Su Bai approved of Enterprise's plan,"Enterprise, you are right. We can get the resources and prevent our opponents from getting them. This is a win-win situation. We win twice!"

Guanghui stood up,"Su Bai, there is one thing we should pay attention to. The top ten fleets on the list cannot fight us alone, but if two or three of their fleets unite, I am afraid we will suffer."

Su Bai nodded,"I know, I will find some allies right away. It happens that the large fleet function is open, and we should organize our own large fleet! To break the coalition by forming alliances, I don't believe that everyone is willing to confront me head-on!"

"OK, the meeting is over. Next month, the enterprise and Guanghui will also pay double salary."

"All ship girls, listen up! Give up your fantasies, get ready for war, and go out to sea at 4pm. Now everyone is free to prepare!"

Since there is more than a week before the opening of the Midway battlefield, the commanders' task this week is naturally to level up.

Su Bai thought far ahead. Not only did he have to level up, but those who shouldn't level up had to get out of the 2-4 sea area. Those who were his enemies should either drink some soup in the map in front or go to the bottom of the sea to calm down.

Su Bai connected to Lachar's communication,"Commodore Lachar, I'll get straight to the point. I invite you to form a large fleet and then go to the 2-4 sea area together to level up. Are you willing to participate?"

Lachar showed a standard vampire smile,"Of course I won't refuse the invitation of Lord Blood Demon. But there is one thing I must ask in advance. After all, the number of enemy ships refreshed in the 2-4 sea area is limited. What should I do if other people enter?"

"2-4 The speed of sea area refresh is such that we can take one more person with us, and it will be just right. For the extra people, I think they should learn how to command a fleet on the seabed."

"Hahaha, the blood demon is the blood demon. If I refuse, I'll be a fool. I agree! Su Bai, who is your third ally?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. Do you have any ideas?"Su Bai certainly wouldn't say that he had offended the elves and the minotaurs, and that humans didn't like him either. People still have to save face.

Lachar laughed,"Su Bai, I have a recommendation. The little prince Barto of the demon clan is ranked fifth on the fleet strength list. What do you think of him?"

"I recognize his ability, but I am not familiar with him."

"No need to bother you, he is my guest, Barto, come and say hello to Lord Blood Demon."

Beside Lachar, a slender demon with purple-gold eyes appeared.

"Hello, Su Bai"...

The three discussed the details of the cooperation at sea, and after setting a set of rules, they formally formed a large fleet. After the three discussed, they decided to call the fleet the Demon King Alliance.

Su Bai's nickname is Blood Demon, Lachar's nickname is Soul Eater, and Barto's nickname is Doomsday Demon. This combination is too good and fits the name of this large fleet too well.

The common characteristics of these three people are that they like to hoard resources, are particularly hardworking, and are all ruthless and ruthless to their enemies. With these three people together, other people may really have to think twice. At

4 o'clock in the afternoon, Su Bai's fleet of 36 large and small warships had assembled and were ready to leave the port.

The ship girls and port staff on standby at home saw off this huge fleet at the dock.

Su Bai stood on the island of the Enterprise, full of confidence. In this battle, he had two powerful allies to help him. He must establish his reputation and let those guys who tried to confront him realize that they were looking for death.

If the behavior of seeking death is not punished, then they will do it to death.

""Let's go!"

Su Bai's voice echoed throughout the fleet. If there was no limit of six fleets, if the Sideslip God had not imposed a maximum of six warships on each fleet, he would have brought out all the warships that could fight.

Standing on the island, looking at the huge fleet stretching for dozens of miles, how spectacular it was. These thirty-six warships and tens of thousands of sailors were all under his leadership to create brilliant results. Su Bai felt that this was life.

A real man should be like this!

Su Bai chose Enterprise as his flagship mainly because of the company's superb driving technology. In the past two In the middle of the month, Enterprise passed the A-class aircraft pilot's license at the Kanmusu Academy and systematically learned the flying skills.

Moreover, in the past air battles, Enterprise shot down eleven enemy planes in a reconnaissance plane, making him the only double ace pilot in the entire base.

With such an old captain who is good at catching shrimps, Su Bai has long been obsessed with flight command. In order to facilitate Enterprise's performance, Su Bai spent a large sum of money equivalent to an aircraft carrier and purchased two modified two-seat carrier-based attack aircraft code-named"Platypus" from the space-time black market.

It is said that this was a Su-34 attack aircraft from a certain time and space. It is a modified aircraft.

Why buy the"Duckbill"? Because it is an attack aircraft that can be ridden side by side.

When Enterprise saw this plane, her eyebrows were bent with smiles. It seems that the commander not only likes flight command, but also loves the feeling of flying side by side with her.

Yes, Su Bai thought so. In the air, while commanding the battle, she can enjoy the joy of soaring in the sky with the legendary aircraft carrier.

Can other commanders do it?

The fleets of Su Bai, Lachar and Barto have joined together. These two liver emperors also brought out thirty-six warships.

Under Lachar There is a special warship, the repair and supply ship, Liloe.

Barto also has a special warship under his command, the super cruiser, Lucifer.

Su Bai couldn't help but sigh when he saw these two hardcore players. If he hadn't saved Hood at the beginning and sent Liaoning and Shandong to the battlefield for free, he might not be able to beat these two.

They are also quite lucky. They also have time-traveling shipgirls under their command. They are indeed not ordinary people. The three of them discussed and boasted to each other in the logbook, and then they started to move forward according to the agreed formation, with Su Bai leading, Barto at the rear, and Lachar in the middle.

The 2-4 sea area was very lively, and there were already three commanders' fleets hunting in it.

However, Su Bai's arrival announced the end of their hunting.

Su Bai decided to use courtesy before force,"Are the three of you in there Lori, Hu Xiaoyu, and Anluo Bloodhoof? You can come out now."

An angry voice sounded in the public channel,"Su Bai, if you let us come out, where can we go to level up?"

Su Bai's lazy voice sounded in the public channel,"Lori, I don't care where you go to level up. You are free to go to the Arctic Ocean. But 2-4 is not allowed. I have this fish pond under my control!"

"You are so overbearing! Why?"

"Why? Hood, show him why we are here."

After hearing the order, Hood fired a round of artillery fire, bringing out a gorgeous barrage of bullets that directly passed over the front row of the Lori fleet and smashed into the water.

"This time it's a warning. If you don't leave, I'm afraid Mr. Lorry will have to command the battle on the bottom of the sea."

"Su Bai! Don't think you can do whatever you want just because your fleet is strong!"

"Sorry, a strong fleet means you can do whatever you want. Sir, if you haven't evolved gills, please don't speak to me so loudly."

"I'll give you one last chance, make a choice!"

Lori and the others were silent for a moment, and finally chose to leave. After all, they really had no experience in commanding operations on the seabed, and they didn't have gills after all. The temperature on the seabed was even colder than the Huangpu River, and they couldn't afford to get hurt.

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