The hostile relationship between the Demon King Alliance and the Justice League is well known and cannot be avoided. Since Rand has the courage to form an alliance to fight against Su Bai, he must have the ability to take over this situation.

In Su Bai's imagination, the Freedom Alliance should withdraw wisely. It is in their best interest to stand aside and watch the struggle between the Demon King Alliance and the Justice League.

However, Andre's response surprised him a little.

"Su Bai, you humans have a saying,"If the lips are gone, the teeth will be cold." We elves also have the same proverb. I will not leave. If you think that one person can fight against all the commanders of the entire North Pacific Governor's District, then come on.~!"

Su Bai laughed,"Just the two of you, you want to represent the Governor's District. Are you worthy? Since you all want to die, then I can help you."


This time, Su Bai didn't even bother to consider not firing the first shot. It had come to this point, so why should he be soft-hearted!

Six hundred against ninety, a crushing level, if there was still a problem, it would be hell.

Soon, the warships of the two major alliances of justice and freedom were sunk one after another, and the several unlucky commanders involved were also locked up for a week by the system, and the levels of the ship girls were collectively reduced by one.

Su Bai knew that the revenge of the two major alliances would definitely come. If they didn't come now, it would be tantamount to handing over the battle for the fleet base next week.

Sure enough By the afternoon, nearly a thousand warships from the two alliances surrounded Midway Island.

The two sides had a total of nearly 1,600 warships, and they fought a decisive battle in an area of tens of thousands of square nautical miles.

Su Bai knew that this was all the assets of the Justice and Freedom Alliance. Although this war came suddenly, it was not unexpected. Unless the two alliances were willing to withdraw from the battle for the Atlantis base, this battle must be fought.

War is so cruel. Even though most of the combatants were mechanical warriors, the roar of the main guns, the noise of the carrier-based aircraft, the mercenary submarine team and The torpedoes from destroyers and cruisers have completely detonated this sea area.

Just at this time, a wave of combined fleets came, and as a result, before Chuji Nagumo could react, he was blown to the bottom of the sea to feed the fish.

Su Bai and Enterprise patrolled the battlefield in platypus fighters, calmly issuing orders one after another and mobilizing the fleet to fill the weak areas.

With his high-altitude command and the crushing of the fleet level, the Demon King Alliance always had the upper hand in the naval battle.

Su Bai has become numb. The sinking of a battleship or the fall of a ship girl can no longer move him emotionally. He only thought of one thing, why did these two alliances dare to come to fight hard, what is their trump card.

They didn't even spend money in the black market and the mercenary guild!

No, they must have spent money! There is more than one family in this world that has black markets and mercenaries.

However, there is a gap in the hard power of the two sides. Even if you get something from the black market, what's the problem?

The victory or defeat of the war cannot be saved by your little tricks.

Although Su Bai felt that he had won, his heart was always as heavy as a huge rock.

Enterprise asked with concern,"Su Bai, what are you worried about?"

Su Bai smiled bitterly,"It's because I can't think of their back-up plan that I'm worried! Rand and Andre, these two people are not stupid people, they can't be so stupid to come and die!"

Enterprise held Su Bai's hand and looked at him firmly,"Commander, on the battlefield, accidents can happen at any time, don't think so much, no matter who the enemy is, how many there are, I only ask one question, where are they? As long as they dare to come, I will send them on their way!"

Su Bai was stunned. This is the heroism of the God of War Enterprise, the super strong one that can fight a country with one ship.

I am a man of seven feet tall, but I am not as brave as a cute girl.

"Well said. I want to see what tricks these two bastards have up their sleeves!"

Of course there is a back-up plan, and that is the main force of the Combined Fleet from Sakura Empire.

When the two alliances were salvaging Akagi Kaga at Midway Island, they contacted Nagumo Chuji, and the two sides reached a tacit understanding that only Akagi Kaga would be killed during the salvage, and everyone else would be let go.

Moreover, the two alliances of Justice and Freedom also contacted Admiral Yamamoto, and even established contacts with many commanders of the Scarlet Camp, and decided that they would dispatch some of their main battleships, disguised as the Combined Fleet, to ambush the Demon King Alliance.

Su Baiqin - Taking Akagi Kaga, this is not a matter of two battleships, this is a straightforward slap in the face of the Combined Fleet!

Su Bai has become the number one enemy of the entire Scarlet Camp Sakura Empire Governor's District. Hearing that there is a chance to ambush him, many admirals generously dispatched their main battleships. Su Bai laughed out loud when he saw the ten Flaxheads, ten Musashis, and more than a dozen pairs of Akagi Kaga appearing on the sea.

He teased in the commander's chat room,"You two bastards are quite good at playing, you dare to collude with the enemy camp!"

Rand said sinisterly,"We don't deserve this. It's you who robbed someone else's wife and aroused public anger. The devil is the devil. He doesn't act like a human being. He has become the commander's public enemy, and he doesn't reflect on himself!"

Su Bai was angry. He just robbed two of your ship girls. Is it that serious?

"Enterprise, it's up to you!"

Su Bai knew that he was already at a disadvantage in the current power comparison. If he didn't create a miracle, he would be in trouble today.

Who is a miracle? Who else but Enterprise deserves this word.

When Enterprise saw the string of Yamato, Musashi, Akagi Kaga, his eyes were already bloodshot and red. These were all meritorious deeds!

Su Bai handed over the command of the fleet to Irene, Hood, and Glory, and they commanded their fleets to focus on the combined fleet and the warships of the Admiral of Sakura Empire.

Andre and Rand, they colluded with people in the hostile camp.

Although there is no ironclad evidence, the facts are here.

Unless the Governor's Office pretends to be dead, it will be found out sooner or later.

What he has to do is to kill the foreign enemies first and stand on the moral high ground, so that it will be easier to complain to the Governor's Office after the war.

Duckbill The beast plundered the sea and launched two missiles, heading straight for Yamato and Musashi. The admirals of Sakura Empire obviously didn't understand what this weird attack aircraft was. The two battleships with poor maneuverability were hit instantly. Musashi was seriously injured and damaged, and the unlucky Yamato was directly broken into two pieces after the explosion, and soon went to swim in the sea.

Fortunately, the admirals of Sakura Empire liked to command on Nagato or Atago, otherwise the fleet would be finished.

Enterprise fired all six missiles and four 500-kilogram heavy bombs and prepared to return to replenish ammunition.

At this time, more than a dozen Zero lighters who didn't know how to live or die caught up. Enterprise, who was already bloodthirsty, pushed the throttle lever to full acceleration, pulled up, played a beautiful Cobra maneuver, and came to the rear of the Zero fighter group.

The 30MM machine gun began to roar. In front of such a huge cock, the Zero lighter weighing only two tons exploded instantly and turned into a fireball.

After shooting down seven Zeros in a row, Enterprise flew away, leaving the admirals of Sakura Empire in confusion.

After Enterprise returned to the aircraft carrier, she asked the logistics personnel to load bombs and refuel. She and Su Bai quickly jumped onto the second Platypus, took off directly, and joined the battle again.

These two sky-high-priced Platypus attack aircraft became the most dazzling stars on the entire battlefield. No aircraft could stop it, even for a short while.

Finally, it met its opponent, the F-2 interceptor of the Sakura Empire fleet. This is also a legendary item refreshed in the super-time and space black market. It was personally piloted by the admiral of Sakura Empire, Oda Kyuho, to fight Enterprise for his life.

Of course, this courageous opponent is really not enough in front of Enterprise and Su Bai.

Enterprise's flight Enterprise's piloting skills are comparable to those of the world's top ace pilots. Although Oda Kyuho is also a very good pilot, he is only good among admirals.

Enterprise played various maneuvers in a variety of ways. When the two sides were out of position, Su Bai accurately locked onto the F-2 interceptor and sent out air-to-air missiles.

Locking the target, tracking the target, and killing the target, all in one go, he is a hero among missiles.

Oda Kyuho, the reckless admiral, exploded in the air. Su Bai and Enterprise high-fived to celebrate. The excited Enterprise grabbed Su Bai and kissed him.

Well, his second kiss was also from Enterprise, and it was so sudden. Su Bai touched his lips, and the electric shock made him feel numb. Driving a fighter plane from another time and space, kissing the most famous ship girl in World War II in the air, uh, this feeling is really good.

Haha, as expected, once the admiral died, the fleet was finished. More than a dozen warships on the sea were instantly judged as dead by the system and were directly refreshed.

"Quick! Give priority to eliminating Nagato, Atago and Takao in the enemy's formation!"

Enterprise also reacted. Yes, the governor of Sakura Empire likes the ship girls of these battleships the most, especially Takao and Atago who are always caught in every anti-pornography crackdown!

You are dead!

As the battle progressed, Enterprise's eyes turned completely blood red, which made Su Bai terrified. This didn't seem to be a normal phenomenon.

As the missiles and bombs hit the targets, there were less than a hundred of the more than 300 battleships of the Combined Fleet.

And the missiles and bombs were all used up.

What to do, return home?

But if you return home, it will take a lot of time to go back and forth. The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly and you can't wait.

·· ·Request flowers···· ·········

Enterprise looked at Su Bai,"Commander, do you dare to be willful with me for once?"

How could Su Bai admit his weakness in front of the woman he loved? He replied decisively,"Of course no problem, what are you going to do!"

"We still have 300 shells. Let's find a chance to kill Yamamoto. If that doesn't work, I'll parachute down and sneak into the battleship Nagato. Yamamoto must be on it."

"No, you are going to die! I won't allow it!"

"Believe me, I am the Gray Ghost. As long as the Sakura Empire is not destroyed, I will not die!"

Su Bai looked at the enterprise, her eyes were red, full of irrefutable determination.

"Okay, be careful, I will accompany you to triumph!" Su Bai could not go down. Enterprise's death in battle was just a punishment of losing one level. If he died in battle, although he could be resurrected, the battle would be really lost.

The three hundred shells did not kill Yamamoto, but they had plunged the Nagato into chaos, because Yamamoto, who was commanding on the upper bridge, was seriously injured, and the command room was also bombed into a mess.

Enterprise handed over the control of the plane to Su Bai,"Fly close to the sea and fly under the left side of Nagato. I will eject at the appropriate time. Leave the rest to me!"

Su Bai's heart sank. Perhaps, Enterprise would be the first ship girl to be"killed". Although this was just a death penalty of simulated battle nature with a level reduction of one, not a real death, it still made him feel uncomfortable. Enterprise, I hope your good luck will be with you.

Su Bai drove the fighter plane and flew over the sea to the port side of Nagato. Enterprise waved her hand and pulled down the ejection ring. Bang! The canopy on one side exploded, and Enterprise flew out. The wild sea breeze made Su Bai almost unable to breathe. Fortunately, he had a flight helmet, so he still held on.

.......... 0

Enterprise flew up like a cannonball, bouncing more than 40 meters from the sea surface, and flew over the top of Nagato, and the person and the chair separated smoothly. Enterprise untied the parachute rope seven or eight meters away from the bridge and jumped directly down.

Because Nagato was in chaos at this time, few people noticed her. Enterprise landed heavily and rolled, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

The distance she fell was still too high, and she had been seriously injured. Seeing Yamamoto, Enterprise drew her sword and flew over at high speed.

There was only this sword chance. If Yamamoto was killed, the Combined Fleet would be recovered by the system. If this sword failed, she would die.

The speed of this sword has exceeded that of humans.���The limit of knowledge, Nagato and Atago, the two ship girls who were watching over Yamamoto, were stunned by Enterprise's terrifying eyes and did not react at all. The saber pierced Yamamoto's heart, and Yamamoto was finished.

Just before Yamamoto died, the command room officer, Nagato, and Atago finally reacted, took out their pistols, and shot at Enterprise frantically.

Enterprise rolled over quickly, but was still hit by three bullets.


The system determined that the commander-in-chief of the Combined Fleet was dead and recovered all the Sakura Empire warships. Enterprise fell directly into the sea from the air.

Enterprise lay on her back on the sea with a smile, haha, I succeeded. Although I no longer have the strength to go back, the commander will definitely remember my chic jump.

Enterprise's smile suddenly froze, because she saw a figure that shouldn't be there, to be precise, an open parachute!

Su Bai also parachuted!

He couldn't bear to watch his beloved cute girl drown alive in this lonely sea.

Let a woman fight for her life and escape back by yourself, what kind of man is this!

Su Bai saw the Combined Fleet disappear and Enterprise fell into the sea. He slapped himself hard and parachuted without hesitation.

Screw the victory or defeat, life or death, at this moment, I just want to be with Enterprise.

Enterprise swam over with a wry smile, hugged Su Bai, two lines of tears flowed down,"Fool, why don't you leave."

Su Bai remembered a classic line,"You jump, I jump!"

Enterprise hugged Su Bai tightly and kissed her hard.

After a long time, the two separated, and Enterprise's face was a little red,"Su Bai, your English is really bad."

Su Bai's old face turned red. He had never been abroad before, so of course his English was plastic!

Seeing the blood flowing from Enterprise's body, Su Bai hurriedly opened the logbook, first notified the fleet of his position in the sea, handed over the overall command to Lachar, and then summoned the mercenary unit's medical ship to rescue.

Enterprise's wounds were soaked in the sea, and she felt a burst of heart-piercing pain, but with the commander by her side, she didn't care so much. A commander who is willing to jump into the sea for his ship girl and can say such romantic lines, even if he dies now, he will have no regrets.

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