After Yu Buqun, two more fleets were defeated. Among the ship girls under Su Bai's command, only the most unlucky Little Swan was sunk. Fortunately, the ship girl still escaped.

As long as the ship girl is fine, it will be painful to lose a level.

Finally, it's time to face Rand. This Rand's spending on the black market is second only to himself.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that his shopping list had been placed in Su Bai's study.

Rand thought he was a hunter, but in fact he was just a prey.

This Rand has repeatedly opposed me. If I let him go back this time, I really don't have to mix with him!

Su Bai calmly ordered the entire fleet to focus on the Rand fleet.

If Su Bai still retained some combat power before this, then when facing Rand, he burst out with all his strength.

Irene directly activated the command skill to enhance the combat effectiveness of the entire fleet.

Hood was equipped with 381 guns and was the first to open fire in the entire fleet. Sure enough, the glory of the Royal Navy is extraordinary. In today's battle, Hood was 100%���The barrage was triggered.

This is outrageous, Hood has a 100% chance of barrage, are you afraid?

Hood smiled and aimed at the enemy cruiser in the front row. What's so outrageous, my barrage is an active skill!

When I don't want to act, I am invincible.

The barrage instantly took away the cruiser in front, a perfect performance.

Countless carrier-based aircraft met Rand's carrier-based aircraft in the air, and the two sides launched a fierce battle.

Every minute, a ship was hit and a plane fell into the sea.

Rand looked at the battle situation and knew that he had to play his trump card. In terms of hard power, even Rand was no match for Su Bai.

""Sea Wolf, move out!"

It was cruel enough to directly hire the Sea Wolf Brigade, a mysterious mercenary fleet composed of twelve submarines.

At this time, after receiving the order, these cold mercenaries fulfilled their duties and began to approach Su Bai's fleet.

However, Su Bai, who had known all this for a long time, was of course well prepared. The destroyers and cruisers in the front row were all equipped with depth charge droppers and detection sonars.

The movements of these submarines were completely mastered.

However, Su Bai did not give the order to take action. If he took action at this time, there would still be fish that slipped through the net.

He had to wait until these fish got closer. A little more, float up a little more, and we'll kill them all in one go. Su Bai showed a hint of sneer on his face. It's finally here. Rand, maybe you are smiling very proudly now, but I really want to see your expression later.

Rand was indeed smiling. He nervously used a telescope to watch the submarine force gradually approaching the main rear row of Su Bai's fleet. According to the intelligence he received, Su Bai's most commonly used flagships are generally Eileen, Hood, and Enterprise. As long as these three warships are sunk, the battle will be over soon!

Rand laughed,"You didn't expect it, I used mercenaries, and the most elite sea wolves!"

Rand's smile froze instantly. He saw a scene that made him shudder. Countless depth charges poured down and hit the sea.

"No! Bastard, how did you know!"

Rand's hands and feet were cold.

The submarine that was discovered was not necessarily much stronger than a fish. In just five minutes, hundreds of depth charges turned the sea upside down.

Sea Wolf Brigade, dead!

Su Bai looked down at the battlefield from the air and fought very beautifully. The only regret was that he couldn't see Rand's embarrassed look.

The battle began? The battle was over!

With the demise of the Sea Wolf Brigade, Rand realized that he had completely lost. Although he still had the anti-ship missiles he bought, Su Bai had probably seen through them a long time ago.

He lost this war miserably.

Rand opened the logbook,"Su Bai, what price do I need to pay for you to let me go?"

"Let you go? If you win today, will you let me go? Don't say such childish things. Anyone can leave today, but you, you must command the battle in the seabed."

"Since you like submarines so much, you should go down. By the way, Rand, I really want to ask, do you have cheeks?"

Rand's face flushed red, and he cursed angrily, but Su Bai had already cut off the communication.

After the nonsense, it was now the turn of the planes and cannons to speak.

Rand's fleet strength was also quite good. Under full resistance, it actually replaced several of Su Bai's warships.

This made Enterprise and Su Bai feel a little distressed. Looking at the poor ship girl flopping back in the sea, Su Bai was very angry.

"Enterprise, it's our turn!"

The Platypus has an excellent carrying capacity, and can carry a total of 6 500 kg bombs and 6 anti-ship missiles.

With these weapons, it is enough to defeat Rand's flagship.

From the intelligence, it can be learned that Rand's flagship this time is on the Hood battlecruiser.

Hood, although it is the enemy's Hood, it still feels a bit weird. Sorry, the Hood on the opposite side, who told you to follow the wrong person.

The Platypus turned on the afterburner and approached the Hood at a terrifying speed beyond this time and space.

Rand looked at a strange fighter plane flying over the sea at high speed in horror. This plane must be from a black shop.

Such a powerful plane and missile made Rand feel scalp tingling.

"Stop it quickly!"

Four Hellcat fighters rushed up from several directions. However, in front of Enterprise's superb posture technology and the powerful 30MM cannon of the Platypus, they were all useless.

The 30MM cannon is simply a world-destroying existence in air combat.

Under the Vulcan cannon, all beings are equal.

In front of the 30MM cannon, whether it is the Zero or the Hellcat, they are all paper. Kraft paper is stronger than toilet paper, but can it withstand fire?

Entering the range, Su Bai pressed the missile launch button. Enterprise pulled the lever suddenly, and with a beautiful pull, lifted the plane up, and then quickly passed over the Hood. Two bombs were thrown down accurately, and one of them hit the ammunition depot accurately.

Under the double attack of missiles and bombs, the Hood exploded and exploded in two instantly.

Perhaps, the explosion is the final fate of the Hood. I'm sorry.

Su Bai saw that Rand had miraculously survived and was still struggling on the sea. His desire to survive was strong enough.

Unfortunately, you are facing Enterprise and Su Bai. The combination of Rand and Su Bai.

Dive, bombard, pull up, hover, take pictures, all in one go. Rand's body was blown to pieces by the machine gun shells. He also became the first unlucky guy to be killed in the commander's civil war.

Just before the war started, he was confident that he was a hunter, but after the war started, he became the poor prey.

System announcement broadcast on all channels: Commander Rand was killed by Su Bai in battle. Rand is not allowed to enter the Midway Island area within a week, and all the ship girls in the Rand fleet have their levels reduced by one.

It's cruel enough, the punishment for the commander's death is equivalent to the annihilation of the entire fleet.

Su Bai smiled bitterly helplessly. This is his fellow human, but he has become his mortal enemy that he cannot resolve.

It's really fate.

Since it can't be resolved, it can only be eliminated.

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