Half of the builders in the port area are hired humans and retired shipgirls, and the other half are elite mechanical employees, all of whom are holders of construction certificates above level 2.

The new aircraft carriers obtained by Akagi and Kaga are much more powerful than their old battleships in the Sakura Empire.

Moreover, the most important difference is the difference in carrier-based aircraft. There are no Zero lighters, Type 99 carrier-based bombers, Type 97 carrier-based attack aircraft, and other crappy stuff. The carrier-based aircraft are all White Eagle and Royal equipment, including Hellcats, SBD bombers and Golden Swordfish. After the hull deck was modified and the artillery was removed, the total number of carrier-based aircraft was increased to ninety.

Although he was still very dissatisfied with this demon commander, Akagi Kaga was a soldier of the Imperial Navy after all, and he had an irresistible fascination with powerful weapons and equipment.

Su Bai saw the symbol of +5 favorability pop up above their heads, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was finally not -200, at least he didn't have to worry about being killed by his own shipgirls in the port area.

Akagi Kaga patrolled on his aircraft carrier and returned to the commander.

"Is such a beautiful warship really prepared for us?"

"Of course, do you think I look like someone who can drive a boat by myself?"

They both showed a hint of joy on their faces, knelt on one knee, and hesitated for a moment,"See you, Commander, we are from the Sakura aircraft carrier Akagi/Kaga......."I'll serve you reluctantly!""

Puff! You two guys, is this human language? The correct posture should be"Dear commander, the ship girl Akagi Kaga is happy to serve you!"

Su Bai took a look at the two people -195 goodwill, and had nothing to say. Forget it, as long as you are willing to serve, I don't care whether you are reluctant or willing.

"Akagi, Kaga, remember, from today on, you are the White Eagle aircraft carrier, and the past of the Sakura Empire does not need to be mentioned anymore. By the way, from today on, the two of you will take turns to serve as the secretary ship."

The softened expressions of Akagi and Kaga stiffened again. Finally, your true colors are revealed, Admiral! It is normal for Akagi Kaga to think wrongly. The only role of Admiral Chuji Nagumo's secretary is to sleep with him. When there is something, the secretary does it, and when there is nothing, the secretary does something else. This is the daily life of the Admiral of Sakura Empire.

Chuji Nagumo is not very satisfied with Akagi Kaga, who is a cold ship girl although she is good-looking. In order to satisfy his own desires, he also bought a group of girls from the country to serve as secretaries. Every night, that is the happiest time for Admiral Nangumo.

It seems that the commander of the White Eagle is the same. Men, hum!

Akagi Kaga thought to himself. He had not arranged to be a secretary ship with Admiral Nangumo, but he didn't expect to hand over his first time here.

Forget it, what is coming will come. This is the fate of a ship girl. Just accept it!

Su Bai didn't know that he was chatting with Akagi Kaga across servers. Cultural differences made it impossible for them to understand each other.

Su Bai enthusiastically took Akagi Kaga to visit the port area. After dinner, he continued to take them for a walk and walked all the way to the top of the mountain in the port area.

"You two remember, you can only come to the top of the mountain when I take you here, you are not allowed to come up here by yourself at other times." This is the place where Su Bai brings his closest ship girls to enjoy the scenery and chat, and its status is comparable to the rooftop of a campus.

Akagi Kaga looked toward the sea in the west, thousands of miles away was their hometown, but they could not go back.

After enjoying the scenery for a while and having a cross-server chat, Su Bai took Akagi Kaga back to the mansion.

It was late at night, and Su Bai said casually,"Akagi will be the secretary ship today, and Kaga will take over tomorrow. Okay, I'm going to rest, you guys go."

Akagi Kaga slowly left the room, and the two looked at each other, with nothing to say.

Su Bai took off the major general's uniform and prepared to read a book before taking a rest. This uniform is indeed beautiful and stylish, the only drawback is that it is a bit heavy.

After a busy day, he finally calmed down.

Su Bai leaned against the head of the bed, holding a book of continental countries in his hand, and was reading it with relish when Akagi walked in.

Huh? Akagi is wearing a yukata and wooden clogs, which is quite beautiful. But what are you doing running to my room so late?

"Akagi, just because I let you be a secretary ship doesn't mean you have to work 24 hours a day. The night is your rest time. You don't have to be restrained. Just do whatever you want."


Akagi replied calmly and closed the door. She walked to the bed, and in Su Bai's surprised expression, she pulled off the laces of her yukata, closed her eyes and threw the yukata on the bed.

Su Bai was dumbfounded. A naked beauty was standing in front of him. Any man would be unable to control himself.

"Wait! Akagi, what are you doing?"Although Su Bai couldn't take his eyes off her, he was still a little panicked. What was going on?

Akagi opened her eyes and two lines of tears fell."Commander, do you think Akagi is beautiful?"

"Of course it's beautiful, wait a minute, this is not the point. Put on your clothes first before we talk about this!"

"Please enjoy it with confidence Commander, and this is my first time, so please have mercy on me."

Su Bai was completely confused, he grabbed the yukata and put it on Akagi,"Akagi, explain to me what this means, don't you hate me very much?"

Akagi was confused by Su Bai's performance, it was you who designated me as the secretary ship, it was you who hinted that I should take a rest, what are you pretending to be now?

"Commander, stop pretending. I must follow your orders. All men are like this. I don't blame you."

After some difficult communication, Su Bai finally figured out how Chicheng misunderstood him.

"Miss Akagi, listen carefully! Although we are superiors and subordinates at work, other than that, I regard all the ship girls as my good friends and family. Forget about the decadent things of the Sakura Navy from tonight onwards!"

Su Bai glanced at the wall clock,"Forget it, it's past ten o'clock, the port area has entered the night control time, it's not suitable for you to go out like this, you can rest here tonight. My bed is very big, you can't squeeze."

Akagi was just moved for a moment, but when he heard Su Bai's words, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. After talking for a long time, you still want to eat. Let's see how long you can pretend! However,

Akagi really misunderstood Su Bai.

A gentleman is lustful, but he takes it in a proper way and uses it in moderation. Su Bai would never do anything with a ship girl with a -195 favorability. What's the difference between that and using force.

So, Su Bai continued to read his Continental Chronicles. Akagi looked at this strange commander in confusion. Fatigue came over her and she finally fell asleep. The morning sun sprinkled into the room, and Akagi woke up. She found that her yukata had slipped to the side.

Could it be! She sat up in a panic, but there was nothing wrong with her body. Did we just lie there all night?

"Did nothing happen?"

"Yes, it seems that you are looking forward to something happening?"

The commander had already dressed up and looked at her mischievously.

Akagi wrapped herself in her yukata shyly and stood up to salute the commander.

"No need to be polite, I'm going out now. You can rest for a while. There are clothes in the locker room. You can change into one and go back. You are already familiar with the port area, so I won't accompany you!"

Akagi looked at Su Bai's departing back, feeling confused. Yesterday she was a soldier of the Sakura Empire, but today she is a ship girl under the command of Commander White Eagle.

She is still unable to adapt to such a big change of identity.

This commander, it seems, is not so bad.

Akagi changed her clothes and slid back to her dormitory with her head down. Kaga saw that she actually slid back in someone else's clothes, and hurriedly went to meet her.

""Sister, are you okay?"

Akagi looked at Kaga's concerned expression and wanted to tease her,"It's your turn to be the secretary ship today, you will know when you go there. By the way, you should also change into a yukata, the commander likes this."

Kaga's face was pale,"I know!"

As night fell, Kaga changed into a yukata with a white background and small flowers, and walked into the bedroom of the commander's mansion with a tragic face.

In Su Bai's surprise, she closed her eyes, made up her mind, and untied the yukata,"Commander, please enjoy it!"

Wang Defa! In your eyes, I am such a person.


So big and so white!

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