The battle continued. With Rand's death, the Justice League lost its backbone and their mentality was completely broken. Their commander began to frantically @ the three demons of the Demon King Alliance.

"Please, let us go!"

After discussing with Lachar and Barto, Su Bai issued an ultimatum,"Each of you hand over 2,000 fuel and 2,000 supplies as the cost of redeeming your fleet, and then you can leave."

"You are robbing!"

"Hey, you're right, we are just robbing. If you don't agree, you can resist or swim back from the bottom of the sea!"

""Ah!!!" The commanders of the Justice League were extremely angry, but the situation was stronger than people. Except for one iron-headed kid who wanted to hold on, the other commanders paid for safety.

As for this iron-headed kid, ahem, the scenery on the bottom of the sea is still pretty good.

The smoke on the sea surface gradually dissipated, and the Demon King Alliance seized control of the sea area at a relatively small cost. The Demon King Alliance lost a total of seven warships and injured more than 20 warships. These injured warships were quickly repaired by repair and supply ships. The overall strength of the fleet was not affected.

Su Bai, Lachar and Barto's fleets dispersed and surrounded the sea area where the joint fleet was refreshed, waiting for the refresh of the BOSS.

The three had an agreement long ago that after the refresh of the BOSS, whoever of the three fleets was closer would have the first salvage right, and the other two would follow in turn. After all three of them had salvaged once, they would conduct the second round of salvaging. Fish.

Whoever gets the ship girl depends on luck.

After a while, the sea surface began to distort. It's finally here!

The fleet that originally appeared here should have been conjured up by the gods, but I don't know what went wrong today. The Combined Fleet that was preparing to attack Midway Island in a certain time and space was actually teleported here. This is the first appearance of the Sakura Empire Combined Fleet.

Hey, aircraft carriers Akagi, Kaga, Soryu, and Hiryu; heavy cruisers Tone, Chikuma, Atago, and Toriumi; battleships Haruna, Kirishima, Kongo, and Hiei; and a large number of other ships, all of which are famous ships.

This fleet has more than thirty warships and is quite powerful.

However, they will face more than 120 elite warships of the Demon King Alliance. Uh, I feel a little sorry for the Combined Fleet and Nagumo-san.

The commander of the Combined Fleet, Nagumo Chuji, is observing the sea with his telescope.

"First Carrier and Second Carrier, send out reconnaissance planes to survey the surrounding waters."

Nan Yun was full of confidence. This time, using Midway Island as bait, the great achievement of annihilating the White Eagle Fleet would be his!

"Vice Admiral Nanyun! A large number of unknown fleets and a large number of carrier-based aircraft have been discovered ahead, ah!"

As the explosion sounded, the last trace of the reconnaissance plane's sound disappeared.

Where did the fleet come from? Wasn't it the White Eagle Fleet?

Of course it was the White Eagle, and it was the Demon King Alliance.

Su Bai, Lachar and Barto laughed wildly in the chat room of the Grand Fleet,"You bunch of idiots, yes, you encountered the White Eagle Fleet, but this fleet is completely different from what you imagined, hahaha!"

All-out attack!

Even if the fleet of three people fought alone, it could defeat this joint fleet. Now it's three against one, it's simply, tut tut, Nanyun's face was written with a capital letter of miserable.

This kind of harvesting bureau will always be inseparable from Enterprise.

No one can stop Enterprise from winning military merits, and Su Bai is naturally very happy to fly side by side with Enterprise. Anyway, this is a public battlefield. Even if Lang died, he would just be resurrected and put in solitary confinement for a week, just Lang.

The platypus shuttled through the battlefield, and the missiles accurately hit Akagi and Kaga.

Nanyun was confused,"Hashidou Sack! What's going on! This is totally different from what was agreed. Where is the White Eagle Fleet? Where is Midway Island? Where did these vicious guys come from?"

What a pity, war is so cruel.

Nanyun Chuji didn't know that he was just a tool sent by the two great gods of side sliding and operation. His only role was to pounce here and let the commanders test their bloodline.

Carrier-based aircraft were flying all over the sky, missiles were flying, bombs were falling, and torpedoes were sneaking; the cannons of battleships and battlecruisers were roaring constantly, firing invitations to the god of death; destroyers and cruisers were also approaching mine protection, and the main guns were washing the deck.

The battle lasted less than twenty minutes, and the Combined Fleet was wiped out.

Eating and drinking did not appear.

The system broadcast was reporting to all commanders,"The Great Fleet Demon Alliance successfully completed the first kill of the Combined Fleet, but did not obtain Akagi and Kaga!"

Su Bai's face turned black. If he didn't get it out, he didn't get it out. As for the public screen broadcast?

Sure enough, those commanders who were squeezed out of the Midway Island area by Su Bai began to swipe the screen to mock

"Ah ha, Africans are indeed Africans"

"Midway is not for you, just go back to the prairie"

""No one can change fate, no one can save others, and there is no money to spend here.""

Yes, I can't spend money, but I have to work hard. An option appeared in front of Su Bai, whether to reset the sea area.

Nonsense, refresh it for me!

The ambitious Nanyun Chuji appeared again with the combined fleet.

He once again observed the sea with a telescope.

"First Carrier, Second Carrier, send out reconnaissance planes to survey the surrounding waters."

This time, Su Bai and his team's fleets were waiting directly at the refresh point, waiting for him to come and deliver them. As expected, Nanyun Chuji discovered this huge fleet.

"Red Bean Paste! What kind of fleet is this? When did the Americans have so many warships? That is Enterprise, I know it, but who is this? Glory! Wait, why are there Kaohsiung and Atago on the other side?"

"Bridge bean sack! What's going on?"

"Fuck you! Hand over Akagi Kaga to me!"

Once again, the main guns fired, once again, the carrier-based aircraft washed the deck, the destroyer rode on the face, and the combined fleet was wiped out again....

Still no shipments, the faces of the three commanders are a little dark, right? Didn't we agree that one Akagi and one Kaga must be shipped every day?

Come again!

Everyone in the Combined Fleet, if you don't ship, don't even think about leaving work today!

Nanyun Chuji's mentality exploded.

Why do I keep appearing in this ghost place like I'm possessed by a ghost, and every time I'm quickly washed away!

Who am I? I seem to be Nanyun Chuji.

Where am I? Should I be in Midway? No, I'm in hell.

What am I doing? I want to know too!

Ah! Please, don't fight anymore. Nanyun Chuji now trembles all over when he hears the sound of artillery shells exploding, shrinking in the corner and drawing circles.

Ten times have passed.

The sea is empty, and what was fished out are just some other ship girls. Su Bai's face is livid, and he asked these ship girls to go back to the cabin to rest. He doesn't want to talk to these ship girls who are definitely going to retire.

It's been several hours, and the sky is gradually getting dark. Could it be that the Akagi and Kaga on the first day will not appear?

Or is it another bug?

Su Bai angrily called the customer service

"Stop talking nonsense and just tell me whether Akagi Kaga has been implemented or not. I don’t want to hear anything else!"

"Major General Su Bai, please calm down. I can confirm that Akagi and Kaga have been installed, but I don't know if you have washed your face."

Su Bai returned to the flagship Enterprise, and Enterprise also accompanied him obediently.

"Alice, you will command the next battle."

Enterprise nodded and said with a smile,"Su Bai, this is the first time you call me by my real name?"

Su Bai forced a smile,"So do you like me to call you Enterprise or Alice?"

"Now, of course, it's Enterprise. After I retire, you can call me Alice."

After saying this, Enterprise's face flushed. The commander didn't understand that in the small circle of the ship girl, retiring and restoring the original name did not mean really retiring, but implied getting married and having children.

Ship girls are normally isolated from human reproduction, but in this world, as long as you have money, there are few things you can't do.

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