Before the Enterprise attacked, Su Bai sent the news and video of the Siren Fleet's appearance directly to the secretary of the Governor's Office.

"Hand it over to the Governor immediately! Immediately! This matter concerns the interests of the entire human race!"

After Su Bai sent this email, he tried to calm his breathing. Rand, Andre, you are cruel enough. For your own selfish interests, there is nothing you dare not do, right! Let me see how you die today!

Enterprise flew over the sea and quickly approached the fleet of the Justice League. She had locked Andre's flagship. Andre's favorite flagship was Saratoga, because the elves' aesthetic was to like flat-chested girls.

A destroyer like Little Gaga that can take off and land carrier-based aircraft is the favorite flagship of the elven commander.

The morbid aesthetic of the elves determines the location of their commander.

Enterprise drove the Platypus to advance quickly and there it was, Saratoga, I'm sorry, Andre must die, it's to blame Just blame your bad luck!

Two missiles sprayed tail flames and flew towards the island of the Saratoga. Andre, who was directing the battle, did not notice the two missiles.

Of course, even if he saw them, he could not outrun the missiles. The two missiles hit the island accurately, and Andre ascended to heaven instantly.

The system determined that Andre died in the battle and directly teleported him to his own port area. His fleet disappeared and their levels were collectively reduced by one.

Andre returned to the port area and slammed the table in the command room angrily. He contacted other commanders of his alliance and handed over the command to the deputy leader Aimeier.

Just as Andre was turning back and forth angrily, a team of military police appeared at the door. The captain of the military police looked at him coldly,"Is it Commander Andre? You are accused of colluding with the public enemy of mankind. Come with us."

Andre's handsome face twitched a few times, what is coming will eventually come. Rand, you bastard came up with such a bad idea, and you also harmed me!

The military police escorted Andre out of the mansion and got on a helicopter to the headquarters. Waiting for Andre will be a trial by a military court.

Enterprise and Su Bai attacked again. This time, they did not target Rand. This guy was too cunning, and his flagship was different every time he went out.

He had a shameless argument that all the ship girls are my wives, and it depends on my mood which one I want to go to when I go to sea!

Su Bai knew that his human compatriot was very cunning, and he didn't expect to deal with him in one go.

Su Bai spoke on everyone's public screen,"All human commanders, please pay attention! No matter how we have a civil war, that is our own business, but colluding with the Sirens is a crime against all mankind. Please think clearly!"

Su Bai's words were also conveyed to the commanders of the Blood Camp and the officers of the Combined Fleet. After discussion, the commanders from the Iron Blood Camp withdrew from the battle.

Commander Karl from the Rhine Province sent a message to Su Bai,"Although your notoriety is known to everyone from Ireland to Khitan, we are unwilling to be your enemy under such circumstances. Goodbye!"

How come I am notorious all over the world? Uh, it seems a little bit, forget it, just don't interfere.

Su Bai continued to contact Admiral Yamamoto of the Combined Fleet,"Admiral Yamamoto, I am Commander Su Bai. Because of some misunderstandings before, I invited Miss Akagi Kaga to be my guest. If you can join us in fighting the Sirens, I can ask for Akagi Kaga's opinion after the war. As long as they are willing to go back, I will never make it difficult for them!"

Yamamoto was silent for a long time,"Young man, I will not forgive your shameless behavior, but I will not fight side by side with the public enemy of mankind. I can send part of the fleet to participate in the battle to encircle and suppress the Sirens. As for us, we will see the outcome on the battlefield in the future."

"Akagi and Kaga? Please tell them that I miss them very much. If they are willing to come back, I welcome them. If they are not willing to come back, I hope you can treat them well. By the way, please also tell them that Admiral Chuji Nagumo has been ordered to commit seppuku because of his shameful behavior. Now his admiral's office is taken over by his brother Chuichi Nagumo.〃. "

Su Bai was a little confused. He was an admiral after all. How could he be ordered to commit seppuku just because of a failure?

Anyway, how could Akagi and Kaga not go back? They were so reluctant to come to me. Until now, their favorability is still -190.

He didn't understand the shame culture of the people of the Sakura Empire, so he naturally couldn't understand why Nanyun Chuji was forced to commit seppuku. He also couldn't understand that if Akagi and Kaga returned to the Sakura Empire, they would be forced to retire and then arranged to marry people at the bottom of society or work in a custom shop. Therefore, Akagi and Kaga could not go back.

The Combined Fleet turned against each other at the last minute and completely reversed the situation. Although the Siren Fleet was powerful in a single ship, it was no match for four hands. Under the joint attack of the Ghost Camp, the Blood Camp and the Demon King Alliance, it was soon finished.

Purification was also very angry. Rand, this waste, said that he had a sure win? She jumped directly into the sea and escaped by diving. She was different from those humans. She really had gills.

The Siren camp is a force born from various marine creatures that have mutated and gained intelligence. Therefore, it is not easy to defeat them, and it is even more difficult to capture the commander of the Siren alive.

Rand was almost mad. He risked his reputation and reached an agreement with the leader of the Siren to jointly capture Atlans, and then he would give a piece of land to the Siren.

Now the fleet of the Siren force is finished. Andre of the Free Alliance was killed on the spot, and the remaining fleet was struggling under the command of Aimeir. The defeat was inevitable.

But he had no way out. If he retreated now, he would not only completely lose the opportunity to capture Atlans, but also his collusion with the Siren could not be concealed. The winner is not blamed, but what about the loser?

I can't fail! Rand shouted frantically, and he gave an order. The Justice League attacked and killed Su Bai's flagship.

He knew that Su Bai liked to command on the Enterprise, but he didn't know that Su Bai always commanded on the Platypus.

Obviously, Rand missed, and his sudden attack completely exposed his position. The thirty warships of Rand's fleet rushed to the front of the Justice League. He had decided to fight Su Bai to the death!

His courage is commendable, but unfortunately, the gap in strength is too big. Under the cover of Hood's barrage, not many warships can rush over. The carrier-based aircraft that took off were also destroyed by the carrier-based aircraft of Enterprise and Shandong.

Su Bai looked at the fleet below with pity. People always go from madness to destruction. Wouldn't it be better to fight for the Xingzhou Islands or the Easter Islands honestly? Su Bai is also warning himself that no matter what he does, he must do it within his ability, otherwise he will kill himself and also implicate the ship girls under his command.

Rand is finished. In the face of the huge difference in combat effectiveness, any courage is a farce. What's more, his current sudden attack is even more stupid and overconfident than the former Yamaguchi Tamon.

The four admiral-class battlecruisers Hood, Anson, Howe, and Rodney launched a combined skill, the Wrath of the Admiral. A huge void warship swept across the sea and directly smashed Rand's flagship.

After being killed, Rand was resurrected in his own mansion, and the fleet disappeared directly. However, he did not have the opportunity to vent and be angry. In his mansion, the military police who had been waiting for a long time took him away directly.

When Rand heard the charge of colluding with the Siren, he was paralyzed. He no longer had the high spirits of strategizing and forming alliances. He knew that he was really finished, but what fate was waiting for him?

With the death of the leaders of the two major alliances, the remaining members of the Justice and Freedom Alliances were a little confused. Where should they go?

Just when they were confused, the system broadcast sounded,"All commanders of the three major camps of Azure, Blood, and Ghost, please pay attention. Just now, the human commander Rand and the elf commander Andre were suspected of colluding with the Siren forces and have been arrested!"

"Please understand one thing, although your actions are free, there are bottom lines. Anyone who commits such crimes against humanity will be punished!"

This system broadcast completely destroyed the morale of the two alliances. They panicked. Their leader had become a criminal. How could they fight this war?

Su Bai took the opportunity to persuade them to surrender."Brothers of the Justice and Freedom Alliance, as long as you withdraw from the naval battle now, our Demon King Alliance will not make it difficult for you. But those who still try to be my enemy, think it through yourself!"

"Aimeier, Lin Tianzuo, and the commanders of the Justice and Freedom Alliance, your fleet has now reached the end of its rope. Rand and Andre are finished. You know what the consequences of betraying humanity are."

"Do you want to break through? How is that possible?���Our Demon Alliance, Ghost Camp and Mercenary Guild have surrounded this sea area."

"The poor shipgirls under your command are complaining with you. They are all very pitiful. You commanders should cherish their lives and find a way for them to survive. Don't let them make unnecessary sacrifices."

"Everyone, go back and hug your wife to sleep, uh, rest, isn't that good? Of course, if you still want to resist, I am willing to accompany you, you will be dealt with in the end. Make your choice!"

Although many people in the two alliances hated Su Bai to death, the situation was stronger than people, and all the commanders wisely chose to withdraw from the battle.

After they retreated, the sea became much emptier. Princess Youlan fulfilled her promise to help Su Bai and chose to leave.

Now, only the Demon King Alliance and the Combined Fleet are left.

Su Bai ordered Akagi Kaga to be brought over. Accompanied by Enterprise, he took a speedboat and came to the flagship of the Combined Fleet, the Shin Nagato.

Following the lowered soft ladder, the four climbed onto the tall battleship.

Admiral Yamamoto, accompanied by Nagato and others, was waiting for Su Bai on the deck.

After Su Bai went up on the deck, he saw Yamamoto and saluted politely. Since there was no war, he had to abide by the etiquette of the navy and salute senior officers of foreign troops. Yamamoto returned the salute,"I didn't expect that the legendary Demon King is such a young and handsome guy. He looks quite human, why doesn't he behave like a human?"

"¨. Ahem! Admiral Yamamoto, you are joking. I brought both Miss Akagi and Miss Kaga here as agreed. They have not suffered any grievances in my port area. You can ask them yourself."

Su Bai was a little reluctant. After all, he spent so much effort to get the ship girl, and, really......Very big and very white.

However, a man must keep his word. If Akagi Kaga wants to go home, there is no reason for him to stop him.

Yamamoto looked at Su Bai with a smile. What should he say about this little guy? What he did was very bad, but he didn't look that vicious.

Su Bai looked at Akagi Kaga who was bewildered,"I came here in a hurry just now, and I haven't told you yet. I have communicated with Admiral Yamamoto. It is very rude to force the two ladies to come to my port area. So, I decided to send the two ladies back to their hometown. As long as you are willing, you can go home with Admiral Yamamoto."

"Go home?"

Akagi and Kaga looked at each other, dumbfounded. Where do we have a home?

Su Bai saw that they were not happy and thought they were afraid of being punished, so he quickly said:

"By the way, you don’t have to worry about being bullied by your admiral when you go back. Admiral Chuji Nagumo has already committed seppuku, and now his port area is handed over to Chuichi Nagumo."

Hearing this, Akagi and Kaga's faces changed drastically, my God, it turned out to be Chuichi Nagumo, the famous Hentai!

They were a little hesitant at first, but now they can't stay calm at all.

Akagi Kaga knelt down directly,"Commander, are you going to chase us away?"

"That's not what I meant. I'm sending you home, don't you miss home?"

Chi Cheng's tears fell,"You were the one who got me back, and now you want me to leave with just one sentence. In your eyes, is Chi Cheng just a plaything? Do you know what will happen if I go back?"

"Since you want to force me to die, I will obey you!"

The angry Akagi drew out the sword he carried with him and stabbed it directly into his abdomen. (Ma Li Hao) The huge pain made her face begin to twist. She looked at Su Bai,"The greatest misfortune in my life is meeting you!"

Su Bai was dumbfounded. Hey, what's wrong with you Sakura people? When you see me, you either want to kill me or want to commit suicide!

Can you be a little more normal!

"Hurry up and save people!"

Su Bai hugged Kaga, who was about to commit seppuku, and took away her sword,"You two crazy people! Stop it, I order you not to do anything stupid, you don't go anywhere, okay."

The medical team arrived at the scene quickly. Fortunately, Akagi drew his sword to commit suicide in a hurry, and the stab into his lower abdomen was not deep. After rescue, he survived.

Su Bai looked at General Yamamoto helplessly,"General Yamamoto, I didn't expect this ending!"

Yamamoto didn't care too much,"Water spilled out, people married out, can't come back. You can take them away later, I hope you can treat them well, otherwise I won't forgive you. Alas, what a pity, they are the ones I am most optimistic about, but I can't keep them."

Su Bai saluted quickly,"Please rest assured, General Yamamoto, I will take good care of them."

"Go, young man, although you are not a good guy, I can see that you are very good to your ship girls. I have no choice but to entrust them to you."

Su Bai smiled helplessly. Are you praising me or insulting me?

He felt relieved and secretly happy. Finally, he didn't have to send Akagi Kaga back. If they really wanted to leave, he would be very reluctant.

Both of them are powerful aircraft carriers.

And, the most important thing is that they are really big and white!

Su Bai took Akagi Kaga back to his fleet and looked at the -200 favorability above their heads. His head hurt again.

You two guys always want to use knives. Who can stand this!.

Added mua: Naruto789

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