There are still four days left before the end of the event.

All those who tried to gain something in this event have started to move.

Six commanders died before, and their port area has already been occupied by newcomers. It is really the case that only the newcomers laugh and the old ones cry.

With the example of these six unlucky guys, no one would be stupid enough to rush without thinking when they are not strong enough.

While others were still fighting in the EX-1 Roentgen Sea, Su Bai won another battle and cleared the EX-2 Alpha Sea.

This completely refreshed people's understanding of Su Bai.

Soon, the system played another broadcast that Lachar had cleared EX-1. So far, no one has doubted the accuracy of Su Bai's intelligence.

People came to buy intelligence in an endless stream. Su Bai himself was too lazy to take care of this matter, and handed it over to his adjutant Milan to handle it.

Buying EX-1 intelligence alone costs 1,000 fuel and 1,000 supplies, buying EX-2 intelligence alone costs 2,000 fuel and 2,000 supplies, and buying a package costs 2,500 fuel and supplies.

Bargaining? It doesn't exist. You can buy it if you want. If you think it's too expensive, go and open up new land yourself. How many ship girls risked their lives to get this, yet you think it's too expensive!

The loss of the tool crew alone is as high as more than 3,000 people, and this all costs money!

Su Bai stood on the top of the mountain in the port, looking at the sea in the distance. Beside him were Hu Guangqi's iron triangle, Renown, and Irene. They are the people nicknamed the Four Heavenly Kings by the ship girls in the port, and they are also the ones with the highest intimacy and the most transcendent status around the commander.

What, you said there are five of them? Uh, there are five of the Four Heavenly Kings. This is a routine operation.

"Do you think this event is really over?"

"Of course, the system has already broadcasted it."

Su Bai smiled and shook his head,"Think carefully, do you remember what happened after we broke through the ghost flagship?"

"The sea water seems to have turned red"

"Yes, that is definitely not blood. Tool people will not bleed when they die. Even if they do, it will not dye such a large area of the sea red."

"I am sure that there are special areas after the Alpha Sea Area!"

Enterprise said with a serious expression,"Commander, please give the order and tell us where the enemy is?"

"I don't know where they are either. There are still four days left before the event ends. I decided to use the last two days to explore. During these two days, the main force will step up leveling and gain experience in EX-2. By the way, I will investigate the surrounding sea areas."

So, the Chuanqi Hegemony Fleet continued to wander in the event sea area.

The level of the main fleet also reached level 85.

When Su Bai's fleet killed the ghost flagship for the hundredth time, a cold voice sounded.

"It seems that you must enter the hidden sea?"

"Since you want to come, then come in."

In the distance of the Alpha Sea, a new sea area appeared. What is this?

Su Bai ordered to move forward.

"All fleets, please take note, send out reconnaissance aircraft and pay attention to reconnaissance. If any unknown situation occurs, the entire fleet must be informed in a timely manner. No one is allowed to act without authorization!"

"If you encounter an unknown attack, you must evacuate immediately!"

Su Bai was always a little worried, not knowing whether coming here was a blessing or a curse, but now that he knew, if he really didn't come to take a look, it would be a demon in his heart after all.

Enterprise held Su Bai's hand,"If you are worried, can we go to the sky and take a look ourselves?"

"Let's forget about it this time. There are too many unknown factors in this exploration. If a missile comes, we will both be homeless."

"Who is your spouse? You are so funny!"

Qiyi's face flushed, making her fair face look even more delicate.

"Alert! Alert! There's an island ahead!"


Su Bai and Enterprise looked at each other in bewilderment. The Blue World was of course full of islands, but what did it mean for several islands to appear in the final hidden map of an activity map?

In the end, Su Bai and Enterprise took off. It was better to see this kind of thing in person.

Enterprise took off in a reconnaissance plane, and Su Bai used a telescope to observe the large island in the distance. The island was shrouded in fog, and several fortresses, artillery positions, and even military camps and docks could be vaguely seen!

What did this mean?

Su Bai opened the navigation log and connected to the customer service communication. A sweet female voice came

"Hello, Commander Su Bai, what can I do for you?"

"Let's get straight to the point. Is the hidden area and the final level of this event the mysterious island?"

"this......Mr. Su Bai, I can't tell you the answer directly"

"Okay, I get it."

Just because you can't tell me the answer directly doesn't mean it's not this answer. It looks like this is the island.

How to attack, how many enemy troops are there on this island, what their strength is, and what their firepower configuration is. I have no idea. This is a taboo in military strategy!

This fortress reminded Su Bai of the Fortress Princess who once dominated the players of the R-class ship. Destroyers and cruisers don't play a big role in this battle.

Moreover, relying solely on indiscriminate bombing can only cause damage to the island, but if you can't attack it, does it count as passing the level?

These questions made Su Bai's head hurt.

Enterprise clenched his right fist and smashed it directly on the dashboard,"Don't think about it, let the carrier-based aircraft rush up first, and the battleship's cannons bombard it. Wouldn't we know everything this way?"

That's right. I was a little worried. No matter how powerful the enemy is, I have to give it a try.

Can I go back in disgrace?

Su Bai gave the order to attack.

More than 200 carrier-based aircraft rushed to the mysterious island. The cannons of several warships began to roar, and shells poured down one after another.

The counterattack of the mysterious island also began. The shore-based artillery began to roar, and one shell after another drew an arc and hit the sea and the warships.

Su Bai observed the situation of the battle in the air and evaluated the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides.

The level of these enemy artillery should be around level 85, which is very strong. There are also many enemy troops stationed on the island, estimated to be at least 3,000. Most of them are tools, and only a small number of commanders are in charge. The personnel are human-like lives.

These creatures have human-like appearances, but their movements and skin color are not human at all. How can there be humans with blue skin?

The artillery battle between the two sides lasted for about an hour. Hood, Reputation, Lexington and others were all injured to some extent, and the fortresses and artillery batteries on the island were also seriously damaged.

Su Bai saw that the battle was almost over and that he would definitely not be able to take this mysterious island today, so he decisively ordered a retreat.

A military meeting was held at the commander's mansion.

Su Bai began to assign tasks,"Anson, Howe, Rodney, Rodney, Nelson, the five of you should hurry up and level up. You can't stop. You must level up to at least level 70 in these two days. If you exceed level 75, you will be given extra rewards!"

"Irene, try to find out if you can get a landing craft. Ask on the black market, price is not a problem."

"Milan, get more robot soldiers, we need soldiers for the army, as for the number, buy 5,000 first"

"The other main battleships, go level up, disband now, we will be ready to set off the day after tomorrow!"

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