When the medical ship Peacekeeper arrived, Enterprise had lost too much blood and fainted. Rescuers hurriedly pulled Enterprise and Su Bai up and sent the lone hero to the operating room.

The outcome of the battle was already doomed.

With the annihilation of the combined fleet, the defeat of the Justice and Freedom Alliance was a foregone conclusion. After resisting for most of the day, the two alliances withdrew from the battlefield under the cover of night, leaving behind hundreds of sunken ships and countless mechanical seafarers who died.

Because the risk of night battles was too great, the Demon King Alliance did not choose to pursue.

Enterprise was sent back to the port for treatment. According to the doctor's order, she needed to stay in the hospital for a month.

The luxurious single VIP ward was decorated like a presidential suite, but Enterprise didn't like it here at all.

"If I had known, I would have died in the sea. That way, I would have only lost one level and could be revived with full health."

Su Bai's face was full of black lines. Even if this world had many strange laws and ways of resurrection, he would never want to see Enterprise die again.

"Stop talking nonsense and just rest for a while. In the next battle, the Justice League and the Freedom League may not dare to fight us. Even if they come, it will be in vain! I am here, you don’t have to worry about anything else, just rest."

Enterprise bit her lip,"But, wouldn’t I be useless? For the commander, is there any value in such an Enterprise?"

Su Bai gently stroked Enterprise's face,"Even if you are no longer Enterprise, but just Alice, your position in my heart will never change."

Enterprise turned away, not wanting the commander to see her tears. Although this kind of love talk was corny, she liked it very much.

"Well, could you stay with me longer?"

"Of course, I have already asked for a week's leave. The remaining battles will be commanded by other people. This week, my job is to take care of you!"

According to Su Bai's order, all commanders of the Demon King Alliance can bring the"247" fleet to this sea area to level up, and everyone has a share.

As a result, the 3-4 Midway Island Sea Area, a large fish pond for leveling up and fishing boats, was booked by the Demon King Alliance.

The fleet of Ship Qi Hegemony is temporarily commanded by a three-person team consisting of Irene, Hood, and Glory.

Cleveland, Helena, Lexington, Saratoga, Vesta, Bumblebee, Yorktown, Feilong, Canglong, etc. have all joined the ranks of crazy leveling.

Of course, the two unlucky guys Akagi Kaga were also thrown into the leveling team. Although they were very reluctant to face the former admiral Nanyun, they remembered that he had given himself to Su Bai directly, and the previous goodwill had long since disappeared. They would naturally be enemies when they met again.

Women, that's it. When they hate you, they will be more ruthless than anyone else.

Because the Midway Island Sea Area is a public area and the location of the final BOSS, there is a lot of experience. Occupying this fish pond also means that the Demon King Alliance The level gap with the other two alliances further widened.

After the official business was arranged, Su Bai began to take care of Enterprise wholeheartedly, the woman who changed the situation of the war single-handedly.

Enterprise had three bullets in her right arm, abdomen and right shoulder, so she could sit up by herself, but it was not very convenient for her to eat by herself.

Therefore, the task of feeding Enterprise was contracted by Su Bai. There were many service personnel in the port area who could do this, and there were also special nurses in the hospital, but Su Bai was not willing to hand over these tasks to others. Enterprise, who took off her military uniform, was unusually soft, with her long silver-gray hair just hanging down, and there was indescribable tenderness in her dark blue eyes.

Su Bai felt pity in his heart. The war was too cruel, turning such a gentle girl into a bloodthirsty killer on the battlefield.

Su Bai didn't know how to take care of people, but as long as he was willing, he could still learn these little things. He blew the soft porridge one spoonful at a time and then fed it to Enterprise.

Enterprise said faintly,"Su Bai, do you know how I feel now?"

"Are you touched?"

"No, I have goose bumps all over my body, it's just like the plot of a third-rate romance novel. Put down the porridge, I'll do it myself. Just sit with me for a while."

Su Bai was speechless, it seemed a bit too hypocritical. After all, Qiye's left hand was fine, and she was not the kind of girl who liked to act cute.

Qiye drank the porridge while saying���,"Su Bai, if the war ends one day, what are you going to do?"

"The war is over?"Su Bai smiled bitterly. Why can't I see this hope? It's obvious that the three hundred commanders, as well as the commanders of other governors' districts, are obviously kept in captivity by the gods for some kind of experiment.

Will these gods allow the war to end? Well, even if the gods don't bother to care about these, there is no possibility of peace between the four major camps of Azure, Blood, Siren, and Ghost.

"I don't have any big ideals. After the war, if I am still alive, I should be able to obtain a large territory. Then I will take you to live in our territory."

"Oh, us? Are you really planning on growing a thousand wings?"

"Ahem!"It seems that this joke cannot be avoided."Most of the ship girls will live their own lives after the war."

Su Bai didn't know what to think, and suddenly rushed to Enterprise and knelt on one knee,"Alice, when the war is over, are you willing to live with me in my own territory?"

Enterprise was dumbfounded, her fair face flushed,"This.........Is this considered a courtship?"

Su Bai was also confused. What am I doing?

But the words were out and there was no way to take them back. Seeing Qiye's expectant expression, he absolutely could not back down at this time."Although I don't have a ring with me, I still want you to know my feelings. Yes, I love you, Alice! Will you marry me?"

Qiye's hands began to tremble and tears slowly fell."Su Bai, why do you like me, a cold-blooded killer?"

"Who said that? My Alice is not a cold-blooded killer. She is the most loving girl."

Enterprise stretched out his left hand in front of Su Bai's face,"I do, get up quickly."

Enterprise pulled Su Bai up and let him sit next to him,"But it's very troublesome for humans to marry ship girls."

"Don't worry, I heard from the grapevine that it won't be long before the two great gods will open up the official marriage between humans and ship girls."

Enterprise looked at Su Bai and said faintly,"So, what about the other wings?"

Su Bai was stunned. Of course, the commander's dream was to marry them all, but how could he say such nonsense.

Seeing Su Bai's look, Enterprise smiled slightly,"Don't worry about it, it's up to you how many wings you like to grow. It's just that I must be the first, that's enough"...

Just when Su Bai and Enterprise had already decided to spend their lives together, in the waters of Midway Island, the Combined Fleet was being refreshed and killed over and over again, turning into countless experience points.

Such a boring and dull leveling life was soon broken by a system notice,"All commanders, please note that maintenance will begin at 9:00 tomorrow, and the Grand Fleet base function will be open at 17:00. For specific details, please check the logbook!"

Enterprise's injury is almost healed, and the recovery ability of the ship girl is much stronger than that of humans. The doctor expected Enterprise to rest for a month, but she was discharged from the hospital in a week.

Although the injury to her right arm has not healed, which slightly reduces her mobility, she still resolutely requested to join the war.

Su Bai really couldn't beat her. Enterprise in history fought with injuries many times. But, do you want to restore history like this!

You are a ship girl, not a cold warship.

This battle for Atlans will determine the future development direction of the three major alliances.

Whoever can take Atlans will become the new number one fleet, and the commander under his command will grow in strength and surpass other fleets.

This battle can only be won, not lost.

The last Battle of Midway was won in a thrilling way. If Enterprise hadn't killed Yamamoto with one sword, it would be hard to say what the result would be.

Su Bai has submitted the matter of Rand and Andre colluding with foreign enemies and the video evidence to the Governor's Office.

Unfortunately, there was no further news afterwards. It seems that the Governor's Office does not intend to take care of such things. You are capable of diplomacy, that is your ability.

Where can you get foreign aid from?

Forget about the Bloody Camp. The Sakura Empire has already listed itself as an enemy of the Great Demon King level. The Iron Blood Camp is far away, and their naval strength is just a younger brother in front of the White Eagle, Sakura Empire, and the Royal Navy.

Su Bai remained silent. It is really not enough to rely on a large fleet to fight against enemies who don't know where they came from.

He tried to communicate with Andre, hoping to pull the Free Alliance over, but was rejected.

Andre's reason for refusal is simple. In the last war, his wife was sunk!

Su Bai was silent. If someone sank and killed Enterprise and Hood, he would never reconcile with that bastard.

He could understand Andre. It seemed that in the next war, he would have to face all enemies by himself.

Su Bai, who was in a bad mood, came to the Trans-dimensional Black Market during the maintenance period. He was the largest customer here, and the boss Hale naturally entertained him warmly.

""My Lord Baron seems to be in distress. Come, have a drink! Tell me, maybe I can help you."

Su Bai smiled bitterly, picked up the glass and drank it all,"Thank you, boss, but you definitely can't help me with this."

Hale smiled like a profiteer,"Hehe, just because I can't help you doesn't mean others can't. You know, businessmen always have some special friends."

Su Bai's eyes lit up! Yes, Hale's black market chain stores have opened in many governor's districts, and even bought things that do not belong to this time and space. He is a man with great connections!

"Boss, just tell me where I can go for help"

"Remember the last island you conquered?"

"Remember, hey, hey, how did you know this? I only told the Governor."

Hale smiled mysteriously,"I know much more than you think. I just want to say that you can go to that island again, and you will definitely be surprised.... By the way, the ghost island is now a demilitarized zone. Don’t go there by warship. Remember to take a plane."

After saying this, Boss Hale said nothing and just drank.

What is there on that mysterious ghost island? Su Bai changed into casual clothes, pretended to be an ordinary person, and bought a ticket to the ghost island, Youlan City. Youlan City? I always feel that this name is very familiar.

Sitting on the plane and looking down, Su Bai looked at this island that was once submerged in war. It recovered really quickly.

After coming out of the airport, Su Bai thought for a while and decided to directly state his identity and ask to see the mayor here.

The mayor's secretary quickly welcomed him in,"Haha, Lord Su Bai is very face-saving. I just reported your name and the mayor agreed to meet you. Please follow me."

Su Bai sat in the elegantly decorated small reception room, quietly observing the surrounding furnishings.

This Ghost Island is really the territory of the Ghost Clan. It seems that after the last war, the top leaders may have reached some kind of friendship deal with the Ghost Clan, and then this Ghost Island became a relay station for transactions and exchanges between the two sides.

No wonder he only got a baron after making great contributions last time, and there was not even a system broadcast. He almost ruined someone else's good deeds, and it was good that he was not punished.

Just when Su Bai was getting a little bored, the mayor of Youlan City came. She looked like a young girl.

After the mayor walked into the reception room, she gently lifted the veil on her face and revealed her true face.

Su Bai stood up with a bitter face. Boss Hale, you really gave me a surprise!

The mayor of Youlan City is actually the ninth princess Youlan who was captured by him last time. Su Bai secretly cursed himself for being slow. You can guess it from the name of this city! How many Youlans can there be in the world? Ghost Clan, Youlan, I didn't even think of it. What a pig!

"Hello, Ninth Princess, how are you?"

Youlan looked at Su Bai coldly,"Lord Demon, are you surprised to see me in such an occasion?"

Su Bai smiled bitterly, it was too much of a surprise, I was almost scared to death.

Youlan looked at Su Bai's embarrassed look, bit her lip and said,"Lord Demon, is there anything you want to talk to me about?"

Su Bai was about to say that it was nothing, but suddenly remembered a sentence, which was said by a Hundred Killer brother who shared the same dormitory in Blue Star,"Little brother, remember, if a woman likes you, it is easy to get her; if she hates you, it is not difficult; a woman's attitude towards you is that in her eyes, there is no such person as you!"

Uh, Princess Youlan, she should hate me.

Su Bai was not polite, and said straight to the point that he needed the help of the ghost camp.

Princess Youlan was almost laughed out loud by Su Bai.

Is there such a person in the world? He almost killed me, captured me and locked me up for a night, and now he actually comes to ask me for help?

""My Lord Demon, you are much more shameless than I thought, but there is one thing I don't understand, why should I help you!"

Su Bai was stunned for a moment, fortunately, at least she didn't ask him to get out of here. If he begged her now, it would be fruitless.

This kind of royal woman has been spoiled since she was a child, and the experience of being captured last time must be fresh in her memory.

For this kind of princess, if you act like a licker, you will definitely not get the House.

Su Bai's eyes were fixed on Princess Youlan, and the young princess didn't dare to look at him.

"Princess, the basis of cooperation is benefit! What I can provide you is benefit! As long as you capture Atlans, I will give you enough benefit!"

"Oh, then why don't I cooperate with your enemies?"

"It's very simple, because they already have their own allies. If you go there now, you won't get any meat to eat, and you can only drink soup at most. Your Highness, I believe that with your wisdom, you will definitely understand the difference between helping someone in need and adding icing on the cake."

Princess Youlan showed a hint of smile on her face,"I didn't realize that besides being thick-skinned, you are also good at bragging."

Princess Youlan put away her smile,"I can help you. What I need in return is to open up a special trade zone for me on Atlans Island. In the trade zone, my caravans will enjoy tax-free treatment permanently. Of course, the cost and damage of this ghost fleet's deployment will all be charged on you!"

Su Bai bowed deeply,"Your Highness, your generosity will surely be rewarded. I suggest that in the future both you and I set up special trade zones on each other's turf. Business should be reciprocated."

"You are really shameless. You dare to put forward conditions to me! Haha, okay, I agree with your proposal. But there is one thing. After the battle, you must come to Youlan Island again and stay in my water prison for one night. If you don't accept it, you can leave now!"

Su Bai's face froze. Women, women, they still hold grudges. He had to agree. Just soak in cold water for a night. Can you ruin the big thing for such a small matter?.

Added by: Naruto789

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