Because of the special mechanism set up by the two great gods of the world, the experience value of the sea area at the end of the level is 40% higher than that of the previous sea area, and the experience value of the public sea area is increased by another 30%.

In other words, the efficiency of leveling in 2-4 is much higher than that in 2-3. Even the experience of 1-4 is slightly higher than that of 2-3. The behavior of Su Bai, Lachar, and Barto occupying the 2-4 fish pond quickly aroused public anger.

In the commander chat room, many commanders of other races fiercely criticized their overbearing behavior. The commanders gave meticulous greetings to the immediate family members of the three people.

"How stupid! When we come to this world, we are all orphans. Is it useful to scold other people's parents?"

The fleet level of the three people has already completely crushed this fish pond. If it weren't for the experience, no one would come here.

In the battle, the fleet of the three people did not use high-powered ammunition, but only used magic ammunition to attack, and easily destroyed the ghost ships refreshed in this sea area.

Finally, someone couldn't stand the domineering behavior of the three people and organized a fleet to besiege.

This large fleet, composed of seven commanders, is called the Justice League! Hearing this name, it is to go against the Demon King Alliance.

Most of these people are also in the top 30 of the strength list. They are led by the human Rand, Lin Tianzuo and the dragon Nefario, and they arrogantly surrounded the 2-4 sea area.

"Su Bai! You guys, get out of here right away, or else don't blame us for being rude!"

"You're welcome? Rand, I want to ask, when have you ever been polite to me?"

"You! Su Bai, I'm warning you for the last time, don't be shameless, we have seven people and more than 200 warships!"

"Seven sheep want to challenge three lions? Come on if you want to die."

Su Bai directly ordered all the ship girls to enter combat status, and the carrier-based aircraft began to take off. This battle was inevitable, but he didn't expect that Rand would be the first one. Do you really think that adding a few more people will help?

The battle still broke out. A commander of the Justice League fleet couldn't hold back and fired the first shot of the commanders' civil war.

Su Bai had told the two allies before setting off,"We can't fire the first shot anyway. We still have to have the moral high ground. But as long as others dare to fire, they must be eliminated!"

"Those who want to die must be helped."

Lachar and Barto both agreed with Su Bai's point of view. Although according to their habits, they would never be passive if they could take the initiative to attack, but Su Bai is the CEO of the fleet and the strongest person. The strong are respected, which is the iron rule of the blood race and the demon race.

The battle begins!

Su Bai took off with Enterprise at the first time, overlooking the battlefield from the air and commanding the overall situation.

The level of the Chuanqi Hegemony Fleet is in an overwhelming advantage. The highest-level people such as Hood are all above level 85, and the lowest is level 80.

The average level of these fleets that came to provoke is around level 75.

Objectively speaking, the strength of these fleets is already very strong. They are all strong people who can at least pass the last event EX-1.

It's a pity that they are really not good enough in front of Su Bai. Su Bai has obtained too many more resources than them. And Su Bai The abdominal cavity is full of liver!

Each round of Hood's bombardment is a perfect barrage. Wherever her sword points, each salvo will take away a small boat in the front row.

Royal Glory Hood is mowing the grass!

Glory launched a magic air strike. Batches of non-existent planes came from the void, dropped torpedoes and bombs, and disappeared into the void. The first aircraft carrier in the current version is indeed worthy of its reputation!

Irene activated her command skills, and the combat effectiveness of the entire fleet skyrocketed!

The reputation wandered while firing salvos. As time went on, the reputation gradually evolved in the direction of the Star Destroyer.

Liaoning and Shandong, the Type 15 fighters released, are invincible in air combat, and the Eagle Strike missiles are never missed. Each missile means the casualty of an enemy ship.

Anson, Howe, Rodney, and Hood can also launch a combination Skill, Admiral's Wrath.

The four of them joined forces to summon a super void battleship several kilometers long, which could directly crash into the sea and cause a devastating blow to the fleet in the area.

Lexington and Warspite were also launching rounds of salvos. His main task was to kill those small boats that tried to get close. Elementary school student killer, this is no joke.

The front-row ship girls such as Takao, Atago, Laffey, and Javelin were constantly moving around, pulling smoke to cover, and using torpedoes to defeat the enemy, and they were also playing their roles.

Seeing the performance of the ship girls under Su Bai, Lachar and Barto were not to be outdone. They invested in their own fleets to grab the merits of the battle.

Rand and others did not seem to expect that the combat effectiveness of the Su Bai trio was so terrifying. After losing dozens of battleships, Rand ordered a retreat with a sullen face.

This was an exploratory exchange. Battle.

Su Bai's fleet was almost intact, and Lachar and Barto's losses were not great. Even Rand and the others were only injured, not broken.

But they chose to retreat rationally.

This battle was actually just a test for both sides. After all, everyone's goal was to level up, and there was no need to fight here.

This test battle still made Rand and the others leave with gloomy faces.

In the Azure World, the level suppression is too terrible. The average level of Rand's fleet is about eight levels lower than Su Bai. In this case, if they can still win, it would be a dream. In

Rand's small team, the only really strong ones are Rand, Nefario, and Lin Tianzuo. Compared with the fleet of Chuanqi Hegemony, the fleets of the others are more than ten levels lower. How can they play this game?

Rand knew very well that if he failed to compete for 2-4 this time, the level would be further widened. When he competed for the first kill of 3-4 and Akagi and Kaga, the chance would be even slimmer.

For a whole week, the fleet of Su Bai and his three men lived here, and they returned to the port area only when the maintenance order was issued.

The three aces Hood, Enterprise, and Glory consumed most of the MVP experience, and their levels reached the terrifying level of 89. The main forces of other fleets also reached around level 87.

The fleets of Lachar and Barto have also reached level 85 or above.

However, the next battle for Midway must be fully prepared, and anyone who dares to fight for it must be a capable fighter.

After returning to the port area, Su Bai gave all the ship girls a holiday. The ship girls of the main fleet were exhausted after seven days of fighting, and fell asleep when they returned to their dormitories.

The ship girls can rest, but Su Bai cannot rest. He has to be prepared. The biggest variables may be two points.

The first is to organize a super-large fleet alliance, which is very difficult. Lachar and Barto have a lot of weight in their own tribes, and the strong men of the blood tribe and the demon tribe will not join this alliance.

The remaining potential opponents are the minotaurs, elves, dragons, and humans. Even if all these people were called up, they might not be able to stir up any waves.

The second is the black market and the mercenary guild. These guys would sell the ropes to hang themselves as long as they were paid.

If they joined the war, it would be the biggest variable.

When Su Bai was worried, Guanghui came over.

"Why don't you take a rest?"

"I'm not that sleepy yet. I see you are here worrying alone. What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking about how to deal with other commanders who might get help from the black market and the mercenary guild."

Guanghui smiled,"Su Bai, you've reached a dead end again. Could they be richer than us?"

Su Bai's eyes lit up. Yes, he really fooled himself. He hired mercenaries to join the war. He was the first to use this trick. He didn't even think of it at once. How stupid!

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