Guanghui saw Su Bai's embarrassment and said considerately,"Commander, don't worry. If a man is really drunk, he can't do anything. Unless he is pretending to be drunk."

Su Bai felt relieved, but a little disappointed. It seemed that he had been lying like a dead pig all night.

"But, why are you here?"

Guanghui rolled his eyes at the commander,"How dare you say that? Someone got drunk last night and said some weird things, and even asked me to sleep with him by name?"

Puff! Su Bai was extremely embarrassed. He would never drink like this again!

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Guanghui didn't care, and quietly came up to Su Bai and whispered in his ear,"Someone's hands were not honest last night. If he can accompany me to visit the headquarters, I can consider forgiving him."

"Definitely! I'll take you with me next time I go to the headquarters!"

Drinking is a mistake. If I was sober last night, it would be great! The feel must be great, right!

Rounding it off, this is a loss of 100 million.

During the boring long period, the headquarters very"considerately" organized a short-term training to relieve the boredom of the commanders.

The forum went viral

"No, I don't want to train, I want to bask in the sun with the ship girls"

"Let me go! I want to count the grasses in my own harbor, don't stop me!"...

Su Bai didn't have too much resistance.

This time, in addition to the commander training, there was also a short training for the ship girls. The ship girls who met the requirements in Su Bai's port were Hood, Enterprise and Glory. The command ship does not participate in this kind of training. She is responsible for commanding the fleet and maintaining the operation of the port when the commander is absent.

The training began at the opening ceremony.

The majestic Governor Nimitz stood on the stage and shouted loudly,"Boys, I know that some of you have some opinions on this training. Do you think pulling weeds in the port and playing with the ship girls is the life you want?"

"Haha, yes, every man likes this kind of life. I was young once, and I understand you. But if you don't have strong strength, how can you maintain this kind of life?"

"In the last simple event, six commanders were killed! This is the result of laziness!"

"A man without strength is nothing, you will understand this later. That’s all I have to say, you can take care of yourself!"

The training will last for two months, and the daily courses are very full. Ordinary students share a dormitory with four people; knights share a dormitory with two people; the only baron, Su Bai, lives in a single room.

According to the headquarters' idea, this class difference is to inspire the fighting spirit of all commanders.

Su Bai was lying in his dormitory, looking through the course schedule. The morning courses were all compulsory courses, including nature, philosophy, physics, martial arts, and magic!!

When Su Bai saw the magic class, he jumped out of bed!

Philosophy and physics, he didn't care about them at all. What he cared about was magic, which was his blind spot in knowledge.

The original world was a technological world with collapsed aura, which was completely different from this world where magic and technology coexisted.

Su Bai was so excited that he was at a loss. All the textbooks were on the table. Su Bai took out the magic book and read it with relish.

He was even more looking forward to this magic class.......

On the first day of the training camp, at six in the morning, with a sharp whistle, all the commanders woke up from their sleep, quickly washed and dressed, and gathered at the square.

Many otaku commanders came to the square panting, and before they had time to complain, Instructor Jack shouted

"Get ready! The daily appetizer breakfast is a five-mile run. Line up now and start!"

Su Bai is a baron, and was chosen to lead a small team of about forty people. The otakus in the team never exercised before, and a large number of them fell behind after only one mile. By the end, there were only five people left in Su Bai's team. Su

Bai himself didn't think it was a big deal. Usually, he would run five kilometers with the ship girls every day in the port area. Although the distance of five miles increased a lot, it was not a big deal.

These commanders are too weak, do you really think this is a game?

Sure enough, Instructor Jack looked at the commanders who were staggering on the playground with great anger.

"Trash! Look at you guys, do you look like a commander? Do you look like a soldier? A port area with countless ship girls is left to trash like you, how can it work?"

No one dared to answer this question

"Very well, I will make you spend the next two months in hell. Remember, the cruelest day is always the next day!"


"This is not the blue world I want! Ah!"

Many otakus still haven't changed their mindsets, but it doesn't matter. Instructor Jack has plenty of ways to make them understand the cruelty of life.

What surprised Su Bai was that more than a dozen noble commanders persisted. It seems that those who can make meritorious contributions are not idiots.

Most of these noble officers are from the dragon clan (actually, they are humans with dragon blood, but they firmly believe that they are dragons), demons, and blood clans. The only nobles from the human race, except for himself, is the shameless Rand.

Well, they are all old acquaintances. Maybe, these guys will be his main opponents in the future.

The first day of class made Su Bai a little boring. The physics class was still teaching the most basic common sense of mechanics.

OMG, before I traveled through time, I was a graduate of Xi'an Jiaotong University, a prestigious university. I still have to learn these weird things.

The geography classes are interesting, and I can learn more about this world.

The terrain of this world is somewhat similar to that of Blue Star, but there is no Australia. In the location of Australia, there is a continent called Atlantis with an area of 40 million square kilometers, which is the territory of the ghost clan.

On Tuesday, Su Bai's most anticipated magic class began.

Hold your breath and listen carefully!

The magic in this world is mainly divided into ten systems: wind, earth, water, fire, mystery, life and death, and holy and dark luck.

The magic ranges from level one to level ten, corresponding to the first-level magician to the sanctuary magician.

The main attributes of a magician, It is mana, magic power, and mental power. Mana is the blue bar, magic power determines the power of magic, and mental power is the foundation of magic, which determines the strength of magic manipulation ability. If the mental power is insufficient, you can't become a magician at all. In the first week of training, all you learn are basic knowledge. The test of magic and martial arts qualifications will not start until the second week.

Although the training is completely closed, the last day of each week is for rest. The reason is that the two gods of operation and side sliding also chose to rest after completing a week's work.

So one day off a week is a God-given right.

On the weekend, Su Bai can finally put down these heavy homework, meet with Enterprise, Hood, and Guanghui, and spend the weekend together.

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