Su Bai's heart skipped a beat. It was another oolong incident!

This Azur Lane game, or more accurately, the Azur Lane nostalgic server. As early as decades ago, there was a popular game called Azur Lane running. Before the time travel, the Azur Lane that was about to be launched was a nostalgic game released to commemorate the game of that year. The original settings were retained and optimized with advanced technology in 2100.

Moreover, this company was the company that developed and operated Azur Lane back then.

This company has always been known for its conscientious operation. How could there be such a big loophole? This is the second time. The last time it was because the reputation was not implemented.

Wait, conscientious operator!

Yes, I remember that decades ago, their compensation plan was to return all resources, all!

The last time the reputation was not implemented, all resources were compensated, which was equivalent to free experience!

This company's style is like this!

"Irene! Inform the dock to smash all the Rubik's Cubes into the ship, leaving no one behind! Tell Lucy that as long as the task is completed well, the overtime pay will be tripled! Everyone will be compensated with double vacation time after the event!"

"Commander, calm down. Didn't we just announce that the Prince of Wales has not been implemented? Are you crazy?"

"Stop talking nonsense and execute the order immediately!"

There is no time to explain. Maintenance may occur at any time. If you miss this opportunity, there will be no such good opportunity later.

In order to prepare to play this game, Su Bai specifically learned about the Azur Lane game decades ago, and he still has some understanding of the general direction of this game.

Through those old tomb posts, he can vaguely get some information

"Big brother, conscience; different color, flying mother......"

He couldn't fully understand these dirty words, but when the big brother's activities were linked to conscience, the compensation plan must be perfect.

Su Bai was betting that this game was the same as decades ago.

Even the bugs were perfectly reproduced, how could the compensation be bad? Impossible, bet!

Su Bai threw all his diamonds into the mall, and in the exclamation of the profiteer boss lady, he exchanged for a thousand Rubik's Cubes and a huge amount of resources.

Build them, go crazy for me!

One warship after another emerged from the dock like a market, and Su Bai had no time to greet these warships, so he could only let his adjutant Milan arrange them.

As long as this time it was still a conscience compensation, then he would be taking countless resources for nothing, and the wealth he had accumulated after being a hamster for more than a month would double.

If he lost the bet, he could jump off the dock, because the entire fleet would be killed by his madness.

Sure enough, maintenance came soon.

During the maintenance, the announcement came out. The operator was still so conscientious. All consumption would be fully refunded. For those who used diamonds to purchase resources, not only would the resources be refunded, but diamonds would also be refunded at a rate of 120%.

After the maintenance, the probability of large-scale construction will be adjusted.

This maintenance was mandatory, and all fleets on expeditions and expeditions were brought back to the port.

When these ship girls came back, they all looked at Su Bai in surprise. The commander was laughing wildly at this time, laughing so wildly, and he didn't look like a noble at all.

Su Bai had to laugh. He won the bet. This compensation made the resources in his hands more than double.

When conscientious operation meets a black-hearted and thick-skinned commander, it is natural that the shameless commander will make a lot of money.

This maintenance lasted a whole day. Su Bai gave all the ship girls a day off, and ordered the logistics to prepare the most abundant food and wine. All day today, the buffet banquet cannot stop, and all entertainment venues are open.

Whether you like watching movies, singing, or playing, you can play, eat, and drink as you like.

Su Bai even ordered that February 14th of every year would be designated as the Carnival of the port area and a statutory holiday!

There will probably be no more such compensation in the future. After all, if it happens a few times, even the two gods of sideslip and operation in this world may not be able to bear it. The confused ship girls looked at the commander worriedly, wondering if he had gone crazy because he had spent all the resources and failed in the construction.

Su Bai stood on the top of the highest mountain in the port area, overlooking the sea in the distance. The four ship girls, Irene, Hood, Enterprise, and Glory, accompanied the commander.

The cool sea breeze blew, gently lifting everyone's hair.

"I won the bet! Do you know what? If I lose this bet, I will probably jump into the sea."

It was the first time that Enterprise participated in such a discussion among the core leadership of the port. Su Bai's port was mainly divided into two parts: staff and ship girls.

The staff was headed by Milan, Lucy, Lily and others. They were responsible for the logistics and chores of the port, as well as a small number of retired ship girls.

Ship girls were also divided into levels. Ship girls with strong strength, clear minds and the ability to command squadrons were appointed as officers; those cute ship girls who didn't like to use their brains were appointed as non-commissioned officers. The first batch of ship girls appointed as officers were Hood, Irene, Laffey, Eugen, Liaoning, Shandong, Reputation, Enterprise, Glorious, Lexington and other ship girls with outstanding combat power.

Su Bai also spent At a high price, these ship girls were enrolled in the military academy at the headquarters, and they were asked to take turns to attend classes.

For a mature army, strict hierarchy and discipline are indispensable. Su Bai governs the port area in strict accordance with the standards of a world-class navy. Maybe in a year, maybe two years, or even longer, they will eventually face a real test.

The commander who died usually mingled with the ship girls and laughed and joked with them, but after his death, most of the poor ship girls retired from active service and became civilians. It would be strange if nothing went wrong if you use the method of leading a kindergarten to lead an army.

Enterprise smiled slightly,"Commander, don't be discouraged no matter whether you are in good times or bad times. As long as I am here, well, we are here, there is no predicament that cannot be overcome.""

"Well said!"Su Bai applauded. He was too sensitive. Thinking about the pride of the enterprise when one ship was against one country, he was far behind.

"You're right! Even if we lose this bet, as long as everyone is here, we still have hope!"

It really is worthy of being Enterprise. This legendary battleship that never gives up in both adversity and prosperity is truly amazing.

In the port area at the foot of the mountain, under the soft light of the street lamps, many young ship girls are playing and frolicking, carefree, as if nothing outside will affect them.

Guanghui looked at these destroyers playing there and smiled,"That's great, these little guys live such a simple life!""

"Yes, let us protect their happiness!" Hood said firmly.

Irene also smiled,"Commander, I believe you can do it. It's rare to find a commander as calculating, shameless and courageous as you."

"Hey, are you praising me?"

"Of course I am praising you. These are the necessary qualities for a leader, hahahaha!"

That's right, you can enjoy peace because someone holds a sharp blade and resolves the war outside your home.

I am the commander, a royal knight, and a rear admiral of the navy. Naturally, I must do my best to protect your safety.

Those who know me say that I am worried, and those who don't know me say that I am asking for nothing. At least, the four ship girls on this mountain top all understand me!

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