Anyway, the activity will last for a whole month, so why panic? Be brave and retreat!

Su Bai decisively issued the order to return to the port.

Irene answered the call,"Su Bai, why don't we go in and take a look first? It would be good to know what the enemy looks like."

"There's nothing to see. I've seen too many people lose their lives after just one look. Let's go back to port!"

In the commander's residence, in the operations room.

A dozen officers including Eileen, Hood, Milan, Enterprise, Glory, Reputation, Liaoning, Shandong, etc. gathered here.

This was a brief military meeting. There was only one topic: if two fleets were to be formed, who would be the most suitable person to go on the expedition? There was only one command ship, and her partners were two aircraft carriers that had traveled through time. Needless to say, Eileen was the flagship of the first team.

The flagship of the second team was naturally Hood, and in the back row were Hu Guangqi's iron triangle, commanded by Su Bai on board.

Su Bai said in a deep voice,"The opening of the hidden sea is a challenge and an opportunity for us. The unknown represents both hope and danger. In the next three weeks, we must focus all our resources on the fleet girls who are ready to attack."

"For the ship girls who were not included in the combat list, the main task in these three weeks is expedition and training. For the ship girls who were not selected, don't be discouraged, everyone will have the opportunity to fight in the future!"

"Lexington, you are the fleet's secret weapon, but I don't want others to know that you are already a battlecruiser, so you can only bear it for a while and keep a low profile."

Lexington stood up and smiled gently,"I understand, every fleet has a secret weapon, and I am willing to be this sharp blade hidden in the dark."

"It's good that you understand. I hope everyone understands that our first priority in this world is to survive, and then to grow and develop. I hope you can always stay with me, do you understand?"


All the shipgirls said in unison, and then collectively saluted the commander. They knew their commander very well after spending time together day and night.

This man may have many shortcomings, but his respect and love for the shipgirls came from the heart.

"Okay, without further ado, get ready and go!"

The leveling fleets set off one by one.

Their leveling combinations and routes were the optimal solutions that Su Bai had carefully calculated and arranged.

All fleets were in a front-and-back combination, making the most of the experience, and all the ship girls were now zero-broken, in order to reduce the consumption during leveling.

The logistics department had already prepared all the materials needed for the breakthrough, waiting for the last day, and after everyone broke through, they rushed into the unknown sea.

In the second week, the second commander opened the hidden sea, and he rushed in confidently, losing two ship girls, and the wolf���Escape back.

In the Azure World, the damaged shipgirls can be re-summoned through the Hall of Valor, but their levels will be reset to zero.

The second damaged shipgirl will permanently leave the commander, and the shipgirl's illustrations in the commander's logbook will also turn gray.

Su Bai knew that this meant that they were really dead. Although there were special channels for the gray illustrations to be resurrected again, the cost was so high that it was simply not something a normal person could afford.

You must protect your shipgirls. This is not a game, this is the real world. If you let your shipgirls turn gray, you are a standard dung.

In the second week of the event, such a person appeared. A commander led the fleet into the hidden sea area, resulting in the loss of two shipgirls, Hood and Laffey. However, this iron-headed commander did not believe in evil and entered the sea area again.

As a result, two of his illustrations were gray.

Su Bai, who was in the mansion, opened the logbook, kept in touch with the foreign fleet, and browsed the forum and commander chat room of the headquarters.

Seeing that the damn dung was still complaining that his shipgirls were not strong enough, Su Bai wanted to strangle this human fellow to death.

This damn fat pig is a disgrace to humanity. The ship girls here are not data in the game, they are living people, they have lives, they also have thoughts, feelings, and they feel pain!

Su Bai slammed his fist on the table.

Irene just came in with a cup of tea and said in surprise,"Su Bai, what's wrong with you? Who provoked you?""

"It's nothing, just a scumbag. He failed to command well, the ship sank, and he still complains that his ship is not strong enough."

Irene was stunned. In this world, the status of ship girls is originally lower than that of humans. The commander is the upper class among humans, and other commanders have always regarded ship girls as consumables.

However, although she knew this fact, Irene was still very sad when she heard that such a thing happened.

She said faintly,"Su Bai, if one day, I turn gray, will you come to save me??"

"Nonsense, unless I die, I will never allow you to leave me!"

Irene smiled,"Okay, I think too much, don't pay attention to these troubles, come, drink tea. This is the black tea brought by Miss Hood, and now I also like this kind of thing."

Su Bai smiled. Irene and Hood were the closest ship girls to him, and their habits also influenced each other inadvertently.

A system announcement sounded in the port area,"Commanders, please note that it is not recommended to enter the hidden sea without level 70. Although the reward is good, you must be alive to enjoy it."

"By the way, the hidden sea area this time has very generous rewards. The first three people who pass the level will also receive hidden rewards and achievements!"

Su Bai sneered. This system is really good. It said that everyone should be careful, but it is actually encouraging commanders above level 70 to rush in.

As for whether it can succeed, only God knows.

Su Bai did not plan to go in now. In the game, he likes to open up new areas and rush in without thinking. But in real life, Su Bai is a standard coward. What he likes most is to be fully prepared and then use cannons to kill mosquitoes into slag.

It is said that a long time ago, there was an undead king who was so cautious.

Let's wait for a"warrior" to go in and explore the way. It's not difficult to go in at level 70 as long as you are willing to spend resources.

Sure enough, there are always many such"warriors". In Su Bai's eyes, there are a few more people on Fenti's list.

Irene finally couldn't help it,"Su Bai, we should be sure to go in. Miss Hood and I are both level 75, and all the main forces can break through. Why not give it a try? Perhaps you can share your successful experience with other commanders?"


Su Bai was amused,"Erin, are you kidding me? Risk your lives and then share your experience with these idiots?"

Su Bai laughed, then put away his smile, a cruel light flashed in his eyes,"Erin, remember one thing, all the other commanders, added together, are not worth even a hair of yours. Let these idiots go in and take risks."

If it was a game, he wouldn't mind doing what Erin said. Perhaps, in Erin's subconscious, she was planted with the idea that this was a nostalgic version of the game Azur Lane. But Su Bai was more sober than anyone else, this was not a game!

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