Su Bai stood up, took Irene into his arms, and whispered in her ear,"Let's start over from the moment we first met on the beach."...

Su Bai gave the order to lift Irene's house arrest order and continued to serve as the deputy commander of the port area.

The martial law order in the port area was also lifted.

Many young ship girls were dumbfounded. Is this the world of adults? They wanted to kill the commander inexplicably, and even more inexplicably pretended that nothing happened. The adult world is too terrible!

There are too many things in this world that are beyond one's control, and too many helpless compromises.

Su Bai wanted to let this matter go. Anyway, there are more than one ship girls with a favorability below -190, and one more will not hurt.

Anyway, there is more than one yandere girl, and one more Irene will be added.

Unfortunately, he wanted to make a big deal out of a small matter, but some people wanted to make trouble. The Noble Court of the headquarters sent people.

These people wanted to take Irene away."Assassinating the commander is an extremely serious crime and must be tried."

"It doesn't exist. This is all slander. Look, I'm fine, aren't I? Don't believe everything you hear. If law enforcement goes wrong, you will be held responsible!"

Several law enforcement officers were also a little confused. What about the agreed assassination of the commander by the ship girl? Why doesn't it look like that?

Forget it, never mind. When several law enforcement officers were about to leave, the system broadcast rang

"All commanders, please pay attention! All commanders, please pay attention! Commander No. 300, Su Bai, was stabbed by his own ship girl a week ago, and three of his ship girls have a favorability rating below -100, thus triggering a hidden condition and obtaining the special title of tyrant!"

Fuck you, you're informing me of this at a time like this?

Sure enough, the faces of several law enforcers changed,"Baron Su Bai, you still say nothing about this? Are you going to deceive the House of Nobles?"

Su Bai's face sank,"You can go. Don't think I don't understand the law. I have no right to judge a Templar Knight, but I have the right to pardon the crimes of my own Templar Knights. As long as it's not a serious crime of treason or betrayal of humanity, I can pardon it, right!"

Several law enforcers looked at each other in bewilderment. The Azure Code did stipulate that the status of nobles was higher than that of ordinary people and they enjoyed privileges, and Baron Su Bai did have the right to pardon Irene's crime.

After all, she only attempted murder, not actually killed someone.

The law enforcers could not investigate further and had to leave in disappointment.

Seeing this scene, Irene's favorability finally rose a little, to -199. Seeing this number, Su Bai was so moved that he couldn't say a word.

The port area had three enemies, three -190s, who could bear this?

Even if you can't bear it, you have to bear it. This... It's all your own fault!

After Su Bai recovered from his injury, he went to the Grand Fleet Headquarters several times and saw that all construction was proceeding in an orderly manner.

The main base has been built. Although it is only level one at present, the Grand Fleet Store, Science and Technology College, Library, Oil Wells, Mines, Businesses, Residential Areas, Military Areas, etc. are all being gradually built.

In the future, this place will replace the port area and become the permanent stationing place for Su Bai and others. After all, the territory of Atlans Island is hundreds of times larger than its own port area.

Just as everyone was waiting for the July 7 version update, the system suddenly notified:

"Due to a mistake by a temporary worker, the Chinese Valentine's Day was mistakenly taken as July 7th of the Gregorian calendar. The oath-making function will be postponed to August 24th, and will be launched on the real Chinese Valentine's Day."

"In order to make up for everyone's losses, the first batch of available oath rings will be increased from four to five!"

All the commanders were cheering, yeah, I can have another wife.

Only Su Bai's mouth twitched, you guys are going to force me to death! I finally paid with my life to appease the four rings, and now there is another one, who will you give it to? You want to kill me! I used to think the story of killing three warriors with two peaches was a joke, but now I realize that it really kills people!

Fortunately, a new notice temporarily relieved Su Bai's troubles.

"All commanders, please take a helicopter to the headquarters immediately. The public trial of Rand and Andre is about to begin. All commanders must attend! Repeat, everyone must attend!"

Su Bai let out a long sigh. These two scums are finally going to be punished.

The commanders gathered at the North Pacific Governor's District High Court to listen to the trial.

"Defendants Rand and Andre, you have been prosecuted and the prosecutor accuses you of committing a serious crime of betraying humanity. What do you have to say?〃ˇ ?"

Rand's neck stiffened,"I didn't, I didn't! If you want to convict me, you need evidence!"

Andre had collapsed, he muttered to himself, and he had collapsed.

When the judge asked him, he almost cried,"I didn't, I'm not the mastermind, it was Rand who contacted the Sirens, I didn't know about this until I arrived at the battlefield!"

The judge shook his head,"Can you swear to the gods about your statement?"

Rand's mouth twitched,"I don't believe in God, I don't swear!"

The judge nodded,"Very good, please present the first piece of evidence."

Rand had already collapsed when he saw the letter. He didn't want to leave any text, but the Purifier of the Siren force insisted on leaving a written contract.

How this thing got to the court, he had no idea, but he knew he was finished.

The judge presented the evidence and showed it to everyone. It was written in black and white, irrefutable

"A single piece of evidence is not enough to convict. Please present the second piece of evidence."

The second piece of evidence was a CD. After inserting the CD into the logbook and clicking on it to play, the three conversations between Rand and the Purifier were all recorded.

At this point, Rand's crime of colluding with the Siren forces and the Purifiers was already irrefutable. Rand collapsed to the ground, and his crotch was already smelly.

Of course, he knew what the punishment for the crime of betraying humanity was.

He yelled hysterically,"I have made contributions to the Azure Camp, I have shed blood for the organization, I am a royal knight, I am a noble, you can't do this to me! I want to see the Queen, I want to see the Governor!"

The judge sneered, pulled out an envelope, took out the order of the House of Nobles, and read aloud,"North Pacific Governor's Office, High Court: After investigation, the Royal Knights Rand and Andre colluded with the Sirens, and the evidence is conclusive. Rand and Andre are hereby deprived of their royal knight titles and demoted to commoners! House of Nobles, July 1, the first year of the Azure Calendar!"

From this point on, there is no possibility for these two people to turn the tables.

The judge began to pronounce the verdict,"The defendant Rand has committed the three major crimes of betraying humanity, deceiving the gods, and deceiving the court. It is decided that he will be executed!"

"The defendant Andre, as an accomplice in this case, failed to report Rand's crime in time, allowing the Purifier to escape easily. He was guilty of the four major crimes of betraying humanity, deceiving the gods, concealing the truth, and perjury, and it was decided to execute the death penalty!"

"The above two defendants have no right to appeal and the death penalty will be executed immediately!"

"No! I want to appeal!"

"You have no right to appeal. Take them away and execute them!"

Under the gaze of all the commanders, Rand and Andre were taken to the gallows and put on the noose while struggling violently.

With a click, the pedal under their feet was opened. The two struggled violently, but it was useless.

Under the gaze of everyone, they soon became two corpses. All the commanders felt a little sympathetic. After all, they were once their comrades-in-arms. They betrayed humanity and were executed?

Yes, dead.

The fleets of the two were disbanded, the port area was taken back, and the position of the leader of the Grand Fleet was taken over by the deputy leader.

The ship girls under their command, one by one A total of nine people were transferred to other commanders, and the rest were forced to retire.

It's so miserable. They were once the most powerful people in the world, but in the blink of an eye, they became unemployed and pitiful people.

Su Bai carefully looked at the nine ship girls who were assigned to other commanders. Obviously, they were all real versions with the potential to awaken.

When a person dies, everything ends. The two powerful people who were originally so glorious are just hanging in the air, swaying with the wind, and their ship girls have become other people's wives. This is the result of betraying humanity.

A new round of battles for the Grand Fleet Base will begin on July 10. From this day on, all the Grand Fleet Bases will face challenges from other Grand Fleets. If they can't defend their own bases, they must give up the bases they have worked hard to build.

This is a devastating blow to a Grand Fleet. On

July 2, the day after the public trial and execution of Rand and Andre, a mysterious guest came to the port.

This person is actually not the first time to deal with her. She is Oda Nobuko of the Otaku Light Grand Fleet.

Female commanders are relatively rare in the Azure World. There are only a dozen female commanders among the three hundred commanders.

Among these female commanders, Oda Nobuko is considered to have outstanding looks. Although she cannot compare with those stunning ship girls, she is more authentic. With a little makeup, she can attract the attention of many otakus.

If it were in the original world, a woman like Oda Nobuko would not even look at Su Bai.

According to a more vicious saying, it is not even your turn!

However, in this world where strength speaks, she took the initiative to find Su Bai tremblingly, and had to wait patiently in the reception room.

Su Bai accompanied Irene and Akagi for a walk in the port area

"Commander, that Oda Nobuko has been waiting for a while, aren't you going to meet her?"

"Wait a minute, I’ll go shopping with my two wives first!"

"Bah, who is your wife? My favorability rating is -199 now, so watch your words!"

"Commander, my favorability is -195 now, and it may drop to -200 at any time. Do you want to try my swordsmanship?"

Since the last time he was hit by three consecutive cuts, Su Bai seemed to have changed. He became much more naughty than before. He laughed and grabbed the hands of Irene and Akagi.

"You only have one chance to kill me, and both of you have already used it. Don't mention fighting again."

Irene and Akagi struggled for a while, but still obeyed him and let him hold their hands. The three of them stood on an office building at the dock, watching the fleets enter and leave the harbor casually, enjoying the sea breeze blowing past them.


What's so great about that? Akagi and Irene were speechless. What happened to the commander? After being slashed three times by Irene, he has become different from before.

"What's good about it? Isn't it the same every day?"

"Of course it's different, every day is a new day. Let's go and meet Miss Oda Nobuko."

Oda Nobuko has been sitting in the reception room waiting for almost two hours. She was so angry. Before she came to this world, so many people were around her, but she had never been treated like this. Even after coming to this world, her rare identity as a female commander also made her have many lickers around her. What is the light of otaku? To put it bluntly, it is the group of lickers of Oda Nobuko.

Su Bai doesn't think highly of this so-called light of otaku. I helped you last time just to prevent Rand and Andre from profiting from it. Do you really think you are qualified to form an alliance with me?

Su Bai came to the reception room and saw Oda Nobuko, who was already a little irritable. The female commander was obviously wearing light makeup.

"¨. I'm sorry, Miss Oda Nobuko, there was something unexpected just now, and I kept you waiting for a long time."

Oda Nobuko took a deep breath and adjusted a perfect smile,"Master Demon, you are too polite. I know your time is precious, so I will get straight to the point."

"I think Miss Nobuko came here to defend the fleet base?"

"Demon Lord, please understand. That is exactly what is happening. I hope to form an alliance with the Demon Lord."

"Please wait a moment. As far as I know, an alliance needs to be of similar strength and have common interests in order to be stable. Excuse me, I didn't see these two points."

Oda Nobuko's hands were shaking. She was really angry. This Su Bai didn't take her seriously at all. He didn't even bother to look at her. Last time he could rescue her for free, so why not this time?

Of course not.

"Lord Demon, didn't you lead your fleet to help me last time?"

This is ridiculous, do you think it's my duty to help you?

"Ms. Nobuko, last time it was our human commander who fought against the monsters. Even if they were my enemies, even if they were from Sakura Empire, I would still save them. This kind of thing has nothing to do with interests."

"But this time is different, this time it is our internal competition, I naturally want to see the benefits!"

Oda Nobuko tried to calm her breathing. Since she came to this world, her charm has always been invincible, but she didn't expect to fall here.

She showed a sweet smile,"Master Demon, if you can help me, I can treat you to a banquet alone afterwards as a reward."

Puff! Su Bai's mouth twitched, and he felt two murderous auras behind him. Irene and Akagi, these two sickly girls, are right behind him.

"That's not necessary. By the way, Ms. Xinzi, I'm a little curious, which world were you in before you came here?"

"I am a fashion designer in Nagoya City, District 11."

No wonder, I'm afraid there are many licking dogs around you in these two lives, but unfortunately I am not such a person.

((Okay) Miss Nobuko, if you were looking for someone else, maybe they wouldn't be able to control themselves when facing the beautiful office lady from Sakura Empire, but Su Bai had already fallen out due to emotional problems, so how could he possibly mess with someone else?

"Ms. Nobuko, let me be frank. Although I don't want the Justice League to develop, I can't help you without a price. My price is that your otaku light will become my subordinate fleet and belong to the Demon King Alliance. In this way, I will naturally protect my subordinate fleet. In addition, you can also propose equivalent conditions."Oda Nobuko was stunned. It turned out to be such a cruel condition. She really couldn't accept it. Oda Nobuko stood up angrily.

"Mr. Su Bai, can I refuse?"

"Of course not. The price I offer is one you cannot refuse. If you do not accept it, I guarantee with my personal integrity that you will not be able to defend the base. Don't even think about finding other helpers. I will help anyone who attacks you."

Oda Nobuko was so angry that she was shaking all over. This world is simply terrible. Hell is empty, and the devil is on earth! When will the persecution of female commanders stop?

"You are targeting me"

"No, I gave you a chance."

"Can this be called an opportunity? If I become a subordinate fleet, why would I be the leader?"

"All I want is for you to agree with me on major issues. I will not interfere with the specific operation of your base. I hope you can understand one thing. If you want to obtain resources, you must have the strength to match them. With your strength, you should not occupy the Xingzhou Islands at all, so you will eventually have to join a force. You should understand that there is no one who can offer higher prices than me and be stronger than me."

"You, have no choice."

Yes, there is no choice. Oda Nobuko signed the humiliating treaty with tears in her eyes. Although she did not suffer any loss in this protection agreement, she felt humiliated by being looked down upon by a man. After signing, Oda Nobuko broke the pen into two pieces and walked away.

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