"In the ghost fleet, I feel familiar and unfamiliar with the two elite warships. They should be Anson and Howe."

Anson and Howe are ships of the same class as Hood. No wonder she feels familiar with them. However, these two ships have not been truly completed, so Hood feels familiar and unfamiliar. That's right.


The locust-like fleet of aircraft first arrived above the enemy fleet, and the dive bombers began to dive and attack without hesitation, and bombs exploded in the ghost fleet.

Soon, many ships began to be damaged and sunk.

However, the ghost fleet still had the upper hand in numbers. Now, it was time for Hood and his men to perform.

"Hood, Reputation, Lexington, it's time for you to perform!"

Hood raised his telescope very elegantly and observed the distance between the ghost fleet and himself.

"Ten nautical miles away, one round of calibration firing!"

"Distance of eight nautical miles, correct the shooting parameters, and continue to fire!"

Reputation is constantly wandering on the edge. As the time of participation in the battle increases, her various attributes are constantly rising.���At this time, the combat power of Renown is not inferior to Hood, and Renown has dual skills.

Nelson at 29 knots!

This skill increases her damage by another 20%.

At this moment, the attack power of Renown far exceeds the average level of battlecruisers of this era.

Renown's salvos quickly damaged two battleships of the Ghost Fleet.

Lexington's main guns are slightly less powerful than Hood and Renown, but her high mobility and high rate of fire make up for it. She targeted cruisers and destroyers.

Each round of salvos will cause fatal blows to these small boats. It is a veritable killer of elementary school students.

The Ghost Fleet is not a vegetarian either. Their salvos are equally powerful. A round of shells seriously injured the light cruiser Ajax. Ajax was hesitating whether to abandon the ship.

According to the commander's order, she should abandon the ship to survive, but if she abandons the ship, she will become the first ship girl in the entire port area to lose a battleship. This is too embarrassing.

Another round of shells came, Ajax did not dare to hesitate, and quickly jumped off the deck, ready to jump into the sea.

At this critical moment, Prince Eugen appeared, she activated the unbreakable shield, and helped Ajax withstand this round of attacks.

"Thank you, Sister Eugen!"

"Let's go! Leave this to me, don't worry, I'm a woman who can withstand even a nuclear bomb."Eugen was a little confused. What is a nuclear bomb? Why did I say this subconsciously?

Who cares? As long as Ajax is saved, the fierce artillery battle is still going on. No matter how good the commander is, he can only control the overall situation at this time. The specific battle still has to be left to the front-line ship girls to complete.

Su Bai felt that it was not conducive to command to observe the battlefield only through a telescope. He decisively ordered Enterprise,"Send a reconnaissance plane, I want to go up and command!"

"No, it's too dangerous. If the plane crashes, you won't have any chance of survival."

"Then why don't you send two more fighters to escort me!"

Su Bai roared,"Don't hesitate, this is an order!"

Enterprise compromised,"Okay, but I have a condition, the reconnaissance plane you take must be driven by me!"

Su Bai was confused,"Hey, hey, aren't you an aircraft carrier? How can you fly a plane?"

Enterprise smiled, her smile was very bright,"Commander, haven't you heard? An aircraft carrier who can't fly a plane is not a good ship girl! I am a ship girl, what's the difference between me and humans, there are so many people who can fly a plane. Stop talking nonsense, the reconnaissance plane is ready, are you going or not!"

"Well, I lose to you, let's go!"

Enterprise personally piloted the reconnaissance plane and flew over the battlefield under the cover of two fighter planes.

""Su Bai! Sit tight, let me take you to fly across the sky!"

Su Bai smiled slightly,"This is the first time you call me by my name directly. Enterprise, you look so beautiful when you smile."

A hint of red flashed across Enterprise's fair face,"My Lord Commander, this is a battlefield, please don't flirt with girls on the battlefield, okay. Take off!"

Su Bai laughed, Enterprise was particularly cute today. Yes, without the cold killer mask, Enterprise is also a lovely girl.

Originally Enterprise was also a sunny girl. But as the other sisters of the Yorktown class sank one after another, Mrs. Lie and Wasp died in the Pacific Ocean, and her sister-in-law was overhauled all year round, she had to face the overwhelming enemies of the Sakura Empire alone.

One person against one country, the bloody killing made Enterprise's character cold-blooded and twisted. I don't want such an Enterprise. What I want is this cute girl Enterprise who can joke with the commander today and can fly the plane to take the commander for a ride in the sky.

"Enterprise, I will protect your innocence!"

Enterprise rolled his eyes at Su Bai and said,"Su Bai, when a man says this to a girl, it's like a confession. Are you sure?"

"Of course, I am the patron saint of you all!"

"Stop talking nonsense, we are above the battlefield."

Su Bai calmed down and observed the battlefield below.

"Rafi, head northwest, there are enemy ships behind you!"

"Santiago, move closer to Eugen quickly, you can't handle it alone!"

"Hood, you are five nautical miles away from the nearest battleship, and there are no other enemy ships around, so you can start your performance!"

Su Bai was so happy that he couldn't stop smiling as he watched Hood's barrage of bullets flood the ghost battleship like a tide.

Enterprise said faintly,"Su Bai, do you care about Hood?"

"Of course, Hood is my wife!"Su Bai blurted out. In all the KanColle games he played, as long as there was Hood, he was the first to marry Hood, so the sentence"Hood is my wife" came out completely subconsciously, and he didn't even notice that he said such a sentence.

Enterprise suddenly fell silent, and she pushed the left throttle lever to the maximum, and the speed of the plane soared rapidly.

"Ah! Enterprise, what happened, such a sudden acceleration!"

"It's nothing. There's a lone Ghost over there. I'm going to kill it. Hold on tight, Commander!"

"Hello, we are a reconnaissance plane, not a fighter plane."

"It’s okay, so what if it’s a reconnaissance plane? It has two 20mm cannons and four 0.5-inch machine guns, which is enough!"

"Wait a minute, we are here to command the battle from the air!"

Su Bai broke out in a cold sweat,"Qiye, I really admire you. You can't walk when you see a head, right? You don't even let go of a reconnaissance plane!"

"Please fasten your seat belts, the veteran driver Enterprise is going to take you to race on the battlefield! No, it's to race a plane!"

It's so exciting. Enterprise's posture and skills are so much better than those rookies who play shrimp catching.

Who said that female drivers' skills are not good? Look at Enterprise, she actually made the reconnaissance plane feel like a jet fighter. Su Bai kept rolling in the air, his stomach churning, and he almost went live.

Oh my God, this feeling is really indescribable.

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