Su Bai yelled in her heart,"Ah! I'm dead!"

This is not Ah Wei's death, this is the real meaning of"Ah, I'm dead".

If Enterprise hadn't been around, Su Bai would have been dead. Akagi came to the Enterprise with the determination to die. Her pride destined her to be unwilling to become a plaything for the enemy. She had decided to commit suicide immediately after killing the enemy admiral.

The only regret is that Kaga will definitely be dragged down by her and killed by the enemy to vent his anger. I'm sorry, sister.

But she still thought too much. In front of Enterprise, she will always be a sister among sisters. Whether it is a naval battle, an air battle or a fighting game, Enterprise completely crushes her.

Enterprise felt the murderous intent when Akagi and Kaga were kneeling. Enterprise is a super reaper, with countless deaths under her. She is extremely sensitive to danger and murderous intent. Of course, she will not make the mistakes of a commander.

At the moment Akagi made a move, Enterprise flew up and kicked Akagi's wrist, and the short knife flew out with a spin.

"You're looking for death!"

As a temple knight, Enterprise is qualified to carry a knight's sword. She drew out her knight's sword and swung it, aiming directly at Akagi's throat.

Anyone who threatens the commander must die.

"Alice, wait!"

Enterprise's sword stopped an inch in front of Akagi's throat. If the commander called her Enterprise, she would definitely pretend that she couldn't stop and kill Akagi. But the name Alice softened Enterprise's heart, and she held back.

The sea breeze blew, and Akagi's long black hair was messy in the wind. She closed her eyes and raised her head to wait for death. If she failed, what a cruel fate would be waiting for her. Humiliation followed by slaughter, or what?

"Hey, hey! Akagi, you are so unreasonable. The rescued ship girls must unconditionally join the commander's fleet. This is the rule set by the two gods. What do you want to do!"

Akagi snorted coldly,"The two gods also have a rule. When the ship girls' favorability towards the commander reaches -200, they also have the right to kill the commander who is worse than beasts!"

Well, it seems that there is such a saying. This is to prevent the commander from excessively bullying his ship girls. It is a constraint on the commander.

But in history, there are only a handful of commanders who can force the ship girls to this extent! Su Bai used insight to see that the favorability of these two people towards him was really -200. As for it! I invited you to my port area to eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks, and you treat me like this?

Su Bai certainly didn't know what Chicheng Kaga was thinking. She waved her hand,"Okay, since you didn't kill me, then follow the rules and join my fleet. Remember, my name is Su Bai, and this is the Ship Qi Hegemony Fleet!"

Kaga said with a chuckle,"Commander, don't you plan to torture us and then kill us?"

Su Bai was so angry that he could hardly speak."That's right. Saving you two made me so angry that I wanted to dismantle your warships and then retire you. But think about it, it's not you who are wrong, I can't take my anger out on you."

"Anyway, what are you two thinking about? Why should I torture you and kill you? I worked so hard to pull you out, just for this?"

"Enterprise, tell them, who am I?"

Enterprise cleared her throat,"Listen up, you two idiots. Standing in front of you is the winner of the initial ship hegemony achievement, the holder of the initial liver emperor honor, the baron awarded by the Queen herself, the Imperial Navy Rear Admiral, the legendary commander with the highest collection rate, the highest number of expeditions, and the strongest fleet, the leader of the Demon King Alliance Fleet, the Blood Demon Lord Su Bai!"

Su Bai's mouth twitched. Why did this sound even more scary? My little sister Enterprise, I really admire you.

Su Bai reached out to help the two ship girls again,"Don't be afraid, I am a noble, a gentleman, and I will treat you two well!" Akagi and Kaga were even more scared. The two of them hugged each other like quails, shivering. The commander is a Hentai gentleman!

"Hey, hey! I meant the gentleman in Ying language, not the gentleman in your Neon language. That's enough for the two of you! Go back to your rooms and get some rest. We're back to port!"

After Su Bai gave the order to return to port, Lachar and Barto, who had been salvaging the ship with him for five days, finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was really too painful to accompany the chief to salvage the ship. They were almost dying of exhaustion. If it weren't for the high experience points, they would have exploded long ago!

Just as Su Bai happily ordered to return, Nan Yun was kneeling on the deck of the Akagi, which had lost its commander, singing the song of his hometown sadly.

The ship is still there, but the people are gone. What a sad thing it is. Yes, he can recruit new"Akagi and Kaga" when he goes back, but the two familiar girls will say goodbye to him forever.

Maybe, the next time we meet, we will be enemies. This damn Demon Alliance fleet, I will remember you!


Just as Su Bai opened a bottle of champagne in the command room to drink with Enterprise, the system broadcast suddenly came

"All commanders, please pay attention. In the battle to encircle the combined fleet, Commander Baron Subai forcibly seized the ship girls Akagi and Kaga. The Bloody Camp has protested to the Azure Camp. Because this behavior is extremely bad, Commander Subai will receive the infamous achievement of the Betrothaler."

"This salvaging method of directly robbing the main ship girl will also be banned after today. Therefore, Commander Su Bai has obtained the only infamy achievement of the entire Azure camp, let us congratulate him!"

Su Bai's hand trembled, and the high-heeled glass filled with champagne fell to the ground. Oh my God, this title? It's out of print?

Oh my God, I'm a good young man who hasn't ejaculated for 23 years. I'm so wronged!

I'm a dead virgin, but I became a infamy! I'm more wronged than Sister Dou E.

This is not over yet. The system broadcast continued to broadcast,"Attention all commanders, attention all commanders. Because there are two ship girls with a favorability of -200 under his command, Commander Su Bai has obtained the infamy achievement of the chief abuser. This infamy is also out of print. If this happens again in the future, others can only get the infamy of the abuser. Let us congratulate Commander Su Bai."

Congratulations! What kind of thing is this? I was so good to the ship girl that I even let go of Akagi who tried to assassinate me, but I became the abuser!

I am more wronged than Sister Qin Xianglian!

Su Bai wanted to cry but had no tears. Enterprise smiled secretly,"Su Bai, I didn't realize that your hobby is so strange. 寝-取, means to rob someone else's wife, right?"

Su Bai answered almost subconsciously,"Yes, 寝-取 means Minotaur, which means to rob someone else's wife"

"Wait, wait a minute, I didn't, I wasn't!"

Enterprise smiled and poured a glass of wine for Su Baixin and handed it to him,"Come on, let's toast to your two new unique achievements. Lord Su Bai, the one who took it!"

"Cheers. No, wait, there's nothing worth toasting about!"

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