After Su Bai discussed the details of the action with Princess Youlan, he returned to the port area. He discussed the action plan with Lachar, Barto, Nefario and others again.

Finally, on June 15th of the first year of the Azure Calendar, the core function of the Grand Fleet, the Fleet Base, was opened.

There are many Grand Fleets participating in the battle for the three major bases of Atlans, Xingzhou Islands, and Easter Island.

These three bases are garrisoned by powerful NPC armies, and all the Grand Fleets participating in the battle will have to fight fiercely. The top three Grand Fleets, the Demon King Alliance, the Freedom Alliance, and the Justice Alliance have all signed up for the battle for Atlans.

The other two bases are the Grand Fleet of Otaku Light commanded by Miss Oda Nobuko, who ranks ninth on the strength list, and the Grand Fleet of Grassland Hunters commanded by Kane, who ranks tenth on the strength list.

Each Grand Fleet can only sign up for the battle for one base at the same time.

In other words, if the top three Grand Alliances fail in the battle for Atlans, they will have to stay in the public base unless the other two Grand Fleets fail in the attack, then they can sign up again.

Or you can only have a chance to compete when the fleets can attack each other's bases one month later.

This rule made Su Bai's heart tighten. According to this rule, once the battle for Atlans fails, the ending will be very tragic. Once the people's hearts are scattered, the team will be unable to lead. A large fleet without even a large base can only become a gathering place for salted fish, slackers, and pensioners.

This battle must not fail. If you win, you win everything, and if you lose, you lose everything!

This time, the upper limit of the number of warships participating in the battle of the large fleet was opened to 800 warships. According to Su Bai's standards, the strongest warships were selected to form the strongest fleet.

Eight hundred warships were deployed on the sea, so vast that there was no end in sight, but Su Bai had no idea at all.

He had bought everything that could be bought on the black market, hired all the mercenaries that should be hired, and tried his best to win over foreign aid. Now that he had done everything, he could only listen to fate.

Enterprise's injuries were basically healed, and Su Bai's flagship was still placed on the Enterprise. He had to be here in person, perhaps only in this way could he hold back this desperate madman.


Enterprise looked at Su Bai's worried expression and comforted him with great enthusiasm,"Don't worry, although I don't know what kind of foreign aid the enemy can find, I think it's nothing more than the Bloody Camp. I don't believe that they dare to collude with the Sirens? They are the public enemy of mankind. If they collude with the Sirens, are they really not afraid of going to military court?"

Su Bai thought about it, whether it's Bloody or Ghost, they are all human races after all, and it's reasonable to use them as foreign aid. But the Sirens are completely different from humans. They are all deep-sea monsters!

At about 10 o'clock on June 15, the fleets of the Justice and Freedom Alliance and the fleet of the Demon King Alliance encountered each other on the outskirts of the Atlans Islands, and the battle for the base officially began.

The first to fight were Nefario's fleet and Rand's fleet. His strength is now completely superior to Rand. The result of contracting the waters of Midway Island is that the average level of the Demon King Alliance's warships crushed the two alliances by at least eight levels.

This level gap was soon reflected in the naval battle. The gap in damage and injury tolerance between the two sides was almost 16%.

The battle was very fierce. Everyone knew that this was a battle with no turning back. The winner took all and the loser was finished.

Nefario calmly commanded the fleet and constantly killed the enemy's warships through salvos.

Countless carrier-based aircraft flew over the sea and sky, bombs, torpedoes, and missiles flew everywhere, bringing death to the enemy.

The battleships kept moving, seizing the T advantage, and rows of main guns fired salvos, covering the entire sea and sky with noisy explosions.

Cruisers and destroyers kept wandering, hurting each other while waiting for opportunities to pull smoke and set mines.

Every moment, planes crashed into the sea and warships exploded and caught fire. Every moment, mechanical sailors were blown up to the sky and fell into the sea.

In such a tragic battle, let alone a mere tool man, even the ship girl and the commander, their lives are equally worthless.

This is war, cruel and bloody, without any mercy and emotion.

Su Bai and Enterprise looked down at the entire battlefield from the air. Although the battle was fierce, it was just an outpost compared to the forces deployed by both sides.

In the first round of fighting, Nefario's fleet had a one-to-five exchange ratio. At the same time, other fleets also began to contact and fight.

The best performance was still Su Bai's fleet.

The four ace battleships, Hood, Irene, Glory, and Enterprise, which had reached level 90, would cause devastating results every time they attacked.

The new level system was also a new rule issued after this maintenance.

Because the leveling speed of Su Bai and other liver emperors was too exaggerated, far exceeding the expectations of the two gods, the temple adjusted the experience points required for leveling up.

It is no less difficult to upgrade to level 90 in the current version than to upgrade to level 100 in the old version.

If the level rules are not modified, according to the experience of the Midway Sea area in the current version of the top leveling map, it would probably take at most three months to reach the maximum level for all members. You can't imagine the madness of the liver emperor.

Of course, in the current version, the attribute rewards for upgrading to level 90 are the same as the rewards for level 100 in the old version.

According to this rule, the real attributes of Hood and others are actually the full level 100. And after level 90, the level is crushed, and each level is calculated as five levels.

This change, on the surface, seems to limit the leveling speed of the hardcore players, but in fact it is the most friendly to the hardcore players.

Imagine a golden fleet of all levels 100 fighting those small fish of more than level 80. It is simply a beautiful picture.

The four level 90 warships under Su Bai's command are simply like BOSS. In the entire���The enemy can walk sideways in any area.

Hood's barrage of bullets will sink a group of warships in each round. In front of her, the enemy warships are all paper-made. Those that are slightly harder are just pieces of kraft paper. Those that cannot be killed by the barrage of bullets can be taken away by another round of main gun fire.

Irene's command skills can be applied to the entire army. Her role is even greater than that of Hood who is charging on the front line. The combat effectiveness of the command ship itself is close to that of a battlecruiser. Any warship that dares to appear in her range will be quickly sanctioned.

The carrier-based aircraft of Glory and Enterprise have been replaced with the most advanced heroic aircraft squadrons. Under the level crushing, each air strike will directly clear a sea area.

The first fleet that approached Su Bai recklessly was almost cleared in just three rounds of air strikes.

While the four main forces were killing each other, the artillery squadrons composed of battleships and battlecruisers such as Anson, Howe, and Prince of Wales continued to look for approaching enemy ships and give them devastating blows.

The Liaoning and Shandong ships did not participate in the war. These two ace ship girls were very low-key in a series of operations. This is Su Bai's real trump card.

No one knows that they have actually reached level 90.

That's right, they don't have many carrier-based aircraft, and their attributes have been reduced to the level of World War II by the side-slip god. However, the combat capability of the Type 15 fighter carrying Thunderbolt and Eagle Strike missiles still crushes this era.

Finally, the damage to the Freedom and Justice League made their commanders unable to sit still, and the two leaders had to play their trump cards in advance.

Mercenary submarine brigades and mercenary aircraft carrier formations were dispatched one after another.

Su Bai observed the battle situation in the air. Sure enough, what is coming will come. You have mercenaries and I have them too.

The mercenary fleet hired by the Demon King Alliance also joined the battle. Submarines are good at sneak attacks, but in broad daylight, they want to force their way into other people's fleets to make trouble? This is obviously a free gift.

This wave of mercenary fleets was quickly repelled.

Seeing that the battle situation was tight, Rand and Andre had to summon the fleet of the Bloody Camp. They originally wanted to defeat the Demon Alliance by their own strength, but the gap in levels could not be made up by more warships.

There is no retreat in today's battle. Although the people of the Scarlet Camp are quite greedy, they have no choice but to bite the bullet.

A thick fog rose on the sea. After the fog dissipated, an extremely powerful fleet emerged from the fog like a ghost.

It's the people of the Scarlet Camp!

This can be seen from the patterns on the fleet's flags. Especially the warships from Sakura Empire.

At a rough glance, there are at least thousands of warships.

Su Bai was stunned,"No way, am I so hated? Even if I send some reinforcements, why do I need so many?"

Enterprise pursed his lips and chuckled,"Su Bai, it seems that you really don't know?"

"what do you know?"

"Every commander can get the same type of warship, the difference is that the ship girls are slightly different. Do you know what the difference is between them?"

Su Bai looked confused,"They just look different."

Enterprise took Su Bai's logbook and���He opened it and turned to his own page,"Take a closer look, is the original painting in the illustration the same as mine?"

"Yeah, exactly the same."

"Because the original painting in this illustration book is based on my drawing."

Enterprise turned to the two pages about Akagi Kaga,"Take a look at"

"Exactly the same!"

"Because I am a real company, and the ones from other commanders are all fake companies."

"Ah, what does this mean?"

"To put it simply, all the ship girls who can control the Enterprise aircraft carrier are Enterprise, but I am the real Enterprise, and the other Enterprises are randomly created by the gods. In the future, I can awaken and undergo magical transformation, but they can't. Do you know the difference now?"

Su Bai suddenly realized that what he had robbed was not the ordinary Akagi Kaga, but the real Akagi and the real Kaga!

No wonder they are so hated, no wonder they can get the title of the seduce-taker. I said, it's just robbing two of your ship girls, there will be more in the future, why do you hate me so much, that's it!

Enterprise smiled mischievously,"My Lord Demon, the real ship girls of the Royal and White Eagles must appear in the Azure Camp; the real ship girls of the Heavy Sakura Iron Blood Sardinia will be born in the Blood Camp. Therefore, robbing the real Akagi Kaga is the hatred of stealing a wife. If you don't kill you, the Heavy Sakura will never let it go. Moreover, you broke the balance and tacit understanding between the two sides!"

Su Bai was speechless. He had inadvertently become the one who took her away! How embarrassing! This was a bit unethical.

"By the way, who in our fleet is real?"

"You know about Akagi Kaga. Others include Hood, Glory, Renown, Liaoning, Shandong, Battlecruiser Lexington, Anson, Howe, Rodney, Fletcher, Cleveland, Helena, and Unicorn. Eh, it seems like there are quite a lot when you mention it. Commander, it seems that you are still lucky."

Su Bai was stunned. There were so many ship girls who could be awakened in his lineup. It seemed that his future tasks would be very difficult. The awakening of these ship girls must not be easy either.

Just as Su Bai and Enterprise were chatting and observing the battle situation, the situation below was changing. With the addition of thousands of warships from the Scarlet Camp, the morale of the Justice and Freedom Alliance was boosted, and they launched a full-scale offensive.

Lachar's voice rang out,"Alliance leader, should we call the Ghost Camp?"

"Don't panic, organize a counterattack, and let the second wave of mercenaries go first!"

I want to see how many trump cards you still have. The second wave of mercenaries hired by Su Bai cost a lot of money, and it would be a waste if they were not used. If you can avoid asking for help from Princess Youlan, it is better not to ask for help. Going to Ghost Island to soak in a water dungeon for a night is not a good thing.

The naval battle fell into a stalemate. Su Bai gritted his teeth and held on, rejecting Barto and Nefario's requests for reinforcements three times in a row.

""Hold on, I don't believe this is the only trump card they have. Whoever can't bear it and reveals the last trump card first will lose!"

The fleet of the Demon King's Alliance relied on its huge level advantage to withstand the attack of the enemy fleet.

The two sides entered into a meat grinder-like exchange of battle losses.

Finally, facing such tragic losses, Rand couldn't hold his temper anymore. He connected the communication with Andre,"Andre, we can't delay any longer, otherwise even if the naval battle is won, there will be no extra strength to attack Atlans."

"But, will it really be okay if I summon them?"

"What are you afraid of! Last time we looked for Bloody, nothing happened, didn't we?"

Andre frowned, Bloody was human after all, and Sirens were alien life forms!

But they had no choice now, how could they win without summoning the Sirens' forces.

Andre took a deep breath,"I understand, let's send a signal to Lord Purifier!"

Suddenly, huge waves rose on the sea, and more than 300 mysterious warships appeared. Seeing these warships, Su Bai's face changed.

He clenched his fists in anger, and directly issued a top announcement in the commander's chat room,"Rand, Andre! You actually colluded with the Sirens, from now on, you will be the public enemy of mankind!"

Su Bai immediately sent a distress signal to Princess Youlan. More than 500 warships of the long-lurking Ghost Fleet also joined the battle.

Leading the fleet was the Ghost flagship, the super battleship that had fought with Su Bai's fleet until the last moment.

The commander on the Ghost flagship was Princess Youlan herself, with the ship girl Youyouzi standing beside her.

Princess Youlan answered Su Bai's call,"It seems that Lord Demon is really in trouble. With your arrogance, you will never ask me for help until the last moment!"

Su Bai smiled bitterly,"Ninth Princess, in addition to the conditions of our cooperation, I owe you a favor."

"Just remember it!"

The addition of the Ghost Fleet and the Siren Fleet made the entire battle extremely chaotic. The two sides started a new round of melee. Warships exploded and sank one after another, and countless sailors fell into the sea, adding a bit of tragedy to this fierce naval battle.

The number of the Ghost Fleet is slightly more than that of the Siren Fleet, but the average strength of the Siren Fleet is still stronger than that of the Ghost Fleet.

Enterprise looked at the chaotic battle situation and smiled slightly,"Su Bai, it's time for us to set off"

"Is there anything wrong with your hand?"

"Don't worry, let's go, it's time to behead!".

Tagged: Naruto789

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