After leaving the luxury goods store, Enterprise grabbed the commander's arm and said,"Su Bai, there is no need to buy so many things. These things are not necessarily that good."

Su Bai smiled slightly,"Enterprise, these luxury goods may be better than ordinary clothes when worn on the body, but this improvement is indeed not worth the money. Do you know where they are valuable?"

Enterprise looked at the commander and shook his head.

"Luxury goods are all about a sense of superiority! You don’t have it, but I do; you can’t afford it, but I can. This is the value of luxury goods."

"That Elanis just now, she is an official of the headquarters, but what can she do in front of you except sulking? This is the sense of superiority brought by these luxury goods, a crushing sense of superiority!"

Enterprise smiled bitterly and shook his head,"The human heart is too complicated, I don't understand"

"It's okay if you don't understand. I hope you will never understand these things. You just need to know that it is their honor only to wear you. That's enough. Let's go back to the port. We will have a greater sense of superiority later."

This greater sense of superiority is the title of nobility.

Although the baron is the lowest level among the lords with territories, he is still a lord.

Baron Su Bai is destined to be the most handsome guy in the entire commander circle. The thirteen knights' places will also allow the ship girls under Su Bai's command to hold their heads high in front of those guys who look down on others with dog eyes, and no longer feel inferior.

But how should these places be divided?

The four temple knights are equivalent to royal knights and have a higher status than knights. Irene is his assistant and deputy commander, so of course she should get one. Hood doesn't need to be mentioned. Even if there is only one place, Su Bai is willing to give it to Hood..

Enterprise is the fleet's most meritorious ship girl. If she doesn't deserve this title, who deserves it?

The problem lies in who should be given the last Temple Knight?

Liaoning and Shandong who appeared early? Or the Reputation and Lexington who traveled through time and space? Or the fleet's strongest aircraft carrier Glory? The hidden super rare Rodney?

This is a bad choice, and it will hurt the unity within the team.

And who should be given the nine knight places?

If the difference between Temple Knights and Knights is not too big, then the gap between Knights and ordinary people is a world of difference.

Enterprise saw Su Bai's expression and gently pulled his hand,"Su Bai, what are you hesitating about?"

Su Bai hesitated for a moment, but still told Enterprise.

Enterprise looked at Su Bai and laughed,"My commander, do you think the ship girls are as thoughtful as humans? No matter how you divide it, I believe you will get more titles in the future. Wouldn't it be fine to confer them then?"

"Really? Well, I won't give you a title this time, so just be humble."

Qiyi's face turned pale, her hands began to tremble, and the bag in her hand fell to the ground with a plop.

Su Bai picked up the bag helplessly,"You see, it's not that simple. If the title doesn't match the contribution, you will end up in a situation like this."

"A sage once said,"What is worrying is not the lack of people but the inequality!" Without these thirteen knighthoods, everyone was the same, but after this time, it is inevitable that the ship girls will be divided into different levels."

Su Bai returned to the port silently. He did not sleep all night and finally made a decision. Let's distribute them strictly according to the merit points of all the ship girls.

Enterprise, Hood, Glory, and Irene are the four Knights of the Temple.

Liaoning, Shandong, Lexington, Reputation, Prince of Wales, Lafite, Eugen, Javelin, and Santiago are the nine knights.

These people will become the first batch of ship girls to receive titles in the port.

In the port auditorium, Su Bai stood on the stage solemnly and read out the list of appointments. Some ship girls were more or less disappointed, but after all, they were strictly ranked according to merit, so no one had much to say.

Su Bai saw that many ship girls who joined later had lonely expressions, cleared his throat, and said loudly:

"Comrades, I know that after reading this list, some people will definitely have some thoughts in their minds. Liaoning, Shandong, and Lexington, the three of you lost your merits because you hid your identities. Rodney, Anson, Howe, and Rodney, you came a little late and did not have the opportunity to make merits. There are also many ship girls who made great contributions to the victory of the port area."

"However, there are only a limited number of these titles. If anyone needs to be held responsible, it should be me. I will strive for more benefits for everyone in the future. Let's look further ahead. If the pie is bigger, everyone can have a share. Whether you are on the list or not, listen to me. We are a family and we must not let this matter create a rift between us!"

"Finally, I promise you all here that I will do my best to obtain more titles. Thirteen knights are nothing. In the future, even if we have one thousand or two thousand ship girls, I will fight for everyone's rights!"

After saying this, Su Bai felt that he had used up all his strength. It was really not that easy to be a commander.

Sometimes, he really envied those heartless bastards. They played soy sauce and flirted with girls during the day, and had fun with the ship girls at night. Except for being a salted fish during activities, they were simply gods. It was really tiring to be a commander!

Are you willing to be a salted fish? No! Well, this is what you asked for. You are born to be a hard-working person.

The grand celebration banquet was held again. The thirteen knights all changed into brand new dresses and accepted everyone's congratulations radiantly.

Where there are people, there are classes, and the same is true among the ship girls.

Su Bai helplessly drank a glass of strong liquor. This is the world of rivers and lakes, and there is no escape.

The thirteen knights became the first batch of nobles in the port area. In order to distinguish them from the civilian ship girls, a new villa area was specially built for them, and each person had a separate villa to live in.

All this made Su Bai very unhappy. He came from an industrial civilization. The world is instinctively opposed to nobles and titles, but this is the rule of this world.

In a world where the rules are made by gods, it would be strange if there were no classes.

Su Bai was drunk after drinking several glasses of strong liquor in a row. He didn't remember how he returned to the dormitory in a daze. Maybe he was carried back.

All this seemed like a big dream. In the dream, he was like an emperor, with fine wine and beauties, and he was in charge of the country.

In the dream, I had three palaces, six courtyards and seventy-two concubines. I had everything I wanted. Haha, I really don't want to wake up!

Su Bai felt a headache.

Huh, the hangover feeling is really bad. Fortunately, I am in my own bed, not thrown on the side of the road.

But, what is next to me?

This feel, my God!

Su Bai woke up instantly. He looked stupidly at Guanghui with a blushing face. This beauty was wearing white pajamas and was by his side last night.

Su Bai was dumbfounded. What's going on? I didn't do anything last night, right?

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