The effect of this round of air strikes was very significant.

Although the enemy fleet's air defense capabilities were not bad, they would lose if they defended for too long. Under the repeated attacks of more than 200 aircraft of various types from four aircraft carriers, warships were constantly hit by bullets and torpedoes.

When the planes of this wave of air strikes returned, one of the enemy's five battleships and cruisers was sunk, two were seriously damaged, two destroyers and cruisers were lost, and three were seriously damaged.

"Attention, continue to send reconnaissance planes, and be sure to guard against enemy forces in other directions! I don't believe they only have this few people!"

"Hood, Renown, and Lexington, take your cruisers and approach the enemy fleet and eliminate them once and for all!"

"Other ship girls, please stay alert, the enemy will never be so simple!"

Su Bai quickly issued a series of orders.

Enterprise smiled and contacted the carrier-based aircraft. Her carrier-based aircraft squadron achieved the greatest results. At least half of the enemy ships sunk and damaged were her achievements.

"By the way, Commander, why do you think the enemy's number is more than this?"

Su Bai thought, I've played the game a lot, so how many enemies are there? If it's just this difficult, is it necessary to make everyone so nervous?

Of course, this can't be said. Su Bai coughed lightly,"It's a very simple truth. If the enemy's strength is only this strong, then four commanders wouldn't have died in the front."

"All fleets, pay attention, a large number of aircraft are coming from the northwest!"

Su Bai was a little nervous, and quickly ordered,"Attention all aircraft carriers! Release the fighters! The planes that did not participate in the air strike just now will take off first, and the other planes will be released in turn after they are ready to be deployed again!"

Enterprise quickly executed the order, and she looked at Su Bai with some appreciation,"Commander, your command is more and more like that of an excellent naval general. In you, I see the shadow of a famous general"

"Who are you talking about?"

"Vice Admiral Spruance of the White Eagle Navy."

Su Bai's face was a little hot. He didn't dare to compare himself with this real top navy general.

The enemy's second fleet appeared, with a total of three aircraft carriers and escorting cruisers and destroyers.

The enemy fleet had tactics. The battleship force lured the enemy, and then took advantage of the time when all its carrier-based aircraft returned to the sea to launch a surprise attack by the aircraft carrier.

It was indeed a good plan. Fortunately, he was a commander who was cautious enough to keep one-third of the carrier-based aircraft, otherwise he would suffer a big loss today.

Now, it's the enemy's turn to bear the loss!

Although the number of carrier-based aircraft formations of the enemy's three aircraft carriers is slightly more than the second batch of fighters that took off, they are mainly bombers and torpedo planes after all, and their air combat capabilities are far inferior to Su Bai's fleet.

Obviously, the enemy's wishful thinking did not work.

Hood's voice sounded,"Commander, the enemy's battleship force has been defeated, and only a few small boats have escaped by chance. Should we pursue them!"

"There is no need to chase them, they are just a few small boats, let them go, and go to the northwest at full speed first to defeat the enemy's aircraft carrier force!"

The enemy's aircraft carrier-based aircraft formation suffered heavy losses in the air battle. Although it caused some damage to Su Bai's fleet, it still failed to sink any battleship. The most serious damage was that the Glorious was hit by three bombs.

However, in front of the Glorious's heavy armor, these three 500-pound bombs were really nothing, and only caused some minor troubles.

Glorious soon reported in the communication,"Commander, the damage control work has been completed, and the carrier-based aircraft can take off and land normally."

"Very good, everyone listen up, advance to the northwest at full speed, seize the opportunity when the enemy's carrier-based aircraft are reloading, and destroy them in one fell swoop!"

Enterprise gave Su Bai's command a thumbs up,"Commander, my carrier-based aircraft squadron is ready and can attack at any time!"

Su Bai thought to himself, you can't wait to smell the scent of human heads, and now the enemy is already meat on the chopping board, so it's up to you.

Su Bai nodded, signaling Enterprise that she could attack first.

Enterprise saluted happily, then released the prepared carrier-based aircraft. She looked to the northwest, her eyes were already red.

Enterprise's bloodthirstiness made Su Bai feel a little uneasy, but he didn't take it too seriously. Enterprise, after all, got excited when he saw a head, which was normal.

The battle went better than expected, and the enemy's The second fleet only had three mass-produced aircraft carriers and a few small boats.

Facing the 18 elite warships of the Chuanqi Hegemony Fleet, the aircraft carriers that had lost more than half of their carrier-based aircraft and were still being prepared were like delicacies on a dinner plate.

Two aircraft carriers died tragically at the hands of Enterprise, and the other was blown in half by Hood's shot. The remaining small boats were also quickly destroyed under the siege of the crowd.

Tonnage is truth, caliber is justice, this is an irrefutable truth in naval warfare.

In the Azure World, battleships have not yet There is a time to exit. In Su Bai's memory, in this game, battleships even suppressed aircraft carriers for a long time.

As Hood, Reputation and Lexington joined the battle, countless cannons roared continuously, and huge explosions played the enemy's elegy.

Su Bai looked at the fierce artillery battle through the telescope, and his heart was full of passion. This is the romance of men.

Big ships, cannons, beauties, which man can refuse such a life?

Now if he is given a chance to return to the original world, he will also decisively refuse. Will he go back to be that social animal and dead otaku? Never!

My goal is to become a legendary figure who commands a thousand ship girls and travels all over the world!

After annihilating the enemy's aircraft carrier formation, the reconnaissance plane sent news again that the enemy's main fleet appeared in front.

Ten battleships and cruisers, thirty small boats! In addition to mass-produced battleships, there are also rare elite battleships.

Is this going to be shipped? Defeating elite battleships will definitely get the soul of the ship girl. According to the announcement, there are hidden drops in the hidden area, so it must be here!

"All aircraft carriers, release their carrier-based aircraft. Don't worry about the losses. What I want is victory!"

"All cruisers and destroyers should outflank the enemy and look for opportunities to launch surprise attacks and launch torpedoes. Remember, do not engage in a cautious engagement with the enemy. After launching the torpedoes, immediately withdraw from the battle!"

"Battleships and battlecruisers, seize the T position immediately and open fire after achieving T advantage!"

"Everyone, please pay attention. Once the warship is damaged beyond the limit, jump into the water and escape immediately. Do you understand? Don't play the trick of"the ship is there and the people are there". That's what stupid people do. After returning to the port, it will be easy to build you another ten warships. Do you understand?"


""Okay, let's all act. May the military fortune flourish and our army win!"

This is an extremely difficult battle. If there were no aircraft carriers, Su Bai would definitely lead the fleet to withdraw from the battle immediately. However, with the four super aircraft carriers Enterprise, Glory, Liaoning, and Shandong, he would dare to go up and fight even if the number of enemies doubled!

Hood's voice came,"Commander, I saw a few faces that shouldn't be there. I think I know who the soul of the ship girl here is."

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