At Yamamoto Hot Spring Manor, Su Bai took advantage of the night and walked into the manor with ease. He did not dare to approach the main building easily, but sneaked into the hot spring like a thief.

He remembered very clearly that Shokaku and Zuikaku would come to the hot spring at about 7:30 every night. He would know what they were thinking at that time.

Su Bai came to the hot spring pool, which was as big as a miniature lake. Su Bai added underwater breathing magic to himself and then dived in.

Although he knew that he was hiding here for something important, hiding in the hot spring and waiting for the two girls to take a bath was not a glorious thing anyway, so Su Bai was still a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, it was underwater and no one could see his embarrassed expression.

After holding his breath underwater for a while, Su Bai felt dizzy even with the breathing magic.

He thought to himself, two ladies, you should come quickly.

Are you Shokaku and Zuikaku who have traveled through time? Give me a definite answer.

Soon, Su Bai heard the sound. After taking a bath, Shokaku and Zuikaku came to the hot spring pool, took off their yukata and put them aside, and went into the hot spring completely naked. Su Bai didn't dare to move, but his eyes couldn't help but look over there.

Through the refraction of the water, he couldn't see clearly, but the whiteness still made him imagine. Sometimes, the temptation of not being able to see clearly is much greater than being completely naked.

Su Bai felt his body begin to heat up. In the days of awakening missions, Enterprise was with him every night, and he didn't have to worry about fleet construction and other troubles. His body functions became better, and his desires in some aspects also increased exponentially.

After coming to Sakura Empire,"310" suppressed the lust for a few days, and now it is burning Su Bai's brain and devouring his reason.

It seems that he is really a pervert. At this time of life and death, he is still in the mood to think about these things! He has seen the bodies of Shokaku and Zuikaku in the time and space of the blue world. In his memory, the white skin and towering curves are still unforgettable to him.

Ah! I can’t take it anymore, I’m about to explode!

Fortunately, at this time, Shokaku and Zuikaku started talking, and Su Bai calmed down and began to listen carefully.

"Sister, I feel like the atmosphere in the entire manor is not right today."

"I'm telling you, just know it yourself, Ito Saburo was assassinated and died on the spot"

"Oh my god, this!"

"Keep your voice down. Do you remember what Governor Yamamoto said before he died?"

"Remember, he said he was assassinated and asked us to find Lord Su Bai, saying he could protect us and avenge him. But we don't know Lord Su Bai!"

Su Bai's heart sank as he hid in the water. It was over. These two guys didn't come from the past! Then they must be the celestial beings Shuangzuru from the Sakura Empire, not his own white eagle aircraft carriers Shokaku and Zuikaku.

What should he do? From them, Su Bai knew that Governor-General Yamamoto came from the past, but what was the point of this old guy coming from the past, not to mention that he was dead!

Su Bai evaluated in his heart the possibility of Shuangzuru accepting him. Well, it was probably zero. If you were a girl, could you accept a dirty bastard hiding in a hot spring and peeping at you? To trust him, and even betray your motherland for him?

Su Bai smiled bitterly. Stop imagining. It seemed that this operation was doomed to fail. Su Bai had decided to wait until Shokaku and Zuikaku finished their hot spring bath, and then slip away.

Unfortunately, the two sisters were in a particularly good mood today, perhaps because they knew the news of the death of their suspected enemy Ito Saburo. The two of them just took a bath and chatted happily.

"Sister, can you recognize Lord Su Bai when you see him?"

"Of course, among Governor Yamamoto's belongings, there is a photo of Lord Su Bai. I saw the photo and he was a very handsome and sunny young man."

"Wow, really? Is he that young?"

"Well, of course, he looks to be in his early twenties."

"Hey, sister is in love. Do you want to take this opportunity to marry Lord Su Bai?"

""Bah! You are still talking about me, your body has become hot, you shameless girl!"

The two began to laugh and play, but Su Bai, who was underwater, was about to faint. After all, he had been soaking in warm water for more than an hour. Even if he had breathing magic, he could not bear it.

Finally, Su Bai fainted and floated to the surface.

Shokaku and Zuikaku heard the noise in the water. They both picked up the swords placed beside them and looked at the other side of the hot spring in confusion.

Soon, a man in clothes floated up.

Shokaku and Zuikaku's faces turned red. It was such a bastard that he hid in the water and peeped! Then we sisters were all seen by this pervert! How dare he tarnish our reputation? Such a person must die! Zuikaku was furious and was ready to rush over with the sword to chop off the peeper's head.

But Shokaku held her back.

"Sister! If we don't kill this kind of person, do we have to let him stay?"

"Don't worry, he must be killed, but he is unconscious now, so at least we have to get to the bottom of it!"

Zuihe nodded, agreeing with her sister's point of view. They didn't want to get Su Bai out. If they dragged her out, everyone in the manor would know that they were peeped at by a man, which was too terrible. They would interrogate her here and kill her after the interrogation.

Shokaku and Zuikaku put on yukatas and tied Su Bai tightly to the pillar. In order to ensure that there was no risk, they tied her hands and feet a few more times.

A basin of cold water was poured on her, and Su Bai woke up from her coma in a daze. Ah, what happened just now?

I was hiding in the hot spring, waiting for Shokaku and Zuikaku to arrive. Then they came, soaking in the hot spring and chatting, and I was eavesdropping below, and then I passed out shamefully.

Eh? Why am I tied to the pillar!

The two angry girls in front of me, damn, aren't these Shokaku and Zuikaku!

I'm going to die, how can I explain this!

Shokaku had a murderous look on his face, with a long knife on Su Bai's neck

"You rapist! You are dead today. If you tell the truth, I will kill you! If you still dare to hide it, I will make you a eunuch first, and then I will deal with you."

Su Bai smiled bitterly. He had just threatened Wang Zhi in the morning, and now someone threatened him with similar words. This retribution came too quickly.

"The two young ladies must be the celestial cranes. If you ask me, I will tell you everything I know."

Ruihe was furious. The shame of being spied on made her angry. She slapped Su Bai in the face and said,"You still dare to be so smooth-talking! I think you are a stubborn person! Tell me, who are you?"

"I am the Demon King Su Bai."

Su Bai said this helplessly. It was really embarrassing to introduce myself in this situation, but these two people would definitely not hurt me again after knowing my identity. After all, I am the one entrusted by Governor Yamamoto.

Su Bai was wrong again this time. Zuikaku kicked him in the crotch with anger, accurately hitting an unspeakable part.

Su Bai screamed, if his hands and feet were not tied, he would have rolled on the ground

"You lecher, you dare to impersonate Lord Su Bai! Lord Su Bai is a senior general of the White Eagle Country, how could he do such a dirty thing! Not only did you spy on us sisters, but you also dared to impersonate the hero entrusted by the Governor-General before his death. You are dead! Sister, I will kill him now."

Shokaku stopped Zuikaku,"Wait a minute, he looks a bit like Lord Su Bai. Let me ask again"

"You pervert, why are you hiding here and spying on us sisters!"Speak!"

Su Bai was sweating profusely from the pain. You two bastards, do you want me to never be a man again in my life?

"I'm not peeping, I have something to meet with you two, and I have to avoid other people's eyes and ears, so I have to resort to this desperate measure! I'm a gentleman, not a peeping pervert!"

Shokaku glanced at him coldly, and pulled the impulsive Zuikaku,"Well, I'll ask you a question now, and you must answer it quickly. Shokaku, Zuikaku, who has bigger breasts?"

Su Bai's brain was in a mess due to the pain. He had seen the bodies of these two people, so he naturally knew their sizes, and the elder sister was still slightly better.

"Of course, elder sister Shokaku is slightly bigger! But younger sister Zuikaku's breasts are firmer, and also very good!"

After answering casually, Su Bai broke out in a cold sweat, why did I have to answer such a life-threatening question! Ahhhh! The brain is shaking.

As soon as this sentence came out, Shokaku could no longer bear it, her face flushed red, and she raised the sword without hesitation,"You pervert, you still say you didn't peek, how shameful! Now I will help you castrate!"

Shokaku's sword went straight to Su Bai's crotch. Su Bai, who was tied to the pillar, was scared to death. If this knife went down, he would choose to commit suicide even if he was resurrected.

In a blue world where harems can be opened at will, being a eunuch with a bunch of wives? Too terrible.

The tip of Shokaku's sword has reached between Su Bai's legs. Su Bai has never been afraid in his life, nor has he ever been so calm.

He shouted a sentence as fast as he could,"Shokaku wife, stop it, do you want to be a widow?"

Shokaku was shocked by Su Bai's words. Her sword stopped in the middle of Su Bai's legs, only one millimeter away from the source of happiness and troubles.

Su Bai's soul finally came back.

"I really am Su Bai! Think about it, if I wasn't a powerful magician, who could hide in the water for so long! If it wasn't for seeing you, would I take such a big risk?"

"If I really covet your bodies and put drugs in the pool in advance, can you resist?"

Zuikaku was almost mad,"You lecher, you even thought of such despicable means as drugging, you'd better die now!"

Shokaku grabbed his sister again, she had already believed what Su Bai said,"You said you are Su Bai, what evidence do you have?"

Su Bai smiled bitterly, for such a thing, could there be any solid evidence, no, I have evidence!

"I have my ID in my coat pocket, take a look!"

Shokaku took out Su Bai's officer ID from his pocket, looked left and right, and saw that he was indeed Vice Admiral of the White Eagle Navy, Su Bai, and served in the North Pacific Fleet.

However,"IDs can be forged, this doesn't count!"

Su Bai said helplessly:"Well, how about this, you know there are gods in this world, right?"

"Of course I know that what we in Sakura Empire believe in is Amaterasu."

"Yes, I am a faithful believer of the goddess of life, and I can ask the gods to testify for me."

Su Bai began to howl,"The great goddess of life, Eleanis! I am your faithful believer. Now I need you to prove one thing for me. If I am the Lord Su Bai they are talking about, please send down a holy light; if I am not, then please send down a thunderbolt."

After saying this, Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief. Although the gods sometimes like to act recklessly, they are still very serious about their oaths.

Shokaku and Zuikaku certainly know the goddess of life, and they are waiting for the gods' verdict. Soon, a bolt of lightning fell and hit the three of them.

The faces of the three changed.

Su Bai's face turned pale. No way, great gods, are you going to kill me?

Shokaku and Zuikaku's faces turned ashen. He is indeed a liar and a rapist. Such a person must die!

The two sisters raised their knives at the same time. They had decided that two eggs, one for each person, very fair!

Su Bai was going crazy, he shouted,"Your Highness Eleanis, please don't play with me, okay?"

At this time, Eleanis's voice rang in the minds of the three people,"Please hold off, he is indeed Vice Admiral Su Bai of the White Eagle Navy! 5.0"

Su Bai said helplessly:"Your Highness the Goddess, then why did you send down lightning just now?"

"You are stupid and can't even speak clearly. What do you mean if I am the Lord Su Bai they are talking about? The Su Bai they are talking about is very perfect, are you worthy of him?"

Su Bai was speechless. He couldn't clear himself even if he jumped into the Yellow River. The words of the goddess rang in his mind alone: "The decision I regret most in my life as a god is to find you to be my servant. If you can't make the greatest contribution in the war, I will kill you with my own hands. Even Juno can't save you!"

Su Bai smiled bitterly. How could he dare to say anything about the gods' thoughts?

"Can you guys let me go now?"

""I'm sorry, no! Although it has been confirmed that you are Su Bai, there is one thing I need to clarify! What do you mean by Xianghe's wife?"

Su Bai's head was about to explode.

That was nonsense I said to save my life.

He had to say,"I traveled from the future to complete a mission.

As for the phrase Xianghe's wife, it is because Governor Yamamoto entrusted you to me, so you are naturally all my wives!

" Zuikaku was furious,"It's ridiculous!

Even if Governor Yamamoto entrusted us to you, he didn't say that he must marry you!

Besides, even if I marry you, it should be my elder sister.

What's the matter with all of us sisters marrying you!

I've never seen anyone more shameless than you!


Xianghe was also angry. She grabbed Zuikaku's clothes,"Explain it to me clearly, what do you mean even if you marry him, it has to be me? Why should I marry such a lecher? I don't want to, if you want to marry, go marry yourself!".

Added by Naruto789

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