After the maintenance was completed, compensation was distributed to various ports. The compensation Su Bai received was shocking.

The headquarters official in charge of delivering the supplies was dumbfounded. What does this grandson mean? Why can you get so much compensation? Is there no problem?

The female official at the headquarters who disliked Su Bai went to the Governor's Mansion to confirm, and then angrily escorted the supplies and took a helicopter to Su Bai's port.

"Ah, it's the leader of the headquarters, welcome, welcome!"

The female official was very angry, but her rank was only lieutenant colonel, and she had to salute Su Bai, the rear admiral.

"Logistics Officer Elanis, meet Major General Su Bai!"

"You're welcome. You're here to deliver compensation supplies. Thank you for your hard work."

"This is the list of supplies, please sign for it."

Elanis was still angry,"Major General Su Bai, although you have received the most compensation, I have to say that your methods are very despicable."

Su Bai looked at the logistics officer coldly, and finally did not get angry,"Within the rules, everyone is free. As long as I don't violate the rules, no one has the right to blame me."

"Lieutenant Colonel Elanis, please be aware of your identity. You are now talking to the Rear Admiral and Royal Knight Su Bai. If you don't even know basic manners, I don't mind reporting you to the headquarters."

"You! You are nothing but a ship girl."

Su Bai was enraged. He could accept being rude to him, but being disrespectful to his beloved ship girl completely ignited his anger.

"Lieutenant Commander Alanis! Please watch your words. What do you mean by a ship girl? Remember this, she is Hood, the deputy commander of my port area, a navy captain! She has done more for the alliance than you! If you don't understand the etiquette of the navy, I suggest you retire."

"You!" Elanis was really angry. Although the Azure World has laws that stipulate that the legal status of ship girls and humans is equal, in fact, humans still have a sense of superiority over ship girls.

She is a native human of this world, and she has a deep-seated contempt for these ship girls who were born from resources.

Su Bai's eyes were like swords, piercing Elanis,"In my eyes, the ship girls who have been through life and death with me are a thousand times more noble than you, a fool. You can get out of here."

Elanis was shaking with anger. She was an official at the headquarters, an expatriate from the central government, and she was one level higher than the official, but Su Bai never took her seriously. That would have been fine, but she didn't expect that even a ship girl under his command would dare to ride on her head.

"I will never forget what happened today!"Elanis was so angry that she took her men and left by helicopter. A large amount of supplies were piled on the tarmac.

"Lily, come out to work. We're rich!"

The frost on Su Bai's face melted instantly, and when he saw the mountains of supplies, he finally showed that sly smile on his face.

Haha, who can resist the feeling of counting money until his hands cramp?

Ah, this is the fragrance of fuel, this is the strong fragrance of gold coins, this is the subtle fragrance of diamonds, this damn compensation material, it smells so good!

Hood looked at the commander helplessly,"Su Bai, you offended the officials sent by the headquarters for me, is this really okay?"

Su Bai waved his hand,"It's just a fly, don't mind it, let's go to the dock and prepare to welcome the Prince of Wales! No, to welcome the eldest brother!"

There is a mine at home, so you don't have to panic when you walk.

More than that, Su Bai almost floated when he walked. Now he is rich and powerful, the richest commander in the world, and he doesn't even need to add one of the companies. Let

's start the construction.

What, ten companies of construction, too weak, who are you looking down on? Look at my warehouse, there are so many Rubik's Cubes that you'll be scared to death

"Lucy, bring a hundred Rubik's Cubes, no, bring two hundred Rubik's Cubes! Just build a hundred companies!"

Su Bai sang the song"Good Luck" proudly. Humph, I don't believe that I can't make a big brother with so many resources.

Sure enough, there are very few things in this world that can't be done with money. At least in terms of large-scale construction, money means you can do whatever you want.

Prince of Wales and Warspite, these two royal prostitutes, oh no, the Royal Navy's super rare ship girls have appeared

"I am the Prince of Wales, the second ship of the King George V class. I once escorted the Prime Minister to complete the signing of the Atlantic Charter."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Warspite, the record holder for the longest artillery strike on a moving target - is that a surprise? I'm smaller than you thought? It seems we need to have a good talk.……"

Haha, I'm memorizing lines again.

"Welcome, I am Commander Su Bai, are you willing to join my fleet?"

The two ship girls looked at each other. This commander is so strange. According to convention, the commander would not say these words.

"Of course I am willing!"

With the addition of the two ship girls, the fleet size reached 71 ship girls, and the collection rate returned to the first place.

After all, Su Bai has two hidden ship girls, Liaoning and Shandong, so it is normal that his collection rate is higher than others.

After the banquet, Su Bai announced loudly,"The main fleet will step up leveling, the expeditionary fleet will take turns 24 hours a day, and the others will take turns to rest. Three days later, prepare to enter the activity area!"

Three days later, Su Bai checked the logbook, knew the approximate difficulty of the activity map, and chose two fleets to set off.

The first fleet, Irene, Liaoning, Shandong, Lafite, Santiago, Eugen. This is the Tao Squadron.

The second fleet, Hood, Enterprise, Glorious, a simple and rough Hu Guangqi combination, and the front row is Atago, Javelin, and Ajax. This is a team that uses the powerful output ability of the back row to attack.

This is the choice Su Bai made after comprehensively considering the strength and level of each ship girl. There is also a patrol fleet led by War Spite on the periphery, ready to support at any time.

Activity map of the first area���In front of this powerful fleet, they were reduced to ashes.

Many ghost carrier-based aircraft appeared on the map of the second area. This time, Santiago showed his strong strength and instantly reduced the enemy's aircraft to ashes.

Su Bai was observing the battle situation with a telescope on the Hood. It seemed that everything was going well. As expected, with a high level of training, everything was available.

Hood was level 70, Irene was level 68, and the other main forces were all above level 60. The activity map was only level 30. The level was so overwhelming that it was easy to smash them with a foot.

"Let's go to the third area!"

Entering the third area, the enemy's level gradually rose to the forties, but in front of the powerful fleet, they were still scum.

There is a peculiar setting in Azur Lane. As long as the level difference is one, the damage dealt will increase by one percent and the damage received will decrease by one percent. The maximum level difference is twenty-five levels.

Therefore, the enemy fleet of more than forty levels will be defeated by the fleet of Chuanqi Hegemony with an average level of nearly seventy.

The third area was successfully cleared.

At this time, the logbook sent a prompt that the hidden area was opened. Do you want to enter?

Su Bai was startled. The hidden area, his own fleet, is this enough? He opened the logbook and took a look. It turned out that the enemy fleet in this hidden area was as high as level eighty.

The corners of Su Bai's mouth twitched. How long has it been since it started? Except for himself, the main fleets of other commanders are only level fifty or sixty. Are they going in to die?

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