Su Bai shouted,"Don't do anything stupid, sit down now, fly over the Hood, then pull out the safety pin under the flight seat, and pull down the ejection ring!"

"Then what!"

"Then you can pray to the gods."

"Bang!"As the ejection ring was pulled down, the canopy glass was blown off, and Enterprise was ejected with the seat like a cannonball.

The parachute opened in the air. Fortunately, there was no danger. Enterprise covered her mouth and waved to Su Bai.

Of course, Enterprise still fell into the sea in a very embarrassing way. She was entangled by the parachute and almost became a water ghost.

Su Bai threw away his coat and military boots, jumped into the sea, and swam quickly towards Enterprise. He cut the parachute rope with a dagger and hugged the shivering Enterprise in his arms.

"You guys, you're trying too hard. Actually, we already know the ghost fleet's tactics this time, and we will definitely kill them next time. Why bother?"

Enterprise looked at Su Bai with a smile, and leaned close to the commander's ear,"It's all worth it to see you jump into the sea to find me."

Su Bai smiled bitterly. Enterprise, ah Enterprise, will always be that unique existence

"I'm so cold, hold me tight, please?"

Of course Su Bai would not refuse, he hugged Enterprise tightly, soaking in the sea water, her long silver hair wet on her body, she looked so delicate and charming, maybe, this is the real Enterprise.

Enterprise suddenly came up and kissed Su Bai tightly with her red lips. Su Bai was completely stiff.

This was his first kiss. Because he was rescuing Hood that time, he didn't think too much about it. This was the first time they kissed when they were both awake.

After a long time, their lips parted.

"Thank you, Su Bai!"

The commander's heartbeat quickened, as if a small drum was beating. Is this the taste of a first kiss? With a hint of sweetness and a hint of salty sea water.

Su Bai and Enterprise were pulled aboard the Hood.

It was very dark just now, and Enterprise embraced and kissed him without anyone seeing it.

The Ghost flagship was sunk, and the EX-2 Alpha Sea Area was cleared.

Unfortunately, there was no European Emperor this time. The Ghost flagship was indeed defeated, and two ship girls were shipped at once, but they were the desperate Nevada and Oklahoma.

"Young man, are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Nevada reported to the commander with a smile.

"Haha, this is really a surprise. Let's go back to the port together. If you two are willing, you can work in my port area after retirement!"

Nevada and Oklahoma were a little surprised. They didn't expect to stay in the harbor. They just felt lucky to be rescued.

Being able to work in the port area of a powerful commander is a very generous job.

Su Bai was in a very good mood. Although he didn't get the hidden drop of Battlecruiser Rodney, it was a huge achievement to be able to pass the level.

After returning to the harbor, the injured and drowned ship girls were transferred to the hospital for treatment. Nevada and Oklahoma were arranged to be production team leaders in the dock. The salary was twice as high as that of ordinary jobs in society, and they were very satisfied.

This is the best destination for retired ship girls, and working by the sea will prevent these two old navy men from being too disappointed.

After returning to the port, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

Everyone went to rest, but Enterprise did not leave.

"Su Bai, I'm sleepy and tired. Can I rest here with you?"

"Of course, you can sleep in my bed, it has velvet covers and the best bed."

"how about you?"

"There is a small bed in the study, I can sleep there"

"No, the battle today is too intense. I'm scared and I can't sleep. You have to stay with me!"

Oh my God, Enterprise will feel scared too? Then you are so aggressive in battle, and you fly a plane you have never flown before to the top of the flagship!

Su Bai certainly understands that Enterprise will not be afraid, but Enterprise will act like a spoiled child.

Well, it's not the first time to accompany the ship girl to rest anyway. Su Bai turned off the lights and lay quietly beside Enterprise.

The two did not speak, but just quietly felt each other's breathing and heartbeat. This feeling of tranquility is really good.

Su Bai closed his eyes, and Enterprise's eyes were as bright as stars in the night sky. She looked at Su Bai gently, opened and closed her lips, and whispered a silent word.

If Su Bai could see clearly, he would be able to see the meaning of that sentence,"ILoveU!"

A night passed, and as the sun filled the bedroom, Su Bai opened his eyes. Enterprise beside him was wearing silk pajamas, hugging the pillow without any image, and was still sleeping soundly.

At this moment, Irene opened the door

"Commander, it's time for a meeting."

She looked at Su Bai and Enterprise in shock,"You, you already!"

"Hey, calm down. She was too tired last night, so she rested here. Don't think too much."

Irene was a little dissatisfied, but it was hard to say anything. She had to put the two uniforms beside the bed and left angrily.

At the combat meeting, Su Bai organized all the participating warships, summarized the enemy intelligence on the EX-2 Alpha map, and formulated a new way of fighting.

And Lachar also felt that he had gained a lot from this trip, and said goodbye to Su Bai. With this information, he felt that he could give it a try.

With the experience of the first success, the second ghost flagship hunting battle was very easy. Only the unlucky little swan accidentally fell into the water, and the others were not seriously injured and passed the level smoothly.

According to the rules of this world, only by defeating the bottom boss five times can it be considered a real defeat.

So, Su Bai led the fleet to the Alpha Sea again and killed the ghost fleet again.

After five kills, I finally saw the soul of the battlecruiser Rodney.

"Hello, Commander. I am the Admiral-class battlecruiser Rodney. I was not supposed to be here, but your bravery made me appear."

"Haha, Rodney, would you like to join my fleet?"

"Of course, Commander. Is there another Rodney in your fleet, the battleship Rodney?"

"Of course, I am looking forward to your meeting her!"

The seventy-sixth ship girl, Battlecruiser Rodney, joined the fleet.

Su Bai knew that the Rodney here was originally a planned admiral-class battlecruiser, the sister ship of Hood, but it was cut off by the naval treaty. Her ship girl soul, somehow, came to the ghost fleet, and when she was fished out, she turned into Battlecruiser Rodney. Battlecruiser Rodney's firepower is not as good as Battleship Rodney, but her speed and maneuverability are much better.

It doesn't matter if the firepower is weak, the port area will definitely open the transformation function in the future, and these ship girls with good foundations will have strong strength after the transformation. It will also be greatly improved.

Even if it is really weak, it doesn’t matter. There are many strong ship girls in the port area now, so what’s wrong with raising a few vases!

After returning to the port area, Rodney and Rodney met at the port. This is the first time that ship girls with the same name have met.

The two Rodneys look somewhat similar, but the battlecruiser Rodney is much slimmer.

For the sake of distinction, the battlecruiser Rodney will be called Rodney in the future.

The system broadcast sounded in the port area,"In the battle just now, Su Bai's ship Qi Baye fleet defeated the gatekeeper of the EX-2 Alpha Sea Area and completely cleared this event!"

"Commander Su Bai will obtain the special achievement of Light of Hope and receive a large amount of resources and 800 units of diamonds as a reward."

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