The preparations went smoothly.

The five thousand mechanical warriors were soon in place. After a simple debugging, these warriors could be put into battle quickly.

The task of purchasing amphibious landing ships was also completed quickly.

There is a mercenary guild at the headquarters, and naturally someone took up this task. Although the price is not cheap, it is a seller's market, and you have to buy it no matter how expensive it is.

According to the mercenary guild,"If you think it's too expensive, you don't have to use it."

Well, there are not many people in this world who have amphibious landing ships and can drive ships. If you have the technology, you can do whatever you want.

The headquarters has such talents, but it has nothing to do with me, and the system will not open amphibious landing ships in a short time.

Ten LSM-type landing ships were hired, along with accompanying tanks, armored vehicles, landing craft, etc. Since Su Bai is the first big customer, the mercenary guild also gave a thousand elite mechanical mercenaries.

This is more than the cost of a big deal, enough to build a battleship, but you can't use a battleship to land on the beach.

There was only one day left before the event. Su Bai led a huge fleet and more than 6,000 landed marines and mechanical mercenaries, ready to set off.

Before setting off, Guanghui proposed:

"Commander, this is the largest military operation we have ever conducted. How about giving it a code name?"

"Okay, let's call it Operation Overlord!"

Su Bai's bad taste began. This time, 36 warships, 10 amphibious landing ships, hundreds of landing craft, and more than 20,000 combatants were mobilized. It really felt a bit like the Little Normandy.

The Normandy Landing was Operation Overlord, so there's nothing wrong with calling it Operation Overlord, right?

No problem, the ship girls and officers present all applauded in agreement.

"The commander gave me such a domineering name!"Is this a compliment or an insult?

Regardless, let's go!

When this huge fleet left the port, Su Bai, standing on the island of the Enterprise, really felt quite ambitious.

Could the office worker otaku three months ago have imagined that he would now command such a huge fleet to conduct an amphibious landing operation in another world?

Facing such a huge fleet, the first two maps were given to them for free, and the fleet of Chuanqi Hegemony soon arrived in front of the mysterious island.

"Fire ready!"

Su Bai calmly issued the attack order. Before the war, according to his requirements, all destroyers and cruisers became tools to carry ammunition for battleships and battlecruisers. When the gunboats ran out of shells, they took them from these small boats.

Therefore, the intensity of the bombardment this time was unprecedented.

Hood, Eileen, Reputation, Lexington, Anson, Howe, Rodney, Rodney, Nelson, Prince of Wales, a total of ten battleships and battlecruisers, nearly a hundred huge cannons began to roar.

Each round of bombardment blew up the buildings on the island. The island's ghosts The spiritual soldiers fell one after another, and the remaining soldiers began to hide in bunkers and shelters.

As the bombardment continued, more than two hundred carrier-based aircraft also arrived over the mysterious island.

After three hours of bombardment and bombing, Su Bai ordered the battleships and battlecruisers to cease fire, and the landing operation officially began.

Su Bai, who was commanding in the air, looked at the fierce war scene below and was still very shocked.

Although he knew that these charging personnel were almost all mechanical warriors, their deaths and injuries were only related to money, not human lives, but There is still some feeling about the cruelty of war in my heart.

Landing operations can be said to be the cruelest type of operations.

There will be a large number of casualties in the beachhead stage. In Operation Overlord, on Omaha Beach, how many Allied soldiers became the number of machine gun kills.

The same is true for Operation Little Overlord this time. At least thousands of mechanical warriors were completely scrapped during the beachhead stage.

Su Bai ordered the battleships and cruisers to continue fire suppression.

As soon as those bunkers emerged, shells whistled in and knocked down these bunkers one by one.

With the landing of tanks and armored vehicles, the battle entered the second stage, the stage of establishing beachhead positions.

At this time, the ghost forces, unwilling to fail, organized artillery and tanks to counterattack the beachhead positions.

Now is the moment to test the strength of both parties. Fortunately, all the participants in the battle are mechanical warriors, so there is no need to consider complex factors such as morale.

No matter how many soldiers fell, other mechanical warriors are still charging at the risk of their lives.

Enterprise saw that Su Bai's face was ugly, and he held the commander's hand very intimately. Su Bai looked at Enterprise's concerned eyes and felt a little ashamed.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh. Maybe I'm not a qualified leader at all."

"What are you talking about? You are the best commander in all the ports, no doubt about it. Su Bai, I won't allow you to be so self-deprecating, you are the pillar of us ship girls."

Su Bai cheered up,"You are right, that's right, I must cheer up. Fight for you, my lady!"

Just when the landing battle was going smoothly, a sudden change occurred. Hundreds of transport planes began to land on the mysterious island. With the arrival of these transport planes, at least tens of thousands of soldiers and a large number of tanks were airdropped.

Su Bai was dumbfounded. The balance of power between the two sides had undergone a huge change. Is this the end of this landing operation?

Should we give up?

Su Bai was about to give the order to retreat, and at this moment, he saw Enterprise's eyes full of fighting spirit.

One ship can fight a country, what is this?

"Everyone, listen up! All participating ships, send half of their personnel to board landing craft to participate in the landing operation!"

There are more than 20,000 mechanical warriors of various types on the 36 warships present. As long as we can send another 10,000 people up, the battle situation will be stable!


The brave will win when they meet on a narrow road. If we retreat at this time, not only will all our preparations be wasted, but���This was a huge blow to the morale of the fleet. Most importantly, there was no time to organize another attack, as the event would end tomorrow.

The mercenary commander on the beach knew that Su Bai had sent reinforcements, so he calmly organized the defense. In any case, he had to live up to the sky-high commission. Tens of thousands of ghost fighters began to besiege the more than 4,000 mercenaries on the beach.

Hundreds of landing craft could transport 3,000 fighters to the beach within ten minutes. As long as they could hold on for half an hour, the situation would be reversed.

Su Bai looked at the situation on the front line nervously, and just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, he saw two familiar figures.

It was Hood and Eileen!

"Hood! Irene! Are you two bastards crazy? Who told you to land? Your mission is to command on the ship!"

"Su Bai, please don't be like this." Enterprise stopped Su Bai who was about to go berserk,"They both have land battle command skills. If they go to the front line, they can increase the combat effectiveness of all the soldiers on the front line by about 20%. You have to understand them."

"But this is too dangerous! Those tools will die, but if anything happens to you, I will be very sad!"

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