Su Bai did not let Akagi Kaga participate in the subsequent battles. Who would dare to use a ship girl with a -200 favorability?

He comforted them with kind words, and then ordered the medical ship to send them back to the port.

Akagi Kaga did not expect Su Bai to have so many tricks, and thought that Su Bai was particularly considerate of them. His favorability increased a little, to -195.

After bidding farewell to the combined fleet, the Demon King Alliance reorganized the fleet. There are about 600 warships that can still fight. The injured warships were handed over to the repair ship for simple treatment and then returned to the port.

The ship girls who fell into the water also withdrew from the battle.

A few ship girls who were unlucky and died have been resurrected directly in the port area, so there is no need to worry about this.

The attack on Atlans Island began soon. Without the interference of others, it didn't take much effort to capture the islands.

After all, this fleet is too powerful. The troops preparing to participate in the landing alone exceed 300,000.

The shelling and bombing lasted for six hours.

According to Su Bai's thinking, most of these buildings will be rebuilt after the war anyway, so there is no need to worry about so much, just bomb it!

There are only about 100,000 NPC mechanical warriors on Atlans. In front of such a huge fleet, it is really not enough.

After a day and a night of attack, the Atlans Islands were finally conquered, and the City Lord's Mansion was completely occupied.

After the occupation, Su Bai obtained the City Lord's Seal, and he also knew the information of this archipelago.

The Atlas Islands are composed of seven habitable islands, of which the main island is Atlas Island, with an area of about 2,395 square kilometers, slightly larger than Chongming Island.

The climate characteristics of the archipelago are similar to those of the Hawaiian Islands, located 500 kilometers west of the Hawaiian Islands. There are gold mines, iron mines and other minerals on the island, and there are also a lot of grain production.

Obviously, this archipelago is used to protect the Hawaiian Islands, which is the headquarters of the North Pacific Governor's District. It is also normal to have some guarded islands on the periphery.

Because the attack on the Grand Fleet Base was successful, all members have achieved a new achievement, the Conqueror of Atlans.

As for how to transform this archipelago and how to open up a base for the large fleet, there are naturally professionals in charge, and the leader only needs to be responsible for a general direction.

In the city lord's mansion, the 27 commanders of the Demon King Alliance gathered together to celebrate the victory of the battle.

Just as everyone was about to open champagne, the system broadcast came,"Warning, warning! All large 217 fleets that have captured the base, please pay attention, please improve the defense facilities within three days, and there will be a monster siege arranged by the system in three days!"

Su Bai didn't take this kind of monster siege too seriously. There are 600 warships, 500,000 mechanical warriors, and mercenaries who can participate in the war at any time. If you can't stand it, you can ask for help from Ghost Island.

If you can't defend the base like this, it can only mean that the official doesn't want you to occupy this base at all.

Sure enough, although the number of monster sieges is not small and the combat effectiveness is not bad, in front of this powerful army comparable to the Normandy Landing, the monster siege is just a formality.

The only use is to brush a wave of merits for everyone, that's all.

These battles may be a challenge for weaker fleets, but for the Demon King Alliance, it is simply a free-for-all.

The monsters attacked the city decisively and completely.

The two large fleets occupying Xingzhou Islands and Otaku Light and Prairie Hunters occupying Easter Island have only eleven and ten commanders respectively because of the small number of commanders. Therefore, the strength of the large fleets is very weak. Most of their troops have been lost in the siege. Facing the monster siege, they are really powerless.

Kane, the leader of the Prairie Hunters fleet, was the tenth strongest in the previous fleet strength list, but when he formed the large fleet, he only recruited the Minotaur race, resulting in only ten commanders, a mere three hundred warships and less than 100,000 mechanical warriors, which were soon overwhelmed by monsters. The drifting Easter Island once again entered a state of no one.

Most of the commanders of Otaku Light came from District 11, but after they entered the Azure World, they did not go to the Sakura Empire, but were assigned to the White Eagles by mistake.

Therefore, the eleven of them formed a small group, with Oda Nobuko, who ranked ninth on the strength list, as the leader.

Although they were stronger than the grassland hunters, they were limited, so they soon couldn't hold on. Oda Nobuko had to ask Su Bai for help.

She was also desperate. She had never even said a word to Su Bai before, and she heard that the demon king was not so easy to talk to. I really don't know if he would help.

Oda Nobuko connected to Su Bai's communication and briefly explained the situation.

Su Bai instinctively wanted to refuse, but suddenly thought that if the Xingzhou Islands also became a no-man's land, then the two major alliances of justice and freedom could easily occupy these two places. These two large fleets are mortal enemies with themselves, and they must not be given the opportunity to develop a comeback.

Su Bai readily agreed to Oda Nobuko's request for help and personally led the fleet to the expedition. As soon as the demon king arrived, no grass grew, and the monster tide was quickly solved.

Oda Nobuko was naturally very happy. After the two met, Oda Nobuko was naturally very grateful to Su Bai.

However, she was puzzled in her heart. Why did this legendary commander, who was very stingy, suddenly change his nature? Why would he help me?

Could it be that? Oda Nobuko's face turned red. It seemed that this was the only explanation. A strange strong man helped a girl in trouble. Most likely he was greedy for her body.

Oda Nobuko coughed and said with courage,"Master Demon, you have helped me so much. I have no way to repay you. I can only, can only let you do whatever you want!"

"Hmm. Hmm?"

What are you talking about!

Su Bai's face changed slightly,"Ms. Oda, ahem, I helped you purely because we are all human beings, and I can't bear to see you being driven out by monsters. Don't think too much!"

Su Bai didn't dare to stay any longer and directly said goodbye. He fled back to his battleship without looking back. What are these Japanese women thinking about all day long!

How can I have a relationship with you three-dimensional women, hum! I only like Enterprise! Well, there are also Hood, Glory, and Irene....

Anyway, I only like my own ship girl!

Enterprise accompanied Su Bai back to the battleship and returned to the port.

She couldn't help teasing Su Bai,"My Lord Demon, you are so majestic now. You saved such a lovely commander. Others want to marry you. Aren't you tempted?"

Su Bai thought to himself, this is a life-threatening question!

He gently held Enterprise's slender hand,"In my eyes, she is not even as good as one of your fingers."

After returning to Atlans Island, Su Bai had no time to catch his breath before a helicopter slowly landed and a ghost girl came down. It was Youlan's secretary.

"Lord Su Bai, my princess invites you to go to Ghost Island to discuss future cooperation."

Uh, this Ninth Princess, you really hold a grudge. You insist on making me stay in the water prison for a night. I really can't afford it!

Su Bai didn't let the company accompany him. Do I need to bring a bystander to go to prison? It's simply an execution in front of me.

Ghost Island, Mayor's Mansion.

Princess Youlan, dressed in a gorgeous dress, is waiting for Su Bai in the reception room.

"Please take a seat, Lord Demon King."

Su Bai sat down without hesitation,"Thank you Princess for your help, otherwise the outcome of this match would be hard to predict."

"That's not necessarily true. Who would have thought that you were so good at speaking? You made the Sakura Empire and the Iron Blood Army turn against you."

"Princess, please don't humiliate me. I don't have the ability to do that. They made the decision themselves. I just reminded them that the Sirens are the public enemy of mankind."

"I never expected you to keep a cool head after such a big win. That's great. My opinion of you has increased a bit. I hope our future cooperation will be smooth."

"That's for sure! Her Royal Highness is also welcome to visit Atlantis."

"What do you mean by"guest"? Don't forget that Atlantis Island also has my territory, and I am also half the owner there."

"Uh, well, then welcome to my port."

"Oh, will I still be in a solitary cell if I go there?"

Su Bai broke out in a cold sweat. Women, are they so vindictive?

"Lord Demon, you are here to fulfill your promise. Don't worry, I have prepared a more luxurious cell for you. I will ask my secretary to take you there later. You can stay there for one night and we will be even."......

Alas, it seems that there is no way to escape this disaster. Su Bai reluctantly followed the mayor's secretary to a secluded place.

Hey, this place doesn't look like a dungeon, but more like a garden.

"Lord Demon, we are here, please come in." The secretary opened the iron door and signaled Su Bai to go in.

"Lord Demon, I will not lock the cell. This cell is only for gentlemen.���villain."

What kind of prison cell is this? After walking in, it seems that this is not a prison cell, but a place for hot springs. This Princess Youlan is really an interesting girl.

She said it was revenge, but in fact her anger had long disappeared. There is no water prison in the world.

Su Bai took a bath in the hot spring. There was also a special fragrance in the hot spring, which made him feel a little drowsy, so he slept on the tatami next to him for a night.

He did not sleep well that night. Everything that happened in the blue world was like a movie in his mind. In the early morning, Su Bai, who was awakened from his dream, sat up suddenly. He put on his clothes and sat quietly in the rest area, waiting to be summoned by Princess Youlan.

Soon, the secretary took him to the small restaurant in the mansion. Princess Youlan looked at him mischievously,"My Lord Demon, please sit down. How does the water prison feel?"

"This is the first time I have seen such a water prison."

"Well, eat your fill and get ready to go. This is your last meal here."

Su Bai also smiled. This is what he said to Princess Youlan a few months ago. It seems that the princess has let go of the unpleasantness of the past.

The two finalized the general framework of future cooperation and signed a letter of intent for cooperation. Naturally, special officials will be responsible for the details.

Taking a helicopter back to the port area, Su Bai went to visit Chicheng accompanied by the enterprise. He couldn't take care of her during the battle, so now that he has free time, he naturally wants to go to see her.

"Alas, I can't understand why she chose to commit suicide."

Enterprise smiled slightly,"The Sakura Empire is completely different from us. If Akagi and Kaga go back, they will definitely be forced to retire. As for whether they can get married or spend the rest of their lives in a brothel, I don't know."

"When faced with a cruel commander like you, what else can they do except die to prove their integrity?"

"What kind of world is this? In Sakura Empire, is the status of women so low?"

The level of civilization in Sakura Empire in this world is still at the level before World War II. The status of women is really low and they are completely appendages of men.

Enterprise came over quietly and said,"There is a faint fragrance on someone's body. This is not the smell of a man."

Su Bai felt a chill and quickly recounted what happened yesterday at lightning speed.

"It seems that this princess has taken a fancy to our Demon King."

"Ah, it's the scent of lemon"......

In the VIP ward, Akagi was lying there, her face was a little pale, her eyes were staring at the ceiling, and Kaga was beside her.

Su Bai walked in. He looked at the dazzling -200 favorability of Akagi and Kaga, and felt pity in his heart. It was because he couldn't save the ship that he took his anger out on Admiral Nanyun, which led to the tragedy of the two of them.

Su Bai sat down beside the bed. Kaga looked at this bastard commander angrily, and his hand involuntarily reached for the hilt of the knife, but Kaga didn't do it after all, because the person standing behind Su Bai was Enterprise.

In front of Enterprise, she and Akagi will always have nothing to do.���.

Su Bai grabbed Akagi's hand,"I'm sorry, I don't know the situation in Sakura Empire, and I made you suffer."

Akagi's numb expression made Su Bai particularly heartbroken. What should I do to make these two injured girls get better?

The most difficult thing between people is mutual understanding.

Perhaps it was because of Su Bai's sadness that Akagi finally regained a little vitality,"If the Commander can sing a song from my hometown for me, I might forgive you."

Uh, but the only Sakura Empire song I can hum is probably the theme song that describes the summer weather in Tokyo. It is a voice engraved in the souls of many otakus.

But that kind of bastard song cannot appear in this kind of occasion anyway.

Hey, got it!

Su Bai remembered that he once downloaded a song called"Exciting Ambition" on the Internet. It is said to be the PV song of Azur Lane, and he still remembers a few lyrics.

I want to get up the nerves and stand up for the faith. The blue smoke dissolves the white smoke. The curtain of the decisive battle is rising. The sky is soaring. Birds are chirping in the distance. This is the last hope, and the one who carries it is the only one on his back.


""Puff!" Akagi was amused by Su Bai's crude plastic Japanese.

Uh, so embarrassing!

"I'm sorry, I can only sing the first few sentences, I can't sing more than one sentence!"

Akagi finally stopped looking like he was going to die,"The commander's singing is really terrible, like a duck that has just been bled but not yet dead. Let me sing it for you."

Akagi cleared his throat and sang"Inspiring Ambition" again.

The gap between people is really too big. Although Akagi was lying on the hospital bed and couldn't sing too hard due to an abdominal injury, his gentle singing was much better than Su Bai's voice of a male duck that was not dead yet.

"Cough cough!"

"Okay, don't be so stubborn, you will have a chance to sing in the future, take a good rest."

Su Bai held Akagi's hand, it was so cold, maybe, this is exactly how she felt at the moment. A broken heart can't be put together in a day or two.

Being a commander is difficult.

Being an excellent commander is even more difficult.

Being a commander who cares about the ship girl is really difficult!.

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