Lachar and Barto both agreed that the upper limit of the large fleet is 50 people, and the quota is precious. As long as their fleet takes Atlantis, why worry about not being able to recruit people?

Values, the values of these three people are all liver emperors and hamster strengthening parties, so naturally they use this as the standard.

Su Bai answered Yu Buqun's private message,"Brother Yu, how are you?"

Yu Buqun's face was a little ugly, bastard, you made me so miserable, why are you looking for me. But facing the powerful Su Bai, he still forced a smile

"It's the Lord Demon, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Su Bai's mouth twitched, well, my nickname has been upgraded again?

"Brother Yu, I missed you a little after we said goodbye at Midway Island last time. Without further ado, I called you here because I am going to give you a big benefit!" Yu

Buqun cursed in his heart,"Just don't harm me,""Lord Demon King, what benefit do you have that you still remember me, your brother?"

"Let me be frank. Our Demon King Alliance is aiming for Atlantis. We specially invite Brother Yu to share this wealth. Are you coming or not?"

Yu Buqun was shocked. Sure enough, the Demon King is the Demon King. It would be strange if he didn't fight for Atlantis. Yu Buqun weighed the pros and cons. After he surrendered first last time, he was kicked out of the Justice League by Rand. Now he is homeless. Instead of facing a hypocrite like Rand, it is better to hang out with Su Bai, a real villain.

"I agree to join!"...

Su Bai quickly persuaded You Lengchan to join.

On the other hand, Lachar and Barto acted even faster. They had great appeal among the vampires and demons.

At Su Bai's suggestion, the first general assembly of the fleet was held in Su Bai's port. This assembly was also a critical meeting that directly determined the future fate of the fleet, and Su Bai did not dare to neglect it.

In order to entertain these guests, Su Bai spent a lot of money and made adequate preparations. Helicopters landed at the airport, and demons with double horns or vampires with gloomy faces landed from the helicopters.

"Haha, it's the Iron Demon Anmore, welcome to my port area"

"Lord Demon King, I don't deserve this. How can I let you come to greet me in person?"

Iron Demon Anmor is a tall slayer demon. He was flattered to see the most powerful commander of the entire Governor's District personally welcoming guests at the airport.

Su Bai looked at these demons and monsters arriving, and he didn't know what to say in his heart. Should I say my popularity is good or bad? If it's good, I have offended the three major ethnic groups of humans, elves, and tauren; if it's bad, these demons and blood races worship me very much.

Well, compared with the human compatriots who have their own thoughts, these alien races are much simpler. Just as Su Bai was about to leave, a private message request came from his logbook. It turned out to be Nefario of the Dragon Clan.

"Mr. Nefario, what do you want from me?"

"Let me be frank, I've had enough of those idiots in my clan, I want to join the Demon Alliance, but I wonder if I'm qualified!"

Su Bai was extremely surprised,"Of course, on behalf of the Demon Alliance, I welcome Mr. Nefarion to join us! We are having a meeting in my port area now, you can come directly if it's convenient for you."

You Lengchan also found Su Bai,"My Lord Demon, I know a man named Bai Mian, also known as Mr. Rabbit, who particularly likes to study lineups, equipment matching and strategies, but his own fleet is a little weak, ranking around 80th on the strength list, I wonder if he can also join"

"Of course! Such talents are exactly what we need!"

The first meeting was very successful. Su Bai prepared the best banquet and showed great sincerity. After discussion among the crowd, they jointly elected the Demon King Su Bai as the leader of the fleet. In fact, this was just a formality. Who could shake his position?

In addition, Lachar, Barto, Nefario, Yu Buqun and others were elected as elders.

During the meeting, the newly joined Nefario threw out an astonishing news. Headed by Andre, the strong elf and the second on the strength list, a new fleet, the Free Alliance, was formed.

The strength of this alliance has surpassed that of the Justice League, and they are likely to join forces in the battle for Atlans.

Su Bai laughed loudly, shocking the whole audience,"Don't worry, can the two sheep join forces to challenge the authority of the tiger? Not to mention that the two alliances themselves are incompatible, we can also hire mercenaries and use money to make these two families cry!"

The commanders were infected by Su Bai's generosity and applauded.

Where did the money come from? Su Bai was the first to donate 1,000 diamonds, 20,000 supplies, and 50 million gold coins as the public property of the union for public construction.

With a leader taking the lead, everything is easy to handle. Soon, all the commanders began to donate generously, donating diamonds, supplies, and gold coins according to their financial resources and positions.

Su Bai appointed Ming Mei, the second-ranked expert of the Blood Clan, as the financial officer. This is a female commander of the Blood Clan. The Blood Clan is the most calculating, and she is also a woman who is particularly good at calculating. Everyone agreed with this decision.

At this meeting, everyone agreed After formulating the action plan and the principle of unified command, it was decided that on June 14, when the Grand Fleet base mission began, all warships above level 75 would be mobilized to win the battle in one fell swoop.

There are still about seven days until June 14, and Su Bai decided to lead the team himself and book Midway Island, leaving no chance for others to level up.

After the formation of the Grand Fleet, there is another benefit, which is that the upper limit of the expeditionary fleet has been increased. For example, Su Bai can use the name of the Grand Fleet's commander-in-chief to pull out all of his more than 100 ships.

Before the Grand Fleet, the number was six fleets and 36 warships.

Moreover, the Grand Fleet has���The fleet reorganization ability can mix the warships of the commander, and it is not limited by the front and back rows. It is completely possible to organize more than a dozen aircraft carriers into a team to form a super strike group.

Su Bai purchased a large amount of equipment, props and mercenaries in the black market and the mercenary guild, and set off towards the Midway Island with the 27 commanders of the large fleet.

The upper limit of the number of warships in the first-level large fleet is 600.

Therefore, Su Bai and others allocated the warship quota according to everyone's strength.

Su Bai, Lachar, Barto, and Nefario led a huge fleet of 150 warships respectively and fired cannons to sea.

Su Bai sat on the platypus carrier-based aircraft, and his heart was surging.

Such a huge fleet is under his command, which is simply too cool. Six hundred warships and hundreds of thousands of naval soldiers, this is not to level up, this is simply to show off.

In the waters of Midway Island, there are fleets of the Justice League and the Freedom League salvaging Akagi and Kaga, but they don’t know that the shadow of death has already enveloped them.

The four fleets surrounded the more than 90 warships of the two alliances.

Su Bai typed a sentence on the public screen of the logbook,"Freedom Alliance, you can leave now, I won't stop you. Justice League, come out and die!"

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