Su Bai took time out every day to take care of Akagi. Facing this legendary yandere girl, Su Bai felt sorry. There are no yanderes in this world. They are all driven into insanity by life.

Finally, hard work pays off. After a few days of patient care, the favorability of Akagi and Kaga reached -195. Finally, it is not -200, a dangerous number that may kill the commander at any time.

Su Bai was very leisurely in the port area, but the outside world was in an uproar.

The last remaining ownerless base caused a fierce battle between the Justice and Freedom Alliances. This dog-eat-dog battle was fought until the last moment, and finally the Freedom Alliance, which was dominated by the elves, won.

The banner of the Justice League could not be fought at all. The chat room of the Grand Fleet was full of quarrels, spraying, and fighting every day.

Everyone knew that this large fleet might not be able to maintain.

Without an independent base, it could only be squeezed into a public base, and future technological upgrades and resource production would be greatly restricted.

During the intensive construction of the base, Su Bai's ships���The pace of leveling up has not stopped. All warships will be sent out in batches to level up in 3-4.

The Midway Island waters have finally ushered in peace. After all, the wars that should be fought have been fought. The Demon King Alliance did not occupy this sea area completely, but left half of the sea area for other commanders.

The system has opened up new collection rewards. After meeting certain conditions, new ship girls will be unlocked.

Under this new system, a liver emperor like Su Bai collected all the rewards on the first day.

Leipzig, Mori, and Wichita joined the fleet, and the total number of ship girls rose to 123.

This is good, the three fantasy gods are all together.

Of course, Su Bai did not know at this time that Cleveland, Helena, and Wichita were the famous three fantasy gods.

Since there are new ship girls joining, there will naturally be no shortage of welcome ceremonies and routine banquets.

Looking at the growing fleet day by day, Su Bai is in a very good mood. He continued to let Akagi Kaga serve as secretary ships, and tried to increase the intimacy between the two guys. However, it is really difficult for a ship girl who starts at -200 to improve her intimacy.

The battle for the base is over, and the big guys have graduated from the 3-4 map, and the salted fish have also started their journey to salvage the boat.

The entire Governor's District has entered a new period of long grass. People are most afraid of boredom. During the long grass period, most commanders are a little bored.

When people are bored, they will play many tricks.

Some bored people from the 11th District and the elves have drawn books to draw tricks. These guys decided to hold the first Otaku Club at the headquarters during the maintenance time on June 28th. Cosplay shows and book sales will be displayed at the meeting. This event is open to all commanders.

In addition to these people, there is also a group of technical parties who have calculated the damage calculation formula from some unknown channel. A commander without a faction named Wu Mingxi, after watching the video of the Battle of Midway, even calculated the accurate panel of the Hood under Su Bai's command, and he also said with certainty that the luck of this Hood is at least seventy!

This magical commander impressed Su Bai. He flew directly to Wu Mingxi's port and summoned this technical geek with glasses to his command.

The previous members of the Demon King Alliance were mainly vampires and demons, which made the entire fleet look a little too demonic. In order to balance the racial ratio, Su Bai also spared no effort to tap the outstanding talents of the human race.

And what Su Bai values most is technical talents. After Wu Mingxi joined the Demon King Alliance, he was appointed as the leader of the technical team, specializing in data analysis and research. Wu Mingxi was naturally very happy. It was good to lean on a big tree for shade. Before, no one covered him, and he didn't even have the qualifications to go for 3-4.

This world is too cruel. If you are not strong enough, you can't even be a chief. Even the African grasslands refuse to open to you.

After several melees in Midway and the battle for Atlans, many commanders gradually realized the outstanding performance of powerful battleships.

Everyone is wondering, how to judge whether a ship girl is powerful? Everyone knows that Enterprise is very strong, but Akagi Kaga doesn't look weak either. Who is more powerful between them?

Some ship girls have high panels, some have good skills, some have excellent equipment slots, can equip many main guns, and are highly efficient. How should they be ranked?

Therefore, under this demand, many technical players have begun to launch their own ship girl strength rankings.

Among them, Baimian of the Demon King Alliance is respected as Mr. Rabbit because his strength ranking is more objective.

However, when it comes to strength rankings, there are naturally people who spray. In the commander chat room and forum, everyone can argue every day about who is stronger, Akagi Kaga or Enterprise.

This kind of argument starts with listing data and reasoning, and ends with arguing and fighting each other.

The strength ranking has been turned into a rhythm ranking. Once people are free, they will play countless tricks to kill time. It seems that it is very necessary for the headquarters to organize everyone to conduct training.

The latest strength ranking was brought to Su Bai.

Wow, there is only one ship in T0, and that is Glory! Glory is the super bug of this version. The fighter's magic bombs, super small boat protection ability, plus her surging milk, can fight and assist, and is a hero among aircraft carriers.

There is a T0.5 level between T0 and T1, including three warships, Hood, Enterprise, and command ship.

Hood is naturally needless to say, with super firepower and powerful skills, excellent panel, and can deal explosive damage, the only shortcoming. You can never predict whether your Hood's next shot will be the glory of the Royal Navy or the glory of the Royal Actors.

Enterprise is naturally needless to say, only one Lucky E, it beats all the fancy skills. Offensive and defensive, strong and invincible.

The combat effectiveness of the command ship may only be ranked T1 or even T2. But she can buff the entire team or even six fleets. In large-scale battles, there can be no commander, but there must be no command ship.

These four ship girls are at the forefront, well deserved, and undisputed. Even a master who has practiced for a thousand years would not dispute this.

The biggest controversy comes from the T1-level ship girls.

Who is stronger and who is weaker among the parent towers; who should be ranked first among Kaohsiung, Atago, and Eugen; who is stronger and who is weaker among Anson, Hao, and Fatty Nan; who is the third aircraft carrier between Lexington Saratoga and Akagi Kaga; whether the eldest brother is qualified to be in T1.

In this tier, the only one without controversy is Unicorn, because she is the only nurse light mother, and her younger sister is just too cute.

Although she was squeezed out of the starting position by the command ship because the number of reservations exceeded one million, everyone's evaluation of Unicorn is very unified, all in four words,"Awei is dead!"...

Su Bai never participated in these debates. Even the rhythm list of Mr. Rabbit, uh, the strength list, he only used it for reference.

There are only a few dozen people with Anson and Hao in the whole port area, and no more than ten people with Rodney.

So Rodney is not on the list at all, but she must be T1 or even T0.

And Liaoning and Shandong must also be T0.

Things like rhythm lists are just for viewing.

In addition to leveling up, growing grass, and eating and drinking, all commanders are most looking forward to the first Cosplay and fan exhibition organized at the end of the month.

This is also an excellent stage for countless commanders to show their talents. It is said that many commanders have planned to personally participate in Cosplay shows.

The most amazing thing is that many male commanders also plan to personally Cosplay ship girls. Su Bai was stunned. In this world, there is also such a way of playing?

Of course, he will not participate in such boring activities. I am the devil, and my personality cannot collapse. I, Su Bai, would rather die of boredom and die in the port area, and I will never participate in such a stinky event!

The true fragrance theorem will only be late, but will never be absent. With the release of the preheating PVs of this exhibition on the forum, many advance clips have made many commanders who are on the sidelines start to get excited.

Su Bai finally couldn't hold back and asked his adjutant Milan to secretly buy a few tickets.

Alas, there is no chance to go to Akihabara and large-scale comic exhibitions in the original world, but there is still a chance to go to such places in this world, which can be regarded as a compensation.

In the expectation of everyone and the restless waiting, June 28th finally arrived.

Almost all the commanders came to the headquarters by helicopter. Only two people did not participate in this event, namely Rand and Andre.

Oh, they are still in prison? That's okay.

Su Bai wore a mask and sunglasses. Behind him, followed by Irene, Hood, Guanghui, Enterprise and Akagi Kaga.

All seven of them changed into casual clothes. Hood was dressed in a ladylike dress, showing off her slender figure perfectly. Guanghui wore a long dress, and the low-cut opening did not cover her proud glory at all. Irene looked very cute in a playful girlish dress. Enterprise changed into a neat casual suit, looking like a domineering president.

Akagi Kaga changed into kimonos, which Su Bai commissioned the black market boss to make from the most famous tailor in Kanazawa, Kyoto.

Akagi wore a red floral kimono, and Kaga wore a white sparrow feather kimono. The two of them stepped on traditional wooden clogs, which made crisp clacking sounds when they walked, which was very charming.

These two kimonos cost more than 50,000 gold coins, which made Su Bai, a stingy man, feel distressed for a while.

However, seeing how happy Akagi Kaga was when they put them on, Su Bai felt that the money was worth it. Their favorability is also increasing rapidly. So far, it has reached -180.

Alas, it's my fault for hurting their hearts so much. Let's take it slow.

This exhibition was later called the C1 exhibition.

It was indeed quite lively.

Nearly 300 commanders from the North Pacific Governor's Office participated, as well as many commanders from other places.

Even commanders from the Bloody and Ghost camps came to attend.

It was originally a self-entertainment event organized by a few commanders.

Because of the large number of participants, it alarmed the Governor's Office.

Governor Nimitz directly ordered the Governor's Office to be responsible for organizing it.

So, this became the first large-scale entertainment event organized by the government.

When Su Bai walked out of the airport and arrived at the scene, he almost thought he had come to the wrong place. Wang Defa! Where did all these people come from?

·· ·Request flowers····· ···

Thousands of commanders, headquarters officials, and the ship girls brought by the commanders, add up to nearly 10,000 people.

Although Su Bai's social phobia has improved greatly in this world, it is still a bit dizzy to see such a lively scene. Fortunately, I brought a mask, otherwise my pale face would have been discovered long ago. There are too many booths, and all kinds of Cosers are everywhere. What makes Su Bai speechless is that most of the Cosers are cross-dressers and ship girls.

Many elf commanders have beautiful faces, and they are perfect in women's clothes. What should I do if my chest is too flat? Play as Little Gaga!

Therefore, the cross-dressers' favorite Cosplay is Saratoga, which makes Su Bai moved and unable to complain.

Of course, the most speechless thing is that some commanders with bad taste let the ship girl Guanghui go to Cosplay Saratoga. Is this what people do? Is there any humanity in this! Well, you don't say, the big breast version of Little Gaga is still pretty good.

As everyone was taking photos, a commander's ship, Saratoga, was forcibly removed from the venue by the staff because of her aggressive words and actions. Then, several commanders' Saratoga jointly boycotted the exhibition and put up banners in front of the Governor's Mansion in protest.

"We resist big-breasted and brainless fools!"

"We protest, this is blatant discrimination against the A-star people!"

The staff of the Governor's Office came up to dissuade them,"Okay, okay, don't stand here and watch. Besides, you said this is discrimination against the A-star people, but you don't have A, so disperse and stop making trouble! How about this, you can collect evidence, and if anyone really blatantly discredits you, you can collect evidence and come to the headquarters to complain"


Therefore, the little Gaga brought by the commander had to leave. The angry little Gaga formed a little Gaga protection committee to find those crazy guys who blackened the little Gaga.......

Apart from the angry little Jiajia, most of the other ship girls had a lot of fun. After all, they usually stayed in their own port area. It was a rare opportunity to come out and communicate with the ship girls in other ports. This was a rare opportunity.

Moreover, these ship girls found their own kind, and a lot of civil organizations were established.

In Cosplay, in addition to these spoofs, there are many who are very serious about preparation, and what they like most is cross-dressing.

For example, Akagi Cosplays Kaga, Kaga Cosplays Akagi; or aircraft carriers Cosplays battleships, and so on.

It is simply dazzling, because the overall appearance of the ship girls is very good, and those who can be brought out by the commander are the best among the ship girls, so the Cosplay level of this exhibition far exceeds any comic exhibition on Blue Star.

For a otaku like Su Bai, this is simply heaven. Enterprise and Glory are not interested in these activities. They prefer to participate in some small games, such as lottery, claw machines, collecting badges for figures, and other activities. So, they asked for leave and left. Only Akagi Kaga was still following Su Bai.

Su Bai unknowingly came to the fan art book area. To put it nicely, it is a fan art area, but in fact it is a place for selling books.

As expected, most of the people gathered here are otakus from the human and elf races. Many commanders who were fighting on Midway Island a while ago put aside their prejudices for this common hobby and gathered here happily. The place is filled with words of praise,"Great author! Give me a brilliant book!"

"The author's drawing skills are good. I want the sister slavery book of Demon King x Akagi Kaga!"

Wait? What the hell is this!

Su Bai approached calmly and finally squeezed in.

""Brother, give me a copy. The forbidden secret history of the Demon King and the sisters Akagi and Kaga! I tell you, it's amazing. That figure, that beauty, wow!"

Su Bai was speechless. I bought my book, what's the big deal!

He took a copy and almost vomited blood when he saw the cover. Which grandson did this? It's too mean. I really have horns on my head in this painting! Hey, the Demon King is just a nickname. I am a real human being. Do you really take me as a demon?

Su Bai opened the album angrily. What the hell is this painting? It's just, wow, this painting is too good!

The Demon King in the painting is handsome, while Akagi and Kaga are... She covered her weapon with a shy face.

Although there was no exposure, it made people's blood boil. This painter is really good, he knows the heart of men very well. This half-covered and half-exposed is the sexiest.

Su Bai felt the evil fire in his body rising. It seems that he is indeed a hentai. How many people can get hard after reading his book.

Turning to the second page, it is more exposed and more exciting.

It's a pity that it seems a little small

"The painting is very good, I bought a copy, but the size is a little wrong!"

"What's the wrong size? You are slandering my innocence out of thin air! I measured it myself, how could it be wrong! Who are you to slander my painting skills! You troll who dares not show your face, I will not forgive you!"What.

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