Qiye saw Su Bai's embarrassment and laughed,"Su Bai, no matter how others see you or think of you, I will always be your most supportive Alice, I understand you."

Su Bai looked at Qiye's bright eyes, turned around abruptly, and wiped his eyes quietly. If there is a confidant in the world, there is no regret in death.

My Qiye, in my heart, you are an irreplaceable existence forever. With you, this world is really beautiful

"Cheers! Cheers to your understanding of me!"

Qiye clinked his glass with Su Bai vigorously and drank it all in one gulp....

The chat room and forum were in an uproar. With people with ulterior motives adding fuel to the fire, not only the commanders, but even the entire Governor's District, everyone knew Su Bai's two notoriety as a bed-taker and chief abuser.

For a time, the rumors spread more and more outrageously, and even Su Bai turned into a big devil with two horns on his head, holding a whip and beating Akagi and Kaga with a book.

Even Su Bai himself bought a copy through a special channel.

The commanders are really talented, they speak well and know a lot. The person who drew this book is definitely a professional.

He portrayed himself as a cruel and lustful devil, and drew Akagi and Kaga as petite and pitiful, with no clothes to cover their bodies. This half-covered and half-exposed body is more imaginative than being naked.

Su Bai flipped through a few pages, and he was actually imagining a lot when reading his own book! I am really a Hentai.

Ah, Akagi and Kaga, are their figures really that good? Otherwise, find an opportunity to test it?

Guanghui appeared behind Su Bai with a smile and hugged him from behind. The two huge soft things made Su Bai's heart beat faster.

""Su Bai, what are you looking at? You are so focused. I've been here for a while, and you don't react?"

Guanghui reached out to the notebook. Although she didn't use much force, her firm attitude forced Su Bai to let go.

Guanghui was attracted by the picture on the cover, opened the notebook, and read a few pages. Guanghui's pretty face flushed and her breathing became rapid.

She threw the book aside,"How obscene! Cut, it's not that big!"

Su Bai smiled bitterly. That's right, which aircraft carrier can compare with you in armor thickness. He reached out to pick up the notebook,"Be careful, this is very expensive."

Guanghui snatched the notebook away,"You are not allowed to look at it, confiscate it, this booklet belongs to me!"

Uh, it turns out that the true fragrance theorem is everywhere, it was agreed that this is obscene.

"By the way, I was just about to tell you something serious. According to convention, when the ship girls join the fleet, a reception dinner will be held. This time Akagi Kaga has joined, the restaurant is ready, and we can set off."

Su Bai's face fell again, you two should not do anything weird in this occasion.

"Don't worry, Miss Enterprise has gone to the solitary cell to talk to them, so there's no need to worry about them causing trouble."

Okay, Enterprise is doing the job, I'm relieved.

" Although I don't know how Enterprise chatted with the two ship girls, they did follow Enterprise very obediently. During the whole banquet, although the two ship girls had cold faces, they didn't cause any trouble.

Su Bai breathed a sigh of relief. It was really pitiful that he was entertaining his own ship girls in his own port area, but they were so nervous.

Akagi and Kaga were sitting there, and the chef thoughtfully prepared Japanese food and sashimi for them.

The two ship girls had wooden faces, and they didn't know what the food tasted like. Looking at the happy smiles of other ship girls, it seemed that this place was not a hell, but it was still so angry! How can you rescue ship girls like this? According to the will of the gods, don't they rescue them after they fall into the water? They are directly robbing Admiral Nanyun. Do they really treat us as goods?

Woo, the fish slices are so delicious, the taste of my hometown, so fragrant!

Su Bai still gave a speech on the stage,"Comrades! This is a very important day for us. Our great fleet has been formed, and we have gained two powerful allies. Our entire fleet has worked together to get Miss Akagi and Miss Kaga to join us. Congratulations!"

"Akagi, Kaga, although the way you two came here is a bit strange, you will still enjoy normal treatment. Here, people who have made contributions to the port area will be valued. Although you are capable, you also need to prove yourself with your performance."

"Well, today is a good day to welcome you all, so I won't say any more. Come, let's drink to Akagi and Kaga!"


The dinner was very well organized, and everyone was very satisfied, except for Akagi and Kaga, of course, whose favorability was -200, which could not be changed overnight.

Because they had no achievements, they could only live in a dormitory, which made the two pampered young ladies a little uncomfortable.

How stingy! There is a lot of space in this port area, why do you let the ship girls live together? Humph, it turns out to be a mean commander.

At six in the morning, the wakeup call sounded, and the ship girls got up one after another. After quickly washing up, they lined up to run.

Akagi and Kaga were even more surprised. We are noble navy, first-class people. Why do we have to train according to the standards of the army?

Akagi and Kaga usually have a big appetite, but they don’t exercise much. Although they are plump and well-proportioned, their endurance is very poor. When they were halfway through the run, they squatted on the side of the road and started to vomit.

The one leading the training today was Enterprise. She walked over and said coldly,"You two, don't have to eat breakfast, keep training!"

Akagi was angry,"Enterprise! People will be hungry if they don't eat, and the ship girls will not be able to stand steadily if they don't eat! How can we run?"

Enterprise glanced at her,"Why, do you need me to teach you how to run?"

Akagi thought of what happened in the cell that day, and her body trembled,"No, no, we'll run now."

The other ship girls were pointing at them, which made Akagi and Kaga even more ashamed. After running a lap with gritted teeth, everyone else went to eat, but the two of them were punished to stand at attention.

Akagi looked at Kaga helplessly,"Sister, are you hungry?"

Before Kaga could speak, her stomach rumbled, and her tears flowed down her cheeks.

What kind of hell is this place? In the previous garrison, not only did they have good food and drink, but they also had maids to serve them. This port area is really hell.

At this moment, Su Bai walked over accompanied by Guanghui.

"Akagi, Kaga, follow me to the dock. It's time to build a warship for you." In the dock, with a series of clanging sounds, the new Akagi and Kaga aircraft carriers were completed.

"Akagi, Kaga, please accept the new battleships. I look forward to your new achievements for the port area!"

Akagi was about to speak when his stomach growled.

"Didn't you have breakfast?"

Akagi couldn't stand the grievance any longer and cried,"How can you bully me like this? I'm not allowed to have breakfast and I have to run so many laps. I'll starve to death!"

Su Bai shook his head helplessly,"Do you think the enterprise is bullying you? Akagi, Kaga, this is the army! I hope you can throw away the old Sakura Empire's ways. Why is Nagumo Chuji not my opponent? Because what he commands is not an army!"

"Even if he and I bring the same number of warships, I can still send the combined fleet to dive!"

Su Bai looked at Akagi and Kaga who were still unconvinced, shook his head, took out a bag of bread, and stuffed it into Akagi and Kaga's hands.

"Eat, you will understand what I just said later. Now, you just need to follow the order!"

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