After arriving at the headquarters, Su Bai directly reported to Governor Nimitz and asked for an audience.

In the study of the Governor's Mansion, Nimitz looked at Su Bai helplessly.

"Young man, I don't know whether to praise your bravery or criticize your recklessness and meddling."

"I will not let go of my enemies, you should understand this."

"Well, you are right. Leave Princess Youlan to me. Sigh, you have caused me so much trouble."

"Is it related to those noble lords?"

Nimitz's face suddenly changed, staring at Su Bai.

Su Bai smiled slightly,"Governor, don't be surprised, interrogating prisoners is a necessary job, well, I can only say that my interrogators are still very good."

Nimitz shook his head helplessly,"Remember, you know nothing and have never seen Youlan, understand?"

"Got it! Oh, by the way, I also found a strange box on the island. I didn't open it and gave it to the Governor."

Su Bai snapped his fingers, and Enterprise came over, put a delicate small box on Nimitz's desk, and then walked out.

Nimitz was really shocked when he saw the box, and his face changed again and again,"Are you sure you didn't open this box?"

"Don't worry, although I am young, I also know that there are some things that I should not touch. You can find the best locksmith to check whether the lock has been tampered with."

"Well, I believe you, you are the best guy in my area. By the way, you have made a great contribution this time, what reward do you want?"

"I am a common man, so give me some common things. Getting promoted and getting rich is my greatest wish. I hope the governor can satisfy me."

Nimitz said with a smile,"What an interesting little guy, you caught the non-existent princess and obtained the non-existent treasure chest, and you should be given the title of earl. But these achievements cannot be made public. According to the achievements that can be made public, I can only give you the title of baron."

"Baron is fine. But I have two conditions. First, you have to give me my port area and the surrounding sea area as my territory, and then give me four royal knights and nine knights' subordinate titles."

"This is not too much. A baron can have up to ten guard knights. I will give you four quotas for temple knights. Just report who you need to appoint as knights."

Su Bai nodded. The temple knights and royal knights have the same status. That's enough."By the way, I have spent a lot of money on these expeditions, and my contributions have been buried. You have to compensate me, right?"

Nimitz said with a smile,"Why are you so greedy? I will give you 20,000 diamonds in my personal name. You can buy whatever you want."

Su Bai knew that he had to leave. He stood up and saluted. When leaving the Governor's Mansion, he said softly,"These diamonds are prepared for the ship girls. These things can always be used."

Su Bai now has only more than 9,900 diamonds. He has hardly used his diamonds. This time, Nimitz's compensation has doubled his high-level resource reserves.

After leaving the port area, Su Bai took Enterprise's hand,"Let's go shopping!"

In the commercial district of the port, the most prosperous commercial street, Avenue des Champs-Elysees, Su Bai took Enterprise into a luxury goods store.

Enterprise always travels in military uniform, and this time is no exception.

Su Bai, who made a lot of money, was in an extremely happy mood. He couldn't help laughing when he remembered that when he and Enterprise were flying in the sky, Enterprise said sourly that he bought perfume for Hood and Irene.

Although Enterprise was a god-killing ship girl on the battlefield, she was also a 19-year-old girl.

If there was no war, maybe she would go to a university? Maybe she would go shopping with her sisters in her spare time.

"Enterprise, what do you think of this skirt?"

"Eh? I've never worn a skirt."

"Then go and try it on!"

Enterprise was a little hesitant, but still took the skirt and walked into the fitting room. Soon, Enterprise came out. This beige dress was simply tailor-made for her.

Whether it was her appearance, figure, or temperament, it was a perfect match. Su Bai was stunned and drooled involuntarily.

My God, although I know that Enterprise is a great beauty, this is the first time I have seen her so delicate side.

Damn it, the usual military uniform completely covers Enterprise's perfect figure. Now after putting on the skirt, Enterprise's devilish figure is perfectly set off.

The big places are big enough to make people salivate, and the narrow places are just right. What is adding one point is too much and subtracting one point is too little, just look at Enterprise and you will understand.

Su Bai felt that a part of his body began to heat up.

He quickly turned sideways,"This one is perfect, put it on for me!"

"Let's try this one again!"

Enterprise went in to change clothes with great interest. After changing three sets in a row, Enterprise came out in a suit.

Her long silver hair was casually draped over her shoulders, and she wore a straight suit on her body, which was a perfect combination of heroism and charm.

This suit was a perfect match for Enterprise.

"Su Bai, how is it?"

"so perfect!"

"Humph, you won't buy it no matter how perfect it is. I've never seen a commander as stingy as you."

Su Bai turned around with disgust. It was Elanis again, this annoying woman who would make things difficult for him every time she appeared.

Enterprise seemed to remember the consumption of this war, and said very obediently,"Su Bai, I always wear military uniforms anyway, and these things are of no use to me. We should go."

Enterprise's understanding made Su Bai even more angry. He looked at Elanis coldly, snapped his fingers, and summoned the waiter,"Waiter, pack up all these clothes, I want them all. She doesn't need to change the one she's wearing, buy them all!"

The waiter looked at the generous sponsor with surprise, quickly completed the task, and then walked over and said,"Dear sir, five sets of clothes, a total of 71,000 yuan, and I'll remove the decimals for you, a total of 70,000 yuan. Do you have a membership card?"

"I don’t have a membership card, but I have this."

Su Bai took out his ID card and handed it over. When the waitress saw the golden card, her face changed. This was a gold card that only nobles could use. She immediately bowed and said,"Sir, you have a gold card, you can get a 20% discount. I’ll go and swipe the card for you now!"

Su Bai looked at Alanis and said coldly,"Thirty years in Henan and thirty years in Hebei, don’t bully the young and poor. You will never understand this truth. Please stay away from me!"

Alanis was furious, but her status and position were indeed far behind Su Bai, so she had to stand away angrily.

"What? It's just a ship girl. Why are you showing off like this?"

Su Bai didn't bother to pay attention to her after hearing this. She was just an ignorant woman. She didn't know that this ship girl would soon become a temple knight, and her status would be much more noble than that of an ordinary human like her.

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