After Miss Oda Nobuko left, Akagi said reluctantly,"Commander, were you too harsh on her?""

"If I'm not a little cruel to her, I'm afraid you two will stab me in the back!"

"Hehe, just know it."

"Haha, it's not that complicated. I'm doing this for the benefit of our port and the fleet. The Justice League is strong, but they will never join us. This Otaku Light is weaker, but easier to control."

"A woman like Oda Nobuko, whether in the original world or here, has many men under her skirt. In her eyes, any man should be nice to her and lick her. Last time I rescued her, she didn't show any gratitude afterwards. Now that she's in trouble, she thinks of looking for me. Does she think I'm also a licker?"

"Oh? Doesn't the commander want to fall at the feet of Miss Nobuko?"

"Hehe, I just want to die under your pomegranate skirts"

"Go to hell, pervert"

"This is disgusting, Commander."....

Su Bai publicly announced on the forum that he would guarantee the safety of the Xingzhou Islands, and any attack on the Xingzhou Islands would be equivalent to attacking the Demon King Alliance.

Upon hearing this news, the members of the Justice League were almost furious. However, the otakus of Otaku Light were indeed excited.

In the meeting room of the Grand Fleet of Otaku Light, these otakus praised Oda Nobuko for her infinite charm.

"The leader of the alliance is here, one is worth two"

"The leader’s charm is still so great that even the devil Su Bai can’t resist it!"

"Humph, that demon king Su Bai is clearly a licentious and immoral guy. Alliance leader, don't let him suffer any loss."......

Oda Nobuko maintained her smile, but she was already gnashing with hatred in her heart. I am at a disadvantage? I want to suffer a little, but others don't look down on me at all. Su Bai, this bastard, was a stinky D-silk in the original world, and now he dares to look down on me like this!

For a woman who is very confident in her charm, a man's unreasonable thoughts certainly disgust her, but a man's disregard will make her even more angry.

Why? I haven't rejected you yet, but you deny me! The

Otaku Light is fine, at least on the surface they are still the beneficiaries, and they can be proud of it. The Justice League is really exploded.

The intervention of the Demon King Alliance ended the operation to capture the Xingzhou Islands before it even began. Most of the commanders of the Justice League 940 are from Blue Star, and they are all from Donghuang Country. They hate Su Bai, who colluded with the blood clan and the demon clan, and now hooked up with the young lady in District 11.

Therefore, in the commander chat room and forum, these commanders called Su Bai a traitor, a traitor to the country, and the shame of the human race.......

Anyway, there have been enough insults, Su Bai doesn't take it seriously at all, it's up to you all, you guys keep scolding me all day, can you scold me to death?

Facing a shameless person who can buy his own notebook to collect, will a few insults be of any use? The only way is to fight with the Freedom Alliance, seize Easter Island, and turn the tables in one fell swoop.

But can we win?

Lin Tianzuo of the Justice League had a gloomy face, thought for a long time, and finally came up with a new plan to merge with the Freedom Alliance.

As soon as he put forward this idea, he was scolded by the commanders. Well, isn't this just being a dog for others?

Lin Tianzuo stopped other people from talking,"Brothers, we can't succumb to the shadow of the devil. The Freedom Alliance also has a deep hatred with the devil. Neither of our two families has the strength to fight against the Demon Alliance alone. Only by joining forces can we have a way out."

"During the Three Kingdoms period, Wei was strong while Wu and Shu were weak. If Wu and Shu could not work together, they would certainly not be the opponents of Wei. It is the same now!"

Everyone understands this truth, but some people in the Justice League are dissatisfied. Why should we merge with them? The commanders agreed to the merger, but required that both sides have equal rights and change the name of the large fleet.

Aimeier agreed to the request for merger. After all, the hard power of the Justice League is not inferior to theirs. If the two sides continue to fight, it will probably be a tragedy that will benefit the Demon King Alliance watching on the side.

He also agreed in principle to Lin Tianzuo's proposal for equal rights. Aimeier even took the initiative to propose that Lin Tianzuo be given a deputy leader position with a veto power. The rights of this deputy leader are almost the same as those of the leader.

After this major premise was resolved, the two sides held the view that the elves and humans are one family and established various principles for jointly building the prosperity of Easter Island.

Finally One of them is to change the name. Although Aimeier was reluctant to change the name, it involves a face issue after all, so he accepted the compromise.

Justice and Freedom League, Freedom Justice League? They are both ugly enough. Moreover, after many failures, these two words have become a joke, and Aimeier also wants to change this unlucky name.

Later, they finally decided on the name, the Order League!

Because the opposite of order is chaos, and Su Bai's Demon King Alliance is easily associated with chaos, so Aimeier and Lin Tianzuo decided on this name, preparing to completely shape Su Bai into the character of the Chaos Demon King.

For the sake of interests, Su Bai and Oda Nobuko, who looked down on each other, became a camp. For the sake of interests, the two major alliances of justice and freedom, which were originally ready to go to war, actually merged magically.

Many spectators saw Their eyes dropped out of their sockets, this world is too crazy. What they couldn't understand even more was the Great Fleet of Light of the Prairie. After losing the Easter Islands, this great fleet, which was mainly composed of the Minotaur tribe, joined the Great Fleet of Light of the Otaku.

Therefore, this great fleet was also renamed. It was necessary to retain the characteristics of the prairie while also having the word"light", so it was named the Green Light Alliance.

Well, this name is good, really good. Love is a ray of light, so green that it makes you panic, it's amazing.

In the eyes of the melon-eating party, this combination is simply perfect, a bitch and a dog, forever and ever.

In the commander circle, a new word appeared, called cow licking. What's the big deal about licking a dog? The tongue of a cow is longer, more flexible, and can lick better.

Therefore, the three hundred commanders formed four major camps. The magic camp based in the Atlans Islands. King Alliance; Green Light Alliance based on Xingzhou Islands; Order Alliance based on Easter Islands.

In addition, there are several small alliances that have no independent bases and have established their own bases on the Base Islands. They have no unified leadership and no ambition to compete for the strength list. Their favorite thing is to eat melons, watch plays and gossip. Over time, these people began to regard themselves as melon-eating parties, and the Base Islands were also called melon-eating islands.

There is a loose offensive and defensive agreement among the melon-eating parties, that is, if you want to go out and play, you are responsible for it, but when it comes to life and death, the melon-eating parties remain consistent to the outside world.

Where there are people, there are disputes. The headquarters does not interfere at all in the infighting between the three hundred commanders. Not only do they not interfere, but they are fueling the flames. After all, only struggle can make people grow quickly.

Before the Qixi Festival, although it was a long grass period, it was not completely nothing to do.

The construction of the large fleet base was a matter that consumed a lot of resources and energy.

To build advanced buildings, not only a huge amount of resources are required, but also some special tasks need to be completed, such as defeating a special BOSS in a hidden sea area.

At present, the large fleet bases of the three archipelagos and the council halls are all level 9.

To upgrade to level 10 and reach the second stage, you need to complete an elite-level task to defeat the Siren Fleet.

This task is limited to six warships.

What kind of lineup and how much training level can break through this task, no one knows, because Barto, who was the first to go in to explore the way, was beaten up and fled back in embarrassment.

When Su Bai heard the news, he was also shocked. He was very good at the strength of Barto's fleet. There were level 90 warships, with an average level of 88. Among all commanders, it ranked in the top five. Except for Su Bai's fleet, no one dared to say that they could beat him.

Such a powerful fleet actually fell?

You know, the upper limit of the council hall level is 100. It's only 9 to 10, and it's so difficult.

Wu Mingxi and Bai Mian, two technical commanders, also led the fleet into the hidden sea area. After being beaten, they came to a conclusion.

The level must be above level 91, the lineup must be all real ship girls and the combination must be reasonable, all equipment must be fully enhanced, and the favorability must be fully full, only then there is a chance to try. The only one who can meet this requirement is Su Bai.

Everyone's focus is on him.

So, what is the devil Su Bai doing at this time? He is accompanying the ship girls on a beach vacation. That's right, because the ship girls have been too hard in the past six months, Su Bai organized all the ship girls to travel to Hawaii in three batches.

Attack the hidden map? Don't worry, there will always be someone who will go to the mine. Besides, what if you don't upgrade this tenth level? Can other large fleets still rebel?

On the beach in Hawaii, the ship girls are playing in the water in swimsuits.

Look at this sun, it's really big and white. You can't tell at ordinary times that these ship girls are quite good.

A few days ago, I saw a video made by a pervert commander on the forum, ranking the cups of the ship girls. Except for the last one, there is no suspense, many other rankings are still worth watching.

This time when I went to the beach for vacation, I found that this pervert really understood, and his ranking was really accurate! No wonder others call him the Cup Master.

After about half a month of preparation, the levels of Enterprise, Hood, and Glory all reached level 92, and the three main forces in the front row, Cleveland, Helena, and Wichita, all reached level 90.

The six main forces, with a solid lineup, are all ship girls starting with the word"real". Needless to say, the reinforcements are all full. With such a strong strength, even if all the new commanders of the entire planet are added together, there is no second one.

So, what is Su Bai waiting for?

Waiting for Dongfeng.

That's right, it's the literal Dongfeng, the Dongfeng-II magic damage control produced by Dongfeng Logistics Company. The perfect combination of technology and magic, a damage control package of dozens of kilograms can directly restore a warship that is about to sink to its appearance state.

Such a magical prop is comparable to a resurrection potion.

Magic damage control has advantages that conventional damage control cannot match. The only disadvantage is that it is expensive. The value of a magic damage control is equivalent to the price of ten heavy cruisers or three aircraft carriers.

No matter how expensive it is, it is not as valuable as the life of a ship girl. Su Bai ruthlessly ordered six magic damage control missiles in order to avoid unnecessary risks when exploring hidden seas.

This is different from the war between human commanders. If a ship girl dies, it will only reduce one level. If it sinks here, not only will it cost resources to revive, but the level will be directly reset to zero. This price is much greater than magic damage control.

On a morning with light clouds and breeze, Su Bai set off with the expectations of all the commanders of the large fleet and the blessings of the ship girls who stayed in the port area.

When entering the hidden Beta-I sea area, the whole sky was shrouded in a layer of blood, and the cries of countless sirens echoed in the air.

This is really a place full of tigers and wolves!

This time, Su Bai's flagship was set on the Glory. Because there were too many unknown factors in this battle, Su Bai would not take off for reconnaissance, and he also prohibited Enterprise from flying his own plane.

"All ships, attention! All ships, attention! Release the reconnaissance aircraft. All shipgirls must remain alert and take evasive measures immediately if they find something wrong. Remember, all actions must be based on safety!"

"Got it!"

This time, only six ships are allowed to enter the battle field, and the difficulty of the battle is far greater than all the previous battles.

Although he is used to big scenes, Su Bai is still a little nervous facing this strange sea area.

Guanghui smiled and said,"Don't make it too simple. This is the first step for the union to upgrade the hidden map.���In the future, you will have to play higher level maps to level up to level 20, 30, and even 100. This place will not be too difficult."

Su Bai shook his head slightly,"If it was a game, I would not panic, but this world does not make sense at all. The hidden areas here are ridiculously difficult."

Just as the two were chatting, the alarm sounded, and the reconnaissance plane was blown up instantly after the alarm sounded. The huge explosion echoed from the radio, causing Su Bai's heartbeat to accelerate.

"Half of the carrier-based aircraft took off, looking for the enemy fleet!"

The warships of both sides soon encountered each other.

It was the Siren Fleet. Su Bai knew that this was definitely not the real Siren, but a fleet simulated by the system based on the strength of the Siren.

The level of the enemy fleet was level 90. It had just entered the field, and it was already level 90!

The battleship bombardment began. Su Bai's fleet was the perfect top configuration, and all six ships were real ship girls. This perfect lineup of Quanzhen Sect configuration was only he in the world.

There was no suspense in the first encounter, and Su Bai's fleet won.

However, Su Bai was not happy at all. He was very surprised by the enemy fleet's ability to resist and maneuver. It was just three destroyers and three cruisers.

Where is the enemy's main force?

After three consecutive rounds of fighting, Wichita was careless in her position and was hit by two bullets. Although it was urgently repaired, its combat effectiveness was still weakened.

After passing through the first part of the sea, the enemy's battleship level had reached level 91.

This also means that Cleveland, Helena, and Wichita in the front row were all suppressed by level.

Their losses continued to increase.

""Retreat! Front row cruisers retreat!"

Su Bai knew that the real challenge was coming. The mission of the three cruisers was changed to peripheral alert and early warning.

The real battle will be completed by the three battleships.

Enterprise and Glorious carrier-based aircraft took turns to attack and continuously sank the enemy's warships. Many strange-shaped Siren battleships fell down.

It is said that the Sirens are special battleships built by deep-sea creatures after they have developed intelligence, which is completely different from the human ship mother battleship system. Of course, the appearance of their commanders is similar to that of humans, but their core is still a siren. The leader of the Siren that appeared this time was actually the Purifier that appeared in the last Midway melee.

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