This elf painter hated people saying that he didn't paint well. He didn't know where he got the strength from, but he grabbed Su Bai's collar and pulled off his mask.

Uh, it turned out to be the Lord Demon!

The whole audience was in an uproar, and no one dared to speak.

Su Bai struggled out awkwardly,"It's okay, I said something wrong, your painting is very good, do you have any others? I'll buy a few more. Everyone, don't stand around, just do what you need to do!"

The elf painter let go of his hand embarrassedly,"Does the Lord Demon like my paintings too? It's my honor. I have many heavy-mouthed books, bondage books, and tentacle books here. Do you need them?"

Su Bai's eyes lit up,"Yes! Yes! I want them all! I'll buy them all."

The elf painter shyly took out three exquisite picture books from under his table and quietly stuffed them to Su Bai.

Su Bai took out a handful of money and stuffed them into him.

The two smiled knowingly, exchanged a tacit look between men, and then Su Bai left like a thief with the books in his arms.

After walking out of here, curious Akagi and Kaga snatched the picture album from Su Bai's hand, flipped through a few pages, and Akagi's face changed instantly.

She was so angry that she threw the picture album on Su Bai's face, sat on a stone by the roadside and began to cry.

Hey, is it that serious? This is not an excessive picture album. Su Bai picked up the picture album and took a look, and he was dumbfounded.

The book that the elf painter finally stuffed into his hand was a standard 18+ pornographic book. In the original world, he could be arrested for the crime of spreading h-articles.

Moreover, the protagonists are all Su Bai x Akagi Kaga. Uh, no wonder Miss Akagi was angry.

Su Bai smiled bitterly, put away the four picture albums, pulled up"137" Akagi, and looked at the favorability above her head. It's over, it's -200 again. Looking at Kaga, well, it's also -200.

I have worked so hard for so long, and I'm back to the pre-liberation era.

No matter how Su Bai persuaded her, Akagi just shed tears and didn't say a word. Su Bai felt that his head was about to explode. My aunt, please stop crying, okay?

Akagi finally wiped away her tears and looked at Su Bai sadly,"I took the initiative to throw myself into your arms, but you rejected me. I thought the commander was a gentleman. I didn't expect that you would be this kind of Hentai gentleman!"

I am wronged!

Akagi looked at Su Bai dimly,"If you want me to forgive you, it's very simple, just tear up these albums."

Akagi bit her lip,"I know that men need this. If the commander really wants to see it, just call me anytime. Am I not as good as a picture album?"

Su Bai sighed, took out the picture album reluctantly, and prepared to tear it up.

""Wait a minute, keep the first one, it's still normal. The last three are too obscene, tear them all up!"

Hey, women! Su Bai had to tear up the three albums with great force, his heart was bleeding!

Seeing Su Bai like this, Kaga laughed out loud in anger,"Men, you are so useless. There are so many beauties in your own family, but you stare at those pages of paper, don't you like to look at them? If your sister can't satisfy you, you can call me to join you, hum!"

Su Bai didn't dare to take up this topic, he could only scratch his head and carefully put away the only surviving album.

"Okay, stop being angry. I'll take you to eat hometown food. There's a restaurant like this at the headquarters, opened by a businessman from Sakura Empire. Let's go and give it a try."

This is a restaurant called Mount Fuji. Su Bai called a private room and also called Enterprise and others. At Su Bai's suggestion, Akagi and Kaga were in charge of ordering the dishes, and soon, the dishes began to be served.

The commander and the ship girls, who had been playing for a day, also let go of their restraints and started chatting.

Guanghui said with a smile,"Su Bai, I'll give you a gift, you'll definitely like it!"

"Oh, this is the first time I receive a gift from you, come and have a look!"

Glorious took out a few picture albums from her bag,"You will definitely like them."

Enterprise also took out two picture albums. The picture albums bought by several ship girls were piled on the table. Su Bai almost laughed out loud, you still understand me!

However, Akagi and Kaga's faces were completely black, because the three picture albums on the top were exactly the three that Su Bai had just torn off.

If there was a knife at hand, Akagi would immediately and without hesitation kill all these White Eagle and Royal bastards.

How can you bully people like this!...

As the sun sets, the commanders have a lot of fun and leave one after another. Su Bai returns to his mansion and watches Akagi move these picture albums into the house with a dark face. He feels a little helpless. Perhaps this is the difference in culture.

Akagi can allow himself to sacrifice himself, but he can't stand being drawn as a book.

In fact, this is just a joke. Alas, damn cultural differences, no, this thing originally became popular from the Sakura Empire!

Su Bai didn't want to talk either. He opened the logbook to see if there was anything interesting on the forum.

Sure enough, everyone was discussing today's C1 exhibition. Among them, the top topic was, who was the book king of the first exhibition?

The statistical results left everyone speechless. According to incomplete statistics, there were a total of 3789 fan works at this comic exhibition, of which 2980 were 18+. This shows the aesthetic tendencies of the commanders.

First place, Su Bai, 1578 books.

Second place, Akagi, 673 books.

Third place, Kaga, 533 books.

Fourth place, Kaohsiung, 432 copies.

Fifth place, Atago, 403 copies......

Su Bai was dumbfounded, Wang Defa, what are you doing? What he didn't know was that from that day on, he had been called the Book City in the industry.

Akagi Kaga, and Kaohsiung Atago who appeared in every anti-pornography crackdown, were all the best of the best in front of the Demon King.

Almost half of the pornographic books were in the format of Demon King X, which shows the popularity of Demon King Su Bai.

Looking at Su Bai with a dark face, Akagi laughed,"Commander, it seems that you are very popular!"

At this moment, the system reported a message,"Congratulations to Commander Baron Su Bai, because he has the highest appearance rate in the fan works of the comic exhibition, and won the achievement of Book King!"......

After the comic exhibition, the system broadcasted new content to all commanders. The transformation of Little Swan, Hamman, Suffolk, and the goddess of fate, and the challenge of difficult sea areas were also opened. The blueprints needed for transformation can be obtained from the challenges of these sea areas.

The second content is the launch of the powerful new royal ships Belfast and Edinburgh. This is another wave of activities to squeeze the commander's cube inventory.

The third content is even more exciting. On July 7, the oath system will be implemented and the oath ring will be sold.

When Su Bai saw this news, he was very excited, but he soon panicked. What should he do? Who should he marry?

Enterprise, Hood, Glory, and Irene are the four who have the closest relationship with him, and their favorability has reached love. Should I marry all four of them? If I were playing a game, I would not have any hesitation. I want them all!

However, although this world is very similar to a game, those ship girls are flesh and blood. They also have thoughts, their own love and hate. How can they be used as tools?

Su Bai was dumbfounded. In the original world, no one wanted to marry him, which made him irritable. Now, four women wanted to marry him, which made him even more irritable!

Great system, please, can you delete this item?

Su Bai didn't even know who to talk to about this. At this moment, the secretary ship Akagi with a favorability of -199 came in.

"Commander, please have some tea."

"Akagi, I have something to ask you, I hope you can help me"

"You say it"

"Ahem, well, on July 7th, a new content will be implemented."

"I know that in order to satisfy the commanders' desires, the gods bestowed divine grace, allowing the commanders to do whatever they want in the name of the oath. But what difference does this make? The commander does not need to care about our feelings. Whoever you want to marry, you only need to prepare the oath ring and confess your love to her. As long as you like her enough, you can marry anyone you want."

Su Bai has already sensed the murderous intent,"But, I don't see you as tools, you are all thinking and emotional lives. I already regret for forcibly capturing you and Kaga, and I really don't want anyone else in the fleet to get hurt!"

Akagi stared at Su Bai. She couldn't be sure of the commander's thoughts, but it seemed to be true, and her voice softened a bit.

"Commander, don't worry about it. Just marry whoever you like. This is the rule of the gods, and no one will object."

Su Bai was helpless. This is why there is a problem. Absolute power will lead to absolute corruption. Bastards like Rand, who have no oaths but still party every night, alas, maybe this world belongs to these unscrupulous people....

Forget it, don't dwell on these things.

Now that a new map has been opened, let's explore it first.

At the same time as the difficult map was opened, all the maps from Chapter 4 to Chapter 6 were also opened one after another.

The amount of new content opened this time caught all the commanders off guard.

The exploration difficulty of the map in Chapter 6 is extremely high, and you need to be level 90 to explore it.

Moreover, the 6-4 Solomon Sea is a public sea area.

This sea area will not be open for the time being, and it is said that it is still under testing.

Well, maybe the gods are afraid that the commanders will have nothing to do, so they are trying to find some fun for everyone.

Su Bai led the fleet to the fourth map. Because of the extremely high training level, only Hood and Cleveland were needed to sweep the map of Chapter 4.

The other fleets also dispersed to conquer each map separately.

Su Bai stood on Cambridge, observing from a distance. Hood was right beside him, saying nothing.

"Hood, you don't seem to be in a good mood."

Hood still didn't speak.

"Hood, why do I feel that you are a little emotional?"

"Ever since you started to like flying in the sky with Enterprise, I have no longer been your flagship; ever since Miss Akagi Kaga came to the port, I have also lost the treatment of a secretary ship. Perhaps, after the oath is opened, you will no longer need me."

Su Bai felt a pang of pain in his heart. He grabbed Hood's shoulders and felt her trembling,"No, Hood, your position in my heart has never changed!"

Hood looked at Su Bai and tears suddenly flowed down his face.

"It's my fault. I originally thought that I was the only one who made the pledge, but when I thought about sharing this honor with others, my heart felt like it was cut by a sword."

""I'm sorry, I'm your ship girl. I shouldn't have said these words, but they have been hidden in my heart for too long. If I don't say them out, I'll go crazy!"

Su Bai hugged Hood tightly, Akagi, you are talking nonsense! Who said that the ship girls don't care!

Only fools don't care, they are real lives! Su Bai couldn't help crying.

What a stupid world, what a stupid setting! I would rather not have this oath system, it would be great if everyone could live together heartlessly.

Unfortunately, no matter how beautiful the scene is, once it returns to reality, it will always be so cold and cruel.

Hood gently pushed Su Bai away,"Su Bai, I've vented, this is the rule of the world, I won't mess around. As long as you are willing to prepare a ring for me, I will always be your Hood. As for the others, it's up to you."......

At this moment, the enemy fleet was refreshed. Hood angrily launched a salvo of main guns, deleting these fleets with one click.

"5.4 In fact, compared to those poor people who died in wars and famines, I am already very happy. People think too much and stay away from happiness. As long as Hood stays with you forever, it is enough."

The elegant temple knight suddenly smiled freely. She turned around, looked at Su Bai, and gave a standard knight's salute,"I will always be with you.���exist!"......

The second time he went out to sea, Su Bai chose Enterprise and Helena.

This time, his flagship was Enterprise. On the island, he started to pretend to raise the telescope and look at the empty sea.

Enterprise chuckled,"Still pretending, who are you pretending for?"

Su Bai smiled awkwardly,"Did you know about the recent announcement of the new version?"

"I know, what's wrong, Solomon Sea? Leave it to me."

"Ahem, I mean, the oath thing."

"Well, I remember you have confessed to me, and I have told you the answer. I have only one request, I must be the first one. And, after the second day, you can make a vow with others. I know this is the arrangement of the gods, and I don't want to go against the rules."

"However, I have a small and willful request. I hope you can belong to me completely for once, even if it is only for one day! Are you willing?"Is this request willful? Of course not! If I can't even agree to this, then I'm too sorry for the company that I live and die with.


"Then stop talking nonsense and fly with me!"......

Enterprise, are you an aircraft carrier girl or a pilot?.

Added by: Naruto789

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