

Ito Saburo slammed the table hard. Good! Very good! I want to see how you, the devil who can do anything, are going to run this time!

Passenger ships are all closed structures. As long as we block all the entrances and search each cabin, I don’t believe you can still rebel. Ito Saburo immediately decided to send a destroyer formation to catch up with Su Bai as quickly as possible and capture this devil back.

Soon, several ship girls appeared in front of him.

"Yukikaze, Shigure, Nowaki, Shimakaze! The four of you are very fast. I have a mission for you. Set off now and intercept a passenger ship heading to Sapporo. The number of the passenger ship is Sakura-2354. It has just set off. You should be able to catch up with it within three hours."

"Remember, you have only one mission, to capture the demon king Su Bai! If it is difficult to capture him alive, kill him on the spot! Do you understand?"


The four ship girls stood at attention and saluted, receiving the order.

Ito Saburo glanced at them and said,"Yukikaze, you will be in charge of this mission, please!"

Shortly after Sakura-2354 left the dock, Su Bai quietly climbed down from the railing at the stern and jumped into the sea while no one was paying attention.

The sea water in early summer was still a little cold. While Su Bai was diving towards the shore, he was thinking about the next course of action.

Should he look for Shokaku and Zuikaku first and act with their help, or should he just rush in and assassinate Ito Saburo?

Su Bai was also a little hesitant. Logically, Shokaku and Zuikaku should recognize him, otherwise Ito Saburo would not have placed so many people around them.��Find Shokaku and Zuikaku, then the next step will naturally have an accurate source of information.

But if he can figure this out, can't Ito Saburo figure it out? If I were Ito Saburo, what would I want Su Bai to do? I would definitely go find someone I'm familiar with!

·· ·Request flowers···· ·········

Human nature has weaknesses. In a dangerous and unfamiliar environment, people will always subconsciously approach familiar people or things to seek spiritual comfort.

Regardless of whether Shokaku and Zuikaku are reliable, Su Bai will not go to them first. This is an obvious trap. He is not stupid.

After Su Bai got ashore, he used magic to dry his clothes, found a secluded path, and sneaked back to Tokyo. It was about five o'clock in the afternoon. Ito Saburo usually got off work at about 5:30 in the afternoon, left the Governor's Mansion, and returned to his house.

Su Bai thought for a long time about how assassins in history assassinated. He was not good at hiding his tracks. A guy like Ito Saburo, who had enemies everywhere, must have laid a net in his house. It was simply a foolish dream for him to assassinate there. The only chance was to assassinate him in the street, and that was the moment when he left the Governor's Mansion and prepared to go home. At this time, people's vigilance was very poor. He had a chance to succeed.

As for how to evacuate after killing people, we will talk about it later! Su Bai thought, I have a few magic smoke bombs, so I may have a chance to escape. Even if I am unlucky and killed on the spot, I can still be resurrected in the temple.

Spruance will definitely win against Nanyun Chuichi. Whether he can save the three sisters of Yorktown depends on luck.

Su Bai took a few deep breaths and adjusted himself to the best state. He only had one chance. Ito Saburo was not a weakling, and there would be no less guards around him. If he failed to succeed in one strike, it would be all over.


Su Bai thought for a long time and finally decided to assassinate first. If the attack failed, he would immediately use magic to self-destruct and die together with Ito Saburo.

This was his first time to be an assassin. He was not a qualified stalker at all. Su Bai smiled bitterly and shook his head. But then again, who said that assassins must sneak in like thieves?

Zhang Liang hired an assassin to assassinate the First Emperor in Bolingsha. Wasn't it just a burly man who hit him with a heavy hammer? Although the First Emperor was brave and escaped, it showed that this assassination method was very useful.

Heavy hammer attack, heavy hammer? Attack? Got it!

Su Bai quickly went to the store next door and bought an ultra-heavy super impact hammer, about 200 kilograms. Then he added the floating technique to the impact hammer and carried it to a three-story building next to it.

Ito Saburo, I'll treat you to a palm technique that falls from the sky!

It was half past five, and Ito Saburo quickly came out of the Governor's Mansion and prepared to get on his car. Su Bai clenched the hammer in his hand, ready to strike from mid-air, but he was not sure, after all, Ito Saburo���People are always alert.

Just as he was looking for an opportunity, a girl rushed out from the side, shouting,"Traitor, die!" and rushed forward.

Uh, someone actually took action before me?

Unfortunately, although the girl was skilled in martial arts, her actions were too reckless, and she was easily captured by Shin Takao and Atago who were guarding Ito Saburo. Ito Saburo came to the girl triumphantly, pinched her chin, and twisted her face up.

"Wow, she's still a little beauty. Looks like I'm going to have some fun tonight. I'll interrogate you in person tonight, hehe."

The opportunity finally came, right now! While Ito Saburo's attention was attracted by the girl, Su Bai raised the sledgehammer, jumped up, and threw the sledgehammer down.

Just as the huge hammer weighing more than 200 kilograms approached Ito Saburo at an incredible speed, he finally felt the threat of death and looked back in horror, but it was too late.

Faced with this sudden attack, he subconsciously drew his sword to block it, but how could a mere samurai sword withstand such a powerful impact.

The last scene Ito Saburo saw before he died was a A huge hammer fell from the sky, and Su Bai flew down from the air.

Bang! The huge hammer easily broke Ito Saburo's samurai sword and smashed his head, and in the process seriously injured Kaohsiung, Atago and the assassin girl.

After Su Bai landed, he stabbed everyone's heart as quickly as possible, and then disappeared like lightning.

At this time, the guards of the Governor's Mansion hurried over, and they were dumbfounded when they saw the Acting Governor Ito Saburo who had become a meat sauce. This is too exaggerated! Was it done by an assassin, or was it justice from heaven, punishing the traitor Liaofan.

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