Adjutant Milan came to report,"Commander, the breakthrough materials ordered have arrived, but these breakthrough materials are a little special."

What's so special about them? Since it's a nostalgic version, it's nothing more than gold and purple.

"Please invite them in! Forget it, I'll go out and greet them!"

Su Bai looked at the Bries standing all over the square, and his scalp tingled. Dozens of puppet ship girls filled the square, and they all looked exactly the same. It really made people speechless.

"Everyone, welcome to the port, but I can only take in one of each type of ship girl. The others can only put down their ship girl souls and retire."

The leader, Kim Bri, showed a strange smile on his face,"Commander, Bri is neither a ship girl nor a life, but just a breakthrough material. All our actions are preset by the program. How about this, Captain Purple Bri and I will join the fleet and open the illustrations for you, and the other Bris will be regarded as breakthrough materials!"

Su Bai felt a little better. If he really used a living ship girl to break through, he would always feel uncomfortable. It was better to have AI materials.

Sure enough, the movements of the Bries were a little stiff. It was obvious that they were not human lives, but robots.

They lined up and went to the dock, waiting for the moment of breakthrough.

The leaders of the gold and purple Bries also became the 72nd and 73rd members of the fleet.

With one week left before the end of the event, Su Bai's fleet ended its leveling journey.

Hood, Irene, Liaoning, Shandong, Enterprise, Glory and other main forces have reached level 80.

The substitute ship girls have also reached level 75.

In the dock, these ship girls have broken through to the full break, and the attributes are not strong. Those that are fully upgraded have also been strengthened.

The equipment workshop is also working overtime all night. What is 996? The work here is 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. People can rest, but the machines are not allowed to stop. Various main guns, secondary guns, and equipment are being strengthened one by one.

Su Bai is sitting on the Diaoyutai, confident.

Although this approach is really cowardly to the extreme, Su Bai has a sense of being in control of the situation and winning thousands of miles away.

This is what a qualified commander should do.

Su Bai opened the navigation log and prepared to see the progress of other people's land reclamation. At this moment, a system broadcast sounded in the port area,"Dear commanders, please note that unpredictable and powerful existences have appeared in the hidden sea area of this event. Do not enter without a level 70 fleet! Do not enter!"

"In addition, an obituary was published. The commanders of No. 133, 197, and 198 died heroically in the battle in the hidden sea. May their souls rest in peace in heaven."

Hey, three unlucky guys again. Wait! What did you say just now? Obituary! Rest in peace! In other words, dead means really dead?

Su Bai's forehead was sweating coldly!

He was afraid of death, scared to death! Of course he was afraid. Before coming here, he was just an otaku. He certainly didn't want to kill himself playing a game.

Enterprise keenly noticed the sweat on the commander's forehead. The gray ghost came over, carefully took out a handkerchief, and helped the commander wipe the sweat.

"Commander, if you are not feeling well, let Irene, Hood and I lead the team this time. We will be careful."

Su Bai smiled bitterly. It was embarrassing to let a real warrior see his timid side.

Enterprise's bright and concerned eyes made Su Bai feel ashamed. After all, life has to face something. Let the lovely girl go through life and death in front of him, while he enjoys a life of drunkenness and dreams in the mansion. Such a person is not worthy of being a commander.

Su Bai calmed down. He murmured to himself,"Enterprise, do you know who I am?"

Enterprise had a black question mark on his face. What happened to the commander?

Su Bai took a long breath and said loudly:

"Standing in front of you is the winner of the initial ship Qi hegemony achievement, the holder of the initial liver emperor honor, the royal knight who was personally awarded the title by the Queen, the Imperial Navy Rear Admiral, the legendary commander with the highest collection rate, the highest number of expeditions, and the strongest fleet, the blood demon Su Bai!"

Su Bai did not look at the dazed Enterprise,"I was just unwell just now, do you understand? This time, my flagship is you, we will go out together!"

On March 7th, the weather was fine and the huge fleet set off.

Su Bai stood in the command room of the Enterprise aircraft carrier, and the gray ghost Enterprise stood beside him, accompanying him to observe the situation on the sea.

The voice of the system sounded,"Warning! Warning! You are entering the hidden waters, please pay attention to safety!"

Su Bai opened the navigation log and shouted loudly,"Erin, Hood, Reputation, please report the situation!"

"The First Fleet is in good condition, no enemy found!"

"The Second Fleet is in good condition, no enemy found!"

"The Third Fleet is in good condition, no enemy found!"

"Very good, stay alert, and keep your distance between fleets. Release reconnaissance aircraft in batches, and immediately notify the entire fleet if any abnormality is found!"

"Got it!"

Su Bai felt relieved as he looked at the mighty warships on the sea. The average level of the entire fleet was close to level 80, with full enhancement, breakthrough, and equipment enhancement. There were five hidden ships, Hood, Reputation, Shandong, Liaoning, and Saratoga. If you can't pass the level even with this, it can only mean that this world is not a place for people to stay.

My fleet is the best in the world, don't panic!

Su Bai finally showed a smile on his face. It's really hard to be a warrior after being a coward for so long.

Enterprise gently held the commander's hand,"Don't be nervous, I'm here! I was also very nervous when I participated in the war for the first time, but I got used to it after experiencing a lot."

Enterprise's words made Su Bai's heart ache. This true legend of the sea had faced the tragic battle of one ship against another country. Compared with her, what was he?

"All fleets, attention! All fleets, attention! The reconnaissance plane just sent a message that an enemy fleet has been spotted fifty miles ahead! There are five battlecruisers, ten cruisers, and destroyers in total!"

"All fleets, please be careful not to rush to approach the enemy fleet! The enemy fleet does not have an aircraft carrier. Shandong, Liaoning, Enterprise, and Glory, release two-thirds of your carrier-based aircraft and launch an attack!"

Enterprise, who was standing next to Su Bai, smiled slightly,"Commander, this is a wise decision, I can already smell the scent of military exploits!"

Yes, you human head dog, uh, no, it's a war merit harvester.

Countless carrier-based aircraft took off one after another, formed a formation in the air, and began to attack the enemy. Dive bombers, torpedo planes, and fighters were in orderly formation. Several carrier-based ship girls were concentrating on commanding their own fleet formations.

This was the first tough battle of the fleet, which required precise coordination of each squadron.

A huge fleet of more than 200 aircraft flew over the hidden enemy fleet.

Countless bombs and fish fell like raindrops.

Although Su Bai could not see the battlefield fifty nautical miles away, the constant explosions made his heartbeat accelerate wildly.

This is a real naval battle!

The only difference from the naval battles in the original world is that the warships in the original world are operated by the crew, while here, the ship girls command the mechanical crew and indirectly control the warships.

In addition, the smoke of gunpowder and the sound of the explosion are exactly the same!

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