Antonidas pulled out a magic book out of thin air and said,"My method is very simple, it's just reading!"


"Yes, it's that simple."

Su Bai was silent for a moment,"Teacher, I understand, when people read deeply, they will immerse themselves in it, and their mental power will be highly concentrated, so they will inadvertently improve their mental power, is that right?"

This time it was Antonidas' turn to be silent.

After a while, he slapped his palm on the table, which scared Nimitz and Su Bai,"Good boy, I have decided to accept you as my disciple! I will teach you how to do it."...

Antonidas left that day.

Su Bai was holding a pile of magic books, wanting to cry but not crying. Teacher, you are too free and easy. Is it so simple to teach a disciple? Throw away the magic books, teach the method of spiritual power cultivation, and that's it?

Nimitz comforted Su Bai,"Young man, Master Antonidas is a super magician who can rank in the top ten of the entire alliance. The method of spiritual power cultivation he teaches must be useful, so you can be happy!"

Of course it is useful. Before coming to this world, Su Bai only had two hobbies, playing games and reading.

He understood that his explosive spiritual power was not because of his talent, but because he read a lot, and he was particularly obsessed with reading. This is the key to improving his spiritual power.

Well, since he didn't have to stay in the training camp any longer, Su Bai simply said goodbye to Enterprise and the others and returned to the port alone. Of course, he also brought back a full three thousand books and a small gift for each of the ship girls.

These books ranged from world history, geography, military, magic to humanities encyclopedias, novels and dramas.

Su Bai returned to the port area and plunged into the study room. He entrusted all the affairs of the port area to Irene and only practiced his mental power.

With the guidance of teacher Antonidas, Su Bai's method of reading and practicing became more scientific and effective.

Su Bai used the insight technique on himself and saw his own attributes.

The commander can directly participate in the battle with his own attributes. This new function was also added from the last event. Su Bai had already experienced the effect of the commander's personal participation in the last event.

In this event, the commander has specific attributes and skills, can directly participate in the battle, and the combat effectiveness will continue to grow, and the gap between the fleets will be further widened.

Lazy and useless commanders will be gradually eliminated!

Su Bai, level 5/100, title: Baron, rank: Rear Admiral.

Strength: 19/1000, Agility: 18/1000, Spirit: 24/1000, Magic: 12/1000.

The 30 times of mental power in the last test means that Su Bai's talent in mental power cultivation is 30 times the baseline value of ordinary people, and it does not represent specific attributes. Even if you have 30 times the talent, if you lie there and don't work hard, you will still be a waste.

Now Su Bai's mental power is 24 points, and the upper limit before the Sanctuary is 1000 points. It seems that my room for improvement is larger than the Pacific Ocean, which also shows that I am really bad.

It is said that a Sanctuary magician is equivalent to the combat power of a fleet. My long-term goal is to become a Sanctuary magician.

Thinking of standing on the deck of the Enterprise in the future and summoning meteorites to destroy the enemy fleet, Su Bai felt excited.

So he quickly read another mainland character biography to calm down.

Three months passed in a flash, and all the ship girls in Su Bai's fleet reached level 80 or above, and Su Bai's own mental power reached as many as 50 points.

Enterprise, Hood, and Glory also graduated from the Ship Girl Academy. They all won excellent evaluations in the final examination.

Just as everyone was preparing for the banquet, a system broadcast sounded in the port area,"Attention all commanders, a new sea area will be opened on June 1, which is next Thursday. Everyone will have the right to enter the Midway Island waters. And the access rights to the first, second, and third Solomon sea areas will be opened one after another after June 28th."

Well, this means that 3-4 and 6-4 will be opened one after another. Now there is something to do. The grass in the port area is almost three feet high. Finally, a new sea area has been released.

"Except for the fourth sea area of Midway Island, all other sea areas are virtual sea areas, which are exclusive to each commander. The fourth sea area of Midway Island is a public sea area. Only one soul of Akagi and Kaga Ship Girls is dropped every day. I wish all commanders good luck! At the same time, there are also functions such as the Grand Fleet and Daily Challenge. Please check them in the logbook."

Su Bai's face changed. Before he came here, in order to play the nostalgic version of Azur Lane, he specifically looked for the strategy guide for the Azur Lane game from a hundred years ago.

Akagi Kaga at level 3-4, with a reputation for being a good eater, was originally extremely difficult to fish out. Now it is released into public waters, and only one is dropped every day. This clearly does not give Africans any chance to survive!

Sure enough, the forum has exploded, and all the commanders are flying sideslip mothers.

However, Su Bai is not interested in these loser remarks at all. This is not a game world, this is the real world.

It's already May in the Azure Calendar! There are still people who can't figure out the situation. What on earth are in the heads of these idiots?

The system broadcast was afraid that the news was not explosive enough, and added another one,"By the way, there is one more thing. The mutual harm system between commanders will be implemented from today! After going out to sea, commanders can choose to attack other commanders. In other words, if other commanders catch Akagi Kaga, you can catch it again from him!"

"Of course, the shipgirls and commanders defeated by other commanders will not really die, but will lose one level and be restricted from entering the waters of Midway Island within one week."

Su Bai was dumbfounded. What kind of bullshit rule is this? This is to encourage everyone to fight and not give the weak a chance to survive.

Okay, this is not a bad thing for me. I'm not sure if it's the European Emperor, but I want to compare the strength of the fleet?


Su Bai immediately convened a full military meeting, and he let all the shipgirls express their opinions freely.

Many shipgirls who participated in this kind of military meeting for the first time expressed their opinions, but most of the shipgirls' opinions were completely cute.

"Commander, I suggest that we buy the Soul of the Shipgirl from other people."

"It's Little Swan, right? Okay, sit down and read more books. Buying and selling people is illegal! Ship girls are also protected by law and cannot be bought and sold!"

Irene took over the topic,"Su Bai, I think Little Swan is right. Although ship girls cannot be bought and sold, they can join other people's fleets by retiring and re-serving. This has not been banned yet. I heard that someone privately bought Anson and Hao from the last event!"

Anson and Hao stood up nervously when they heard their names.

Su Bai waved for them to sit down,"Don't be nervous. Even if you put mountains of gold and silver in front of me, I will not sell anyone. You can consider buying it."

But Irene and Little Swan's suggestions are still very good.

"Irene, Little Swan, your suggestions are very good! Lily, record it, they will get double salary next month!"

Enterprise also stood up,"Commander, the mutual injury system is implemented today, what do you think of it?"

Su Bai's eyes lit up,"You mean, occupy the 2-4 public waters?"

Enterprise nodded,"No one's fleet strength can compare with ours. Without our consent, no one can level up in the 2-4 waters. Otherwise, if we sink it, the level will not go up, and it will be downgraded."

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